Clare – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:35:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Clare – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 Hoe Sophie Morgan, medepresentator van Clare Balding’s Crufts, haar leven opnieuw opbouwde nadat ze op 18-jarige leeftijd vanaf haar middel verlamd raakte bij een verwoestend auto-ongeluk – en de tv-wereld stormenderhand heeft veroverd Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:35:21 +0000

Sophie Morgan zegt dat ze twee verjaardagen heeft. De eerste is de datum waarop ze werd geboren en de tweede is haar A-level uitslagdag, toen ze op 18-jarige leeftijd vanaf haar middel verlamd raakte bij een auto-ongeluk, wat het begin markeerde van een nieuw hoofdstuk. BAFTA-genomineerde tv-presentator, schrijfster, kunstenaar en gehandicaptenactivist zijn slechts enkele van […]

The post Hoe Sophie Morgan, medepresentator van Clare Balding’s Crufts, haar leven opnieuw opbouwde nadat ze op 18-jarige leeftijd vanaf haar middel verlamd raakte bij een verwoestend auto-ongeluk – en de tv-wereld stormenderhand heeft veroverd appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Sophie Morgan zegt dat ze twee verjaardagen heeft. De eerste is de datum waarop ze werd geboren en de tweede is haar A-level uitslagdag, toen ze op 18-jarige leeftijd vanaf haar middel verlamd raakte bij een auto-ongeluk, wat het begin markeerde van een nieuw hoofdstuk.

BAFTA-genomineerde tv-presentator, schrijfster, kunstenaar en gehandicaptenactivist zijn slechts enkele van de titels die de 38-jarige uit East Sussex nu op haar naam heeft staan, waarmee ze zichzelf positioneert als een van de leidende gezichten van Groot-Brittannië op tv.

Als een van de eerste vrouwelijke tv-presentatoren ter wereld met een lichamelijke beperking heeft Sophie gevochten voor vertegenwoordiging van mensen met een handicap.

Ze is panellid bij Loose Women en zal samen met Clare Balding opnieuw het gezicht zijn van de Crufts-verslaggeving van Channel 4, wanneer morgen de internationale hondencompetitie van start gaat in Birmingham.

Hier kijkt FEMAIL naar de ongelooflijke prestaties van Sophie Morgan, van het verwoestende auto-ongeluk dat haar leven veranderde tot haar dynamische en inspirerende tv-carrière.

BAFTA-genomineerde tv-presentator, schrijver, kunstenaar en gehandicaptenactivist zijn slechts enkele van de titels die Sophie Morgan op haar naam heeft staan, waarmee ze zichzelf positioneert als een van de leidende gezichten van Groot-Brittannië op tv

Wat is er met Sophie Morgan gebeurd?

Sophie kreeg een auto-ongeluk terwijl ze met een paar vrienden in Schotland aan het rijden was, kort nadat ze in 2003 haar A-niveau resultaten had behaald.

Zij was de aangewezen bestuurder in een auto met vier passagiers, op weg naar huis van een feestje in Elgin in de kleine uurtjes van de ochtend.

Ze stuurde te veel de bocht om, verloor de controle en de auto belandde op zijn kant in een weiland, met Sophie eronder bekneld.

‘Ik was een typische tienerchauffeur: onervaren, overmoedig, eigenwijs’, vertelde ze in 2016 aan MailOnline YOU Mag.

‘En de omgeving in de auto was behoorlijk gevaarlijk: dronken vrienden, luide muziek, net een feestje. Ik was overenthousiast en afgeleid.’

Haar passagiers – waaronder haar toenmalige vriend Sam – klommen zonder ook maar een schrammetje uit een raam.

Sophie liep echter een schedelbreuk op, een gebroken neus en sleutelbeen, en een T6 (thoracale) dwarslaesie – ze bleef verlamd vanaf de borst.

Na een week op de intensive care en vier maanden in het ziekenhuis, inclusief gezichtsreconstructie en een operatie om haar gebroken ruggengraat te laten smelten, trok ze weer bij haar ouders in Sussex in.

