Casanova – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:17:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Casanova – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 Genoveva Casanova keert terug naar sociale media om mensen te bedanken voor ‘liefde en steun’ nadat ze vier maanden ondergedoken had gezeten omdat ze ‘rust en stilte nodig had’ na haar avondje uit met koning Frederik X Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:17:30 +0000

De Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva Casanova heeft voor het eerst sinds haar onderduik gesproken na beschuldigingen van een affaire met koning Frederik X van Denemarken. De 47-jarige ging dinsdag naar Instagram om mensen te bedanken die ‘het afgelopen jaar om haar hebben gegeven en haar ‘liefde en steun’ hebben getoond. De tv-ster werd gedwongen de ‘kwaadaardige […]

The post Genoveva Casanova keert terug naar sociale media om mensen te bedanken voor ‘liefde en steun’ nadat ze vier maanden ondergedoken had gezeten omdat ze ‘rust en stilte nodig had’ na haar avondje uit met koning Frederik X appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


De Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva Casanova heeft voor het eerst sinds haar onderduik gesproken na beschuldigingen van een affaire met koning Frederik X van Denemarken.

De 47-jarige ging dinsdag naar Instagram om mensen te bedanken die ‘het afgelopen jaar om haar hebben gegeven en haar ‘liefde en steun’ hebben getoond.

De tv-ster werd gedwongen de ‘kwaadaardige geruchten’ te ontkennen dat ze een affaire had met de huidige koning van Denemarken, nadat het paar in november samen was afgebeeld tijdens een avondje uit in Madrid.

Ze verbrak haar stilte met een selfie naast haar schattige hond en schreef: ‘Hallo allemaal! Hier ben ik terug! Ik wil alle mensen bedanken die het afgelopen jaar om mij hebben gegeven, degenen die mijn afwezigheid en mijn stilte hebben begrepen, en degenen die mij berichten van liefde en steun hebben gestuurd.’

‘Je hebt geen idee hoeveel dat voor mij betekende.. Hartelijk dank!

De Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva Casanova heeft voor het eerst sinds haar onderduik gesproken na beschuldigingen van een affaire met koning Frederik X van Denemarken

‘Het zijn een paar maanden geweest waarin ik rust en stilte nodig had, maar ik doe nu al mijn best om langzaamaan mijn normale leven weer op te pakken en aan mijn werkverplichtingen te voldoen.

‘Nogmaals hartelijk dank! Taj en ik laten onze beste glimlach achter met enkele foto’s van onze wandeling vanmiddag en wensen jullie allemaal een heel goede nacht.’

Het komt terwijl Genoveva is opgeroepen om te verschijnen in een Spaans reality-tv-programma, El Desafío 5.

Haar vrienden hebben ook met de Spaanse media gesproken en zeggen dat ze ‘voortdurend op medisch advies reist’ om ‘de stress van de mediadruk te vermijden’.

‘Ze is verpletterd door alles wat er is gebeurd en ze kan het niet verdragen om alles opnieuw te beleven. Fysiek is ze heel goed, hoewel magerder’, vertelde een vriendin Hallo!

Vorige week werd de 47-jarige betrapt toen ze tv-studio’s in Madrid binnenkwam, met een sjaal over haar hoofd, toen werd bevestigd dat ze zich had aangemeld voor een populaire Spaanse spelshow waarin ze ‘Miss X’ werd genoemd om haar echte identiteit te verbergen. .

TV-bazen brachten een promotieposter uit waarop de acht beroemdheden te zien zijn die te zien zullen zijn in de vijfde serie van het wekelijkse programma, genaamd El Desafio, wat zich in het Engels vertaalt als The Challenge.

De andere deelnemers die zijn bevestigd voor de show en samen met de moeder van twee kinderen zijn gefotografeerd, zijn onder meer de nicht van de Spaanse koning Felipe VI, Victoria Federica de Marichalar y Borbon, een beroemde stierenvechter genaamd Manuel Diaz Gonzalez, beter bekend onder zijn bijnaam ‘El Cordobes’. en voormalig professioneel tennisser Feliciano Lopez.

De 47-jarige ging dinsdag naar Instagram om mensen te bedanken die ‘het afgelopen jaar om haar hebben gegeven en haar’ liefde en steun hebben getoond

De 47-jarige ging dinsdag naar Instagram om mensen te bedanken die ‘het afgelopen jaar om haar hebben gegeven en haar’ liefde en steun hebben getoond

De Mexicaanse socialite die gedwongen wordt ‘kwaadaardige’ geruchten over haar vriendschap met koning Frederik van Denemarken (afgebeeld tijdens een avondje uit in Madrid) te ontkennen, heeft zich aangemeld voor een populaire tv-spelshow

De Mexicaanse socialite die gedwongen wordt ‘kwaadaardige’ geruchten over haar vriendschap met koning Frederik van Denemarken (afgebeeld tijdens een avondje uit in Madrid) te ontkennen, heeft zich aangemeld voor een populaire tv-spelshow

Genoveva kwam in november in de schijnwerpers, tijdens een avondje stappen met de toenmalige erfgenaam van de Deense troon.

Het tweetal maakte een wandeling door een park, ging naar een kunsttentoonstelling en at terwijl ze naar flamenco keken.

Op de foto’s, die vorige week voor het eerst werden gepubliceerd door het Spaanse tijdschrift Lecturas, zien we de koninklijke familie en de voormalige schoondochter van de miljardair, de hertogin van Alba, urenlang samen door de stad lopen voordat ze naar haar flatgebouw gaan, zich omkleden en op weg gaan naar de stad. weer uit voor de avond.

De publicatie van de foto’s veroorzaakte schokgolven in Spanje en Denemarken en leidde ertoe dat Genoveva, 47, een verklaring aflegde waarin ze elke vorm van romantische relatie tussen haarzelf en de toekomstige koning ontkende.

In een juridische brief op Instagram hekelde ze de ‘kwaadaardige’ geruchten die suggereerden dat het paar een romantische relatie had.

Zowel Frederik, de vierde neef van koning Charles, als zijn in Australië geboren vrouw van 19 jaar, koningin Mary, hebben geen commentaar gegeven op de foto’s.

Kort nadat ze waren gepubliceerd, deed zijn moeder, koningin Margrethe, afstand van de troon en besteeg Frederik de troon.

Spaanse media meldden dat de koninklijke vader van vier kinderen en de socialite, die zich eerder met acteren bezighield, een tentoonstelling van Pablo Picasso bezochten, door El Retiro Park liepen en later uit eten gingen.

TV-bazen brachten gisteravond een promotieposter uit waarop de acht beroemdheden te zien zijn die te zien zullen zijn in de vijfde serie van het wekelijkse programma, genaamd El Desafio, wat zich in het Engels vertaalt als The Challenge.

TV-bazen brachten gisteravond een promotieposter uit waarop de acht beroemdheden te zien zijn die te zien zullen zijn in de vijfde serie van het wekelijkse programma, genaamd El Desafio, wat zich in het Engels vertaalt als The Challenge.

Het Spaanse roddelblad Lecturas beweerde dat zowel Frederik als Genoveva rond 19.00 uur afzonderlijk naar haar flatgebouw gingen en beiden rond 21.00 uur, twee uur later, weer tevoorschijn kwamen, beiden nadat ze hun kleding hadden veranderd in avondkleding.

Foto’s laten zien dat Genoveva haar chique kamelenjas met strikceintuur achter zich liet en plaats maakte voor een wit overhemd, een zwarte broek met wijde pijpen en een zwart jasje dat op haar schouders werd gedragen.

Ondertussen leek Frederik te zijn veranderd van een marineblauw jasje en een bruine broek in een wit overhemd en een donkere broek met een keurig donker jasje.

Ze zouden afzonderlijk uit het gebouw zijn gekomen, maar in dezelfde witte auto zijn gestapt.

Het tijdschrift beweerde dat het paar een flamenco-optreden had gezien in een Spaans restaurant, El Corral de la Moreria, dat om middernacht eindigde.

Genoveva Casanova (foto) ging in zelfopgelegde ballingschap nadat foto's van haar die genoot van een avondje uit in Madrid met de getrouwde vader van vier kinderen eind vorig jaar de Deense monarchie op zijn kop zetten - vóór zijn troonsbestijging op 14 januari

Genoveva Casanova (foto) ging in zelfopgelegde ballingschap nadat foto’s van haar die genoot van een avondje uit in Madrid met de getrouwde vader van vier kinderen eind vorig jaar de Deense monarchie op zijn kop zetten – vóór zijn troonsbestijging op 14 januari

Koning Frederik van Denemarken X vormt een verenigd front met zijn vrouw, koningin Mary van Denemarken, en het paar kuste elkaar op het balkon van Christiansborg Paleis na een verklaring van zijn troonsbestijging op 14 januari

Koning Frederik van Denemarken X vormt een verenigd front met zijn vrouw, koningin Mary van Denemarken, en het paar kuste elkaar op het balkon van Christiansborg Paleis na een verklaring van zijn troonsbestijging op 14 januari

Er werd ook beweerd dat ze aan hun tafel bleven zitten, die werd geflankeerd door twee lijfwachten van de Deense prins, terwijl andere klanten vertrokken, obers hun diensten afmaakten en de lichten werden uitgeschakeld.

Lecturas beweerde dat het tweetal pas om 1 uur ‘s nachts uit het restaurant kwam, toen ze de straat op liepen en in een auto stapten. Als ‘hoffelijkheidsgebaar’ opende kroonprins Frederik de autodeur voor zijn dinergenoot.

De volgende dag werd Frederik met de auto naar het vliegveld gebracht, waar hij naar Denemarken vloog, aldus het tijdschrift.

Genoveva heeft pas een paar andere posts op sociale media gepubliceerd sinds ze met Frederik werd gefotografeerd.

