activist – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Fri, 22 Mar 2024 21:44:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 activist – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 Ik werd veganist nadat ik een openbaring kreeg terwijl ik een kipwrap at – nu ben ik een fulltime activist en riskeer ik mijn leven door samen met mijn vriend undercover te gaan om wreedheid tegen dieren aan de kaak te stellen Fri, 22 Mar 2024 21:44:34 +0000

Een activiste heeft onthuld hoe een openbaring bij het eten van een kipwrap ertoe leidde dat ze veganist werd – waarbij ze zelfs haar leven riskeerde om wreedheid jegens dieren aan het licht te brengen. Tarion Partridge, 25, uit Spalding in Lincolnshire, is nu bijna zes jaar veganist en werkt samen met haar vriend Joey […]

The post Ik werd veganist nadat ik een openbaring kreeg terwijl ik een kipwrap at – nu ben ik een fulltime activist en riskeer ik mijn leven door samen met mijn vriend undercover te gaan om wreedheid tegen dieren aan de kaak te stellen appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Een activiste heeft onthuld hoe een openbaring bij het eten van een kipwrap ertoe leidde dat ze veganist werd – waarbij ze zelfs haar leven riskeerde om wreedheid jegens dieren aan het licht te brengen.

Tarion Partridge, 25, uit Spalding in Lincolnshire, is nu bijna zes jaar veganist en werkt samen met haar vriend Joey Carbstrong, 37, om het lijden in de Britse veehouderijsector bloot te leggen.

Het echtpaar bracht onlangs een documentaire uit genaamd Pignorant op Amazon Prime, waarin ze undercover gaan om gruwelijke gebeurtenissen te filmen die plaatsvinden op Britse boerderijen en slachthuizen.

Tarion, Joey en het team maakten beelden van een varken dat op brute wijze werd geslagen op een boerderij in Norfolk, terwijl Joey een van de controversiële koolstofdioxidekamers van het land infiltreerde – beiden riskeerden hun leven als ze werden betrapt of als er iets misging.

In een gesprek met FEMAIL werpen Tarion en Joey licht op het ‘angstaanjagende’ proces van het filmen van de documentaire en de ‘sterke mogelijkheid om daarbij te sterven’.

Tarion Partridge, 25, uit Lincolnshire, heeft haar leven gewijd aan een fulltime activiste nu ze veganist is

Tarion en Joey (foto links en rechts) leiden in februari een protest bij een Sainsbury's-supermarkt in Londen

Tarion en Joey (foto links en rechts) leiden in februari een protest bij een Sainsbury’s-supermarkt in Londen

Tarion groeide op in Lincolnshire als vleeseter, maar kreeg op 15-jarige leeftijd een ‘openbaring’ toen ze kip at en vroeg zich af wat het echte verschil was tussen dat en haar geliefde hond, Saxon.

Ze zei: ‘Ik had een beetje een openbaring omdat ik absoluut van mijn hond hield.

‘Ik zei altijd dat ik een dierenliefhebber was en dat ik deze kipwrap op school at en ik had een soort verbindingsmoment en dacht: “Oh mijn god, waarom eet ik deze dieren?”.

Ze ontmoette Joey via haar activismewerk op een festival genaamd Vegan Camp Out. Het duurde niet lang voordat ze haar baan in de marketing verliet om met Joey te gaan werken, en nu hebben ze Pignorant gecoproduceerd – hun grootste project tot nu toe.

In de documentaire verstopten Tarion en Joey zich in juni 2022 tien dagen lang in struiken op Harford Farm in Norfolk, waarbij ze gevaar riskeerden als ze ontdekt werden.

De beelden die ze wisten vast te leggen overtroffen alles wat ze ooit hadden verwacht: ze waren getuige van de schokkende scènes van een landarbeider die op brute wijze een varken sloeg met een dunne ijzeren staaf. Tarion voegde eraan toe dat ze nog meer gruwelijke bezienswaardigheden zagen, die te grafisch waren om zelfs maar te worden getoond.

Ze zei: ‘Dat was een van de ergste plaatsen waar we zijn geweest – het was absoluut schokkend. Het varken dat wordt geslagen is zo walgelijk en zo afschuwelijk, moorddadig en ongevoelig.

‘Ik heb op deze plekken zoveel lijdende dieren gezien en het is absoluut hartverscheurend. Daarna mogen we naar huis en lijden ze totdat ze feitelijk worden vermoord.

Tarion wil dierenmishandeling in Groot-Brittannië aan het licht brengen - haar nieuwste project 'Pignorant' beschrijft de onmenselijke manieren waarop varkens worden geslacht

Tarion wil dierenmishandeling in Groot-Brittannië aan het licht brengen – haar nieuwste project ‘Pignorant’ beschrijft de onmenselijke manieren waarop varkens worden geslacht

Het stel gaat undercover en filmt met een zoomlens (foto) terwijl ze beelden vastleggen voor hun documentaire

Het stel gaat undercover en filmt met een zoomlens (foto) terwijl ze beelden vastleggen voor hun documentaire

‘Oorspronkelijk voelde het heel eng en heb je het gevoel dat je iets verkeerd doet. Maar toen herinnerde ik me waarom ik dat deed en waar ik het voor deed: om die dieren te helpen die eigenlijk in het donker lijden.

‘Zelfs toen we de beelden voor het eerst beoordeelden, was het erg moeilijk om het bij elkaar te houden. We waren er getuige van dat een varken verlamd raakte en het leek alsof ze een bandenspoor op hun rug hadden.’

Op de geheime beelden lijkt te zien hoe een arbeider een varken 23 seconden lang slaat terwijl het dier schreeuwt van de pijn – voordat de arbeider later terugkeert om het nogmaals aan te vallen.

De Norfolk Free Range-groep, die de boerderij beheert, heeft naar verluidt de werknemers ontslagen nadat nieuws over de beelden naar voren kwam, aldus De onafhankelijke.

Maar slechts enkele weken nadat de varkens waren geslagen, voegde de RSPCA de boerderij toe aan het Assured-programma, dat later werd opgeschort.

Over hun film zei Tarion: ‘We willen dat mensen dieren erkennen als wezens met gevoel, net zoals mensen fundamentele rechten hebben.’

‘De meeste mensen weten niet dat varkens in gaskamers worden vergast.’

Tarion’s vriend Joey is een bekende activist in de gemeenschap en is al 10 jaar veganist.