De presentator, 36, werd in een rolstoel achtergelaten nadat hij in 2003 een T6-ruggenmergletsel had opgelopen, met verlamming vanaf de borst tot gevolg.

De presentator, 36, werd in een rolstoel achtergelaten nadat hij in 2003 een T6-ruggenmergletsel had opgelopen, met verlamming vanaf de borst tot gevolg.

Op de foto: Sophie een maand voor het ongeval

Op de foto: Sophie een maand voor het ongeval

In welke tv-programma’s heeft Sophie Morgan gespeeld?

Sophie verscheen voor het eerst op onze schermen slechts negen maanden na haar ongeluk, toen ze deelnam aan de eerste serie Beyond Boundaries op BBC Two.

De show volgde 11 mensen met een handicap op een expeditie van 350 kilometer door Nicaragua, van de Atlantische kust tot de Pacifische kust.

Helaas liep Sophie in de jungle amoebendysenterie op, wat betekende dat ze de uitdaging niet kon voltooien.

Vier jaar later, in 2008, verscheen ze op BBC Three’s Britain’s Missing Top Model – een reality-tv-zoektocht naar een gehandicapt model. Ze eindigde als tweede achter Kelly Knox.

In 2012 stond ze vervolgens model voor de Adidas-campagne van Stella McCartney, samen met elf andere vrouwen.

Welke tv-programma’s heeft Sophie Morgan gepresenteerd?

Sophie’s eerste presentatie-optreden vond plaats in 2013 toen ze de BBC-documentaire License to Kill presenteerde.

Ze werd gefilmd en uitgebracht in 2013 en onderzocht waarom verkeersongevallen de grootste doodsoorzaak onder jongeren zijn en hoe dat kan worden gestopt.

Als een van de eerste vrouwelijke tv-presentatoren ter wereld met een lichamelijke beperking heeft Sophie gevochten voor vertegenwoordiging van mensen met een handicap

Als een van de eerste vrouwelijke tv-presentatoren ter wereld met een lichamelijke beperking heeft Sophie gevochten voor vertegenwoordiging van mensen met een beperking

Sophie is misschien wel het meest bekend vanwege haar werk als panellid bij Loose Women

Sophie is misschien wel het meest bekend vanwege haar werk als panellid bij Loose Women

De in Londen gevestigde campagnevoerder heeft een groot aantal indrukwekkende projecten ondergaan, waaronder het presenteren van de tv-verslaggeving van Channel 4 over de Paralympische Spelen in Rio de Janeiro.  Ze is afgebeeld met haar collega-gastheren in 2016

De in Londen gevestigde campagnevoerder heeft een groot aantal indrukwekkende projecten ondergaan, waaronder het presenteren van de tv-verslaggeving van Channel 4 over de Paralympische Spelen in Rio de Janeiro. Ze is afgebeeld met haar collega-gastheren in 2016

Hierna: ‘s werelds slechtste plek om gehandicapt te zijn? zag de ster naar Ghana reizen om de gruwelijke realiteit bloot te leggen van veel gehandicapten die daar wonen – vastgeketend in gebedskampen, verbannen uit dorpen omdat ze vervloekt waren, op straat gedwongen en in sommige gevallen zelfs vermoord.

Sophie’s carrière is blijven stijgen en ze heeft nu een indrukwekkend aantal titels op haar naam staan, waaronder Horizon, The One Show en Channel 4 News – als onderdeel van de No Go Britain-serie waarin toegankelijkheids- en transportproblemen voor mensen met een handicap worden onderzocht.

Vooruitlopend op 2018 was de ster mede-presentator van een serie op Channel 4 genaamd Best Laid Plans, samen met architectonisch ontwerper Charlie Luxton.

In het programma kwam het tweetal huiseigenaren te hulp wier renovatieprojecten in de problemen waren geraakt.

