Barcelona – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Fri, 22 Mar 2024 02:44:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Barcelona – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 Alves moet NOG een nacht in de gevangenis doorbrengen omdat de vader van Neymar weigert een borgsom van £ 1 miljoen te betalen Fri, 22 Mar 2024 02:44:29 +0000

DANI Alves zal nog een nacht achter de tralies doorbrengen in een Spaanse gevangenis nadat de vader van Neymar weigerde zijn borgtocht van £ 1 miljoen te betalen. De in ongenade gevallen ex-Barcelona-ster kreeg eerder deze week de kans om in beroep te gaan tegen zijn veroordeling wegens verkrachting en zou naar verluidt geld hebben […]

The post Alves moet NOG een nacht in de gevangenis doorbrengen omdat de vader van Neymar weigert een borgsom van £ 1 miljoen te betalen appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


DANI Alves zal nog een nacht achter de tralies doorbrengen in een Spaanse gevangenis nadat de vader van Neymar weigerde zijn borgtocht van £ 1 miljoen te betalen.

De in ongenade gevallen ex-Barcelona-ster kreeg eerder deze week de kans om in beroep te gaan tegen zijn veroordeling wegens verkrachting en zou naar verluidt geld hebben geleend van de vader van mede-Braziliaanse ster Neymar Jr. om de hoge kosten te dekken.


De Braziliaanse verdediger Dani Alves heeft de borgtocht niet kunnen betalen en zal nog minstens een nacht in de gevangenis blijvenKrediet: AP
Alves werd in februari veroordeeld voor verkrachting, maar heeft slechts een maand achter de tralies gezeten


Alves werd in februari veroordeeld voor verkrachting, maar heeft slechts een maand achter de tralies gezetenKrediet: AFP
Eerder werd aangenomen dat de vader van Neymar Jr. de borgsom van £ 1 miljoen zou betalen die nodig was om Alves uit de gevangenis te laten komen.


Eerder werd aangenomen dat de vader van Neymar Jr. de borgsom van £ 1 miljoen zou betalen die nodig was om Alves uit de gevangenis te laten komen.Krediet: Reuters
Media wachten donderdag buiten de gevangenis op Alves


Media wachten donderdag buiten de gevangenis op AlvesKrediet: EPA

Maar Neymar da Silva Santos zei in een verklaring namens zijn familie dat ze de £1 miljoen niet zullen betalen om hem uit de Spaanse gevangenis te redden.

Hij zei: “Voor ons, voor mijn familie, is deze zaak voorbij. Punt.”

Internationale voetballer Alves, 40, werd beschuldigd van het verkrachten van een vrouw in een nachtclub in Barcelona op 30 december 2022.

Alves beweerde dat de seksuele ontmoeting met wederzijdse toestemming was gebeurd.

Hij werd schuldig bevonden aan verkrachting en in februari veroordeeld tot vier en een half jaar gevangenisstraf.

Maar op 20 maart 2024 oordeelde een rechtbank dat hij in beroep kon gaan tegen zijn veroordeling en uit zijn helse gevangenis kon komen terwijl zijn team, onder leiding van Ines Guardiola, het beroep uitvoerde.

Alves heeft tot nu toe slechts een maand van zijn straf uitgezeten.

Een deel van zijn borgtochtvoorwaarden omvatte echter het betalen van £ 1 miljoen – iets wat hem nog niet is gelukt.

Neymar Jr.’s vader Neymar Santos Men dacht dat Sr hielp bij het inzamelen van geld, bijvoorbeeld La Vanguardia.

Dat geloofde men ook Santos Sr hielp bij het betalen van het compensatiepakket van £ 130.000 aan het 23-jarige slachtoffer, op bevel van de rechtbank.

Neymar’s vader specificeerde niet hoeveel ze Alves gaven, maar voegde eraan toe dat het nu een “andere situatie” is omdat het panel van drie rechters van het Provinciaal Hof van Barcelona tegen hem oordeelde.

“Nu de Spaanse rechtbank uitspraak heeft gedaan over zijn veroordeling, is er sprake van speculatie en een poging om mijn naam en die van mijn zoon te associëren met een zaak die niet langer binnen ons bereik ligt”, zei de vader van Neymar in de verklaring van de familie.

Hij voegde eraan toe dat hij hoopt dat Alves “alle antwoorden kan vinden waarnaar hij op zoek is in zijn eigen familie.”

Defensiebronnen bevestigden gisteravond dat Alves minstens nog een nacht in de Brians 2-gevangenis zal blijven.

Ze verzekerden mensen dat hij vrijdag vrij zou zijn.

Er wordt aangenomen dat de superster-rechtsback op weg is naar het comfort van zijn eigen huis in Spanje, terwijl advocaten de beroepsprocedure doorlopen.

Dani Alves schuldig aan verkrachting van vrouw in nachtclubbadkamer, ex-Barcelona-ster krijgt ruim vier jaar gevangenisstraf

De rechtbank in Barcelona beval dat het geld de dag voor vertrek door Alves en zijn team vóór 14.30 uur moest worden gestort, zodat hij kon worden vrijgelaten.

Aangezien hij nog een nacht in zijn cel zal blijven, heeft Alves de deadline.

Het is momenteel onduidelijk wat de overboeking van het geld heeft tegengehouden.

Maar Alves zal in zijn helse cel in de voorlopige gevangenis blijven zitten totdat hij het geld kan verzamelen.