Tarion groeide op in Lincolnshire als vleeseter, maar kreeg op 15-jarige leeftijd een 'openbaring' toen ze kip at

Tarion groeide op in Lincolnshire als vleeseter, maar kreeg op 15-jarige leeftijd een ‘openbaring’ toen ze kip at

Op de foto: mevrouw Partridge als tiener met haar hond Saxon, van wie ze hield, en die haar inspireerde om veganist te worden

Op de foto: mevrouw Partridge als tiener met haar hond Saxon, van wie ze hield, en die haar inspireerde om veganist te worden

Tarion en Joey ontmoetten elkaar op Vegan Camp Out – en gaan nu samen undercover, waarbij ze zichzelf vaak in ernstig gevaar brengen

Tarion en Joey ontmoetten elkaar op Vegan Camp Out – en gaan nu samen undercover, waarbij ze zichzelf vaak in ernstig gevaar brengen

Joey heeft zijn leven op het spel gezet door gaskamers in het Verenigd Koninkrijk te infiltreren om beelden vast te leggen – iets waarvan hij heeft toegegeven dat het ‘angstaanjagend’ is

Joey heeft zijn leven op het spel gezet door gaskamers in het Verenigd Koninkrijk te infiltreren om beelden vast te leggen – iets waarvan hij heeft toegegeven dat het ‘angstaanjagend’ is

Zijn reis naar deelname aan protesten en activisme kende een zeer ongebruikelijke start: hij was betrokken bij bendes en bracht in 2013 een periode van zes maanden in de gevangenis door nadat hij met een vuurwapen was betrapt.

Maar tijdens zijn tijd in de gevangenis onderging hij een openbaring en sindsdien bevordert hij de dierenrechten.

De documentaire volgt ook Joey’s gevaarlijke reis om de allereerste beelden in Groot-Brittannië te bemachtigen van varkens die worden vergast in kooldioxide.

Joey plaatste in het geheim camera’s in de gaskamer van Pilgrim’s Pride in Manchester en haalde ze vervolgens terug – maar het proces was niet eenvoudig.

Om de kamer te infiltreren en de beelden te bemachtigen, riskeerde Joey zijn leven vanwege de zware gasconcentraties zonder dat er iemand was om hem te redden.

Hij legde uit: ‘Het is een behoorlijk riskante missie omdat de gaskamers in Groot-Brittannië 24/7 in bedrijf zijn. Deze missies zijn uitgevoerd in plaatsen als Australië, waar het slachthuis ‘s nachts min of meer gesloten is.

‘Het was erg stressvol voor ons allebei, omdat de kans groot is dat je uitglijdt en er geen exitplan is in deze gaskamers, er is geen alarm.

‘Als je een slok gas neemt, ben je feitelijk gedesoriënteerd en dood. Maar we moesten dat lot aanvaarden en er gewoon voor gaan.’

Tarion gaat vaak McDonalds en KFC binnen en laat gasten foto's zien van slachthuizen en hoe hun voedsel werd geproduceerd

Tarion gaat vaak McDonalds en KFC binnen en laat gasten foto’s zien van slachthuizen en hoe hun voedsel werd geproduceerd

De gasconcentratie op de bodem van de kamer was het hoogst, wat fatale gevolgen had als hij viel.

Ondanks het meebrengen van zuurstofapparatuur, slaagde er op een gegeven moment toch CO2 in Joey’s masker te sijpelen, wat het meest angstaanjagende moment van het project tot nu toe markeerde.

‘Het brandt, het is als een blikje cola. Het is zo pijnlijk. Ik voelde dit gas door mijn neus en in mijn ogen stromen en ik begon wit te worden van angst,’ herinnerde Joey zich.

‘Ik heb nu enige ervaring met hoe angstaanjagend dit gas is, dus ik kan met ongelooflijke passie zeggen dat de industrie deze varkens martelt.

‘Het Verenigd Koninkrijk beweert de hoogste welzijnsnormen ter wereld te hebben, dus het was iets dat aan het licht moest worden gebracht en daarom heb ik het ongelooflijke risico genomen om de beelden in handen te krijgen, want nu valt het niet meer te ontkennen.

‘Het was een heel bizarre ervaring, omdat je iets gaat doen waarbij de kans groot is dat je doodgaat. Het was alsof we in een droomtoestand verkeerden. Het gevoel zenuwachtiger te zijn dan alles wat ik ooit in mijn nuchtere geest heb meegemaakt.’

De afgelopen weken heeft Tarion geprotesteerd buiten het hoofdkantoor van Sainsbury en DEFRA in Londen om de verschrikkingen van het slachten van varkens in de gaskamers onder de aandacht te brengen.

Ze protesteert ook vaak buiten de vestigingen van McDonald’s en KFC, en gaat zelfs naar binnen om mensen aan te moedigen te stoppen met het eten van vlees door hen foto’s te laten zien van de bio-industrie en slachthuizen.

Tarion vindt het ‘oneerlijk’ als mensen zeggen dat ze vanwege de prijs of de rompslomp niet veganist kunnen worden

Tarion vindt het ‘oneerlijk’ als mensen zeggen dat ze vanwege de prijs of de rompslomp niet veganist kunnen worden

Tarion werkt samen met haar vriend Joey Carbstrong, een bekende activist (samen op de foto)

Tarion werkt samen met haar vriend Joey Carbstrong, een bekende activist (samen op de foto)

De protesten hebben wisselend succes: Tarion haalt gasten soms over om van gedachten te veranderen, maar het heeft er ook toe geleid dat ze eruit is gezet.

Ze legde uit: ‘Ik denk dat een van de krachtigste dingen die je kunt doen, is om mensen beeldmateriaal te laten zien. Ik heb daar hele goede gesprekken gehad. Mensen waren geschokt door wat ze zagen. Veel mensen hebben dit niet gezien en voelen zich voorgelogen.’

Tarion accepteert geen excuus dat veganist worden te moeilijk of te duur is en zegt: ‘Ik vind dat oneerlijk. Veel mensen zeggen dat en ik denk dat het een andere invalshoek maskeert: alsof ze de smaak lekker vinden of omdat het handiger is.

‘Maar dat is helemaal geen probleem, want de goedkoopste voedingsmiddelen in de supermarkt zijn veganistische voedingsmiddelen. De meeste dingen zoals pasta, brood, rijst noem maar op. De meeste goedkope voedingsmiddelen zijn veganistisch.

‘Als je enig respect hebt voor dieren, dan is het minste wat we kunnen doen de verschrikkelijke dingen die hen overkomen niet steunen.’

Norfolk Free Range zei eerder in een verklaring: ‘We walgen en zijn bedroefd door de acties van onze medewerkers die op de beelden te zien zijn; het is niet acceptabel en niet representatief voor de manier waarop wij voor onze dieren zorgen.