Meer recentelijk presenteerde Sophie twee seizoenen van haar eigen show Living Wild: How to Change Your Life, waarin ze door Groot-Brittannië reisde om mensen te ontmoeten die terug zijn gegaan naar de basis en hun leven opnieuw hebben opgebouwd zoals zij dat willen.

Voor de Paralympische Spelen van 2012, 2016 en 2020 was Sophie een van de belangrijkste sportpresentatoren van Channel 4, iets waar ze misschien wel het meest bekend om is.

Ze was ook te zien in The Superhuman Show met Alex Brooker en presenteerde enige verslaggeving van de IPC Swimming European Championships.

Toen Sophie's carrière een vlucht nam, verzamelde ze een indrukwekkende lijst met programma's waarvoor ze heeft gerapporteerd, waaronder Horizon, The One Show en Channel 4 News als onderdeel van de No Go Britain-serie, waarin toegankelijkheids- en transportproblemen voor mensen met een handicap worden onderzocht.

Toen Sophie’s carrière een vlucht nam, verzamelde ze een indrukwekkende lijst met programma’s waarvoor ze heeft gerapporteerd, waaronder Horizon, The One Show en Channel 4 News als onderdeel van de No Go Britain-serie, waarin toegankelijkheids- en transportproblemen voor mensen met een handicap worden onderzocht.

Op de foto: Sophie gaat naar Downing Street 10 om de RightsOn Flights-petitie in te dienen

Op de foto: Sophie gaat naar Downing Street 10 om de RightsOn Flights-petitie in te dienen

De presentator en activist, die meer dan 100.000 volgers heeft op Instagram, zal deze week weer op onze schermen verschijnen voor de verslaggeving van Channel 4 over de Crufts-hondenshow

De presentator en activist, die meer dan 100.000 volgers heeft op Instagram, zal deze week weer op onze schermen verschijnen voor de verslaggeving van Channel 4 over de Crufts-hondenshow

Wat doet Sophie Morgan nu?

Sinds november 2021 is Sophie een regelmatig wisselend panellid bij ITV’s Loose Women, waar ze open en openhartig is over de realiteit van het gehandicapt zijn.

In de show heeft ze zich opengesteld over de worstelingen waarmee ze haar hele leven te maken heeft gehad – onlangs deelde ze haar persoonlijke ervaringen met huiselijk geweld in eerdere relaties.

Sophie had het erover dat ze op de bank of in de auto werd achtergelaten, terwijl haar misbruiker haar rolstoel van haar afpakte toen ze ‘ruzie hadden gehad’.

Ze ging gedetailleerd in op deze kwestie in een Channel 4 Dispatches-documentaire die ze presenteerde, genaamd Trapped, Disabled & Abused (2022).

In Groot-Brittannië hebben mensen met een beperking twee keer zo vaak te maken met huiselijk geweld dan mensen zonder beperking, maar toch blijft dit misbruik vaak onder de radar. In de aangrijpende documentaire onderzocht de presentator waarom dit het geval is, en sprak met mensen die huiselijk geweld hebben meegemaakt. misbruik.

Ze heeft zich ook regelmatig uitgesproken over haar problemen met het meenemen van haar rolstoel op vluchten, wat haar ertoe aanzette vorig jaar de campagne ‘Rights on Flights’ op te zetten.

Het kwam nadat een op maat gemaakte rolstoel en een elektrisch aangedreven BATEC-systeem met voorwiel beschadigd raakten tijdens een reis tussen Los Angeles en Londen.