Bronnen dicht bij de speler zeiden dat het tot vijf dagen kan duren voordat het benodigde geld met succes via de Schatkist en bij de rechtbank wordt gestort.

De beslissing om Alves toe te staan ​​de gevangenis te verlaten na het betalen van borgtocht werd door de meerderheid van de leden van het uitspraakpanel in de rechtbank genomen.

Hoewel niet unaniem, stelde Sectie 21 van het Hof van Barcelona zijn borgtocht vast op $1 miljoen (£850.000).

De andere borgtochtvoorwaarden zeggen dat Alves minstens 1.000 meter verwijderd moet blijven van het huis van het slachtoffer of van een andere plaats waar ze vaak naartoe gaat.

Ook mag hij nooit meer contact met haar opnemen en moet hij zijn Braziliaanse en Spaanse paspoort overhandigen.

De rechtbank vreesde dat Alves Spanje zou kunnen verlaten en naar zijn geboorteland Brazilië zou kunnen reizen om te proberen nog meer gevangenisstraf te vermijden.

Alves slaagde er niet in om de borgtocht te voldoen vóór de deadline van 14.30 uur die door de rechtbank in Barcelona was opgelegd


Alves slaagde er niet in om de borgtocht te voldoen vóór de deadline van 14.30 uur die door de rechtbank in Barcelona was opgelegdKrediet: AFP
De relatie van Dani Alves met Joana Sanz liep stuk nadat de schokkende beschuldigingen naar buiten kwamen


De relatie van Dani Alves met Joana Sanz liep stuk nadat de schokkende beschuldigingen naar buiten kwamenKrediet: Getty – Medewerker
Alves op de kade tijdens zijn proces begin 2024


Alves op de kade tijdens zijn proces begin 2024Krediet: Rex

De advocaten van de voetballer verzochten om vrijlating van de in ongenade gevallen voetballer, aangezien hij na zijn arrestatie in januari 2023 al een kwart van zijn straf in voorlopige hechtenis had gezeten.

Bronnen zeggen dat Santos Sr heeft aangeboden Alves te helpen nadat zijn bezittingen waren opgepakt bevroren onder een Braziliaans gerechtelijk bevel met betrekking tot zijn ex-vrouw, Dinorah Santana.

Er wordt gedacht dat de vrijgevigheid van de Neymar-familie voortkomt uit de hechte vriendschap tussen Neymar Jr., 32, en Alves.

Buiten het Braziliaanse nationale team speelden Alves en Neymar ook samen bij PSG en maakten ze deel uit van een van de grootste voetbalteams aller tijden in Barcelona.

De Braziliaanse showbooter tekende onlangs ook een blockbuster contract van £ 236 miljoen per jaar met de Saoedi-Arabische club Al Hilal.


De Braziliaanse president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva veroordeelde ook de aanstaande vrijlating van Alves.

Hij zei woensdag: “Het geld dat Daniel Alves heeft, het geld dat iemand hem kan lenen, kan niet de overtreding kopen die een man een vrouw aandoet door verkrachting te plegen.”

De advocaat van het vrouwelijke slachtoffer, Ester Garcia, omschreef de beslissing om Alves op borgtocht te laten vertrekken als “schandalig”.

En bestempelde het als ‘gerechtigheid voor de rijken’.

Ik ben zeer verrast en totaal verontwaardigd, omdat het lijkt alsof dit gerechtigheid is voor de rijken

Ester Garciaadvocaat van het slachtoffer

Garcia woedend op de RAC1-radio en zei: “Ik ben zeer verrast en totaal verontwaardigd… omdat het lijkt alsof dit gerechtigheid is voor de rijken.

“Het is schandalig dat ze iemand kunnen vrijlaten waarvan ze weten dat hij in een mum van tijd een miljoen euro in handen kan krijgen.”

Het komt omdat inwoners van Barcelona – waar Alves ooit als een icoon werd gezien – de uitspraak van de rechtbank om hem op borgtocht vrij te laten, verwierpen.

Een vrouw zei: ‘De straffen moeten gelijkelijk worden uitgezeten en uitgevoerd.

“Als je een straf hebt, moet je die nakomen, en niet alleen hun uitweg betalen, want ze hebben veel geld.”

Ik vind het beschamend en ze laten eens te meer zien dat vrouwen er niet toe doen, dat onze rechten er niet toe doen

Inwoner van Barcelona

Zoals een ander vertelde AS-TV: “Ik vind het beschamend en ze laten eens te meer zien dat vrouwen er niet toe doen, dat onze rechten er niet toe doen.

“Als je geld hebt en een man bent, kun je doen wat je wilt en hoef je niet te betalen.”

Zoals een man ook zijn mening gaf door te zeggen dat ‘slechte’ dingen niet zomaar vanwege geld kunnen worden vergeten.

De moeder van Alves plaatste gisteren een verzameling foto’s op Instagram van haar zoon met als onderschrift: ‘De overwinning is gekomen voor de eer en glorie van de Heer, dank u mijn God.

“Wat God heeft samengevoegd, kan niemand scheiden.”

In een aparte post zei ze ook: “Voor iedereen die alleen in de rechtvaardigheid van mannen gelooft, is @danialves gratis.

‘Vrij van Europese gerechtigheid, zoals mij werd verteld. Maar ik geloof in goddelijke gerechtigheid. En ik heb altijd in zijn onschuld geloofd.’