‘Zodra wij hiervan op de hoogte waren, zijn de betrokken personen direct ontslagen.

‘We voldoen aan alle recente landbouwinspecties, maar werken uiteraard volledig mee aan het onderzoek dat wordt uitgevoerd door RSPCA Assured en zullen een volledige beoordeling van ons bedrijf uitvoeren om ervoor te zorgen dat dit in de toekomst niet meer gebeurt.’

Pilgrim’s Pride weigerde commentaar te geven toen MailOnline contact met ons opnam.

Pignorant is nu beschikbaar om te streamen op Amazon Prime.

The post Ik werd veganist nadat ik een openbaring kreeg terwijl ik een kipwrap at – nu ben ik een fulltime activist en riskeer ik mijn leven door samen met mijn vriend undercover te gaan om wreedheid tegen dieren aan de kaak te stellen appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Holly Valance calls climate activist Greta Thunberg a ‘demonic little gremlin’ and slams Australia for ‘woke’ in explosive interview Sun, 17 Mar 2024 01:27:46 +0000

Holly Candy, known professionally as Holly Valance, has taken a stunning swipe at climate activist Greta Thunberg in an explosive interview with GB News’ Chopper’s Political Podcast. Valance, 40, a former pop star and Neighbors actress who recently rebranded herself as a conservative commentator, didn’t mince her words when she revealed her thoughts on Swedish-born […]

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Holly Candy, known professionally as Holly Valance, has taken a stunning swipe at climate activist Greta Thunberg in an explosive interview with GB News’ Chopper’s Political Podcast.

Valance, 40, a former pop star and Neighbors actress who recently rebranded herself as a conservative commentator, didn’t mince her words when she revealed her thoughts on Swedish-born Thunberg, 21.

The Australian star told podcast host Christopher Hope: ‘I don’t understand why you have this demonic little gremlin, high priestess of climatism, as the goddess in the classrooms, Greta [Thunberg].’

“All the kids all come home with depression and anxiety,” she said.

“Why would you go to your music class, do your homework, or get out of bed if you think we’ll all be dead in five years anyway?”


Holly Candy, known professionally as Holly Valance, 40, (right) has taken a stunning swipe at climate activist Greta Thunberg, 21, (left) in an explosive interview with GB News’ Chopper’s Political Podcast

Elsewhere in the interview, the mother-of-two said she has no plans to move back to her Australian homeland, and lamented that the country is “waking up”.

‘The Australia I grew up in was surreal. It was so much fun and we didn’t seem to have all these problems… the woke thing has really become big in Australia,” she said.

Holly elaborated on the ‘woke culture’, pointing to ‘the things they learn in school’: ‘I don’t think sexuality and children should be in the same sentence. I don’t think anyone’s sexuality is anyone’s business. You don’t know anything about mine. I don’t know about you. Why should we?’

The Australian star told podcast host Christopher Hope (left): 'I don't understand why you have this demonic little gremlin, high priestess of climatism, as the goddess in the classrooms, Greta. [Thunberg]'

The Australian star told podcast host Christopher Hope (left): ‘I don’t understand why you have this demonic little gremlin, high priestess of climatism, as the goddess in the classrooms, Greta. [Thunberg]’

Valance, married to billionaire property developer Nick Candy, was born in Australia but has British citizenship through her British mother. She lives in London and the Cotswolds.

Holly also took the opportunity to attack ‘nanny state’ Victoria, explaining that she still gets fines every few months for not voting. The government will “fine you for breathing,” she joked.

She also firmly ruled out a return to Australia if Labor won the upcoming British election.

“The plan would be to stay and live what we love, which is here, I’m very patriotic for this place. My mother is from Southampton. My whole family is English,” she told the podcast.

‘I don’t want to go anywhere. And Nick doesn’t want to go anywhere. We prefer to be in our country.’

Elsewhere in the interview, the mother-of-two said she has no plans to move back to her Australian homeland, and lamented that the country is

Elsewhere in the interview, the mother-of-two said she has no plans to move back to her Australian homeland, lamenting that the country is “waking up”. (Pictured on Neighbors)

Holly also took the opportunity to attack 'nanny state' Victoria, explaining that she still gets fines every few months for not voting.  The government will

Holly also took the opportunity to attack ‘nanny state’ Victoria, explaining that she still gets fines every few months for not voting. The government will “fine you for breathing,” she joked

In 2012, Holly married Nick in Beverly Hills and they welcomed two daughters together in 2013 and 2017, Luka Violet Toni and Nova Skye Coco respectively.

The couple enjoy a lavish lifestyle and previously lived in a two-storey Hyde Park penthouse worth £175 million, making it Britain’s most expensive flat.

Nick and Holly have since downsized to a £10 million mansion in the Cotswolds, which they are currently renovating.

In 2020, Nick gifted Holly a £26 million superyacht, despite the mother-of-two suffering from seasickness.

Valance, married to billionaire property developer Nick Candy (right), was born in Australia but has British citizenship through her British mother.  She lives in London and the Cotswolds

Valance, married to billionaire property developer Nick Candy (right), was born in Australia but has British citizenship through her British mother. She lives in London and the Cotswolds

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Activist Investor Group Raises Bid for Macy’s Mon, 04 Mar 2024 01:49:29 +0000

The activist investor group seeking to buy Macy’s increased pressure on the department store chain on Sunday, raising its offer and announcing additional details about its financing plans. This is what Arkhouse Management and Brigade Capital Management say in a press release that they were now offering $24 per share, valuing the retailer at $6.6 […]

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The activist investor group seeking to buy Macy’s increased pressure on the department store chain on Sunday, raising its offer and announcing additional details about its financing plans.

This is what Arkhouse Management and Brigade Capital Management say in a press release that they were now offering $24 per share, valuing the retailer at $6.6 billion. The new offer is higher than the $21 per share they last put forward and a 33.3 percent premium to Macy’s closing price of $18.01 on Friday.

Arkhouse and Brigade named additional investors they had brought on as equity partners, Fortress Investment Group and One Investment Management. Arkhouse and Brigade also said, in a pointed response to Macy’s questions about its financing, that they had “identified major global institutional funding sources” that “represent 100 percent of the capital required to purchase the shares of Macy’s that we do not yet possess.”

The retailer has been under pressure from the investor group since December, when the group launched a $5.8 billion bid that would take Macy’s private. Arkhouse said that unless the retailer started sharing non-public information, it could submit its offer to shareholders. The investor has since nominated nine people to Macy’s board.

Macy’s said Sunday it would “carefully review and evaluate” the latest proposal.