Een daarvan was een video die ze op 16 januari op haar Instagram Live deelde, twee dagen nadat Frederick de Deense troon besteeg, die werd gepost door de Spaanse zanger Miguel Bose over kinderen die in slavernij in Afrika werken.

Het originele bericht van Bose luidde: ‘40.000 slavenkinderen in Congo worden gedwongen om in kobaltmijnen te werken, zodat we elektrische auto’s kunnen besturen’.

Voordat Genoveva vorige maand haar Instagram-account kortstondig deactiveerde en haar bijna 80.000 volgers een regelmatig kijkje in haar privéleven ontzegde, zei ze tegen de Spaanse journalist Beatriz Cortazar: ‘Ik probeer de verbinding te verbreken en ik praat met absoluut niemand, hoewel sommigen mensen zeggen anders.’

De Mexicaanse socialite verscheen vorig jaar op de achtste editie van de Spaanse Celebrity Masterchef, maar werd de eerste hoopvolle die werd opgestart nadat ze te veel kruiden in een gemarineerd visgerecht had gedaan dat ze had bereid.

Ze was in 2005 getrouwd met de zoon van de hertogin van Alba, Cayetano Martinez de Irujo. Het paar scheidde in 2007, maar blijft vrienden.

De opnames voor de nieuwe serie El Desafio beginnen op 1 maart. Een soortgelijke show, de Challenge UK, werd eerder dit jaar uitgezonden op Channel 5 en werd gepresenteerd door Mark Wright.

Genoveva kreeg te maken met intensieve kritiek nadat ze eind vorig jaar in Madrid werd afgebeeld met de toenmalige toekomstige koning van Denemarken, 55, zonder zijn vrouw, destijds prinses, nu koningin Mary.

Nadat de foto’s van de vrienden waren opgedoken, meldde het Spaanse tijdschrift Lecturas dat Casanova en Frederick samen hadden gegeten en tot 01.00 uur naar de flamenco hadden gekeken.

Koningin Mary heeft haar lippen stijf op elkaar gehouden over het diner van haar man met de socialite, en het koninklijk paar heeft sindsdien een verenigd optreden gegeven.

Eerder dit jaar beweerde een koninklijke deskundige dat koningin Margrethe van Denemarken afstand deed van de troon als een vorm van ‘damage control’ in de nasleep van het schandaal en om te voorkomen dat ‘Mary van Frederik gaat scheiden’ vanwege de ‘affaire’-geruchten.

Koninklijke verslaggever Kenth G. Madsen voerde aan dat Margrethe ‘geen andere keuze’ had dan af te treden.

Nadat de foto's in een Spaans roddelblad verschenen, ontkende de moeder van twee kinderen (foto) de 'kwaadaardige' geruchten over haar vriendschap met de koninklijke familie.

Nadat de foto’s in een Spaans roddelblad verschenen, ontkende de moeder van twee kinderen (foto) de ‘kwaadaardige’ geruchten over haar vriendschap met de koninklijke familie.

In een gesprek met FEMAIL beweerde de koninklijke verslaggever: ‘Het kan moeilijk zijn om vermeende ontrouw in een relatie te vergeven, tenzij de prijs voor het oogluikend voldoende hoog is.

‘Tegen de achtergrond van de onthulling van Frederiks bezoek aan Madrid en de documentatie van de ontmoeting met Genoveva Casanova, is het redelijk om aan te nemen dat koningin Margrethe de tijd heeft gevonden om een ​​reddingslijn uit te gooien, voordat de relatie tussen het kroonprinspaar volledig kapot ging door aan het schandaal.

‘De koningin had eigenlijk geen andere keuze: met een strategische zet slaagde de vorst erin de focus van de geruchten over de affaire weg te halen en tegelijkertijd Mary de hyperzeldzame status van koningin te geven.

‘Een koninklijk echtscheidingsschandaal van die omvang zou het sterkste koningshuis voor altijd kapot kunnen maken.

‘Het risico dat de populariteit en reputatie die de koningin in haar 52 jaar als vorstin heeft opgebouwd, voor altijd teniet zou kunnen worden gedaan als ze de schade niet had beperkt.’

Na de publicatie van de foto’s ontkende Genoveva woedend dat er een romantische relatie bestond tussen haarzelf en de Deense koninklijke familie.

In een verklaring van de socialite stond: ‘Ik ontken categorisch de uitspraken die wijzen op een romantische relatie tussen Prins Frederik en mij.’

Ze voegde eraan toe: ‘Elke verklaring van dit type ontbeert niet alleen volledig de waarheid, maar geeft ook op een kwaadaardige manier een verkeerde voorstelling van de feiten.

‘Dit is al in handen van mijn advocaten, die zorg zullen dragen voor de relevante stappen om mijn recht op eer, waarheid en privacy te beschermen.’

The post Genoveva Casanova keert terug naar sociale media om mensen te bedanken voor ‘liefde en steun’ nadat ze vier maanden ondergedoken had gezeten omdat ze ‘rust en stilte nodig had’ na haar avondje uit met koning Frederik X appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Genoveva Casanova ‘signs up for Spanish TV game show alongside Spain’s cousin King Felipe’ after photos of her night out with King Frederik of Denmark rock the monarchy Fri, 01 Mar 2024 04:16:39 +0000

The Mexican socialite who had to deny “malicious” rumors about her friendship with King Frederick of Denmark has signed up for a popular TV game show, according to local media reports. Genoveva Casanova went into self-imposed exile after photos of her enjoying a night out in Madrid with the married father-of-four rocked the Danish monarchy […]

The post Genoveva Casanova ‘signs up for Spanish TV game show alongside Spain’s cousin King Felipe’ after photos of her night out with King Frederik of Denmark rock the monarchy appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


The Mexican socialite who had to deny “malicious” rumors about her friendship with King Frederick of Denmark has signed up for a popular TV game show, according to local media reports.

Genoveva Casanova went into self-imposed exile after photos of her enjoying a night out in Madrid with the married father-of-four rocked the Danish monarchy late last year – before his accession to the throne on January 14.

The 47-year-old appeared to deactivate her Instagram in the wake of the rampage after taking refuge in her ex-husband Cayetano Martinez de Irujo’s palace home before flying to Mexico to spend time with her parents.

Overnight it emerged that her uncharacteristic disappearance from public view is nearing its end following reports that she will star in a Spanish TV show pitting celebrities against each other in extreme physical tests.

Filming for the fifth series of the popular programme, called El Desafio, which translates into English as The Challenge, is expected to begin in the next few days, although the film will not be shown until early next year.

The Mexican socialite who has been forced to deny ‘malicious’ rumors about her friendship with King Frederick of Denmark (pictured on a night out in Madrid) has signed up for a popular TV game show, according to local media reports

According to Spanish media, the key to accepting the offer from the production company Genoveva was the fact that she did not have to discuss issues related to her private life during the show.

Showbiz website Vanitatis claimed the mother of two recently turned down a lucrative opportunity to promote a luxury shoe brand because it would have involved a PR event and photo call.

Victoria Federica de Marichalar y Borbon, the niece of Spanish King Felipe VI, has already been named as one of the eight famous faces who will participate in the fifth edition of El Desafio.

The fourth edition of the primetime show on Friday evening on the Spanish channel Antena 3 was watched by almost two million viewers with 17 percent of the viewership share when it premiered earlier this year.

Genoveva has not yet commented on the latest reports.

She has all but left social media since denying “malicious rumors” about her friendship with then-Crown Prince Frederick after their night out together in Madrid in November.

Genoveva used her Instagram account to threaten legal action against Spanish magazine Lecturas, which published photos of her strolling through Madrid’s El Retiro Park with the royal family before going to her nearby home to change clothes and to eat out again.

She has only published a few other posts on social media since she was photographed with Frederik.

Genoveva Casanova (pictured) went into self-imposed exile after photos of her enjoying a night out in Madrid with the married father-of-four rocked the Danish monarchy late last year - before his accession to the throne on January 14

Genoveva Casanova (pictured) went into self-imposed exile after photos of her enjoying a night out in Madrid with the married father-of-four rocked the Danish monarchy late last year – before his accession to the throne on January 14

King Frederick of Denmark

King Frederick of Denmark

One of these was a video she shared on her Instagram Live on January 16, two days after Frederick ascended the Danish throne, which was posted by Spanish singer Miguel Bose about children working in slavery in Africa.

Bose’s original message read: ‘40,000 slave children in Congo are forced to work in cobalt mines so we can drive electric cars’.

Before Genoveva briefly deactivated her Instagram account last month, denying her nearly 80,000 followers a regular glimpse into her private life, she told Spanish journalist Beatriz Cortazar: “I’m trying to disconnect and I’m not talking to absolutely anyone, although some people say otherwise.’

The Mexican socialite appeared on the eighth edition of Spain’s Celebrity Masterchef last year, but became the first hopeful to be booted after putting too many spices in a marinated fish dish she had prepared.

She was married to the son of the Duchess of Alba, Cayetano Martinez de Irujo, in 2005. The couple divorced in 2007 but remain friends.

The recordings for the new series El Desafio start on March 1. A similar show, the Challenge UK, aired on Channel 5 earlier this year and was presented by Mark Wright.

Genoveva faced intense criticism after she was pictured in Madrid late last year with the then-future King of Denmark, 55, without his wife, then Princess, now Queen Mary.

After the photos of the friends surfaced, Spanish magazine Lecturas reported that Casanova and Frederick had dinner together and watched flamenco until 1 a.m.

Queen Mary has remained tight-lipped about her husband’s dinner with the socialite, and the royal couple have made a united appearance since.

After the photos appeared in a Spanish tabloid, the mother-of-two (pictured) denied 'malicious' rumors about her friendship with the royal family.