En Alves’ ex-vrouw Joana Sanz deactiveerde haar Instagram-account slechts enkele uren nadat hij op borgtocht werd vrijgelaten.

Ondanks de scheidingsaanvraag in 2023 nadat de explosieve beschuldigingen aan het licht kwamen, steunde Joana Alves in de rechtbank en beweerde dat ze bij hem was op de avond van de beschuldigingen.

Het is momenteel onzeker wat de status van het paar is nadat Joana per ongeluk een bizarre brief van haar ex-verkrachter deelde waarin hij vanuit de gevangenis zijn liefde voor haar verklaart.


Tijdens een proces dat in februari 2024 in Barcelona werd gehouden, ontkende hij de beschuldigingen dat de seksuele ontmoeting volledig met wederzijdse toestemming was gebeurd.

Tijdens het driedaagse proces kwamen het slachtoffer, getuigen en deskundigen getuigen.

Zijn aanklager vertelde de aanklager dat ze vrijwillig met hem naar de badkamer was gegaan, maar vervolgens gedwongen werd te blijven nadat ze wilde vertrekken.

Ze vertelde de rechtbank dat Alves haar zou hebben geslagen en beledigd voordat ze haar tot seks dwong.

Alves bevestigde dat hij seks had gehad met de vrouw in het toilet van de nachtclub, maar hield vol dat dit met wederzijdse instemming was.

De straf overweegt dat bewezen is dat het slachtoffer niet heeft ingestemd en dat er aanwijzingen zijn om de verkrachting als bewezen te beschouwen

Verklaring van de rechtbank

Alves werd schuldig bevonden aan verkrachting gevonden en veroordeeld tot vier en een half jaar achter de tralies.

De rechtbank veroordeelde Alves ook tot het betalen van £130.000 (€150.000) als schadevergoeding aan het slachtoffer.

Hij kreeg ook te maken met een straatverbod van negen en een half jaar van de aanklager.

De rechtbank zei in een verklaring: “Het vonnis is van oordeel dat bewezen is dat het slachtoffer niet heeft ingestemd en dat er, naast de getuigenis van de eiser, bewijs is om de verkrachting als bewezen te beschouwen.”

Na het vonnis werd Alves naar Brian’s 2-gevangenis in Barcelona gestuurd.

Ondanks de scheidingsaanvraag in 2023 nadat de explosieve beschuldigingen naar boven kwamen, steunde Joana Alves toen ze in de getuigenbank terechtkwam.

Tijdens haar getuigenis op 6 februari 2024 beweerde Joana dat ze niet wettelijk gescheiden waren en dat ze op de avond van de beschuldiging bij Alves was geweest.

Joana vertelde de rechtbank dat Alves “naar alcohol rook” en “hij tegen verschillende meubelstukken botste en op bed viel” nadat hij thuiskwam van een avondje stappen.

Maar ze zei dat ze niet met hem wilde praten vanwege ‘de toestand waarin hij verkeerde’.

Een in ongenade gevallen Alves verontschuldigde zich publiekelijk bij Joana tijdens een interview vanuit zijn gevangeniscel in 2023.

Hij zei tegen de Spaanse verslaggever Mayka Navarro: “De enige persoon aan wie ik om vergeving moet vragen, is mijn vrouw, Joana Sanz.

“Dat heb ik hier in de gevangenis al gedaan, maar ik moet het publiekelijk doen, want het verhaal is openbaar, de overtreding die ik haar heb berokkend is openbaar en zij verdient die publieke verontschuldiging.”

Het komt op het moment dat voormalig Man City-ster Robinho, 40, eindelijk zijn gevangenisstraf van negen jaar zal uitzitten voor een groepsverkrachting gepleegd in Italië, heeft het Braziliaanse Hooggerechtshof geoordeeld.

Italië heeft een internationaal arrestatiebevel uitgevaardigd tegen Robinho, maar de voormalige Premier League-ster heeft zeven jaar de gevangenis ontweken terwijl hij in Sao Paulo woonde.

De voormalige Santos-ster zegt onschuldig te zijn.

De Braziliaanse topspeler is een van de meest onderscheiden voetballers ooit, maar is de afgelopen maanden verwikkeld geraakt in de schokkende beschuldigingen tegen hem


De Braziliaanse topspeler is een van de meest onderscheiden voetballers ooit, maar is de afgelopen maanden verwikkeld geraakt in de schokkende beschuldigingen tegen hemKrediet: AFP
De advocaten van Alves, Ines Guardiola, zeiden dat haar cliënt al een kwart van zijn straf in voorlopige hechtenis heeft gezeten nadat hij afgelopen januari werd gearresteerd.


De advocaten van Alves, Ines Guardiola, zeiden dat haar cliënt al een kwart van zijn straf in voorlopige hechtenis heeft uitgezeten nadat hij afgelopen januari werd gearresteerd.Krediet: EPA
De Brians 2-gevangenis waar Alves werd vastgehouden


De Brians 2-gevangenis waar Alves werd vastgehoudenKrediet: Rex
Voormalig Manchester City-aanvaller Robinho zal eindelijk zijn gevangenisstraf van negen jaar uitzitten voor een groepsverkrachting in Italië


Voormalig Manchester City-aanvaller Robinho zal eindelijk zijn gevangenisstraf van negen jaar uitzitten voor een groepsverkrachting in Italië

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]]> 0 99084
A look at the accusations against Dani Alves Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:50:28 +0000

DANI Alves saw his football career crumble after he was found guilty of rape. But events saw the shamed star win his fight to appeal his four-and-a-half year prison sentence from the comfort of his own home rather than a prison cell. 1 Dani Alves is appealing his rape convictionCredit: Getty What was Dani Alves […]

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DANI Alves saw his football career crumble after he was found guilty of rape.