In hetzelfde jaar dat Dispatches op onze schermen verscheen, veroverde Sophie ook de literaire wereld stormenderhand door haar memoires uit te brengen - Driving Forwards: A Journey of Resilience and Empowerment After Life-changing Injury

In hetzelfde jaar dat Dispatches op onze schermen verscheen, veroverde Sophie ook de literaire wereld stormenderhand door haar memoires uit te brengen – Driving Forwards: A Journey of Resilience and Empowerment After Life-changing Injury

Sophie heeft eerder toegegeven dat mensen het moeilijk vinden om te begrijpen dat haar handicap ‘haar leven niet heeft verpest’

Sophie heeft eerder toegegeven dat mensen het moeilijk vinden om te begrijpen dat haar handicap ‘haar leven niet heeft verpest’

Ze heeft zich ook regelmatig uitgesproken over haar moeilijkheden om haar rolstoel mee te nemen op vluchten, wat haar ertoe aanzette vorig jaar de campagne 'Rights on Flights' op te zetten

Ze heeft zich ook regelmatig uitgesproken over haar moeilijkheden om haar rolstoel mee te nemen op vluchten, wat haar ertoe aanzette vorig jaar de campagne ‘Rights on Flights’ op te zetten

Op Loose Women sprak ze over hoe luchtvaartmaatschappijen mensen met een handicap het gevoel kunnen geven dat ze niet gewaardeerd worden door niet de nodige zorg te besteden als het om uitrusting gaat.

Ze herinnerde zich in de ITV-talkshow overdag hoe haar rolstoel ‘door het personeel van de luchtvaartmaatschappij werd gehanteerd’ en ‘die daarbij kapot ging’.

In hetzelfde jaar dat Dispatches op onze schermen verscheen, veroverde Sophie ook de literaire wereld stormenderhand door haar memoires uit te brengen – Driving Forwards: A Journey of Resilience and Empowerment After Life-changing Injury.

Het krachtige boek beschrijft Sophie’s blessure, haar herstel en haar leven sindsdien.

De ster heeft eerder toegegeven dat mensen het moeilijk vinden om te begrijpen dat haar handicap ‘haar leven niet heeft verpest’.

Toen ze in 2021 in Lorraine verscheen, legde ze uit dat hoewel veel mensen ‘bang zijn voor verandering’, ze gelooft dat haar handicap ‘haar leven heeft gemaakt’ en haar heeft aangemoedigd om ‘goed te leven’.

‘Ik denk dat mensen bang zijn voor verandering, ze willen het niet, er zit angst omheen’, zei Sophie.

‘Maar voor mij, omdat mijn verandering uiteindelijk zoveel positieve punten opleverde, leun ik er een beetje in, ik zoek het op. Ik wil dat het leven anders is, vol afwisseling en spanning.’

De presentator en activist, die ruim 100.000 volgers heeft op Instagram, verschijnt deze week weer op onze schermen voor de verslaggeving van Channel 4 over de Crufts-hondenshow.

Ze verzorgt samen met Clare Balding de hoofdverslaggeving van de langverwachte hondenwedstrijd.

De hondenshow begon op donderdag 7 maart en eindigt op Moederdag, zondag 10 maart.

The post Hoe Sophie Morgan, medepresentator van Clare Balding’s Crufts, haar leven opnieuw opbouwde nadat ze op 18-jarige leeftijd vanaf haar middel verlamd raakte bij een verwoestend auto-ongeluk – en de tv-wereld stormenderhand heeft veroverd appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Inside Meghan Markle’s ‘personal relationship’ with the woman who made her wedding dress: Clare Waight Keller bonded with the Duchess during the design process and appeared in the Sussexes’ explosive Netflix series Fri, 23 Feb 2024 16:28:15 +0000

As Meghan Markle dined at the exclusive Cipriani Italian bistro beloved by A-listers in Beverly Hills, she was joined by a very special friend, Clare Waight Keller. The fashion designer who was once creative director at Givenchy designed the Duchess’s stunning boat-neck wedding dress when she married Prince Harry in Windsor in 2018. Despite Meghan […]

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As Meghan Markle dined at the exclusive Cipriani Italian bistro beloved by A-listers in Beverly Hills, she was joined by a very special friend, Clare Waight Keller.

The fashion designer who was once creative director at Givenchy designed the Duchess’s stunning boat-neck wedding dress when she married Prince Harry in Windsor in 2018.