“The board of directors of Macy’s Inc. has a proven track record of evaluating a wide range of options to create shareholder value, is open to the best path to achieve this objective and is committed to continuing to take actions it believes are best. interests of the Company and all shareholders of Macy’s Inc.,” the company said in a statement.

The retailer has tried to stay focused on its own turnaround strategy.

Last week, Macy’s announced a strategy that would dramatically change the makeup of the company. It said it would close 150 of its namesake stores over three years, while opening more locations of Bloomingdale’s and Bluemercury, the luxury chains.

“I hope we can close the company before they start these store closures,” Gavriel Kahane, managing partner at Arkhouse, said in an interview.

Matt Perkal, partner and head of special situations at Brigade, said the “proposal provides the best path forward for Macy’s shareholders by allowing them to benefit from the company’s significant unrealized value.”

As a department store, Macy’s is struggling to win over customers who are increasingly shopping in a world of e-commerce as enclosed malls close. Macy’s has recorded declining sales in recent quarters.

New CEO Tony Spring, who spent his four-decade career at Bloomingdale’s, has acknowledged that the shopping experience at Macy’s is not pleasant. Shoppers often encounter cluttered stores with poorly displayed clothing and have difficulty finding staff. The retailer said it planned to have 350 more locations by the end of 2026 and that capital raised from the closures would flow into the remaining stores.

Mr. Kahane said that if the company were acquired, investors would focus on turning around the department store business, a feat he said would be easier if the retailer were privately held. He also pushed back against analysts’ speculation that he only wanted the retailer because of its real estate.

“So we’re clearly here for real estate law,” Mr. Kahane said. “We’re here because we think they have a lot of real estate on the balance sheet, and that real estate is valuable because it has a great tenant in it..”

He downplayed speculation from some retail analysts that investors were simply hoping another buyer would jump in for them.

“I will feel so much worse if someone comes in and hits us,” Mr. Kahane said. “I would also be much more surprised.”

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Disney heirs are lining up against activist investors Thu, 29 Feb 2024 22:53:24 +0000

It’s a classic Disney movie plot: a family comes together to fight an enemy. Only this time it’s happening in real life, with the grandchildren of Walt and Roy Disney, who founded the company in 1923, joining forces to oppose Nelson Peltz, the activist investor waging a proxy battle for board seats. The heirs — […]

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It’s a classic Disney movie plot: a family comes together to fight an enemy.

Only this time it’s happening in real life, with the grandchildren of Walt and Roy Disney, who founded the company in 1923, joining forces to oppose Nelson Peltz, the activist investor waging a proxy battle for board seats. The heirs — nine in all, including Abigail E. Disney, who has sometimes been a harsh critic of Disney CEO Robert A. Iger — publicly stood behind Mr. Iger and the current Disney board on Thursday.

“These activists must be defeated,” Roy P. Disney, 66, said by phone. “They are not interested in preserving the Disney magic, but in stripping it to its bare bones to make a quick profit for themselves.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for Trian Partners, the investment firm that Mr. Peltz leads, said: “We love Disney and recognize that building on its rich history of delighting loyal fans is essential to its future success. Trian invests in great companies like Disney and helps them grow and prosper over the long term – and we have the track record to prove this with companies like P&G, Heinz and Mondelez.”

Mr. Disney, a grandson of Roy Disney, has three siblings: Abigail, Susan Disney Lord and Tim Disney. In a letter to Disney shareholders, seen by The New York Times, they call Mr. Peltz and a handful of other activist investors surrounding Disney “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

“It is imperative that the strategy that Bob Iger, his management team and the board of directors have implemented is not disrupted,” the letter said. Their cousins, grandchildren of Walt Disney, sent a letter of their own echoing these sentiments.

Abigail Disney, 64, whose 2022 documentary “The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales” attacked Disney over pay inequality, added by phone: “I have my differences with Bob Iger, but I’m sure the worst that could happen what happens to the company is Nelson Peltz.”

Mr. Peltz, 81, is campaigning for two seats on Disney’s board of 12, one for himself and one for James A. Rasulo, 68, a former Disney chief financial officer who left in 2015 after being passed over as Mr. Iger’s heir apparent. Mr. Peltz matches Ike Perlmutter, 80, a sharp-elbowed former Disney employee who is one of the company’s largest independent shareholders. Mr. Perlmutter, who sold Marvel Entertainment to Disney in 2009, was ousted from the company last year.

Mr. Perlmutter had – from his position within Disney – agitated to have Mr. Peltz join the board in 2022. When he was rejected, Mr. Peltz launched a proxy battle, saying he would cut costs, revamp Disney’s streaming business and clean up the house. messy corporate succession planning. He withdrew after Disney restructured and announced $5.5 billion in cuts. (It ended up closer to $7.5 billion.)

The couple reappeared in Octoberciting Disney’s languishing stock price and the mishandling of Disney’s leadership succession plan.

“Fundamentally and broadly speaking, we want the shares to rise,” Mr. Peltz said in a statement video message on Restore the Magic, a site that lays out his case for a board shake-up. In a video posted on X on Wednesday, Mr. Peltz said, “We love Disney. We think it’s part of Americana.”

This month, after Disney reported strong quarterly results and announced a partnership with Epic Games, shares rose. Disney was trading at about $111.50 on Thursday, up 23 percent since the beginning of the year. However, shares peaked at nearly $200 in March 2021.

The sparring around Disney extends beyond Mr. Peltz. Blackwells Capital, a hedge fund, does looking for three seats on Disney’s board and says Mr. Iger, 73, needs help navigating the rapidly changing media and technology companies; Disney opposes the attempt. Another activist investor, ValueAct, is backing Disney amid challenges from Trian and Blackwells.

The proxy battles will come to a head on April 3, when Disney holds its annual shareholder meeting. (It will take place online.)

“I approach Disney every day with a deep sense of respect for all that Walt and Roy have created, and it is incredibly meaningful to have the support of their families,” Mr. Iger said in an email. “We are committed to protecting their legacy as we chart Disney’s future.”

The Disney family has not been involved in running the company since Roy E. Disney – the father of Abigail, Susan, Tim and Roy P. Disney – resigned from the board of directors in 2003. He then led a shareholder revolt that resulted in Michael D. Eisner’s resignation as CEO and Mr. Iger’s rise to the top of the company. Roy E. Disney died in 2009.

It’s worth noting that the Disney family used to run an activist investment fund, Shamrock Companiesthat played a major role in the 2003 shakeup of what was also an underperforming Disney company.

