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Home Australia Paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes, 30, sobs as she’s jailed for six-and-a-half years: Sex predator nicknamed ‘Bunda Becky’ by pupils had sex with two schoolboys and became pregnant by one – as video shows her grooming victim with £345 Gucci belt

Paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes, 30, sobs as she’s jailed for six-and-a-half years: Sex predator nicknamed ‘Bunda Becky’ by pupils had sex with two schoolboys and became pregnant by one – as video shows her grooming victim with £345 Gucci belt

by Jeffrey Beilley

A paedophile teacher broke down in tears today as she was jailed for six and a half years for having sex with two schoolboys – grooming one of them with a £345 Gucci belt and becoming pregnant with the other while on bail.

Rebecca Joynes, 30, told the first pupil she abused that ‘no one better find out’, but the 15-year-old quickly told a friend on Snapchat before secretly taking a photo of the maths teacher and sending it to him. 

Arranging an after-school liaison on a Friday, Joynes whisked the youngster – known as Boy A – to Manchester’s Trafford Centre where she bought him a £345 Gucci belt from Selfridges – a moment caught on ‘crystal clear’ CCTV. 

She drove him in her white Audi to her one-bedroom flat in trendy Salford Quays where they had sex twice. Word of the liaison spread over the weekend, and on Monday she was sent home from school – with police filmed going to her home to arrest her. 

Joynes – who pupils referred to as ‘Bunda Becky’ – was released on bail, ordered not to contact any child under 18 and suspended from her job.  

But while awaiting trial, she ‘quite brazenly’ embarked on a long-term sexual relationship with another boy she had taught, referred to as Boy B. She then revealed to him that she was pregnant in a game of ‘surprises’ – which ended with her handing him a baby grow decorated with the words ‘Best Dad’. 

Rebecca Joynes, 30, told the first pupil she abused that 'no one better find out'

Rebecca Joynes, 30, told the first pupil she abused that ‘no one better find out’

The former teacher wore a black jacket over her head as she was guided into court by her father, Stuart, with the pair both carrying supermarket bags for life filled with her possessions

The former teacher wore a black jacket over her head as she was guided into court by her father, Stuart, with the pair both carrying supermarket bags for life filled with her possessions

Joynes is seen buying the first boy a £345 Gucci belt in Selfridges at the Trafford Centre

Joynes is seen buying the first boy a £345 Gucci belt in Selfridges at the Trafford Centre

The teacher was suspended from her job after being arrested by police on October 18, 2021

The teacher was suspended from her job after being arrested by police on October 18, 2021

Joynes is not the only British teacher to have betrayed the trust of their pupils and denigrated the profession in recent years, with high school teacher Ieuan Bartlett, 29, jailed this year after having sex with a ‘vulnerable’ girl.

Teaching assistant Kandice Barber was jailed for six years and two months in 2021 for having sex with a 15-year-old pupil in a field, while Fatinham Hossain – a cover teacher – abused a boy before attempting to bully him into silence. 

And in a particularly notorious case, maths teacher Jeremy Forrest abducted a 15-year-old schoolgirl before fleeing to France in September 2012.

Parents of Joynes’ victims watched today as the former teacher, wearing a gold necklace, black padded jacket and with blonde highlights in her hair, visibly shook and broke down in tears as she was jailed today at Manchester Crown Court.

Passing sentence, Judge Kate Cornell told the defendant: ‘There is a breathtaking arrogance in your conduct. You were the adult.

‘I struggled to come to terms with my abuse’: Boy B’s hard-hitting victim impact statement  

‘I was in love with Rebecca and struggled to come to terms with my abuse – I was completely in denial. I subsequently held back and did not fully open up to people. Rebecca was in my head that much, I would argue until I was blue in the face protecting her and would not hear a bad word against her. I felt as so I had betrayed someone I love and had done wrong by giving evidence. I felt a large sense of guilt for a long time. I questioned if I was right to give statements about the woman who was carrying my child, since then I have replayed a lot of things in my head, and spoken to a lot of people, and it has made me realise the full extent of the abuse carried out on me and the tactics that were used to do so.

‘I was coerced and controlled, manipulated, sexually abused and mentally abused. it is very upsetting that this has happened to me, and I have had little to no support from any organisations. I am only just finding help through self-referrals and help from a family support worker.