After the photos appeared in a Spanish tabloid, the mother-of-two (pictured) denied ‘malicious’ rumors about her friendship with the royal family.

Earlier this year, a royal expert claimed that Queen Margrethe of Denmark abdicated as a form of ‘damage control’ in the wake of the scandal and to prevent ‘Mary from divorcing Frederik’ over the ‘affair’ rumors .

Royal reporter Kenth G. Madsen argued that Margrethe had “no choice” but to resign.

Speaking to FEMAIL, the royal reporter claimed: ‘It can be difficult to forgive perceived infidelity in a relationship unless the price for turning a blind eye is high enough.

‘Against the background of the revelation of Frederick’s visit to Madrid and the documentation of the meeting with Genoveva Casanova, it is reasonable to assume that Queen Margrethe found the time to throw out a lifeline, before the relationship between the Crown Prince Couple was completely devastated by the scandal.

‘The queen actually had no other choice: in a strategic move, the monarch managed to take the focus off the rumors about the affair and at the same time give Mary the hyper-rare status of queen.

‘A royal divorce scandal of that magnitude could destroy the strongest royal family forever.

‘The risk that the popularity and reputation that the Queen has built up in her 52 years as monarch could be forever destroyed if she had not limited the damage.’

After the photos were published, Genoveva furiously denied that there was a romantic relationship between herself and the Danish royal family.

A statement from the socialite said: “I categorically deny the statements that indicate a romantic relationship between Prince Frederik and me.”

She added: “Any statement of this type not only completely lacks the truth, but also maliciously misrepresents the facts.

“This is already in the hands of my lawyers, who will take care of the relevant steps to protect my rights to honor, truth and privacy.”

The post Genoveva Casanova ‘signs up for Spanish TV game show alongside Spain’s cousin King Felipe’ after photos of her night out with King Frederik of Denmark rock the monarchy appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova deletes her Instagram page after photos of her night out with King Frederik of Denmark rock the monarchy Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:04:05 +0000

The Mexican socialite who was pictured with King Frederick of Denmark before he ascended the throne earlier this month has deleted her Instagram page. Genoveva Casanova had barely updated her social media account since she was forced to deny “malicious” rumors about her friendship with then-Crown Prince Frederik after their night out together in Madrid […]

The post Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova deletes her Instagram page after photos of her night out with King Frederik of Denmark rock the monarchy appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


The Mexican socialite who was pictured with King Frederick of Denmark before he ascended the throne earlier this month has deleted her Instagram page.

Genoveva Casanova had barely updated her social media account since she was forced to deny “malicious” rumors about her friendship with then-Crown Prince Frederik after their night out together in Madrid in November.

The photos of the 47-year-old and the married father of four rocked the Danish monarchy before Queen Margrethe surprisingly decided to step aside for her eldest son on New Year's Eve after 52 years on the throne.

Today, the socialite's Instagram page appeared to have been eliminated. The message: 'Sorry, this page is unavailable' appeared when her social media followers tried to open the page.

A message underneath read: 'The link you followed may be broken or the page may have been deleted. Go back to Instagram.'

The Spanish press today described Genoveva's decision as “drastic” and linked it to her “fatigue” at being thrust into the spotlight for her friendship with the recently crowned Danish monarch.

Genoveva's move follows 'malicious' rumors about her friendship with then Crown Prince Frederik after their night out together (pictured) in Madrid in November

A well-placed Spanish source said the socialite was still feeling “very anguished” about the fallout from the photos.

It wasn't immediately clear today whether she had decided to take a break from social media or eliminated her Instagram account for good.

It is believed that she has only published a few social media posts online since she was photographed with Frederik.

One of these was a video she shared on her Instagram on January 16, two days after Frederick ascended the Danish throne, which was posted by Spanish singer Miguel Bose about children working in slavery in Africa.

Bose's original message read: '40,000 slave children in Congo are forced to work in cobalt mines so we can drive electric cars'.

Before Genoveva deleted her Instagram account and denied her 70,000 followers a regular glimpse into her private life, she told Spanish journalist Beatriz Cortazar: “I try to disconnect and talk to absolutely no one, although some people say otherwise.”

Casanova faced intense criticism after she was pictured in Madrid late last year with the then future king of Denmark, 55, without his wife, then Princess Mary, now Queen Mary.

After the photos of the friends surfaced, Spanish magazine Lecturas reported that Casanova and Frederick had dinner together and watched flamenco until 1 a.m.

Genoveva's Instagram page is down and 'possibly deleted'.  It's not clear if she's taking a break or off Instagram for good

Genoveva's Instagram page is down and 'possibly deleted'. It's not clear if she's taking a break or off Instagram for good

The reality TV star was married to the son of the Duchess of Alba, Cayetano Martinez de Irujo, in 2005.  The couple divorced in 2007 but remain friends.

The reality TV star was married to the son of the Duchess of Alba, Cayetano Martinez de Irujo, in 2005. The couple divorced in 2007 but remain friends.

Meanwhile, King Frederick of Denmark

Meanwhile, King Frederick of Denmark

The reality TV star was married to the son of the Duchess of Alba, Cayetano Martinez de Irujo, in 2005. The couple divorced in 2007 but remain friends.

Queen Mary has remained tight-lipped about her husband's dinner with the socialite, and the royal couple have made a united appearance since.

Large crowds watched as Frederick was proclaimed king on the balcony of his country's parliament building, Christiansborg Castle, on January 14.

He was joined on the balcony by his Australian wife Mary, 51, who is now queen, and their children: Christian, 18, the new heir to the throne, Princess Isabelle, 16, and 13-year-old twin Princess Josephine. and Prince Vincent.

The newlyweds shared a kiss on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, with their four children by their sides.

Queen Margrethe II's abdication took place on January 14, when Frederick and Australian-born Mary succeeded to the throne of Denmark.

Queen Margrethe, who has held the title of queen for 52 years, confirmed her intention to step aside for her eldest son on New Year's Eve, much to the surprise of the country.

Thousands of people gathered outside Christiansborg Castle on Sunday, prepared with folding chairs and waving Danish flags in the hope of catching a glimpse of the royals.

On Instagram, just two days after King Frederick was crowned at Christiansborg Castle, Casanova shared a video by Spanish singer and actor Miguel Bose about children working in slavery in cobalt mines in Congo

On Instagram, just two days after King Frederick was crowned at Christiansborg Castle, Casanova shared a video by Spanish singer and actor Miguel Bose about children working in slavery in cobalt mines in Congo

'Beloved wife' The new king and queen pictured addressing the Danish people after Frederik officially became the country's new monarch

'Beloved wife' The new king and queen pictured addressing the Danish people after Frederick officially became the country's new monarch

Mary and Frederik traveled together in a 1958 Rolls-Royce from Amalienborg, followed by Queen Margrethe in a carriage, leaving Christian IX's palace.

The couple appeared united in their new roles, with the tumultuous events of late 2023 seemingly behind them – neither Frederick, a fourth cousin of King Charles, nor Mary commented individually on the alleged affair.

However, the Danish royal family has issued an official statement to Danish publication BT in light of the photos, saying they “do not comment on rumors or innuendo.”

Shortly after the “explosive” photos of then-Prince Frederik and the Mexican beauty were published by Spanish publication Lecturas, Ms Casanova branded the “malicious” rumors of an affair as false and misleading.

She also posted a legal letter on Instagram threatening legal action against the magazine, but has since remained silent about the “scandal.”

The new king and queen of Denmark enjoy the support of more than 80 percent of the Danish population, a recent opinion poll showed.

A study conducted for Ritzau revealed that Mary enjoyed slightly more popularity among the Danes than Frederick.

The poll asked to what extent Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik are suitable to become Queen Mary I and King Frederik X.

While 82 percent of people believe Frederick is suitable for the role of king, 86 percent believe Mary will make a good queen.

Danish royal commentator Kim Bach believes that although Frederick is popular, Mary's slight edge over her husband is likely due to rumors of his affair with Casanova.

The post Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova deletes her Instagram page after photos of her night out with King Frederik of Denmark rock the monarchy appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova breaks her silence as Denmark's new king and his 'beloved wife' Queen Mary celebrate their ascension to heaven – after photos of her night out with Frederik rock the monarchy Tue, 16 Jan 2024 11:06:42 +0000

Genoveva Casanova has published her first social media post since King Frederick X was crowned monarch of Denmark. The Mexican socialite, 47, hasn't posted to her Instagram account often since she was born forced to deny 'malicious' rumors about her friendship with then Crown Prince Frederik after a night out together in Madrid in November. […]

The post Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova breaks her silence as Denmark's new king and his 'beloved wife' Queen Mary celebrate their ascension to heaven – after photos of her night out with Frederik rock the monarchy appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Genoveva Casanova has published her first social media post since King Frederick X was crowned monarch of Denmark.

The Mexican socialite, 47, hasn't posted to her Instagram account often since she was born forced to deny 'malicious' rumors about her friendship with then Crown Prince Frederik after a night out together in Madrid in November.

However, on her Instagram Stories on Tuesday – two days after Frederick took over the Danish throne from Queen Margrethe – Casanova shared a video by Spanish singer and actor Miguel Bose about children working in slavery in Africa.

Bose's original message read: '40,000 slave children in Congo are forced to work in cobalt mines so we can drive electric cars'.

Mexican reality TV star Casanova (pictured) has posted on social media for the first time since King Frederick, who is married to Australian-born Queen Mary, ascended the throne on Sunday. In November, Casanova denied 'malicious' rumors of an affair after photos of herself and then-Prince Frederik enjoying a night out together in Madrid emerged

The photos that turned the Danish monarchy upside down: then Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Genoveva Casanova were seen in each other's company in Madrid in November

The photos that turned the Danish monarchy upside down: then Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Genoveva Casanova were seen in each other's company in Madrid in November

On Instagram, just two days after King Frederick was crowned at Christiansborg Castle, Casanova shared a video by Spanish singer and actor Miguel Bose about children working in slavery in cobalt mines in Congo

On Instagram, just two days after King Frederick was crowned at Christiansborg Castle, Casanova shared a video by Spanish singer and actor Miguel Bose about children working in slavery in cobalt mines in Congo

Casanova faced intense criticism after she was pictured in Madrid late last year with the then future king of Denmark, 55, without his wife, then Princess Mary, now Queen Mary.