But events saw the shamed star win his fight to appeal his four-and-a-half year prison sentence from the comfort of his own home rather than a prison cell.


Dani Alves is appealing his rape convictionCredit: Getty

What was Dani Alves accused of?

Dani Alves was accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a nightclub on New Year’s Eve in December 2022.

The victim claimed the former Barcelona defender raped her in a bathroom.

Alves was first arrested in January 2023 and immediately detained as he awaited trial.

Shortly after his arrest, Alves said in a Spanish TV interview: “I don’t know who this lady is.

“I don’t know her name, I don’t know her, I’ve never seen her in my life.”

However, in a June 2023 interview with Mayka Navarro, he asked his wife for forgiveness.

Alves said: “The only person I have to ask for forgiveness is my wife, Joana Sanz.

“I have already done that here in prison, but I have to do it publicly because the story is public, the offense I caused her is public and she deserves that public apology.”

Alves continued: “I went into the bathroom of the nightclub behind her.

‘I didn’t even lock the door. The door was open all the time. She could have left at any time because I spent pretty much all my time there sitting on the toilet seat.”

Dani Alves guilty of raping woman in nightclub bathroom, ex-Barcelona star jailed for more than four years

When was Alves found guilty?

In February 2024, Alves was found guilty of raping the woman on New Year’s Eve 2023.

Prosecutors were told by the victim that she danced with Alves and willingly entered the nightclub bathroom, but when she later wanted to, he would not let her leave.

She said he then beat her and forced her to have sexual relations against her will.

The court ordered him to pay £130,000 (150,000 euros) to the victim.

When was Dani Alves released?

Following his conviction, Alves was sentenced to four and a half years in prison.

Prosecutors had sought a nine-year prison sentence for Alves, while lawyers representing his accuser wanted 12 years.

While his defense asked for his acquittal or, if found guilty, a one-year prison sentence plus £43,000 (50,000 euros) compensation for the victim.

However, a turn of events in March 2024 revealed that he would be released from prison after just four weeks after appealing.

A court in Barcelona ruled that Alves could be released after paying a bail of one million euros.

The decision can still be appealed.

Is Dani Alves retired?

After his conviction, Barcelona stripped Alves of his legend status.

At the time of his arrest, Alves was under contract with Mexican football club UNAM Pumas, which has since fired him.

However, he has not yet spoken about his future as a footballer.

During his time on the pitch, he won six La Liga titles, two Ligue 1 titles and Serie A.

Alves also won the UEFA Champions League three times while playing for Barcelona in 2009, 2011 and 2015.

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Man Utd ‘decides to sell Mason Greenwood but takes immediate blow’ Tue, 19 Mar 2024 08:09:14 +0000

MANCHESTER UNITED are willing to sell Mason Greenwood but Barcelona are not interested in a deal, transfer reports say. Greenwood has been on loan to Getafe this season and has been in good form with eight goals in 27 games. 2 Mason Greenwood remains linked with a move away from Man UtdCredit: Getty His performances […]

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MANCHESTER UNITED are willing to sell Mason Greenwood but Barcelona are not interested in a deal, transfer reports say.

Greenwood has been on loan to Getafe this season and has been in good form with eight goals in 27 games.


Mason Greenwood remains linked with a move away from Man UtdCredit: Getty

His performances attracted interest from the likes of Barca, who have been linked with a summer swoop for the ex-England international.

According to Fabrizio Romano for Caught offsideUnited’s directors and Barça chief Deco did meet for talks.

But it is claimed the Spanish giants have no plans for Greenwood at the moment.

However, United are said to be willing to let Greenwood go for good if the right offer is made.


And the club is actively looking for ways to relieve the attacker.

A police investigation into 22-year-old Greenwood was launched in January 2022.

But the charges of attempted rape, assault and controlling and coercive behavior were later dropped.

United still made the decision to send the striker on loan to Spain, although new owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe controversially left the door open for a return.


He said in February: “We will make a decision. I don’t know if he (Greenwood) could have a future.

“All I can do is talk about the principle of how we will approach such decisions.

Fans spot Roy Keane’s ‘cold’ interaction with Man Utd mascot during FA Cup match against Liverpool

“Is he the right type of footballer? Are we happy with that? Is he a good person or not?

“He (Greenwood) is a Manchester United footballer and we are responsible for the football.

“So the answer is that it’s pretty clear that we have to make a decision.

“No decision has been made. He is of course on loan, but he is not the only one.

“We have one or two footballers that we have to deal with and make a decision on, so we will do that.

“The process will be: understand the facts, not the hype and then try to come to a fair decision based on values ​​– which basically comes down to whether he is a good guy or not.

“Could he play well for Manchester United and would we feel comfortable with that and the fans would feel comfortable with that?

“I can talk about the principle. This principle is the most important because we will have to deal with other issues in the future.

“You are dealing with young people who have not always been raised in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and do not always receive the guidance they should receive.

“What we need to do when dealing with these kinds of problems is to understand the real effects, not the hype.

“Then we have to make a fair decision in the light of the club’s values. That’s what we have to do and that’s how we deal with it.”