Despite Meghan and Harry leaving the UK to move to California, British-based designer Clare has remained close to the couple and has even described her friendship with the Duchess as a ‘personal girlfriend relationship’ – something that developed in the design process.

She also appeared in Harry and Meghan’s explosive Netflix series which aired in December 2022 in which she spoke about the 3,900 hours spent making the dress.

And shortly after the wedding, the Duchess presented Clare with the prestigious British Womenswear Designer of the Year at the Fashion Awards.

Meghan presented Clare with the prestigious British Womenswear Designer of the Year award in 2018

Speaking at the 2023 Bazaar At Work Summit in London, Birmingham-born Clare shared insights into preparing the former Suits star for her big day.

‘It was just the two of us for so long and it became this very personal girlfriend relationship,’ she explained. 

Following her high-profile wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan wore a number of Clare’s Givenchy designs – turning to the label to dress her for many prominent engagements, including her June 2018 outing in Cheshire alongside the Queen. 

In December 2018, Meghan, 42, made clear how close the two women had become when she made a surprise appearance at the 2018 British Fashion Awards to present Clare, 53, with an award.

Meghan wowed guests at the star-studded event as she stepped onto the stage, wearing a black one-shoulder dress designed by the very woman she was there to honour.

Clare won the prestigious British Womenswear Designer of the Year award and thanked Meghan personally in her speech at the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington, London.

‘This woman is so amazing. I got to know Meghan on such a personal level. To have someone like that trust you on such a personal moment in their life… I can’t thank you enough because it was the most beautiful moment,’ she said.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding dat at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, 19 May 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding dat at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, 19 May 2018

Meghan Markle was spotted leaving Cipriani restaurant after enjoying lunch with Clare Waight Keller in Beverly Hills yesterday

Meghan Markle was spotted leaving Cipriani restaurant after enjoying lunch with Clare Waight Keller in Beverly Hills yesterday

Clare Waight Keller appeared in episode four of Harry and Meghan's Netflix documentary

Clare Waight Keller appeared in episode four of Harry and Meghan’s Netflix documentary

Addressing the assembled fashionistas, the Duchess, who was pregnant with Archie, said: ‘It’s such a pleasure to be here, celebrating British fashion and British designers, in my new home in the UK.’

She said of fashion, that ‘we have a deep connection to what we wear. Sometimes it’s deeply personal, sometimes it’s emotional,’ and that for her, it was ‘really in being able to understand that it’s about supporting and empowering each other, especially as women.’

She also praised Clare’s ‘kindness’ and ‘values’.

The first female artistic director of Givenchy met the Duchess for the first time in early 2018, Kensington Palace said, with Meghan requesting a wedding dress with an ‘elegant aesthetic, impeccable tailoring and relaxed demeanor.’

Meghan presents the British Designer of the Year Womenswear Award to Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy during The Fashion Awards 2018

Meghan presents the British Designer of the Year Womenswear Award to Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy during The Fashion Awards 2018

Meghan made a surprise appearance at the 2018 British Fashion Awards, wearing a black one-shoulder dress by Givenchy

Meghan accessorised with gold jewellery while her hair was swept back into a chignon

Meghan made a surprise appearance at the 2018 British Fashion Awards, wearing a black one-shoulder dress by Givenchy

The exquisite veil carried floral references to all 53 countries in the Commonwealth, and the palace said workers spent hundreds of hours sewing the delicate flower designs, meticulously washing their hands every half hour to keep the silk tulle and threads clean.

Meanwhile, Meghan’s wedding dress was characterised by a classic bateau neckline, three-quarter length sleeves and an A-line skirt, with a train measuring nearly six feet from the waist.

A global audience of 1.9 billion watched as Clare crouched to arrange the Duchess of Sussex’s 16.5 foot veil on the steps of St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018. 

It was a rare public appearance for the designer who prefers to let her designs steal the limelight.

The duo’s bond blossomed during the extensive 3,900 hours spent perfecting Meghan’s tailor-made dress over the course of four months. 