After the photos of the friends surfaced, Spanish magazine Lecturas reported that Casanova and Frederick had dinner together and watched flamenco until 1 a.m.

The reality TV star, 47, married the Duchess of Alba's son Cayetano Martinez de Irujo in 2005. The couple divorced in 2007 but remain friends.

Queen Mary has remained tight-lipped about her husband's dinner with the socialite, and the royal couple have put on a united appearance since; On Sunday they shared a kiss on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, with their four children by their sides.

United front: Denmark's newly proclaimed King Frederik and Queen Mary appear on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace on Sunday, following the abdication of former Queen Margrethe

United front: Denmark's newly proclaimed King Frederik and Queen Mary appear on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace on Sunday, following the abdication of former Queen Margrethe

'Beloved wife' The new king and queen pictured addressing the Danish people after Frederik officially became the country's new monarch

'Beloved wife' The new king and queen pictured addressing the Danish people after Frederik officially became the country's new monarch

The couple, Queen Mary, a vision of elegance in all white, kissed the new king after he was proclaimed Danish monarch by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen

The couple, Queen Mary, a vision of elegance in all white, kissed the new king after he was proclaimed Danish monarch by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen

Queen Margrethe II's abdication took place on January 14, when Frederick and Australian-born Mary succeeded to the throne of Denmark.

Queen Margrethe, who has held the title of queen for 52 years, confirmed her intention to step aside for her eldest son on New Year's Eve, much to the surprise of the country.

Thousands of people gathered outside Christiansborg Castle on Sunday, prepared with folding chairs and waving Danish flags in the hope of catching a glimpse of the royals.

Mary and Frederik traveled together in a 1958 Rolls-Royce from Amalienborg, followed by Queen Margrethe in a carriage, leaving Christian IX's palace.

The couple appeared united in their new roles, with the tumultuous events of late 2023 seemingly behind them – neither Frederick, a fourth cousin of King Charles, nor Mary commented individually on the alleged affair.

However, the Danish royal family has issued an official statement to Danish publication BT in light of the photos, saying they “do not comment on rumors or innuendo.”

Shortly after the “explosive” photos of then-Prince Frederik and the Mexican beauty were published by Spanish publication Lecturas, Ms Casanova branded the “malicious” rumors of an affair as false and misleading.

She also posted a legal letter on Instagram threatening legal action against the magazine, but has since remained silent about the “scandal.”

Queen Mary and King Frederick X photographed the departing Christiansborg Castle on Sunday;  Neither royal family has commented on the rumors following Frederick's night out in November with Mexican socialite Casanova

Queen Mary and King Frederick X photographed the departing Christiansborg Castle on Sunday; Neither royal family has commented on the rumors following Frederick's night out in November with Mexican socialite Casanova

The new king and queen of Denmark enjoy the support of more than 80 percent of the Danish population, a recent opinion poll showed.

A study conducted for Ritzau revealed that Mary enjoyed slightly more popularity among the Danes than Frederick.

The poll asked to what extent Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik are suitable to become Queen Mary I and King Frederik X.

While 82 percent of people believe Frederick is suitable for the role of king, 86 percent believe Mary will make a good queen.

Danish royal commentator Kim Bach believes that although Frederick is popular, Mary's slight edge over her husband is likely due to rumors of his affair with Casanova.

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EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Has Denmark's new King Frederik been forgiven by his wife Queen Mary for his alleged feud with Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova? Tue, 16 Jan 2024 09:32:24 +0000

Has the new Queen Mary of Denmark forgiven her husband Frederik for his alleged feud with Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova? Yes, according to Australian body language expert Dr. Louise Mahler, who analyzed their attempts to kiss on the Copenhagen balcony after they became king and queen. “There were several options for a kiss that were […]

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Has the new Queen Mary of Denmark forgiven her husband Frederik for his alleged feud with Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova?

Yes, according to Australian body language expert Dr. Louise Mahler, who analyzed their attempts to kiss on the Copenhagen balcony after they became king and queen.

“There were several options for a kiss that were not well matched,” says Dr. Mahler. 'Mary had the chance to kiss and Frederik missed it, but then the opposite happened and they ended up kissing. I found the kiss sincere and full of warmth.'

Louise puts down her binoculars to give the marriage a thumbs up.

Frederik is forgiven, according to Australian body language expert Dr. Louise Mahler, who analyzed their attempts to kiss on the Copenhagen balcony

Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova (photo) is said to have had an affair with the new king

Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova (photo) is said to have had an affair with the new king

Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark visit the DAC Danish Architecture Center on November 8, 2023

Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark visit the DAC Danish Architecture Center on November 8, 2023

The abdication of Denmark Queen Margrethe brings back memories of her state visit to Great Britain, where she lit a cigarette during the coffee phase of a private lunch with her friend the late Queen.

Margrethe, affectionately called Daisy, accidentally burned a hole in the tablecloth.

She was too slow in moving her head to cover it and the queen remarked, 'Daisy, this cloth was of Queen Victoria.'

Without hesitation, Daisy replied, “Then it's time for you to get some new linen.” A few days later new linen arrived from Copenhagen.

Margrethe, in the photo, affectionately called Daisy, accidentally burned a hole in the tablecloth

Margrethe, in the photo, affectionately called Daisy, accidentally burned a hole in the tablecloth

A delegation from the anti-monarchist Republic appeared at the gates of Sandringham to present the king with boxes of court-released documents on Andrew and Epstein.

A banner asking: 'Charles, why are you hiding?' was hung on the railing. Charles wasn't hiding. He was 500 miles away at Balmoral. Do!

Crispian Mills, son of Hayley and grandson of Johnny, will not be inviting Sunshine Superman Donovan, 77, for tea and cakes again anytime soon.

Crispian, singer with Kula Shaker, tells Classic Rock that he had the singer back at his flat in Highgate for a songwriting session.

'He brought a Tupperware box full of hash cakes made by his wife. We ate the cakes and I can't remember anything other than the sentence: 'One English Summer, stupid t***s with cricket bats.'

Mastermind inquisitor Clive Myrie admits he's suspending his compassion for the participants.

“I'm an animal,” he tells Radio Times. 'There's a voice in my ear: 'No mercy! No mercy!' If there's any suggestion that I'm soft – if the answer is fried eggs and someone says 'boiled eggs', and I say, 'Yes, I'll give you that' – then I get it in my ear: 'No, No no no!'

He adds: 'This is how the program started – [series creator] Bill Wright was shot and interrogated by the Gestapo.'

Mastermind presenter Clive Myrie (pictured) said he has a voice in his ear saying 'no mercy!'

Mastermind presenter Clive Myrie (pictured) said he has a voice in his ear saying 'no mercy!'

No Rest in Peacekeeping Missions for Annie Nightingale by Paul Simon. He reacted angrily when she asked him during the Old Gray Whistle Test how he shared songwriting duties with singing partner Art Garfunkel.

After he icily replied that Garfunkel had never written anything, Annie asked, “Is that common knowledge?” Simon snapped, “I think almost everyone knows, except you.”

John Lennon's New York lawyer Leon Wildes, who has died, fought for years to avoid being deported for a British drug offence. Not a Beatle fan, he told his wife, “I just met Jack Lemmon and Yoko Moto.”

From left to right: Yoko Ono, former Beatle John Lennon and lawyer Leon Wildes

From left to right: Yoko Ono, former Beatle John Lennon and lawyer Leon Wildes

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Genoveva Casanova says intense love ‘is worth the fall’ in resurfaced Spanish TV interview as she lays low after ‘affair’ rumors with Crown Prince Frederik ahead of his ascension to the Danish throne Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:52:57 +0000

As Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark prepares to ascend the throne on January 14 and become King Frederick a better time. After photos emerged of Crown Prince Frederik’s night out with Genoveva Casanova in Madrid in early November, the Danish royal family was shocked when the Mexican socialite was forced to issue a statement strongly […]

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As Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark prepares to ascend the throne on January 14 and become King Frederick a better time.

After photos emerged of Crown Prince Frederik’s night out with Genoveva Casanova in Madrid in early November, the Danish royal family was shocked when the Mexican socialite was forced to issue a statement strongly denying any suggestion of a romantic affair.

Since then, Crown Prince Frederik, 55, and Crown Princess Mary, 51, who married in 2004 after meeting in a bar in Australia during the Sydney Olympics, have put on a united front and carried out their royal duties with a business-as-usual principle . attitude.

However, mother-of-two Genoveva, 47, cuts a much more mysterious figure as she has only been spotted walking her dogs a few times in northern Spain.

Spanish magazine Lectureswho first reported Genoveva and Crown Prince Frederik’s night out in Madrid, claims she also spent time in London with her two children before returning to the Spanish capital for Christmas – and for avid royal watchers: an old television interview that was repeated last weekend has attracted attention.

Genoveva Casanova said in a TV interview that resurfaced on Spanish channel La 2 that she loves deeply and believes strong romantic love is ‘worth the fall’

Lecturas reports that the old interview, which was repeated on the evening of December 29 on La 2, was posted by Genoveva on her social media channels.

As reported by LecturesSpanish TV channel La 2 repeated an interview recorded at Genoveva’s home in Mexico, in which she opened up about her love life – including her divorce from Cayetano Martínez de Irujo with whom she remains in a close relationship.