New Man Utd owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe


New Man Utd owner Sir Jim RatcliffeCredit: PA

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‘Dodgy’ Firestick users warned as an order was signed to release IP addresses Sun, 17 Mar 2024 23:32:29 +0000

DODGY Amazon Fire Stick users have been warned that their IP addresses could be revealed as part of a new ruling. A judge in Spain has signed an order that could identify illegal streamers – and football fans should be particularly wary. 1 A court in Barcelona has passed a new law cracking down on […]

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DODGY Amazon Fire Stick users have been warned that their IP addresses could be revealed as part of a new ruling.

A judge in Spain has signed an order that could identify illegal streamers – and football fans should be particularly wary.


A court in Barcelona has passed a new law cracking down on ‘untrustworthy’ Fire Stick usersCredit: Getty

According to local media, a commercial court in Barcelona has issued the new ruling to take legal action against football pirates.

The ruling essentially means that internet providers will be legally obliged to send the IP addresses of illegal streamers to La Liga, the Spanish football league.

This comes as part of a major crackdown on illegal streamers – previously only public institutions could be prosecuted for illegally streaming sports.

Britain is also cracking down on people using ‘unreliable’ Amazon Fire Sticks to stream sports.

Lawyer Lynette Calder has warned that Britons will face serious consequences if they jailbreak a Fire Stick, saying a magistrate could give you an unlimited fine.

More serious cases of Britons possessing a jailbroken fire stick could result in a prison sentence of up to 12 months.

She added: “For more serious and organized offenses that have gone to the Crown Court, you are looking at a maximum of ten years in prison if the charge falls under section 7 or 5 years for sections 6 and 11.

“Why take the risk? If you can’t afford the Premier League streaming service, why not find a pub that can.”

In October, a Premiere League streaming mastermind was jailed for two and a half years for selling illegal Fire Sticks to a reported 30,000 subscribers.

Steven Mills, 58, from Shrewsbury, Shropshire, has made more than £1million from the operation over five years, a court heard.

How to Properly Power Your Amazon Fire TV Stick: User Tips

Police attitudes towards untrustworthy Fire Stick users have only increased in 2024, with raids becoming more frequent.

Just last week, one person was arrested and 11 others questioned as police swarmed areas across the UK.

Anyone using modified Amazon Fire Sticks to illegally stream content such as Premier League football has been severely warned.

Fire Sticks give users instant access to TV shows from a range of paid streaming apps, such as Prime Video, Netflix and Disney+.

However, people often get versions with unofficial apps on them that provide free or cheap access to premium channels.

A spokesperson for FACT, the British digital forensics company, has said the country is cracking down on digital piracy.

He said: “Implementing these measures has sent a strong message: piracy is a criminal act that must be treated with the utmost seriousness and decisive action will be taken against providers of illegal services, regardless of their size or scale.

“We remain vigilant in monitoring platforms including modified firesticks that promote and distribute illegal streams, and take decisive action against those selling illegal access to premium TV content.

“FACT and its partners are committed to disrupting these criminal operations and non-compliance will result in further law enforcement action.”

All 12 people police spoke to were given warnings, meaning they all now have criminal records.

If they do not comply with the rules in the warning, they can appear in court.

It was recently revealed that around 19 percent of people streamed content illegally over a three-month period.

Police raided homes and made two arrests in January after finding pirated Fire TV devices were being sold with full unauthorized access to premium Sky packages.

And an investigation led to the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) discovering a Telegram channel selling the illegal Fire Sticks, netting those involved more than £800,000.

Detective Inspector Steve Payne, from ERSOU’s regional organized crime unit, is concerned that this money will be used to fund other crimes.

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Pep faces Bellingham dilemma as City boss devises plan to ‘control’ Madrid star Fri, 15 Mar 2024 22:48:42 +0000

PEP GUARDIOLA admits he has a huge headache over how to stop Jude Bellingham. Manchester City and Real Madrid will face each other for the third year in a row, this time in the round of 16 of the Champions League. 2 Pep Guardiola admits he has a huge headache over how to stop Jude […]

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PEP GUARDIOLA admits he has a huge headache over how to stop Jude Bellingham.

Manchester City and Real Madrid will face each other for the third year in a row, this time in the round of 16 of the Champions League.


Pep Guardiola admits he has a huge headache over how to stop Jude BellinghamCredit: Rex
Bellingham's Real Madrid will take on Man City in the quarter-finals of the Champions League


Bellingham’s Real Madrid will take on Man City in the quarter-finals of the Champions LeagueCredit: Getty

But this time City have to deal with Bellingham. Asked about the Three Lions star, Guardiola said: “The impact has been huge.

“It’s a different team than last season. His influence is clear, we have to try to discover what he does and keep it under control.”

The Euro heavyweights have met in the semi-finals the past two years.

Madrid went on to win the competition in 2022, with City lifting the trophy for the first time last season.

Bellingham, however, brings a new dimension: the England ace has scored 20 goals in 31 games for Madrid since joining from Borussia Dortmund last summer.

The first leg will take place on April 9 at the Santiago Bernabeu, the same evening that Arsenal host Bayern Munich.

The return matches are on April 17. And there is no delay for the winners: they will play against each other in the semi-finals!

While Guardiola’s men are defending champions, the City boss knows they are still rookies compared to their Spanish rivals.


Real have won the Champions League in five of the past ten seasons.