Roy P. Disney said he and his family members will continue to own shares; he declined to increase stakes, but analysts say the Disney family has a relatively small position. He said Disney has not sought their help in its fight to fend off Mr. Peltz and his fellow activists. He said they decided to speak out because Mr. Peltz’s campaign reminded them of a bitter episode in 1984, when corporate raider Saul Steinberg took over the company. Mr. Steinberg was eventually beaten back.

Mr. Disney and his siblings were joined Thursday by five cousins ​​(Walter Elias Disney Miller, Tamara Diane Miller, Jennifer Miller-Goff, Joanna Sharon Miller and Michelle Lund) who also expressed support for Mr. Iger, albeit less emotions.

“As a family of Walt Disney, we support the management of Walt Disney Company and its board of directors and oppose the nominations of Nelson Peltz,” they said in their letter. “There have been challenging times, but current management has adapted and grown through these challenges.”

Michelle Lund, whose mother, Sharon Disney Lund, was one of Walt Disney’s daughters, added in an email: “Disney started as a family business, and even though it has grown into such a large global company, Disney is still about family. My mother would be shocked by these activists’ attempts to infiltrate the company.”

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Moment 70-year-old anti-Putin activist is cheered by supporters as he is led to jail in handcuffs after praising Alexei Navalny in defiant speech in Russian courtroom Tue, 27 Feb 2024 18:19:49 +0000

This is the moment one of Russia’s most prominent human rights activists was handcuffed and jailed for daring to criticize Vladimir Putin’s war. Oleg Orlov, 70, won a share of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize after the Memorial group was banned and disbanded in Russia. Today he was sentenced to 30 months in prison, the […]

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This is the moment one of Russia’s most prominent human rights activists was handcuffed and jailed for daring to criticize Vladimir Putin’s war.

Oleg Orlov, 70, won a share of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize after the Memorial group was banned and disbanded in Russia.

Today he was sentenced to 30 months in prison, the latest sign of the increasing repression imposed by dictator Putin and the Kremlin regime.

His lawyer Katerina Tertukhina briefly grabbed the back of his hand as the guards came to handcuff him and lead him into the glass court cage, where he raised his fist defiantly.

As he was led away from the courthouse, dozens of supporters applauded the leading campaigner.

Oleg Orlov, 70, won a share of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize after the Memorial group was banned and disbanded in Russia

He was sentenced to thirty months in prison as a result of the last signs of the top repression under dictator Putin

He was sentenced to thirty months in prison as a result of the last signs of the top repression under dictator Putin

In his final speech in court, Orlov – one of Memorial’s leaders for 20 years – had criticized the “totalitarian” and “fascist” Russian state and warned officials that they could be the next to fall prey to the Putin’s tyranny.

The pensioner was escorted from the courtroom by at least eight armed security officials who hid their faces as he was sentenced to 30 months in Putin’s hellish prison system, where Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died this month in a suspected murder.

He was convicted for an article he wrote accusing Putin of leading Russia to fascism. This came in a new trial after he was previously fined due to his age and health.

In an emotional closing speech to the court, Orlov said: ‘I want to appeal to those who are now pushing forward the steamroller of repression with their work.

“To government officials, law enforcement, judges, prosecutors.

‘Actually, you understand everything very well, and not all of you are staunch supporters of political repression.

‘Sometimes you regret what you have to do, but you say to yourself, ‘What can I do? I just follow the instructions of my superiors: the law is the law.’

The human rights activist waited in court for the verdict – it took thirty months

The human rights activist waited in court for the verdict – it took thirty months

Orlov said: 'Isn't it scary to see what our country, which you may also love, is turning into

Orlov said: ‘Isn’t it frightening to see how our country, which you may also love, is changing

He was led away from the courthouse as dozens of supporters applauded the leading campaigner

He was led away from the courthouse as dozens of supporters applauded the leading campaigner

He turned to the judge and said: ‘I turn to you, Your Honor, I turn to the representative of the prosecutor: are you not afraid yourself?

‘Isn’t it frightening to see how our country, which you may also love, is changing?

‘Isn’t it frightening that not only you, but also your children and, God forbid, your grandchildren might have to live in this absurdity, in this dystopia?

“Doesn’t the obvious occur to me: the steamroller of repression may sooner or later roll over those who launched and pushed it, because this has happened more than once in history?”

He warned: “These are all links in the same chain: the death, or rather, the massacre of Alexei (Navalny), the judicial reprisals against other critics of the regime, including myself, the strangulation of freedom in the country, the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine.’

Orlov praised Navalny in his remarkable courtroom speech before he was sentenced.

“He was a wonderful person, courageous and honest, who, in circumstances made especially for him incredibly difficult, did not lose optimism and confidence in the future of our country,” he said.

“Whatever the specific circumstances of his death, this was a murder.”

Orlov praised Navalny in his remarkable courtroom speech before he was sentenced

Orlov praised Navalny in his remarkable courtroom speech before he was sentenced

He was greeted outside the courtroom by a crowd of journalists during the hearing

He was greeted outside the courtroom by a crowd of journalists during the hearing

Orlov previously told The Guardian: ‘I decided a long time ago that I want to live and die in Russia, it is my country… Even though it has never been so bad.’

The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Russia, Mariana Katzarova, called Orlov’s trial “an orchestrated attempt to silence the voices of human rights defenders in Russia” and a “textbook example of a repressive system.”

Founded in 1989, Memorial has documented human rights abuses from the time of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to the present and has defended freedom of expression, with an emphasis on identifying and honoring individual victims.

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Palestinian activist who hijacked planes to fly to Australia for a speech Mon, 26 Feb 2024 07:04:57 +0000

A Palestinian ‘terrorist’ who hijacked two planes and branded Hamas soldiers responsible for the October 7 attacks as ‘freedom fighters’ could be coming to Australia. Leila Khaled has been listed as a keynote speaker at the Ecosocialism event in Perth in June, organized by the Socialist Alliance and Green Left. However, members of the Jewish […]

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A Palestinian ‘terrorist’ who hijacked two planes and branded Hamas soldiers responsible for the October 7 attacks as ‘freedom fighters’ could be coming to Australia.

Leila Khaled has been listed as a keynote speaker at the Ecosocialism event in Perth in June, organized by the Socialist Alliance and Green Left.

However, members of the Jewish Australian community have called for her to be banned from entering Australia due to her complicated history as a prominent member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The now elderly woman is still a member of the extremist Marxist group known for hijacking planes, murders and suicide bombings.

The PFLP is considered a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Canada, while Australia has imposed financial sanctions on the group.

Leila Khaled (pictured) is one of the keynote speakers at the Ecosocialism event in Perth in June, organized by the Socialist Alliance and Groen Links.