She revealed that she considers herself a romantic person who loves with intensity and said that if things don’t work out, it’s “worth the fall” because she has flown so high while in love.

While the comments are not new, Genoveva reportedly drew attention to the repeated TV interview on her social media accounts – in some of her first moves since her night out with Crown Prince Frederik in Madrid.

While the comments are not new, Genoveva reportedly drew attention to the repeated TV interview on her social media accounts – in some of her first moves since her night out with Crown Prince Frederik in Madrid.

The socialite was reportedly hiding in San Sebastian in the Palacio de Arbaizenea, which belongs to her ex-husband's family

The socialite was reportedly hiding in San Sebastian in the Palacio de Arbaizenea, which belongs to her ex-husband’s family

However, the socialite added that even though she loves to love, her platonic relationships mean the most to her, revealing that her friends will always take precedence over her romantic relationships.

Elsewhere in the interview, Genoveva reflected on her marriage to the Spanish author, with whom she shares two children.

After the marriage ended and the divorce was finalized in 2007, Genoveva said it felt like a “defeat” in her life, but added that she let herself feel the heartbreak.

The resurfaced interview comes after reports that the Mexican socialite took cover at her ex-husband’s home, the Palace of Arbaizenea, in San Sebastian, as the fallout from the release of the photos continued.

Photos taken in November showed the socialite, who was married to Cayetano Martínez de Irujo for two years, wearing a gray hoodie and a dark wrap coat as she walked down the street and talked on the phone while walking her dogs.

Spanish magazine Hola! reported that she had stayed in the mansion, which was previously owned by her ex-mother-in-law, the Duchess of Alba and was left to her son Cayetano Martínez de Irujo.

This magazine reported that Genoveva goes to San Sebastian when she wants to “disconnect” from public life.

It also reported that the socialite and her ex have “excellent” terms, meaning she can stay at his family properties whenever she wants.

After photos of her night out with Crown Prince Frederik surfaced, a Spanish TV presenter said last week that sources had told her that Genoveva had “gone into hiding” and switched off her phone.

Susanna Griso said on Espejo Público: “Her friends have told me that she is having a very difficult time.

“She is currently in hiding and has turned off her cell phone because she doesn’t want anyone to call her.”

Photos of Genoveva and the Danish king’s upcoming night out in Madrid surfaced in Lecturas in November and were said to have been taken on October 25.

The magazine reported that the pair had attended an exhibition together, before walking through El Retiro Park and returning to her apartment to change before emerging a few hours later in dining clothes, to go to a restaurant in the city to go.

The magazine claims the Crown Prince dined with mother-of-two Genoveva at El Corral de la Moreria that evening, with the pair leaving the restaurant at 1am.

Following reports of the night out, Genoveva took to social media to condemn ‘malicious’ rumors of a romantic relationship between herself and the Danish royal family.

A statement from the socialite said: ‘I categorically deny the statements indicating a romantic relationship between Prince Frederick and me.’

She added: “Any statement of this type not only completely lacks the truth, but also maliciously misrepresents the facts.

“This is already in the hands of my lawyers, who will take care of the relevant steps to protect my rights to honor, truth and privacy.”

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Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark is seen for the first time after Genoveva Casanova breaks her silence on social media since photos sparked ‘affair’ scandal Wed, 22 Nov 2023 22:34:11 +0000

It was ‘business as usual’ for Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark today, after Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova returned to social media news for the first time since their night out in Madrid. The Danish royal, 55, beamed as he greeted Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan at Amalienborg Castle in Copenhagen on Wednesday. The […]

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It was ‘business as usual’ for Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark today, after Mexican socialite Genoveva Casanova returned to social media news for the first time since their night out in Madrid.

The Danish royal, 55, beamed as he greeted Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan at Amalienborg Castle in Copenhagen on Wednesday.

The heir to the Danish throne looked dapper in a navy blue suit that he paired with a light blue shirt and a brown tie.

While Vo Thi Anh Xuan looked sophisticated in a floral embroidered purple floor-length dress.

As he took a few photos with the vice president, the royal family appeared relaxed despite the media storm that continues to swirl around him.

Crown Prince Frederik is seen for the first time since Genoveva Casanova broke her silence after their evening in Madrid made headlines

Rumors started after photos were published in Spanish magazine Lecturas of his night out in Madrid with glamorous Mexican socialite Genoveva – without his wife Princess Mary of Denmark, 51.

And yesterday Genoveva broke her silence after the photos sparked speculation of an ‘affair’.

The socialite posted a tribute to mark the anniversary of the death of her late mother-in-law, the Duchess of Alba, nine years ago at the age of 88.

“I miss you so much… your affection, your sense of humor, your motherly way of caring and caring for us, how I wish you had never left,” Ms. Casanova wrote alongside a photo of them together.

‘Even though sometimes you still sit here next to me. You always loved me, almost like another daughter, no matter what. Until the day you left, you always held my hand. Thank you for your unconditional love.”

The reality TV star, 47, married the duchess’ son, Cayetano Martinez de Irujo, in 2005. The couple divorced in 2007 but remain friends.

Shortly after the “explosive” photos of Prince Frederik and the Mexican beauty were published by Spanish publication Lecturas, Ms Casanova branded the “malicious” rumors of an affair as false and misleading.

The Danish royal, 55, beamed as he greeted Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan (left) at Amalienborg Castle in Copenhagen on Wednesday

The Danish royal, 55, beamed as he greeted Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan (left) at Amalienborg Castle in Copenhagen on Wednesday

Yesterday, Genoveva broke her silence after the photos sparked speculation of an 'affair'

Yesterday, Genoveva broke her silence after the photos sparked speculation of an ‘affair’

The glamorous 47-year-old mourned the death of her former late mother-in-law by sharing an image on Instagram.  The Duchess of Alba, a Spanish aristocrat, (left) died nine years ago at the age of 88

The glamorous 47-year-old mourned the death of her former late mother-in-law by sharing an image on Instagram. The Duchess of Alba, a Spanish aristocrat, (left) died nine years ago at the age of 88

She also posted a legal letter on Instagram threatening legal action against the magazine, but has since remained silent about the “scandal.”

Meanwhile, Prince Frederik was recently spotted looking relaxed and carefree on a royal hunt at Gludsted Plantation near Silkeborg, as he continued his royal duties despite global headlines and online backlash.

Both Frederick, a fourth cousin of King Charles, and Princess Mary have yet to comment individually on the alleged affair, but the Danish royal family issued an official statement to Danish publication BT last week, saying they “do not comment on rumors or insinuations’. ‘.

It is the latest scandal to engulf the family, with royalists taking to the palace’s official Instagram account to express their anger.

“Respect and admiration for Princess Mary and a big ‘shame, shame, shame on you’ Crown Prince Frederik… for your alleged affair/friendship with a certain Mexican socialite,” one woman commented.

“Unfortunately, this undermines the integrity of the Danish royal family.”

Another commentator applauded Princess Mary for carrying out her duties with “dignity, enthusiasm and discretion” amid the controversy. Other fans noticed that the couple seemed to act differently at official engagements.

While Vo Thi Anh Xuan looked sophisticated in a floral embroidered purple floor-length dress

While Vo Thi Anh Xuan looked sophisticated in a floral embroidered purple floor-length dress

As he took a few photos with the vice president, the royal family appeared relaxed despite the media storm that continues to swirl around him

As he took a few photos with the vice president, the royal family appeared relaxed despite the media storm that continues to swirl around him

Lecturas reported that during their night out, Prince Frederik and Mrs. Casanova visited a Pablo Picasso exhibition, walked through El Retiro Park and later went out for dinner.

Around 7 p.m., Lecturas claimed that both Frederik and Genoveva went to her apartment building separately, and both emerged around 9 p.m., two hours later, after both changed their clothes to evening wear.

In the photos, Genoveva had swapped her chic camel coat with a tie belt for a white shirt, black wide-leg trousers and a black jacket worn on her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Frederik seemed to have changed from a navy blue jacket and brown trousers to a white shirt and dark trousers with a neat dark jacket. Again, they are said to have come out of the building separately, but got into the same white car.

The magazine claimed the pair had seen a flamenco performance at a Spanish restaurant, El Corral de la Moreria, which ended at midnight.

Both Frederick, a fourth cousin of King Charles, and his wife Mary have yet to personally comment on the rumors surrounding his night out with Genoveva.

Both Frederick, a fourth cousin of King Charles, and his wife Mary have yet to personally comment on the rumors surrounding his night out with Genoveva.

It was also claimed that they remained seated at their table, which was flanked by two of the Danish prince’s bodyguards, while other customers left, waiters finished their shifts and the lights were switched off.

Lecturas claimed the pair didn’t leave the restaurant until 1 a.m., when they walked out onto the street and got into a car. As a ‘gesture of courtesy’, Lecturas reports that Prince Frederik opened the car door for his dinner companion.

The magazine claims that the next day the heir to the Danish throne was taken by car to the airport, where he flew to Denmark.

Daily Mail Australia spoke to Amber Petty, Princess Mary’s best friend and maid of honor, who declined to comment on the scandal or “go anywhere near it.”

A communications expert told BT that the palace did not appear concerned about the rumors and was likely treating them as a ‘wind’ rather than a storm.

Yesterday, Crown Princess Mary oozed elegance as she attended a gala reception at Copenhagen City Hall.

The royal, 51, was impeccably dressed in a wine-colored velvet dress from Beulah London as she joined Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan in the Danish capital.

It was the second time the mother of three wore the popular Yahvi dress, after first debuting it during a visit to Poland in 2019.

The mother-of-four’s demure, midi-length dress featured a fitted bodice, flared sleeves and a full skirt that fell to the shin.

She showed off a glamorous makeup look, including a smoky eye and heavy eyeliner, while her nails were painted white.

The royal wore semi-sheer black tights and swept her hair back into a chignon to show off her sparkling diamond earrings.