Guardiola added: “It seems a bit of a tradition to play against the kings of the competition three years in a row.

Young stars will shine at the 2024 European Championship

“Now that they have won 14 Champions Leagues, there is no need to say how Real Madrid are performing in this competition.

“It’s a bit new for us. For Real Madrid it is not special to play the quarter-finals of the Champions League.

“Over the last few years we have been consistent – ​​often semi-finals, finals, now quarter-finals again – and we are getting into this routine in the latter stages.

“And when you play the latter stages, you are playing against the best teams in Europe, Real Madrid are right there.

“This one is special and makes you feel like you are going to Europe and playing your best football. It is so nice.”

In the other half of the draw, Jadon Sancho’s Borussia Dortmund put Atletico Madrid into the quarter-finals, while Paris Saint-Germain took on Barcelona.

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Route to Champions League final: who could Arsenal and Man City compete against? Fri, 15 Mar 2024 13:07:58 +0000

THE route to the Champions League final for Premier League giants Arsenal and Manchester City has been revealed. Mikel Arteta’s side will take on German champions Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals, while Pep Guardiola’s Treble winners will take on European kings Real Madrid. 2 David Raya was the hero for Arsenal in the penalty shootout […]

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THE route to the Champions League final for Premier League giants Arsenal and Manchester City has been revealed.

Mikel Arteta’s side will take on German champions Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals, while Pep Guardiola’s Treble winners will take on European kings Real Madrid.


David Raya was the hero for Arsenal in the penalty shootout win over PortoCredit: GETTY
Manchester City passed Copenhagen over two legs in the last 16


Manchester City passed Copenhagen over two legs in the last 16Credit: GETTY

Arsenal will be hoping that this year is the year they win their first ever European Cup in the club’s long history.

Man City are looking to become the team that can claim back-to-back Champions League victories since Real Madrid’s stunning dominance between 2015 and 2018.

But what must the two English giants do to reach the final rounds of this year’s Champions League?

What is Arsenal and Man City’s route to the Champions League final?

The first leg of the Champions League quarter-final against Bayern Munich will take place on April 9 or 10 at the Emirates.

read more in the Champions League

The second leg at the Allianz Arena is scheduled for April 16 or 17.

Meanwhile, Man City will travel to Real Madrid in the first leg before hosting the 14-time Champions League winner at the Etihad.

If Arsenal and Man City win their respective quarter-finals, the two Premier League titans will face each other in the semi-finals.

The Champions League semi-finals will be held on April 30 and May 1, with the second legs on May 7 and 8.

Most read in Champions League

One of Atletico Madrid, Borussia Dortmund, PSG or Barcelona will be the potential opponent for the two English giants in the final, should either side reach the final stages.

The Champions League final will take place on Saturday, June 1 at Wembley Stadium.

Full Champions League draw

Quarter-finals (9/10 April and 16/17 April)

Arsenal vs Bayern Munich

Atletico Madrid vs Borussia Dortmund

Real Madrid vs Manchester City

Semi-finals (April 30/May 1 and May 7/8)

Arsenal/Bayern vs Real Madrid/Manchester City

Atletico/Dortmund vs PSG/Barcelona

Final (June 1)

Arsenal/Bayern/Real Madrid/Manchester City vs Atletico/Dortmund/PSG/Barcelona

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Champions League draw LIVE: Arsenal and Manchester City will learn their fate – with Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern Munich all potential quarter-final rivals Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:13:07 +0000

The article below elaborates on how a number of teams from England could play in Europe next season. It’s still eleven, but rest assured that would mean Man City or Arsenal would finish outside the top eight, which is simply not going to happen. Nine anyway is a possibility. England would probably need the extra […]

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The article below elaborates on how a number of teams from England could play in Europe next season. It’s still eleven, but rest assured that would mean Man City or Arsenal would finish outside the top eight, which is simply not going to happen.

Nine anyway is a possibility. England would probably need the extra place and West Ham would win the Europa League.

All in all, this is good news for the likes of Tottenham, Aston Villa, Manchester United, etc. The fact that Spurs are being helped by Arsenal and West Ham is quite funny.

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Barcelona vs Napoli LIVE SCORE: Champions League last of Tue, 12 Mar 2024 19:27:42 +0000

BARCELONA and Napoli face off in the second leg of their huge Champions League last-16 tie – and it could go either way. Robert Lewandowski thought his goal in 60 minutes would be enough to help the Catalans escape Italy with a 1-0 victory. But Victor Osimhen equalized and put this fascinating match on a […]

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BARCELONA and Napoli face off in the second leg of their huge Champions League last-16 tie – and it could go either way.

Robert Lewandowski thought his goal in 60 minutes would be enough to help the Catalans escape Italy with a 1-0 victory.

But Victor Osimhen equalized and put this fascinating match on a razor’s edge.

  • Kick-off time: 8:00 PM GMT
  • Live stream: discovery+
  • TV channel: TNT Sports 2

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“No way,” says Foden as he is told which legend Pep compared him to Tue, 05 Mar 2024 07:24:30 +0000

PHIL FODEN is used to being compared to Barcelona legends. Ever since he burst onto the scene as a 17-year-old, people have affectionately called him the ‘Stockport Iniesta’. 3 Phil Foden scored twice against Man Utd this weekendCredit: Rex 3 Foden, 23, is on a breakout campaignCredit: Rex 3 The Man City star has been […]

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PHIL FODEN is used to being compared to Barcelona legends.