‘The months after the abuse happened to me was a very dark time, I felt backed into a corner. I had just lived a double life for 18 months behind my family’s back. This had a massive mental toll on me and my family. It tore my family apart, they struggled to come to terms with the fact they sent me to school, where they believed it to be a safe environment, and this happened as a result. I attended school regularly and left with straight As. My parents broke down every day and night trying to get me to speak, I held many things back. I thought I would be better off dealing with things alone, as it is a rare case and not very relatable to others.

‘The gender inequality I have faced is absurd. I feel that because of my gender this is seen as a lesser crime. I have been told time after time, that now I am 18, I will have to wait years for support, as I am now an adult. The grooming started at 15 years of age, and I have struggled to find any services which support males of my age with sexual abuse counselling and support. There are a lot for young females and children though. I feel like sometimes these crimes go unnoticed due to men bottling things up, I hope there is an increase in these services in the future.

‘I struggle to understand how Rebecca still takes no responsibility for the crimes she committed. I have never been in trouble in my life, and attending court is very intimidating. I seriously struggle with the thought of Rebecca getting away with all these crimes and how this may impact my life in the future. The future I have set for myself has already been greatly impacted.’

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‘You were the person in control, the person who should have known better and entrusted by the school and the boys and by their parents of caring for their sons.

‘Instead, you abused that position of trust and exploited the privileged role for your own sexual gratification.’

Judge Cornell said her offences had displayed a ‘significant degree of planning’ and grooming behaviour including the ‘confected game’ to provide Boy A with her mobile phone number.

She said Joynes had been a high achiever but ‘you chose to throw that away’.

The judge added: ‘It might be easy to fall into the misconception these boys were not victims. Surely they were up for it, how could that be a crime?

‘Well, there’s no doubt this was a crime. Having seen both boys giving evidence, I’m very satisfied both boys were very much victims. They were obviously unworldly and vulnerable to the advances of an attractive woman.

‘Fifteen year-old boys are no less vulnerable than girls. Equally, a female teacher is capable of behaving as manipulatively as a male teacher’.

She said that although later stages of Boy B’s relationship with Joynes was not illegal, it would not have occurred had the ‘initially illegal’ relationship not began when he was 15.

Judge Cornell said Joynes showed ‘breathtaking gall’ in striking up the relationship with him when on bail for abusing Boy A.

She said aggravating factors included Joynes encouraging Boy B to lie and cover up their relationship – and the fact they had a baby.

‘There’s astonishing arrogance in keeping the police when they had turned up at your door to arrest you because you were in the process of restoring your phone to factory settings,’ the judge said. 

Boy A did not give a victim impact statement.

But Boy B told how their baby was the ‘most important’ victim.

He said: ‘When I think of victims, the most innocent and important is our child. Our baby will grow up without a mother.’

The comment saw Joynes sobbing in the dock.

The teacher’s abuse of the second boy began with them kissing when he was only 15 and Joynes went on to take his virginity when he turned 16.

The illicit affair was exposed after she told him she was expecting his child. Joynes has since had the baby.

Joynes’s two-week trial at Manchester Crown Court in May heard the affair with the first pupil –Boy A – came after she gave him extra maths tuition in October 2021.

He later told police she set him a challenge to guess her phone number, having given him ten of the 11 digits.

The pupil said he tried calling each possible permutation of the number before finally hearing it ring on her desk.

They began swapping flirty messages and arranged that the 15-year-old would come to her flat after school one Friday night, the court heard. 

Jurors were shown CCTV footage of Boy A pulling out belts at Selfridges before Joynes could be seen placing her bank card down on the counter.

Further footage showed the pair arriving at her flat.

The boy told police that ‘anyone in my position’ would have gone to his ‘good-looking’ teacher’s apartment and had sex with her, a court heard yesterday.

Joynes’ looks were the talk of pupils in her class, the boy said in an interview played to jurors.

The teenager said Joynes was ‘obviously good-looking’. Asked why he thought Joynes had given him all but one digit of her phone number, Boy A replied: ‘It sounds as if she probably wanted me to message her.’

Boy A replied that he ‘wasn’t expecting’ they would end up having sex.

But he added: ‘I feel like anyone in my position when we arranged to meet would – if you’re my age and in my year.’

Boy A said that while in her car, he mentioned he wasn’t ‘old enough’ to drive, to which she laughingly replied, ‘Oh, shut up!’

The youngster said they did not discuss protection or contraception, but after sex, he told Joynes: ‘I hope to God you don’t get pregnant.’

The boy told police that the morning after, Joynes warned him his mother had ‘better not find out that it was me’.