The Australian Jewish Association condemned Ms Khaled’s appearance on Ecosocialism in a tweet on Monday.

‘What a great illustration of the fusion of hard-left politics and radical ‘Palestinian’ activism [and] terrorism, in this case aircraft hijacking,” the report said.

The PFLP rose to worldwide prominence in the late 1960s and early 1970s as a result of a series of aircraft hijackings and bombings.

Ms. Khaled was involved in at least two of the group’s hijackings.

In 1969, she helped hijack Trans World Airlines Flight 840, which was traveling from Rome, Italy, to Tel Aviv, Israel, because the group believed the Israeli ambassador to the United States was on board.

No one was injured in the attack, but the hijackers blew up the nose of the plane.

Ms. Khaled was involved in a second hijacking a year later when she attempted to hijack El Al Flight 219 from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to New York City, United States.

She, together with another co-hijacker, threatened to detonate grenades in the plane if the pilot did not allow them into the cockpit.

Gunshots were fired and the plane nosedived before landing.

The Sydney Morning Herald claims the Albanian government has indicated it will not allow Ms Khaled to enter Australia.

In a statement to Daily Mail Australia, a government spokesperson said they were “aware of this matter.”

‘The Migration Act is clear. “All people applying for visas, wherever they come from, are required to undergo security checks – as has been the case under all governments,” they said.

“The government cannot comment on individual cases.”

Ecosocialism organizers have stated that if Ms Khaled is refused entry into Australia, she will still be invited to speak at the conference via video chat.

The Ecosocialism 2024 website describes Ms Khaled as an “iconic Palestinian revolutionary activist, member of the national committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and a representative in the Palestinian National Council.”

The government spokesman warned Ms Khaled could be prosecuted if she is found to be inciting terrorism in Australia, even if she speaks from another country.

A government spokesperson warned that Ms Khaled (pictured) could be prosecuted if she is found to be inciting terrorism in Australia, even while speaking from another country

A government spokesperson warned that Ms Khaled (pictured) could be prosecuted if she is found to be inciting terrorism in Australia, even while speaking from another country

‘Promoting terrorism is a criminal offence [under] Section 80.2 of the Criminal Code,” they said.

“The offense of advocating terrorism may apply even if the person is overseas, provided the consequence of the conduct occurs in Australia. As such, it may even apply if a person appears online rather than in person in Australia.

‘In addition, the Albanian government’s banned symbols legislation, which came into force last month, makes it an offense under Commonwealth law to glorify or praise acts of terrorism.’

More to come.

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Hydeia Broadbent, HIV and AIDS activist, dies aged 39 Thu, 22 Feb 2024 04:24:52 +0000

Hydeia Broadbent, who was born with HIV and became a leading voice in raising awareness about the virus and AIDS as a child, died Tuesday at her home in Las Vegas. She was 39. Her father, Loren Broadbent, confirmed the death. No reason was given. Ms. Broadbent was six years old when she began sharing […]

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Hydeia Broadbent, who was born with HIV and became a leading voice in raising awareness about the virus and AIDS as a child, died Tuesday at her home in Las Vegas. She was 39.

Her father, Loren Broadbent, confirmed the death. No reason was given.

Ms. Broadbent was six years old when she began sharing her fight against HIV on television programs, aiming to educate the public amid an epidemic that has caused panic and stigma around AIDS, according to her website.

In 1992, when she was seven, Ms. Broadbent was interviewed opposite Magic Johnson, the basketball star who became a household face in the fight against HIV and AIDS after his own HIV diagnosis.

“I want people to know that we're just normal people,” Ms. Broadbent, her face wincing as she fought through tears, told Mr. Johnson. “We're normal people,” he reassured her softly. Mr. Johnson posted a snippet of the conversation online in a tribute Wednesday.

“I think it just opened a lot of people's eyes that HIV can happen to anyone, because I'm so young,” Ms. Broadbent told the New York Times in 2006 about the interview with Mr. Johnson.

By the time Ms. Broadbent was 12, she had shared her story with countless national television viewers. according to the biography page on her website. At age 11, she appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Showand talked about the countless health challenges she overcame as a toddler.

Hydeia Loren Broadbent was born on June 14, 1984 in a hospital in Las Vegas. According to the biography on her website, she was abandoned at birth and adopted by Loren and Patricia Broadbent.

Although she was born with HIV, she was not diagnosed until she was three years old.

The disease affected Ms Broadbent's learning, meaning she was unable to attend school until seventh grade. At Odyssey High School in Las Vegas, she was part of a program that allowed her to work on a computer at home.

“My daughter has no formal education because of her illness,” her mother, Patricia, told the Times in 2001 for an article about teenagers living with AIDS. “My priority wasn't school, it was keeping her healthy for the time she had.”

Mrs. Broadbent continued to speak publicly about HIV and AIDS into her adulthood. Her work earned her recognition, especially among African Americans. According to her biography, she was twice named one of the “150 Most Influential African Americans” by Ebony magazine in 2008 and 2011.

As an adult, Ms. Broadbent focused on combating the stigma and misinformation surrounding AIDS and educating the public about prevention.

“I have dedicated my whole life to this fight,” she says told CNN in 2012. “I don't hate my life. I feel like I am truly blessed. But at the same time, my life doesn't have to be their life. I had no choice when it came to HIV/AIDS, and people do have a choice.”

An extensive obituary will follow.

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Man extradited to the US over suspected Iranian plot to kill activist Wed, 21 Feb 2024 18:55:38 +0000

Czech authorities on Wednesday handed over to the United States a man accused of participating in a plot hatched in Iran to kill Masih Alinejad, a Brooklyn-based American human rights activist and journalist and a sharp critic of Iran's oppression of women. U.S. officials said. . The man, Polad Omarov, 39, was handed over to […]

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Czech authorities on Wednesday handed over to the United States a man accused of participating in a plot hatched in Iran to kill Masih Alinejad, a Brooklyn-based American human rights activist and journalist and a sharp critic of Iran's oppression of women. U.S. officials said. .

The man, Polad Omarov, 39, was handed over to US government representatives at Prague's Vaclav Havel Airport on Wednesday morning. Reuters reported this, citing a statement from the Czech Ministry of Justice. He was arrested in the Czech Republic in January 2023.

A federal indictment unsealed in New York last year said that Mr. Omarov and three co-conspirators were part of an Eastern European criminal organization known to its members as Thieves-in-Law, which has ties to Iran and was charged with the murder in 2022. from Mrs. Alinejad.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have said that Mr. Omarov, a Georgian citizen, had a leadership role in the organization and lived in Eastern Europe.