Ever since he burst onto the scene as a 17-year-old, people have affectionately called him the ‘Stockport Iniesta’.


Phil Foden scored twice against Man Utd this weekendCredit: Rex
Foden, 23, is on a breakout campaign


Foden, 23, is on a breakout campaignCredit: Rex
The Man City star has been compared to Barcelona legends


The Man City star has been compared to Barcelona legendsCredit: AFP

Yet there was an even bigger compliment from former Nou Camp coach Pep Guardiola in the aftermath of Sunday’s Manchester derby.

The Etihad chief mentioned Foden in the same sentence as the great Lionel Messi – for his developing talent of being a match-winner.

Guardiola was quick to point out that he does not yet put the English star on the same level as his old Barca favorite.

After all, he does not believe that anyone currently playing at the top level comes even close to the Argentine World Cup winner from his heyday.

But it was still the highest praise as he called the City midfielder the best player in the Premier League.

And after his two second-half goals turned the game in his team’s favor as they won 3-1 at the Etihad, it’s hard to argue with that.

Guardiola said: “With the good players – and with Messi I met the greatest player ever – you can play well, but you have to win games.

“I don’t want to compare, because Phil is not at the level of Leo. He can do everything, but he also wins games.”

When told what his boss had said, Foden told Viaplay: “No way!

“I want to be that player who wins games for the team – and appears in the biggest games. You can’t compare anyone to Messi, he is in his own world.

Seething Roy Keane reveals how he would have dealt with Phil Foden as he criticizes Man Utd star for ‘taking a breather’

“But to hear something like that from the manager is very nice.”

Even from a young age, coaches who worked with Foden saw comparisons with Leo Messi.

Former City Academy director Steve Eyre told talkSPORT: “I have only seen Lionel Messi get better – in terms of the balance that sets him apart.

“Now that Foden’s legs and hips have become thicker, it is not so easy to hit the ball. But if it ever hits the ground, it bounces right back up. He can still get much better.”

It was in Tokyo, during City’s summer tour, that Foden first spoke of his desire to be the main man at the club.

He has been learning his trade – since his breakthrough six seasons ago – in the shadow of players like David Silva and Kevin De Bruyne.

But he longed for the chance to play at center and said that position would allow him to showcase more of his dazzling skills.

And when De Bruyne was given that opportunity due to his hamstring operation, he stepped effortlessly and enthusiastically into the gap left by the Belgian maestro.

Now that KDB is back, Foden is spending more time away from home.

But the confidence he gained during his excellent season is still evident. And one of the reasons why Guardiola rates Foden as the best is his versatility: he can be effective on the wing or in the middle.

The Prem is packed with superstars, but few can offer that kind of brilliance in different positions.

He also scores goals: eighteen means he has already enjoyed his best season ever and that there could be another nineteen games to come.

He will certainly be involved in the presentation of the individual prizes later this spring.

What is clear is that City’s boy wonder has matured in recent months, and the Treble winners are reaping the benefits.


Foden, who won the Premier League player of the match award in Sunday’s Manchester derby, added: “I’ve been practicing my finishing this year – quite a lot after training. But I want to be that player who wins the big games for the team.

“I now have a good series of matches. I seem to be starting a lot more and I think that helps you find your feet. I want to be involved in goals and always be in the box.

“It’s going well this year and I want to score even more.

“I just think I’ve grown as a player. Every year I have worked hard on the training field and now I get the reward I deserve.”

With that in mind, you may be seeing a lot more of Foden’s ‘sniper’ celebration in the coming weeks (and seasons).

He added: “It’s actually a joke from the boys. They say I shoot a lot during training and they call me The Sniper. It’s my party now. I like to do it.”

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Celebrities born on a leap year who have only celebrated a handful of real birthdays, including Ja Rule and a Barcelona soccer star. What are their real ages? Fri, 01 Mar 2024 03:17:14 +0000

While Leap Day may not hold much significance for most of us, it is a crucial day for anyone born on February 29, whose birthday technically only happens once every four years. People born on February 29 must decide whether to celebrate their birthday on February 28 or March 1 – although it is often […]

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While Leap Day may not hold much significance for most of us, it is a crucial day for anyone born on February 29, whose birthday technically only happens once every four years.

People born on February 29 must decide whether to celebrate their birthday on February 28 or March 1 – although it is often joked that Leap Day babies are technically a quarter their own age.

It’s not unheard of for celebrities to shave a few years off their age to look younger, but leap year babies may jokingly claim that they’re doing it legitimately.

So who are the famous faces born on February 29 and what is their leap year age compared to the actual number of years they have been on this planet?

Rap artist Ja Rule, real name Jeffrey Atkins, turns 48 today, but his leap year age would be 12.

Yes Rule

American rapper Ja Rule was born on February 29, 1976.

The rap artist, real name Jeffrey Atkins, turns 48 today, but his leap year age would be 12.

In 2016, Ja Rule joked about his age as he turned 40 during the launch of his show in Las Vegas, writing on Instagram at the time: ‘My @foxtailatsls residency kick [sic] of madness [sic] my 10th birthday party lol.”

It comes after the rap icon revealed yesterday that he was banned from entering Britain days before the start of his near-sell-out tour due to his criminal record.

Ferran Torres

Ferran Torres Garcia was born on 29 February 2000 and is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a forward for La Liga club Barcelona and the Spanish national football team.