However, the messaged a friend over Snapchat to tell him he had ‘just had sex with Ms Joynes’, jurors were told.

And when the friend refused to believe him, he secretly took a photograph of her and sent it to him, prosecutors alleged.

The following morning Joynes left first, telling him to give her the keys to the flat when she saw him in class on the Monday as she was spending the weekend with her parents.

Joynes was convicted of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust

Joynes was convicted of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust 

The CCTV clip shows the boy pulling out various belts at the Gucci concession in Selfridges

The CCTV clip shows the boy pulling out various belts at the Gucci concession in Selfridges

Joynes is seen smirking while she buys the accessory at Selfridges for the boy

Joynes is seen smirking while she buys the accessory at Selfridges for the boy

The footage has been revealed today for the first time after it was shown to a jury at court

The footage has been revealed today for the first time after it was shown to a jury at court


Some of the messages Joynes sent to Boy A which showed them talking about meeting up

Some of the messages Joynes sent to Boy A which showed them talking about meeting up

The sex offender hit from the cameras as she arrived in court for her sentencing

The sex offender hit from the cameras as she arrived in court for her sentencing 

She and her father were seen holding supermarket bags for life filled with her possessions

She and her father were seen holding supermarket bags for life filled with her possessions 

He had left his phone charger and Airpods behind so they arranged to swap the items when they were back at school. 

Rumours began to circulate after Boy A’s mother became aware he had not been staying at a friend’s house, as he had told her. Furious, she stormed into the school and was told of the allegations.

Down the corridor, Boy B, who, at that stage, was yet to become her second victim, heard the commotion and immediately went to Joynes’ classroom.

Drawing him into her deception, she turned to Boy B, then just 15, for help. She was panicking, crying and asked ‘What do I do’. He wiped her phone using ‘factory settings’.

‘I felt for her because she was nice,’ he told police. All evidence of her chats with Boy A were now gone, except one message she had sent to him of a heart emoji and three kisses.

Joynes was immediately suspended and arrested. 

Photo of her arrest shows the teacher opening her door as a male officer says: ‘Hi – we’re looking for Rebecca…?’

Joynes lets them in, saying: ‘Yeah, it’s me.’

On being asked if they can come in, the smiling teacher – barefoot and still wearing her school lanyard, her shoulder exposed above her black top – brightly replies: ‘Of course you can.’

At that point the female officer takes over, saying: ‘So obviously given what’s happened, I know you’ve been sent home from school today, erm, so you are under arrest at the moment.’

Joynes’s face falls as she asks: ‘Why?’

‘On suspicion of sexual activity with a child,’ the policewoman responds, as the paedophile teacher’s mouth gapes open.

‘Are you serious?’ asks Joynes, glancing over in fake incredulity at the male officer.

After being cautioned, she asks ‘how’s it come so far’ since she was sent home from school hours earlier.

The female officer replies that her arrest is necessary ‘to protect the vulnerable’ and support a ‘prompt and effective investigation’.

Joynes nods before a separate clip shows her sitting in silence as she is driven away in the back of a police van.

Interviewed, she answered ‘no comment’ to questions about what had happened – hoping, the prosecution argued, that there would be no proof that Boy A had ever been at her flat. 

According to the prosecution, while Joynes was awaiting trial she was ‘quite brazenly’ in a relationship with Boy B.

Joynes admitted having a sexual relationship with him but insisted it began only after he turned 16.

Boy B told police they began kissing when he was only 15, the court heard.

Police bodycam footage shows the moment  Joynes was arrested at home in 2021

Police bodycam footage shows the moment  Joynes was arrested at home in 2021

Joynes was initially sent home from school before police arrested her at her flat

Joynes was initially sent home from school before police arrested her at her flat

Joynes was released on bail and ordered not to contact any child under 18 following her arrest

Police bodycam footage shows Joynes in the back of a police van after being arrested

Police bodycam footage shows Joynes in the back of a police van after being arrested

He told police he followed Joynes on Snapchat in February 2022, and the teacher later sent him a photo of herself in her knickers.

Messages became more ‘flirtatious’ and he agreed to come round to her apartment, where he claimed they had sex.

In the following months they had sex ‘numerous times at different places’ on an estimated 30 occasions, he said.

She also bought a scratchcard from lingerie store Victoria’s Secret featuring sexual fantasies for them to act out, he said.

Describing losing his virginity to Joynes, the boy told police: ‘Obviously… I was nervous.’