“This case will be over today, brother,” Mr. Omarov said in a message to one of his co-conspirators in July 2022, shortly before another conspirator, Khalid Mehdiyev, an Azerbaijani man living in Yonkers, New York, was found it. with a loaded AK-47-style assault rifle outside Ms. Alinejad's home, the complaint said. “I told them to make me a birthday present,” Mr. Omarov wrote.

At the time, Mr. Mehdiyev, at the direction of Mr. Omarov and another man, Rafat Amirov, “prepared at short notice to carry out the attack” on Ms. Alinejad, the indictment said.

Ms. Alinejad, in a message posted on X thanked US law enforcement agencies “for their vigilance” on Wednesday morning.

“I am happy first of all because I have been given a second life and I rejoice at the humiliation of the Islamic Republic,” Ms. Alinejad wrote, adding: “My adopted country has once again saved me from the murderous regime of my native country Iran. ”

Mr. Omarov, Mr. Amirov and Mr. Mehdiyev are all now being tried in Federal District Court in Manhattan. Mr. Amirov and Mr. Mehdiyev have pleaded not guilty. A fourth man, Zialat Mamedov, has also been charged in the alleged plot; Prosecutors said last May that he was in custody in the Czech Republic.

“I look forward to testifying at their trial,” Ms. Alinejad wrote.

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray met with Czech officials in Prague on Wednesday.

“With today's extradition of Omarov, we have taken an important step forward to hold Iranian actors accountable for their brazen plot to kill an American citizen on American soil,” Mr. Wray said in a statement, thanking Czech officials .

Mr. Omarov's extradition comes nearly three years after the FBI and prosecutors in the Southern District of New York said they had unraveled a plot to kidnap Ms. Alinejad and take her to Iran for a likely execution.

U.S. authorities announced charges against four Iranians in connection with the alleged kidnapping plan, including one man described as an intelligence official and others described as intelligence officials; They remain on the run, the government says.

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New York's famed St. Patrick's Cathedral says the Catholic Church was tricked into holding a funeral for a trans activist hailed as 'mother of all whores' Sun, 18 Feb 2024 17:34:16 +0000

New York's iconic St. Patrick's Cathedral has claimed it was tricked into holding a “scandalous” funeral service for a transgender activist who was celebrated at mass as “the great whore.” The Catholic cathedral, which bills itself as 'America's parish church', has been ordered to hold a 'restoration mass' after hundreds of scantily clad admirers danced […]

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New York's iconic St. Patrick's Cathedral has claimed it was tricked into holding a “scandalous” funeral service for a transgender activist who was celebrated at mass as “the great whore.”

The Catholic cathedral, which bills itself as 'America's parish church', has been ordered to hold a 'restoration mass' after hundreds of scantily clad admirers danced in the aisles for former sex worker Cecilia Gentili.

The self-described atheist died on February 6 at the age of 52, and organizers have admitted they kept her identity 'a bit hidden' when they booked the mass with cathedral authorities.

Now the cathedral's pastor has issued a groveling apology to his parishioners, thanking the “many who have let us know that they share our outrage.”

“The cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral mass for a Catholic, and had no idea that our reception and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive manner,” Father Enrique Salvo said in a statement.

Cecilia Gentili was a former sex worker and self-declared atheist who spent years as an undocumented migrant before becoming a prominent LGBT rights advocate

About 1,000 friends and admirers packed St. Patrick's Cathedral for the raucous funeral service on February 15

About 1,000 friends and admirers packed St. Patrick's Cathedral for the raucous funeral service on February 15

Father Edward Dougherty, who performed the service, stated that 'Cecilia died with Christ'

Father Edward Dougherty, who performed the service, stated that 'Cecilia died with Christ'

'The fact that such a scandal has occurred at 'America's Parish Church' makes it even worse.

“That it occurred as Lent began, the annual forty-day battle with the forces of sin and darkness, is a powerful reminder of how much we need the prayer, restoration, repentance, grace, and mercy that this holy season invites. us.'

Born in Argentina, Gentili began sex work in New York City after moving illegally to the US and struggling to find a job in Miami.

In 2009, she was arrested on drug possession charges and imprisoned on Rikers Island, but released with an ankle monitor after a judge ruled she could not be safely confined with men or women without risk of attack.

But she was granted asylum in 2012 and became a prominent advocate for LGBT rights and HIV prevention.

Just days before her death, Gentili was successful in winning a $540,000 grant from the CDC for her trans outreach program aimed at combating community transmission of HIV.

Funeral organizer Ceyenne Doroshow said she chose St. Patrick's for the Feb. 15 funeral because “it's an icon, just like them.”

The Catholic cathedral in Manhattan calls itself

The Catholic cathedral in Manhattan calls itself “America's parish church” and has hosted funeral masses for figures like Jacqueline Onassis and Babe Ruth

Born in Argentina, Gentili began sex work in New York City after moving illegally to the US and struggling to find a job in Miami

Born in Argentina, Gentili began sex work in New York City after moving illegally to the US and struggling to find a job in Miami

Fishnets, miniskirts and even a boa made from $100 bills adorned mourners at the service

Fishnets, miniskirts and even a boa made from $100 bills adorned mourners at the service

Organizers believe hers may have been the first-ever funeral service for a trans person in the 19th-century cathedral

Organizers believe hers may have been the first-ever funeral service for a trans person in the 19th-century cathedral

Funeral organizers said they chose St. Patrick's for the Feb. 15 funeral because

Funeral organizers said they chose St. Patrick's for the Feb. 15 funeral because “it's an icon, just like them.”

A photo at the altar showed a haloed Gentili surrounded by the Spanish words for

A photo at the altar showed a haloed Gentili surrounded by the Spanish words for “transvestite,” “whore,” “blessed” and “mother” above the text of Psalm 25

Cathedral pastor Father Enrique Salvo said the church had

Cathedral pastor Father Enrique Salvo said the church had “no idea that our reception and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceitful manner.”

The pews were packed with about a thousand mourners, many dressed in revealing outfits, including one wearing a feather boa made from $100 bills.

A photo at the altar showed a haloed Gentili surrounded by the Spanish words for “transvestite,” “whore,” “blessed” and “mother” above the text of Psalm 25.

Actor Billy Porter kicked off the “political theater” with a performance of “This Day,” before Father Edward Dougherty gave the service and declared that “Cecilia died with Christ.”

“This great whore, Saint Cecelia, mother of all whores,” declared a mourner from the pulpit.