Meghan wore a bespoke Givenchy dress to open the new Mersey Gateway Bridge in Cheshire alongisde Queen Elizabeth on June 14, 2018

Meghan wore a bespoke Givenchy dress to open the new Mersey Gateway Bridge in Cheshire alongisde Queen Elizabeth on June 14, 2018

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to have a 'Diana moment' in New Zealand as she looked to have flashed her legs through her semi-sheer Givenchy skirt on October 31, 2018

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to have a ‘Diana moment’ in New Zealand as she looked to have flashed her legs through her semi-sheer Givenchy skirt on October 31, 2018

Meghan Markle makes her Royal Ascot debut in Givenchy on June 19, 2018

Meghan Markle makes her Royal Ascot debut in Givenchy on June 19, 2018

‘It was just the two of us for so long and it became this very personal girlfriend relationship,’ Clare said of their friendship at the 2023 Bazaar At Work Summit in London.

‘It was just a pleasure to create in this very, very private way,’ she continued.

Clare Waight Keller – who obtained a bachelor’s degree in Fashion at Ravensbourne College of Art and a master’s degree at the Royal College of Art – began her career as a Calvin Klein womenswear stylist in New York, before moving to Ralph Lauren’s menswear line, Purple Label.

In 2000, she joined Gucci under the direction of Tom Ford, where she worked as a senior designer in London until 2004.

The following year, she took on the role of artistic director at Pringle of Scotland, which earned her the 2007 Scottish Fashion Awards Designer of the Year in the cashmere category.

Clare Waight Keller arranging Meghan's veil as she walks up the steps outside St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle

Clare Waight Keller arranging Meghan’s veil as she walks up the steps outside St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle

The Duchess of Sussex's 16.5 foot veil carried floral references to all 53 countries in the Commonwealth

The Duchess of Sussex’s 16.5 foot veil carried floral references to all 53 countries in the Commonwealth

Clare Waight Keller attends the Harper's Bazaar At Work Summit at Raffles London at The OWO on November 21, 2023

Clare Waight Keller attends the Harper’s Bazaar At Work Summit at Raffles London at The OWO on November 21, 2023

However, Clare relocated to Paris in 2011 to become artistic director of Chloé – where she is credited for helping the company become the most profitable brand at luxury goods conglomerate, Richemont.

In 2017, she was appointed artistic director of haute couture and ready-to-wear for womenswear and menswear at Givenchy, a role she held until 2020. 

The British designer was the first-ever female artistic director to hold the position in the brand’s 68-year history. 

She was responsible for returning Givenchy back to the couture schedule, presenting a total of five couture collections during her occupancy.

Clare oversaw a further 30 collections, spanning womenswear and menswear, which received critical acclaim.

Meghan arrives to celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on July 18, 2022

Meghan arrives for a two-day visit to Dublin, Ireland, on July 10, 2018

A Meghan must-have! The Duchess wore Givenchy’s £1,255 pencil skirt in black (2022) and emerald (2018)

Meghan selected a black Givenchy dress for a visit to the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 2018

Meghan selected a black Givenchy dress for a visit to the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 2018

The Duchess donned a figure-hugging Givenchy dress to the 2020 Endeavour Fund Awards

The Duchess donned a figure-hugging Givenchy dress to the 2020 Endeavour Fund Awards

The designer left Givenchy in 2020 and last year created a new affordable line with Japanese high street retailer, Uniqlo. 

Uniqlo: C consists of 34 versatile pieces – including coats, dresses and accessories – that create a ‘modern wardrobe’ inspired by the designer’s wealth of experience.

The collection launched in September 2023, available online and in 1,500 stores across the globe. 

But the highlight of Clare’s career at French fashion house Givenchy was undoubtedly designing Meghan Markle’s iconic wedding gown.

The British fashion designer appeared in the Sussex’s Netflix series, where she spoke of Meghan’s demure dress, saying it had to be ‘flawless’.