The Barcelona forward turns 24 today, but as a leap year baby he has only been able to celebrate his birthday every four years, which technically makes him seven years old.

Barcelona forward Ferres Torres turns 24 today, but as a leap year baby he has only been able to celebrate his birthday every four years, which technically makes him seven years old

Barcelona forward Ferres Torres turns 24 today, but as a leap year baby he has only been able to celebrate his birthday every four years, which technically makes him seven years old

Pedro Sanchez

Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sánchez was born on February 29, 1972 in Madrid.

The economist and politician, who has been Prime Minister of Spain since 2018, turned 52 today, but his birth in a leap year means he is also 13 years old.

It comes as Ilia Topuria has been promised Spanish citizenship after a meeting with the country’s prime minister on Tuesday.

Earlier this month, the 27-year-old became the first Spanish champion in UFC history following his stunning KO win over Alexander Volkanovski at UFC 298.

The economist and politician, who has been Prime Minister of Spain since 2018, turned 52 today – but his birth in a leap year means he is also 13 years old

The economist and politician, who has been Prime Minister of Spain since 2018, turned 52 today – but his birth in a leap year means he is also 13 years old

Sir Lucian Grainge

Sir Lucian Charles Grainge CBE was born on February 29, 1960 in North London.

He is a British record executive and music businessman who has been chairman and CEO of Universal Music Group since 2010.

Sir Lucian celebrates his 64th birthday today, but because he was born in a leap year, he has celebrated 16 birthdays.

Some of the world’s most successful and popular artists are currently signed to Universal Music Group, including: Taylor Swift, Adele, Harry Styles, Billie Eilish, Justin Bieber, U2 and The Weeknd.

(L-R) Ice Spice and Sir Lucian Grainge attend Sir Lucian Grainge's Artist Showcase 2023, at Milk Studios Los Angeles on February 4, 2023 in Los Angeles, California

(L-R) Ice Spice and Sir Lucian Grainge attend Sir Lucian Grainge’s Artist Showcase 2023, at Milk Studios Los Angeles on February 4, 2023 in Los Angeles, California

Joss Ackland

Sidney Edmond Jocelyn Ackland CBE was born on February 29, 1928 in North Kensington, London.

Ackland was an accomplished English actor who appeared in more than 130 film, radio and television roles, including The Mighty Ducks and The Apple.

He was nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for playing Jock Delves Broughton in White Mischief.

Ackland died in November 2023 at the age of 95, but he would have been 96 if he were alive today – this would make him a leap year age of 24.

Joss Ackland died in November 2023 at the age of 95, but he would have been 96 if he were alive today - this would make him 24 in the leap year age

Joss Ackland died in November 2023 at the age of 95, but he would have been 96 if he were alive today – this would make him 24 in the leap year age

Peter Scanavino

BenErican actor Peter Muller Scanavino was born on February 29, 1980 in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Scanavino currently stars as ADA Dominick ‘Sonny’ Carisi Jr. in the long-running NBC crime/legal drama series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

He turns 44 today, but because he is a leap year baby, he is also celebrating his eleventh birthday.

Peter Scanavino and Mariska Hargitay are seen on the film set of the TV series 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' on February 21, 2024 in New York City

Peter Scanavino and Mariska Hargitay are seen on the film set of the TV series ‘Law and Order: Special Victims Unit’ on February 21, 2024 in New York City

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins – full name Anthony Jay Robbins – is an American author, coach and motivational speaker, born on February 29, 1960 in California, USA.

He is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books, including the books Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power.

Together with Sir Lucian Grainge, Robbins turns 64 today, but because he was born in a leap year he also turns 16.

Tony Robbins is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books, including the books Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power

Tony Robbins is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books, including the books Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power

Alex Rocco

BenErican actor Alex Rocco was born on February 29, 1936 in Massachusetts, USA

Known for his distinctive, gravelly voice, he was often cast as villains, including Moe Greene in the Hollywood classic The Godfather, as well as his Primetime Emmy Award-winning role in The Famous Teddy Z.

Rocco died in July 2015 at the age of 79, but if he were alive today he would be 85 – or, in leap year age, 21.

Alex Rocco died in July 2015 at the age of 79, but if he were alive today he would be 85 – or, in leap year age, 21

Alex Rocco died in July 2015 at the age of 79, but if he were alive today he would be 85 – or, in leap year age, 21

Mark Foster

BenErican musician Mark Foster was born on February 29, 1984 in California, USA

The singer-songwriter, married to actress Julia Garner and frontman of the indie pop band Foster the People, turns 40 today – or, in leap years, 10 years old.

Singer-songwriter Mark Foster, pictured with wife and actress Julia Garner, turns 40 today – or, in leap years, 10 years old

Singer-songwriter Mark Foster, pictured with wife and actress Julia Garner, turns 40 today – or, in leap years, 10 years old

Dinah Shore was born on February 29, 1916 and died in 1994 at the age of 77.  If she had been alive today, she would have been 107, or just over 26 years old in leap years.

Dinah Shore was born on February 29, 1916 and died in 1994 at the age of 77. If she had been alive today, she would have been 107, or just over 26 years old in leap years.

Dina Kust

Dinah Shore was an American singer, actress and television personality, and the top singer of the 1940s. She rose to prominence as a recording artist during the Big Band era.

Shore was born on February 29, 1916 and died in 1994 at the age of 77. If she had been alive today, she would have been 107, or just over 26 years old in leap years.

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