But he said the teacher reassured him afterwards, saying: ‘It’s your first time, it was great.’

Boy B claimed Joynes told him she had a condition which meant she was unlikely to ever get pregnant.

But on a ‘date night’ Joynes sprinkled rose petals around her flat and set up a sex game of ‘surprises’ for the boy that culminated in her revealing she was pregnant.

‘At the end it was a baby grow,’ the boy said. ‘It said something like, ‘Best Dad’ (on it) and I was like, ‘What the f***!’ She started crying and I started crying, because we were undecided whether to get rid of it or not.

‘That was probably the lowest point, we were irresponsible. I thought, ‘What the f*** am I going to do?’ I can’t hide a kid. I had hid the relationship for 18 months from my parents.’

Boy B said he ‘did love’ Joynes but the relationship soured after she became jealous and controlling.

He said eventually he realised that he’d ‘sacrificed 18 months for a paedophile’.

Boy B said: ‘I would say to her, ‘You’re a weirdo, you need help. You’re a nonce. You should go and find someone your own age, you are pretty enough.’

‘Now I think about it, it was emotional abuse.’

The prosecution said, Joynes, who arrived at court every day with baby clothes tucked into her trousers, ‘liked the attention’ the schoolboys gave her following a messy break-up.

But she denied having a ‘powerful sexual attraction’ to 15-year-old boys, saying the first boy was making up his allegation – and that she slept with the second only after he had turned 16 and she’d been sacked from her school.

Giving evidence, she broke down in tears as she revealed her daughter was taken from her within 24 hours of her birth.

She added: ‘At the moment I have contact with her three times a week for three hours. That’s it.’

Further video shows Joynes and the boy arriving at her apartment before having sex

Further video shows Joynes and the boy arriving at her apartment before having sex

The video of Joynes and the boy outside her flat in Salford Quays was filmed in October 2021

The video of Joynes and the boy outside her flat in Salford Quays was filmed in October 2021

Footage shows the pair arriving at Joynes's apartment in 2021 before going through a gate

Footage shows the pair arriving at Joynes’s apartment in 2021 before going through a gate

Joynes admitted arranging to meet Boy A, taking him to the Trafford Centre and her apartment – but denied they had sex.

Joynes said boys in the Year 11 class had told her she was ‘so sexy’ and dubbed her ‘Bunda Becky’ – a slang reference to her bottom. But she said that, to her regret, she ‘ignored’ them, rather than taking them to task.

Becoming tearful, she said: ‘I should never have taken (Boy A) to the Trafford Centre and definitely not let him into my apartment. I let my guard down. I caved in to the attention he was giving me.’

Joynes told jurors she ‘struggled massively’ during the Covid pandemic, which came after a nine-year relationship ended.

‘I think I was obviously lonely and I liked the attention at the time, which sounds awful.’

Asked by her barrister, Michael O’Brien, whether it was ‘normal’ to ‘engage in messaging with a student’, Joynes agreed it had been ‘really stupid’.

‘ I should never have engaged in anything like that,’ she added.

Joynes claimed that after she and Boy A discussed her sexual history, he slept on the couch.

Despite bail conditions not to have unsupervised contact with under-18s after her arrest, Joynes accepted a request from a second pupil from her class – Boy B – to follow her on social media app Snapchat after he asked how she was coping.

‘I genuinely believed he cared about how I was feeling. There was no sexual contact until after I was dismissed from school,’ she said, adding that they had sex after she became ‘really emotional’ following her sacking in July 2022.

They embarked on a secret relationship while she was awaiting trial for sexual activity with Boy A, jurors have heard.

But it became ‘toxic’, she admitted, and ended after she told him she was pregnant.

When she was reported to police for that relationship, she was remanded in custody and only released on strict bail conditions before giving birth.

Prosecutor Joe Allman asked her: ‘Did you have a powerful sexual attraction to boys aged about 15?’

‘No, definitely not,’ replied the teacher, who denied six counts of sexual activity with a child, two of them while in a position of trust.

Under cross-examination, Joynes accepted inviting Boy B back to her apartment when he was 15, but insisted she only became ‘sexually attracted’ to him after he left school.

She denies taking his virginity shortly after he turned 16, and says they slept together for the first time in July 2022 after she had been sacked as his teacher – when it was no longer against the law.

Asking her about Boy B’s claim that she became ‘controlling’ as their relationship went on, prosecutor Joe Allman read extracts from a letter Joynes wrote to him after he had left school.

