People urged to ‘call Childline’ after woman hears vampire-like name at daycare
A WOMAN was urged to contact Childline after she shared the vampire-inspired nickname she heard in the school playground.
The mother said she was picking up her son from daycare when she heard another parent calling their child’s name.
Stunned, the woman listened again to make sure she heard correctly, then took to Reddit to condemn the child’s parents for choosing a “terrible” nickname for their daughter.
On the popular forum she said: “I thought my ears were deceiving me until she said it again.
”The name was Renesmee. Yeah, like the alien baby from Twilight Renesmee.
“I’m still shocked as I write this, to be honest.
”Out of all the names from Twilight she picked the worst!
It’s just so bad. Rosalie, Bella, Alice, Victoria, etc. were none of them good enough? I’m sick now.”
While most Redditors agree that the nickname is inappropriate for a “real child,” others claim to have encountered the nickname more than once since Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 premiered in 2012.
A reader said, “Renesmee was the first name I ever heard/read that was so bad it stuck with me.”
Another added: “I also know a couple who named the elder Raenesme.”
A third person joined the conversation and urged the mother to contact authorities.
“That’s so bad you should call Childline. The worst name on TV.”
Another user added: “I remember thinking it was a name I came up with during creative writing in elementary school.
”But the name I came up with in fourth grade, a combination of my boyfriend’s and my own name, isn’t even that bad: Jessamyn.
”Still bad, but Renesmee is laughably bad.”
A fifth user who works with children said he also has a child with the same name. There are many more nicknames inspired by the characters.
The Struggle of Choosing a Baby Name
CHLOE Morgan, a senior writer at Fabulous, has revealed her dilemma when choosing a baby name…
I’m 35 weeks pregnant and the hardest part of pregnancy these past few months (apart from the insomnia and countless nighttime wetting!) has been coming up with a baby name.
The dilemmas are endless…
My partner and I had a private ultrasound to find out the gender as early as possible. Part of the reason for this was that we thought it would make choosing a baby name a lot easier, as we would only have to come up with a list of names for one gender instead of two.
How wrong we were…
I was overjoyed to find out I was pregnant with the baby girl I had dreamed of for so long. But because I was one of the last friends to get pregnant, I have had countless conversations with excited friends over the years about their favorite baby names…something I would like to undo without ever having heard.
Every friend comes up with at least 10 possible nicknames and I can’t help but feel like more names are out of the question, even though I know no one would object. It’s just my own problem!
This debate comes up over and over again on social media: can you choose the same name that was a ‘potential’ name for your friend’s baby?
It’s a very divisive topic and opinions are always divided. And I don’t want to be THAT person.
While some argue that there are thousands of other names to choose from, others say that you should choose YOUR favorite. After all, there is no guarantee that person will ever have a child.
Then there’s the matter of finding a name you love… and then doing some research online and reading one negative comment among hundreds of positive ones that you just can’t let go of.
I made that same mistake when I fell in love with a certain name (I won’t tell because I don’t want to ruin it for others!)… and then I saw someone point out that the name constantly autocorrects on a phone to something rather rude.
So we went back to the drawing board.
Only five more weeks and it looks like our little girl will be called ‘baby girl’ for a while longer!
“I’m a high school counselor. We have a Renesmee.
”We also have a family of 4 where all the children have middle names that come from Harry Potter and their first names are no better… the last name is awful too.
“I wish I could post it here, but it would be very relatable if someone around me would read it.”