“Today we say that we will see you soon and that you will give us the strength and courage to continue your legacy, to continue the challenges ahead.”

A priest singing “Ave Maria” was unexpectedly joined by a mourner singing “Ave Cecilia” as they danced down the aisles, twirling a red scarf.

New York City is home to at least ten gay-friendly Catholic parishes, but St. Patrick's Cathedral is not one of them.

Father Dougherty has previously written lovingly about his first ministry in Tanzania, where gays face life in prison and lawmakers have pushed to make gay sex a capital crime.

Gentili, who faced abuse from her family and neighbors after coming out as gay at age 12, became a U.S. citizen in September 2022 and released a book that year titled Faltas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who Isn't My Rapist.

She also worked as a stand-up comedian and appeared in the critically acclaimed FX series “Pose,” playing Miss Orlando, a New York City woman who performed discount plastic surgery.

New York progressive Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among those who paid tribute to Gentili after hearing of the death on February 6

New York progressive Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among those who paid tribute to Gentili after hearing of the death on February 6

In 2019, she founded Trans Equity Consulting, a development consultancy that sought to center trans women of color, immigrants, sex workers and prisoners.

In 2019, she founded Trans Equity Consulting, a development consultancy that sought to center trans women of color, immigrants, sex workers and prisoners.

Just days before her death, Gentili was successful in winning a $540,000 grant from the CDC for her trans outreach program aimed at combating community transmission of HIV.

Just days before her death, Gentili was successful in winning a $540,000 grant from the CDC for her trans outreach program aimed at combating community transmission of HIV.

Organizers believe hers may have been the first-ever funeral service for a trans person in the 19th-century cathedral.

Gentili died at home in Brooklyn, not far from Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, where priest Jamie J Gigantiello issued a groveling apology and was fired as church administrator in November after allowing singer Sabrina Carpenter to make a “sacrilegious” pop video filming on the altar.

The video showed 24-year-old Carpenter arriving at the church dressed provocatively in a pink hearse for the “funeral” of ex-boyfriends, in front of an altar decorated with their pastel coffins, one of which was inscribed “RIP B* ***' contained. .

“I agreed to the recordings after a general search of the artists involved revealed nothing questionable,” Gigantiello wrote in a letter to parishioners.

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Archdiocese of New York condemns funeral of transgender activist in cathedral Sat, 17 Feb 2024 22:55:23 +0000

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York condemned the funeral of a transgender community leader held at St. Patrick's Cathedral on Thursday, calling the event an insult to the Catholic faith and saying it was unaware of the deceased's identity when it met consented host of the service. The funeral, which attracted more than a […]

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The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York condemned the funeral of a transgender community leader held at St. Patrick's Cathedral on Thursday, calling the event an insult to the Catholic faith and saying it was unaware of the deceased's identity when it met consented host of the service.

The funeral, which attracted more than a thousand people, celebrated the life of Cecilia Gentili, an activist and actress known for her advocacy for sex workers, transgender people and people living with HIV.

Thursday's service was an event most likely without precedent in Catholic history. The pews were packed with mourners, many of them transgender, wearing bold, fashionable outfits and cheering as hymns led them in prayer for transgender rights and access to gender-affirming health care.

One eulogy, a video clip which was widely shared online Friday by Catholic conservatives, Ms. Gentili remembered as “Saint Cecilia, the mother of all whores,” to the thunderous cheers of a nearly full cathedral.

Catholic liberals, including some parishioners at St. Patrick's, said that regardless of how some mourners behaved, the church had done something good by hosting the funeral of a transgender person. But the response from conservatives was fiery.

CatholicVote, a conservative group, called the funeral “unbelievable and sick' and said it was 'a mockery of the Christian faith'. The Rev. Nicholas Gregoris, co-founder of the Society of St. John, Cardinal Newman, called it “disgusting,” a “blasphemous and sacrilege fiasco” and “a deplorable desecration of America's most famous Catholic Church.”

On Saturday, the archdiocese released a statement saying it shared the anger of conservative Catholics over what it called “the outrageous behavior” at Ms. Gentili's funeral. The Rev. Enrique Salvo, the pastor of St. Patrick's, said the church was not aware of Ms. Gentili's background when it agreed to host the service.

“The cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral mass for a Catholic, and had no idea that our reception and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive manner,” the pastor said.

The funeral organizer, Ceyenne Doroshow, said after the event on Thursday that Ms Gentili's relatives had kept her background “under wraps” because they feared the archdiocese would not organize a funeral for a person she knew to be transgender.

Ms Doroshow said the family wanted Ms Gentili's funeral to take place at St Patrick's because “it's an icon, just like them.”

On Saturday, the Gentili family was outraged by the church's criticism of her funeral, accusing the archdiocese of “hypocrisy and anti-trans hatred” in a statement.

The family said the LGBTQ community would continue to honor Ms. Gentili for the way she “served, mothered and loved all people.”

“Her heart and hands reached those whom the hypocritical church continues to belittle, oppress and chastise,” the family said. “The only deception in St. Patrick's Cathedral is that it claims to be a welcoming place for all.”

The day before the funeral, the archdiocese described the service as a routine event, even after a reporter said Ms. Gentili was transgender.

On Wednesday, a spokesman for the archdiocese, Joseph Zwilling, said that “a funeral is one of the corporal works of mercy,” part of Catholic teaching that the church has described as “a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise.”

But on Saturday, Father Salvo said in the statement that the cathedral had held a special reparation mass to atone for the funeral. Mr Zwilling said the event took place that day.

“That such a scandal has occurred in 'America's parish church' makes it even worse,” Father Salvo said, referring to the funeral. “That it occurred as Lent began, the annual forty-day battle with the forces of sin and darkness, is a powerful reminder of how much we need the prayer, restoration, repentance, grace and mercy that this holy season brings. invites us. .”

New York City is home to about a dozen gay-friendly Catholic parishes that in many ways reflect the church's softer tone on sexuality under Pope Francis. But St. Patrick's Cathedral, the seat of the powerful archdiocese, is not one of them.

Ms. Gentili, who died Feb. 6 at age 52, had a complex relationship with religion, which she explored last year in a one-woman Off Broadway show, “Red Ink.”

After a religious upbringing Ms. Gentili said in an interview last yearshe identified as an atheist because she felt rejected as a transgender woman by so many Christian denominations.

“I used to go to the Baptist church with my grandmother, and they wouldn't have me there,” she said. “They made it terribly clearly. I also went to the Catholic Church, and both were such traumatic experiences for me as a queer person. So I started identifying as an atheist, but I know that so many trans people have been able to find a relationship with faith in spaces that include them.”

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