Vice President of Vietnam Vo Thi Anh Xuan makes an official visit to Denmark after being formally invited by Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Princess Mary and her husband, Crown Prince Frederik, 55, visited Vietnam from October 31 to November 3, 2022.

And Beulah London’s Yahvi dress isn’t just a favorite of Mary: the Duchess of Edinburgh has also worn the design.

This year, Sophie has worn the coral and cream versions of the Yahvi dress a total of six times, most notably to the Coronation Concert and Trooping the Colour.

She also presented the olive velvet variant twice in 2019.

The signature mid-length design combines style and comfort with a fitted bodice, fitted waist, covered buttons and a side slit for freedom of movement.

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]]> 0 32868
Genoveva Casanova breaks her silence after photos of her with Danish Prince Frederik sparked ‘affair’ scandal Wed, 22 Nov 2023 03:15:29 +0000

Genoveva Casanova has broken her silence after photos of her on a night out with Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark sparked speculation of an ‘affair’. The Mexican socialite, who was pictured with the future king, 55, in Madrid last month without his wife Mary, mourned the anniversary of her late mother-in-law’s death online. The Duchess […]

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Genoveva Casanova has broken her silence after photos of her on a night out with Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark sparked speculation of an ‘affair’.

The Mexican socialite, who was pictured with the future king, 55, in Madrid last month without his wife Mary, mourned the anniversary of her late mother-in-law’s death online. The Duchess of Alba, a Spanish aristocrat, died nine years ago at the age of 88.

“I miss you so much… your affection, your sense of humor, your motherly way of caring and caring for us, how I wish you had never left,” Ms. Casanova wrote alongside a photo of them together.

‘Even though sometimes you still sit here next to me. You always loved me, almost like another daughter, no matter what. Until the day you left, you always held my hand. Thank you for your unconditional love.”

The reality TV star, 47, married the Duchess’ son, Cayetano Martinez de Irujo, in 2005; the couple divorced in 2007 but remain friends.

Shortly after the “explosive” photos of the couple were published by Spanish publication Lecturas, Ms Casanova branded the “malicious” rumors of an affair as false and misleading. She also posted a legal letter on Instagram threatening legal action against the magazine, but has since remained silent.

Reality TV star Genoveva Casanova (pictured) has been at the center of speculation since it emerged she has struck up a friendship with the prince, who is married to Australian-born Princess Mary and has four children.

The glamorous 47-year-old mourned the death of her former late mother-in-law by sharing an image on Instagram.  The Duchess of Alba, a Spanish aristocrat, (left) died nine years ago at the age of 88.  She has remained silent about the rumors since her initial statement

The glamorous 47-year-old mourned the death of her former late mother-in-law by sharing an image on Instagram. The Duchess of Alba, a Spanish aristocrat, (left) died nine years ago at the age of 88. She has remained silent about the rumors since her initial statement

Meanwhile, Prince Frederik was seen this week looking relaxed and carefree as he continued his royal duties, despite global headlines and online backlash.

The prince was on a royal hunt at Gludsted Plantation near Silkeborg. He was accompanied by Danish politician Finn Poulsen of the Conservative People’s Party, Master Court Hunter Jens Bjerregaard Christensen and scientist Karen Barfod.

Both Frederick, King Charles’ fourth cousin, and his wife Mary have yet to comment individually on the alleged affair, but…he Danish Royal family made an official statement together last week.

Seven days after Lecturas published the photos of Frederik on a night out with Ms Casanova, the royal family told Danish publication BT that they “do not comment on rumors or innuendo.”

Prince Frederik also looks relaxed and carefree as he continues his royal duties amid global headlines

Prince Frederik also looks relaxed and carefree as he continues his royal duties amid global headlines

The Royal Hunts are the official hunts of the Danish royal houses and take place from October 1 to mid-January during the hunting season

The Royal Hunts are the official hunts of the Danish royal houses and take place from October 1 to mid-January during the hunting season

It is the latest scandal to engulf the royal family, with royalists taking to the palace’s official Instagram account to express their anger.

“Respect and admiration for Princess Mary and a big ‘shame, shame, shame on you’ Crown Prince Frederik… for your alleged affair/friendship with a certain Mexican socialite,” one woman commented.

“Unfortunately, this undermines the integrity of the Danish royal family.”

Another commentator praised Princess Mary for carrying out her duties with “dignity, enthusiasm and discretion” amid the controversy. Other fans noted that Prince Frederik and Princess Mary seemed to behave differently in public, despite presenting a united front at official engagements.

Both Frederick, King Charles' fourth cousin, and his wife Mary have yet to personally comment on the alleged affair (photo on November 7)

Both Frederick, King Charles’ fourth cousin, and his wife Mary have yet to personally comment on the alleged affair (photo on November 7)

Timeline of Frederik’s evening with Genoveva, according to the magazine

The magazine claims that the following timeline of events took place.

October 25, afternoon: Frederik and Genoveva walk around El Retiro Park

19:00: Frederik and Genoveva go to her apartment separately

9 o’clock in the evening: They come out of the building separately, after changing, and get into the same white car

9:00 PM – 12:00 PM: Travel as a couple to El Corral de la Moreria restaurant for dinner and to watch flamenco

1am: The couple leaves the restaurant and gets into a car

8:30 am: Frederik leaves Genoveva’s apartment

Lecturas reported that during their night out, Prince Frederik and Mrs. Casanova visited a Pablo Picasso exhibition, walked through El Retiro Park and later went out for dinner.

Around 7 p.m., Lecturas claimed that both Frederik and Genoveva went to her apartment building separately, and both emerged around 9 p.m., two hours later, after both changed their clothes to evening wear.

In the photos, Genoveva has swapped her chic camel coat with a tie belt for a white shirt, black wide-leg pants and a black jacket worn on her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Frederik seemed to have changed from a navy blue jacket and brown trousers to a white shirt and dark trousers with a neat dark jacket. Again, they are said to have come out of the building separately, but got into the same white car.

The magazine claimed the pair had seen a flamenco performance at a Spanish restaurant, El Corral de la Moreria, which ended at midnight.

It was also claimed that they remained seated at their table, which was flanked by two of the Danish prince’s bodyguards, while other customers left, waiters finished their shifts and the lights were switched off.

Lecturas claimed the pair didn’t leave the restaurant until 1 a.m., when they walked out onto the street and got into a car. As a ‘courtesy gesture’, Lecturas reports that Crown Prince Frederik opened the car door for his dinner companion.

The magazine claims that the next day the heir to the Danish throne was taken by car to the airport, where he flew to Denmark.

Spain's King Felipe and Queen Letizia, and Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are pictured together in Copenhagen, Denmark, on November 8, just days after rumors of an affair were made public

Spain’s King Felipe and Queen Letizia, and Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are pictured together in Copenhagen, Denmark, on November 8, just days after rumors of an affair were made public

Daily Mail Australia spoke to Amber Petty, Princess Mary’s best friend and maid of honor, who declined to comment on the scandal or “go anywhere near it.”

Daily Mail Australia also contacted the royal palace but received no response before publication.

A communications expert told BT that the palace did not appear concerned about the rumors and was likely treating them as a ‘wind’ rather than a storm.

The alleged affair comes after the Danish royal family was shocked by the Queen’s ruling titles of a number of family members.

In September last year, the monarch announced her decision to remove the prince and princess titles from four of her grandchildren.

It also follows Prince Christian, 16, being withdrawn from the elite Herlufsholm boarding school in June after allegations of sexual and physical abuse emerged in a documentary.

His sister Isabella, 15, was also supposed to be there, but her parents brought her along too.

The accusations did not involve the young royals.

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Kroonprins Frederik van Denemarken ziet er ontspannen uit tijdens zijn reis met spraakmakende Denen in Jutland – terwijl de ruzie voortduurt na zijn avond in Madrid met de Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva Casanova Tue, 21 Nov 2023 20:41:40 +0000

Kroonprins Frederik van Denemarken is deze week weer gespot terwijl hij zich overgaf aan een van zijn favoriete passies: jagen. De Deense koninklijke familie, 55, zag er ontspannen uit terwijl hij opnieuw een buitenavontuur organiseerde terwijl het jachtseizoen in de regio Midden-Jutland in zijn thuisland in volle gang was. De erfgenaam van de Deense troon […]

The post Kroonprins Frederik van Denemarken ziet er ontspannen uit tijdens zijn reis met spraakmakende Denen in Jutland – terwijl de ruzie voortduurt na zijn avond in Madrid met de Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva Casanova appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Kroonprins Frederik van Denemarken is deze week weer gespot terwijl hij zich overgaf aan een van zijn favoriete passies: jagen.

De Deense koninklijke familie, 55, zag er ontspannen uit terwijl hij opnieuw een buitenavontuur organiseerde terwijl het jachtseizoen in de regio Midden-Jutland in zijn thuisland in volle gang was.

De erfgenaam van de Deense troon droeg pro-uitziende uitrusting – waaronder een bruin Harkila-jasje over een tweedlaag en een traditionele jachthoed – terwijl hij op weg ging naar de natuur met politici, militairen en wetenschappers.

Het Deense achterland zal waarschijnlijk een welkom toevluchtsoord bieden tegen de mediastorm die blijft ronddwarrelen na de foto’s in het Spaanse tijdschrift Lecturas van zijn avondje uit in Madrid met de glamoureuze Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva – zonder zijn vrouw prinses Mary van Denemarken, 51.

Kroonprins Frederik van Denemarken zag er goedgehumeurd uit toen hij dinsdag deelnam aan de Koninklijke Jacht in Gludsted Plantage bij Silkeborg, in Midden-Jutland in Denemarken – terwijl de mediastorm over zijn avondje uit in Madrid met de glamoureuze Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva blijft ronddwalen

Ondanks berichten dat hij realityster Genoveva – de voormalige schoondochter van de miljardair, de hertogin van Alba – voor het eerst ontmoette tijdens een luxe jachttocht in de bergen, leek hij weer van de jacht te genieten terwijl hij met een groot aantal spraakmakende Denen praatte op zijn meest recent uitje.