In one, she wrote: ‘Every inch of you is perfect and you are all I ever dream about.’

Joynes spent her last day of freedom shopping at a retail park in Chester

Joynes spent her last day of freedom shopping at a retail park in Chester 

Joynes was seen shopping yesterday wearing a hoodie and a baseball cap

Joynes was seen shopping yesterday wearing a hoodie and a baseball cap 

Joynes with her parents Stuart and Mel outside Manchester Crown Court on May 7

Joynes with her parents Stuart and Mel outside Manchester Crown Court on May 7

Joynes leaves Manchester Crown Court with her father Stuart after being convicted on May 17

Joynes leaves Manchester Crown Court with her father Stuart after being convicted on May 17

Joynes joined the school in 2018 as part of the Teach First recruitment scheme

Joynes joined the school in 2018 as part of the Teach First recruitment scheme

In another she wrote: ‘I know we are struggling right now and are both extremely stressed but I really hope we can work something out to keep this going for a while longer.’

But Joynes denied the letter was part of a bid to ‘manipulate’ Boy B, adding: ‘We were in a relationship, I was in love with him, I was pregnant with his child.’

Mr Allman put it to Joynes that she would ‘insinuate’ to Boy B that she would ‘harm’ herself or kill herself if he ended the relationship, or that ‘if he did he would be responsible if you lost the baby’.

Rejecting the accusation, she claimed her words to him had been: ‘I can’t do this any more.’

She added: ‘I wasn’t committing an offence by doing any of it. Things got really difficult when I fell pregnant.’

Joynes said she only became ‘sexually attracted’ to Boy B from the point when he ‘became legal’.

Asked if she found him ‘sexy’ when he was coming to her flat aged 15 and 16 – but before leaving school in the summer of 2022 – Joynes insisted she hadn’t.

Saying she felt ‘ashamed’, she added: ‘I’d ruined my chances in my dream job.’

As the trial drew to an end, jurors were told nobody would have a ‘shred’ of sympathy for the teacher if she was a man.

Mr Allman said that if Rebecca had been ‘Robert’ Joynes and the complainants had been girls, it would not have been suggested to them they were ‘up for it’ or the ones wanting sex, ‘because that would have been quite obscene’.

In his closing statements, Mr Allman said Ms Joynes was making a ‘naked attempt’ for sympathy by having baby clothes tucked visibly into her trousers during the trial.

Mr O’Brien, in his closing defence speech, said Boy A had lied about what had taken place between him and Ms Joynes while Boy B had ‘put the boot in’ while being interviewed by detectives.

He said meeting students outside school was wrong, but not a criminal offence.

There were stifled cheers from the schoolboys’ families as jurors found her guilty of all charges.

Speaking of the impact on parents’ trust in schools and the teaching profession, Senior Crown Prosecutor for North West England Jane Wilson said: ‘Every parent sends their children to school expecting them to be safeguarded and taken care of; Joynes’s actions have eroded that trust.’

Ms Wilson, who described Joynes as a ‘sexual predator’ on her conviction in May, said she had used her ‘position of trust as a high school teacher’.

She said: ‘She abused her position to groom and exploit two schoolboys in the worst way, with no thought for the lasting impact it would have on them.’

‘I would like to thank the victims for supporting the prosecution. I hope they can start to move forward knowing Joynes has been held accountable for her actions.’

Joynes is not the only British teacher to have betrayed the trust of their pupils and denigrated the profession in recent years, with high school teacher Ieuan Bartlett, 29, jailed this year after having sex with a 'vulnerable' girl

Joynes is not the only British teacher to have betrayed the trust of their pupils and denigrated the profession in recent years, with high school teacher Ieuan Bartlett, 29, jailed this year after having sex with a ‘vulnerable’ girl 

Teaching assistant Kandice Barber was jailed for six years and two months in 2021 for having sex with a 15-year-old pupil in a field

Teaching assistant Kandice Barber was jailed for six years and two months in 2021 for having sex with a 15-year-old pupil in a field

Fatinham Hossain - a cover teacher - abused a boy before attempting to bully him into silence

Fatinham Hossain – a cover teacher – abused a boy before attempting to bully him into silence 

in a particularly notorious case, maths teacher Jeremy Forrest abducted a 15-year-old schoolgirl before fleeing to France in September 2012

in a particularly notorious case, maths teacher Jeremy Forrest abducted a 15-year-old schoolgirl before fleeing to France in September 2012 

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