HMD on Tuesday brought back the Nokia 3210 feature phone in India. The launch marks the 25th anniversary of the phone’s original unveiling. The new Nokia 3210 feature phone comes in three colours and offers YouTube access. It packs a 1,450mAh battery and a 2-megapixel camera. The feature phone is powered by Unisoc T107 and has FM streaming support. The Nokia 3210 comes preloaded with a UPI application approved by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). Apart from the Nokia 3210, the Finnish brand also unveiled the Nokia 235 and Nokia 220 4G.
Nokia 3210 price in India
The Nokia 3210 is priced at Rs. 3,999 and comes in Grunge Black, Scuba Blue and Y2K Gold colours. The new phone is available for purchase via the Nokia Netherlands website, Amazon and other outlets.
Nokia 3210 specifications
The dual-SIM Nokia 3210 runs the S30+ operating system and features a 2.4-inch QVGA display. The phone is powered by the Unisoc T107 SoC, along with 128MB of RAM and 64MB of onboard storage. The built-in storage can be expanded up to 32GB via a dedicated microSD card slot.
It has a 2-megapixel camera sensor on the back alongside an LED flash on the back. The Nokia 3210 comes with NPCI-approved UPI app for scan-and-pay functionality. The phone comes with Nokia’s classic Snake game and offers access to YouTube and YouTube Music. It supports eight apps including Weather, News, Sokoban, Cricket Score, 2048 Game and Tetris.
For connectivity, you get Bluetooth 5.0. The Nokia 3210 has an FM radio with wired and wireless modes and an MP3 player. It has a 3.5mm headphone jack and a USB Type-C port. It is backed by a 1,450mAh battery which is claimed to deliver up to 9.8 hours of talk time on 4G network. The handset measures 122 x 52 x 13.14mm.