Frederik was dinsdag aan het chatten met Master Court Hunter Jens Bjerregaard Christensen, de Deense politicus Finn Poulsen van de Conservatieve Volkspartij en topwetenschapper Karen Barfod.

Het is bijna een week geleden dat Genoveva, 47, een zinderende verklaring aflegde waarin ze ‘kwaadaardige’ geruchten veroordeelde dat ze een romantische relatie heeft met de prins. De socialite zoekt momenteel rust en stilte in San Sebastián, in een woning die eigendom is van de familie van haar ex-man.

Vorige week plaatste het koninklijk huis opnieuw een jachtexpeditie van Frederik op Instagram, met de tekst: ‘In de regen en de natte sneeuw is er vandaag een koningsjacht gehouden in Gribskov. De koninklijke jachten zijn de officiële jachten van het Koninklijk Huis, die plaatsvinden tijdens het jachtseizoen van 1. Oktober tot half januari in de Deense staatsbossen.’

Voor Frederik, links, was het de afgelopen dagen 'business as usual', terwijl hij genoot van dagjes uit in de natuur en de traditionele koninklijke jacht op het platteland van Denemarken meemaakte.

Voor Frederik links was het de afgelopen dagen business as usual, terwijl hij genoot van dagjes uit in de natuur en de traditionele koninklijke jacht op het platteland van Denemarken meemaakte.

Die foto's: het Spaanse tijdschrift Lecturas publiceerde eerder deze maand beelden van de koninklijke familie tijdens een avondje uit in Madrid met de glamoureuze Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva (foto) – en zonder zijn vrouw prinses Mary van Denemarken, 51, –

Die foto’s: het Spaanse tijdschrift Lecturas publiceerde eerder deze maand beelden van de koninklijke familie tijdens een avondje stappen in Madrid met de glamoureuze Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva (foto) – en zonder zijn vrouw prinses Mary van Denemarken, 51, –

Van top tot teen gekleed in jachtuitrusting, inclusief een traditionele hoed, verscheen de Prins opgewekt toen hij het landelijke Midden-Jutland binnenstapte

Van top tot teen gekleed in jachtuitrusting, inclusief een traditionele hoed, verscheen de Prins opgewekt toen hij het landelijke Midden-Jutland binnenstapte

Er zijn berichten dat hij realityster Genoveva – de voormalige schoondochter van de miljardair hertogin van Alba – voor het eerst ontmoette tijdens een luxe jachttocht in de bergen

Er zijn berichten dat hij realityster Genoveva – de voormalige schoondochter van de miljardair hertogin van Alba – voor het eerst ontmoette tijdens een luxe jachttocht in de bergen

Tijdens het jachtseizoen ontvangt de koninklijke familie een groot aantal vooraanstaande Deense figuren en deze week werd hij afgebeeld met Master Court Hunter Jens Bjerregaard Christensen, uiterst rechts, de Deense politicus Finn Poulsen van de Conservatieve Volkspartij, tweede van links, en wetenschapper Karen Barfod, ver weg. links

Tijdens het jachtseizoen ontvangt de koninklijke familie een groot aantal vooraanstaande Deense figuren en deze week werd hij afgebeeld met Master Court Hunter Jens Bjerregaard Christensen, uiterst rechts, de Deense politicus Finn Poulsen van de Conservatieve Volkspartij, tweede van links, en wetenschapper Karen Barfod, ver weg. links

‘Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid De Kroonprins was gastheer van de jacht van vandaag, terwijl Hare Majesteit de Koningin vanavond een jachtbord organiseerde in de Koepelzaal van Paleis Fredensborg, waar het een traditie is om te toosten “op alle goede jagers”.’

Susanna Griso, presentatrice van het Spaanse tv-programma Espejo Público, beweerde onlangs dat Genoveva dicht bij de erfgenaam van de Deense troon was gekomen nadat ze elkaar hadden ontmoet tijdens een luxe jachttocht in de bergen.

De gastheer legt uit: ‘Dit zijn exclusieve bijeenkomsten, waar je veel geld voor moet betalen. Alle leden van het koningshuis en de kinderen van de grote families zijn aanwezig. De reizen worden vooral in Duitsland en Oostenrijk georganiseerd.’

Op dit soort reizen, meestal in bergachtige streken, betalen gasten duizenden euro’s om te kunnen jagen op Europese grootwilddieren zoals edelherten, alpensteenbokken, wilde zwijnen en wilde moeflonschapen.

Gisteren verbrak de koninklijke familie van Denemarken het stilzwijgen over het schandaal en zei tegen de Deense publicatie BT dat ze ‘geen commentaar geven op geruchten of insinuaties’.

De kroonprins leek te genieten van de ceremonie van de jacht op de reis naar Jutland

De kroonprins leek te genieten van de ceremonie van de jacht op de reis naar Jutland

Hob-nobbing: Op een gegeven moment werd de koninklijke familie gezien tijdens een gesprek met de Deense politicus Finn Poulsen

Hob-nobbing: Op een gegeven moment werd de koninklijke familie gezien tijdens een gesprek met de Deense politicus Finn Poulsen

Zowel Frederik, de vierde neef van koning Karel III, als zijn vrouw Mary moeten nog persoonlijk commentaar geven op de geruchten.

Het Deense koningshuis was vorige week opgeschrikt door berichten dat Frederik een dag en avond met Genoveva in Madrid had doorgebracht.

Op foto’s was het paar te zien terwijl ze slenterde in Barrio el Jerónimos, waar Genoveva woont, na een wandeling te hebben gemaakt in het El Retiro Park in het centrum van de Spaanse hoofdstad.

Het Spaanse tijdschrift Lecturas meldde dat het paar eerder op de dag een tentoonstelling van Pablo Picasso had bezocht, voordat ze naar een restaurant gingen om te dineren en een flamenco-optreden te bekijken.

Te midden van de drukte die door de foto’s wordt veroorzaakt, heeft Prins Frederik deze week thuis gewoon zijn gang gegaan, terwijl Genoveva de rust en stilte zoekt in San Sebastián in een woning die eigendom is van de familie van haar ex-man.

De socialite, die zich in het verleden ook met acteren bezighield en onlangs verscheen in de Spaanse versie van Celebrity Masterchef, was twee jaar getrouwd met Cayetano Martínez de Irujo.

Vorige week werd de 55-jarige erfgenaam van de Deense troon op het Instagram-account van het Koninklijk Huis gefotografeerd in zijn camouflagekleding terwijl hij Gribskov, het vierde grootste bos van Denemarken, verkende

Vorige week werd de 55-jarige erfgenaam van de Deense troon op het Instagram-account van het Koninklijk Huis gefotografeerd in zijn camouflagekleding terwijl hij Gribskov, het vierde grootste bos van Denemarken, verkende

De Deense koninklijke familie, dinsdag afgebeeld terwijl prins Christian (foto links), een formele verklaring aflegde bij de Deense grondwet.  Op de foto midden links: Koningin Margrethe van Denemarken naast Prins Frederik en Prinses Mary

De Deense koninklijke familie, dinsdag afgebeeld terwijl prins Christian (foto links), een formele verklaring aflegde bij de Deense grondwet. Op de foto midden links: Koningin Margrethe van Denemarken naast Prins Frederik en Prinses Mary

Spaans tijdschrift Hallo! meldt dat de socialite verblijft in het Paleis van Arbaizenea, een pand dat ooit eigendom was van de hertogin van Alba en werd nagelaten aan haar zoon Cayetano Martínez de Irujo. Het tijdschrift meldt dat Genoveva naar San Sebastian gaat wanneer ze zich wil ‘loskoppelen’ van het openbare leven.

Het meldt ook dat de socialite en haar ex-man, Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, ‘uitstekende’ voorwaarden hebben, wat betekent dat ze op zijn familie-eigendommen kan verblijven wanneer ze maar wil.

Terwijl Lecturas vorige week details rapporteerde over Genoveva’s avondje uit met de Deense prins, deelde het details over hoe de avond zich zou ontvouwen.

Het tijdschrift beweerde dat het paar, na hun bezoek aan een Pablo Picasso-tentoonstelling in het Thyssen-Bornemisza Nationaal Museum, op de middag van 25 oktober door het El Retiro-park in het centrum van Madrid slenterde.

Genoveva en haar ex-man (samen op de foto in 2020) zouden een ‘uitstekende’ relatie hebben

Genoveva en haar ex-man (samen op de foto in 2020) zouden een ‘uitstekende’ relatie hebben

Na de wandeling, rond 19.00 uur, beweerde Lecturas dat zowel Frederik als Genoveva afzonderlijk naar haar flatgebouw waren gegaan, en beiden kwamen rond 21.00 uur, twee uur later, weer tevoorschijn, beiden hadden hun kleding veranderd in avondkleding.

Op foto’s van de avond heeft Genoveva haar chique kamelenjas met strikceintuur laten vallen ten gunste van een wit overhemd, een zwarte broek met wijde pijpen en een zwart jasje dat op haar schouders wordt gedragen.

Ondertussen lijkt Frederik te zijn veranderd van een marineblauw jasje en een bruine broek in een wit overhemd en een donkere broek met een keurig donker jasje. Opnieuw zouden ze afzonderlijk uit het gebouw zijn gekomen, maar in dezelfde witte auto zijn gestapt.

Het tijdschrift beweerde dat het paar een flamenco-optreden had gezien in een Spaans restaurant, El Corral de la Moreria, dat om middernacht eindigde.

