After scientists recently claimed to find Noah's Ark, it appears from a excavated CIA document that the agency knew where the Biblical ship has been for more than 50 years.
A report of four pages known as 'Report Re: Noah's Ark' describes how the CIA has secretly searched for the location of the Ark for almost a decade, hoping to prove the legend.
According to the Bible, God Noah ordered a vast ship, the Ark, to be able to save himself, his family and a few of the animals of the world from a great flood that pose all living things on earth.
Although Noah's story is known worldwide, no proof of Ark has never been found.
Scientists stated this month that a boat -shaped hill 18 miles south of Mount Ararat in Turkey is actually the fossilized remains of a huge ship.
Soil samples showed traces of clay -like materials, marine deposits and old remains of marine life dating from Noah's time. The team also suggested that the findings showed human activities in around MT Ararat.
The CIA file, declared in 2002, seems to reveal that the American intelligence community has focused on this exact location since 1957.
The office investigated MT Ararat from 1974 to 1982 with the help of images of satellites and spy aircraft after the director of Central Intelligence (DCI) had requested any proof of the Ark on the site.

A CIA document that was assigned in 2002 showed that high-ranking government officials have requested information about the existence of Noah's Ark since 1974

Scientists say that a large boat -shaped geological structure could be the remains of Noah's Ark, because new evidence shows that the area was flooded 5000 years ago
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The CIA Papers Details how requests to detect the Ark from several people within the US government.
DCI William Colby, who took the head CIA from 1973 to 1976 was ordered to develop and oneDvanced technology looking for satellite photography of MT Ararat in 1974.
The request came from Lieutenant -Kolonel Walter Brown, a high -ranking officials at the US Air Force, who was on a mission to determine whether proof of the ARK could be found. '
The reason that the Air Force was interested in Noah's Ark was not given.
That set the hunt in motion. A U-2 spying was used to make images about MT Ararat.
Satellites were also moved above the area to “investigate the glacier systems there to see if any proof of the ARK could be found,” the report says.
When intelligence officials inquired about the available information, they were told that the aerial photography produced 'negative results'.
However, Colby's request would not be the last to receive the department.

The Durupinar formation roughly corresponds to the shape and dimensions of the Ark in the Bible. New analysis of soil samples from the area shows that this region was under water 3500 to 5000 years ago, during the supposed time of the Biblical flood
In the next eight years, the CIA still documented 10 requests from high -profile people with ties with the government about MT Ararat and Noah's Ark.
This included members of the congress, a former astronaut and various officials of the DCIs Intelligence Community staff.
In any case, the CIA said they had no evidence that Noah's Ark was on the site on MT Ararat.
In a memo from 1994, the CIA revealed that they would continue to close the Freedom of Information Act requests for photos of MT Ararat, and added that the agency “did not make any efforts to judge other records or carry out additional searches to the Ark of Noah.”
However, the newest work of researchers who comb the area for signs of the Ark discovered a completely different story.
This includes proof that 5000 years ago the hill really experienced a devastating flood.

Geologists strongly dispute the theory and claim that the Durupinar formation can be explained by natural physical processes

According to the Bible, Noah's Ark saved humanity and all animals from certain destruction during an old flood
Since 2021, scientists from Istanbul Technical University, Agri Ibrahim Cecen University and Andrews University in Michigan have studied the site as part of the Ark research team of Mount Ararat and Noah.
During the 7th international symposium on Mount Ararat and Noah's Ark in 2023, researchers presented new proof that their theory could support that the Durupinar formation is an old ship.
The team took 30 samples of land and rock from the entire structure and sent them to Istanbul Technical University for analysis.
Dating these samples discovered that they were between 3,500 and 5000 years old – in line with the Biblical report of the large flood Noah built his ship to survive.
According to literal interpretations of the Bible, the world was covered with water during the Chalcolithic period – a time that extends from 5500 to 3000 BC.
Despite the fact that there was no evidence from Noah's Ark on the site, this CIA repeatedly denied access to the security photos and said the images were classified.
In each request, intelligence officials only mentioned the spy aircraft photos from 1957 and satellite photos of the first query of 1974 by DCI Colby.
It is not clear whether the American government once collected more images of the area around MT Ararat after 1974 – or whether they had already seen everything they needed by that time.
The ARK research team of Mount Ararat and Noah states that more study is needed and confirm that the structure discovered in Turkey is really Noah's Ark.
As for the CIA, as they knew or did not know 50 years ago, there is still a mystery, at least for the time being.