Er werd ook beweerd dat ze aan hun tafel bleven zitten, die werd geflankeerd door twee lijfwachten van de Deense prins, terwijl andere klanten vertrokken, obers hun diensten afmaakten en de lichten werden uitgeschakeld.

Lecturas beweerde dat het tweetal pas om 1 uur ‘s nachts uit het restaurant kwam, toen ze de straat op liepen en in een auto stapten. Als ‘hoffelijkheidsgebaar’ meldt Lecturas dat kroonprins Frederik de autodeur opende voor zijn dinergenoot.

De volgende dag beweerde het tijdschrift dat de erfgenaam van de Deense troon met de auto naar het vliegveld werd gebracht, waar hij naar Denemarken vloog.

Na de publicatie van de foto’s gaf Genoveva een verklaring af aan Hola! ontkent elke romantische betrokkenheid bij de prins.

In een verklaring van de socialite stond: ‘Ik ontken categorisch de uitspraken die wijzen op een romantische relatie tussen Prins Frederick en mij.’

Ze voegde eraan toe: ‘Elke verklaring van dit type ontbeert niet alleen volledig de waarheid, maar geeft ook op een kwaadaardige manier een verkeerde voorstelling van de feiten.

‘Dit is al in handen van mijn advocaten, die zorg zullen dragen voor de relevante stappen om mijn recht op eer, waarheid en privacy te beschermen.’

The post Kroonprins Frederik van Denemarken ziet er ontspannen uit tijdens zijn reis met spraakmakende Denen in Jutland – terwijl de ruzie voortduurt na zijn avond in Madrid met de Mexicaanse socialite Genoveva Casanova appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark relaxes in the forest during a royal hunt – amid reports the future king met Genoveva Casanova on ‘an exclusive hunting trip’ while hiding out in San Sebastian after their night out in Madrid Fri, 17 Nov 2023 18:51:20 +0000

Prince Frederik of Denmark has been photographed hosting a yacht – despite first meeting Genoveva Casanova ‘on an exclusive yacht trip’. The heir to the Danish throne, 55, was photographed in his camouflage clothing on the Royal Household’s Instagram account as he explored Gribskov, Denmark’s fourth largest forest. It comes amid furore in recent days […]

The post Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark relaxes in the forest during a royal hunt – amid reports the future king met Genoveva Casanova on ‘an exclusive hunting trip’ while hiding out in San Sebastian after their night out in Madrid appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Prince Frederik of Denmark has been photographed hosting a yacht – despite first meeting Genoveva Casanova ‘on an exclusive yacht trip’.

The heir to the Danish throne, 55, was photographed in his camouflage clothing on the Royal Household’s Instagram account as he explored Gribskov, Denmark’s fourth largest forest.

It comes amid furore in recent days after photos appeared in Spanish magazine Lecturas of the royal family on a night out in Madrid with glamorous Mexican socialite Genoveva – and without his wife, Princess Mary of Denmark, 51.

But it appears to be business as usual for Frederik as he took part in the traditional royal hunt – even after reports he met reality star Genoveva – the former daughter-in-law of the billionaire Duchess of Alba – for the first time during a luxury hunting trip in the mountains.

Genoveva, 47, who just a few days ago issued a blistering statement decrying “malicious” rumors that she is romantically involved with the prince, is currently seeking peace and quiet in San Sebastián at a home owned by the family of her ex-husband.

Prince Frederik of Denmark has been photographed hosting a yacht – despite first meeting Genoveva Casanova ‘on an exclusive yacht trip’

Wrapped up warm to brave the snowy conditions, Prince Frederik appeared relaxed in the collection of images from the traditional royal hunt, which takes place from October to January.

The caption read: ‘In the rain and sleet, a king hunt was held today in Gribskov. The Royal Hunts are the official hunts of the Royal House, which take place during the hunting season from October 1 to mid-January in the Danish national forests.

‘His Royal Highness The Crown Prince hosted today’s hunt, while Her Majesty The Queen hosted a hunt board tonight in the Dome Hall of Fredensborg Palace, where it is a tradition to toast “to all the good hunters”.’

One of the images shows a grinning Frederik, surrounded by his hunting party, as he warms himself by a roaring fire.

Susanna Griso, presenter of the Spanish TV show Espejo Público, recently claimed that Genoveva had become close to the heir to the Danish throne after they met during a luxury hunting trip in the mountains.

The host explains: ‘These are exclusive meetings, for which you have to pay a lot of money. All members of the royal family and the children of the major families are present. The trips are mainly organized in Germany and Austria.’

On these types of trips, usually in mountainous regions, guests pay thousands of euros to hunt European big game animals such as red deer, Alpine ibex, wild boar and wild mouflon sheep.

Yesterday, Denmark’s royal family broke their silence on the scandal, telling Danish publication BT that they “do not comment on rumors or innuendo.”

It comes amid furore in recent days after photos appeared in Spanish magazine Lecturas of the royal family on a night out in Madrid with glamorous Mexican socialite Genoveva (pictured) – and without his wife, Princess Mary of Denmark, 51

It comes amid furore in recent days after photos appeared in Spanish magazine Lecturas of the royal family on a night out in Madrid with glamorous Mexican socialite Genoveva (pictured) – and without his wife, Princess Mary of Denmark, 51

The heir to the Danish throne, 55, was photographed in his camouflage gear on the Royal Household's Instagram account as he explored Gribskov, Denmark's fourth largest forest

The heir to the Danish throne, 55, was photographed in his camouflage gear on the Royal Household’s Instagram account as he explored Gribskov, Denmark’s fourth largest forest

But it appears to be business as usual for Frederik as he took part in the traditional royal hunt - even after reports he met reality star Genoveva - the former daughter-in-law of the billionaire Duchess of Alba - for the first time during a luxury hunting trip in the mountains.

But it appears to be business as usual for Frederik as he took part in the traditional royal hunt – even after reports he met reality star Genoveva – the former daughter-in-law of the billionaire Duchess of Alba – for the first time during a luxury hunting trip in the mountains.

Both Frederick, King Charles III’s fourth cousin, and his wife Mary have yet to personally comment on the rumors.

The Danish royal family was shocked last week by reports that Frederik had spent a day and evening with Genoveva in Madrid.

Photos showed the couple strolling in Barrio el Jerónimos, where Genoveva lives, after taking a walk in El Retiro Park in the center of the Spanish capital.

Spanish magazine Lecturas reported that the pair had visited a Pablo Picasso exhibition earlier in the day, before heading to a restaurant to have dinner and watch a flamenco performance.

Amid the commotion caused by the photos, Prince Frederik has been going about his business at home this week, while Genoveva seeks peace and quiet in San Sebastián at a home owned by her ex-husband’s family.

The socialite, who has also dabbled in acting in the past and recently appeared in the Spanish version of Celebrity Masterchef, was married to Cayetano Martínez de Irujo for two years.

The Danish royal family, pictured on Tuesday with Prince Christian (pictured left), making a formal declaration to the Danish constitution.  In the photo center left: Queen Margrethe of Denmark next to Prince Frederik and Princess Mary

The Danish royal family, pictured on Tuesday with Prince Christian (pictured left), making a formal declaration to the Danish constitution. In the photo center left: Queen Margrethe of Denmark next to Prince Frederik and Princess Mary

Spanish magazine Hello! reports that the socialite is staying at the Palace of Arbaizenea, a property once owned by the Duchess of Alba and left to her son Cayetano Martínez de Irujo. The magazine reports that Genoveva goes to San Sebastian when she wants to “disconnect” from public life.

It also reports that the socialite and her ex-husband, Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, have “excellent” terms, meaning she can stay at his family properties whenever she wants.

While Lecturas reported details of Genoveva’s night out with the Danish prince last week, it shared details of how the evening would unfold.

The magazine claimed that after visiting a Pablo Picasso exhibition at the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, the couple strolled through El Retiro Park in central Madrid on the afternoon of October 25.

After the walk, around 7 p.m., Lecturas claimed that both Frederik and Genoveva went separately to her apartment building, and both emerged around 9 p.m., two hours later, both having changed their clothes to evening wear.

In photos from the evening, Genoveva has ditched her chic camel coat with a tie belt in favor of a white shirt, black wide-leg trousers and a black jacket worn on her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Frederik seems to have changed from a navy blue jacket and brown trousers to a white shirt and dark trousers with a neat dark jacket. Again, they are said to have come out of the building separately, but got into the same white car.

The magazine claimed the pair had seen a flamenco performance at a Spanish restaurant, El Corral de la Moreria, which ended at midnight.

Genoveva and her ex-husband (pictured together in 2020) are said to have an 'excellent' relationship

Genoveva and her ex-husband (pictured together in 2020) are said to have an ‘excellent’ relationship

It was also claimed that they remained seated at their table, which was flanked by two of the Danish prince’s bodyguards, while other customers left, waiters finished their shifts and the lights were switched off.

Lecturas claimed the pair didn’t leave the restaurant until 1 a.m., when they walked out onto the street and got into a car. As a ‘courtesy gesture’, Lecturas reports that Crown Prince Frederik opened the car door for his dinner companion.

The next day, the magazine claimed that the heir to the Danish throne was taken by car to the airport, where he flew to Denmark.

Following the publication of the photos, Genoveva issued a statement to Hola! denies any romantic involvement with the prince.

A statement from the socialite said: ‘I categorically deny the statements indicating a romantic relationship between Prince Frederick and me.’

She added: “Any statement of this type not only completely lacks the truth, but also maliciously misrepresents the facts.

“This is already in the hands of my lawyers, who will take care of the relevant steps to protect my rights to honor, truth and privacy.”

The post Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark relaxes in the forest during a royal hunt – amid reports the future king met Genoveva Casanova on ‘an exclusive hunting trip’ while hiding out in San Sebastian after their night out in Madrid appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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