Meghan Markle showcased a navy Givenchy outfit during Trooping The Colour on June 8, 2019

Meghan Markle showcased a navy Givenchy outfit during Trooping The Colour on June 8, 2019

Meghan showcased an all-black ensemble by Givenchy to the Association of Commonwealth Universities in London on January 31, 2019

The Duchess chose a navy Givenchy outfit for the wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank on  October 12, 2018

The Duchess of Sussex has worn several bespoke wool coats by Givenchy over the years

Megan Markle and Clare Waight Keller were spotted leaving new celebrity hotspot Cipriani Beverly Hills yesterday

Megan Markle and Clare Waight Keller were spotted leaving new celebrity hotspot Cipriani Beverly Hills yesterday

‘Looking at the design of the dress, there were many conversations about how you want to present yourself to the world,’ Clare explained during episode four of the documentary.

‘Most of us have a wedding with 70 to a hundred people. This was billions of people watching. 

‘It has to be flawless, it has to be perfect.’

And Meghan and Clare’s friendship appears to be going from strength to strength as the pair was spotted enjoying lunch at the new celebrity hotspot, Cipriani Beverly Hills, yesterday.

The 42-year-old Suits star flashed a smile for paparazzi as she emerged from the Italian restaurant, wearing a £3,895 Max Mara cashmere coat and Givenchy sunglasses.

Meanwhile, a glowing Clare, following closely behind, looked effortlessly stylish in a double-breasted blazer and cropped wide-leg jeans, elevated by court shoes. 

The post Inside Meghan Markle’s ‘personal relationship’ with the woman who made her wedding dress: Clare Waight Keller bonded with the Duchess during the design process and appeared in the Sussexes’ explosive Netflix series appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Clare Balding reveals Queen Elizabeth 'loved the naughtiness of horse racing' and the jockeys left her in fits of giggles Tue, 20 Feb 2024 18:39:56 +0000

Queen Elizabeth II was known for her love of horses, owning hundreds of thoroughbreds and scoring more than 1,800 racing victories. Sports presenter Clare Balding, 52, from Chiswick, London, whose grandfather, father and brother all trained the Queen's horses, said the late monarch loved the “naughtiness” of horse racing. Speaking on Gyles Brandreth's Rosebud podcast, […]

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Queen Elizabeth II was known for her love of horses, owning hundreds of thoroughbreds and scoring more than 1,800 racing victories.

Sports presenter Clare Balding, 52, from Chiswick, London, whose grandfather, father and brother all trained the Queen's horses, said the late monarch loved the “naughtiness” of horse racing.

Speaking on Gyles Brandreth's Rosebud podcast, Clare said: 'There's a jockey called Richard Hughes who was the most beautiful rider, but he used to stand there, for a really long time, in the corner and it made her laugh.

“If you were watching a race with her, which I have, she'd say something like, 'Oh, look at Hughesy in the back, with his butt in the air, like he's got so many horses.'

Clare, who was a leading amateur flat jockey in the late 1980s, learned to ride on a 'little fat Shetland pony', a gift from the late monarch.

Sports presenter Clare Balding, 52, (pictured), whose grandfather, father and brother all trained the Queen's horses, said the late monarch, who died in 2022 aged 96, loved the 'naughtiness' of horse racing

Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne celebrate a victory at the Derby Day horse races in 1988

Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne celebrate a victory at the Derby Day horse races in 1988

She said: 'She loved that world and was very knowledgeable about horses. And she felt most relaxed and at home, in the stables, far away from the trappings of her royal duties.

“She loved the way the jockeys or the stable boys and girls were with her. I think she liked the mischievous racing.”

Clare added that the late Queen also had a good relationship with the jockeys and loved Frankie Detorri and Ryan Moore.

She claimed that the royal family would make Ryan laugh even though he never smiled in front of anyone. Clare said: 'Because I think she'd say to him, 'Don't be so grumpy'.”

The presenter revealed that the King may now follow in his mother's footsteps after discovering a love for horse racing later in life.

The king was overcome with emotion as he watched his horse Desert Hero win the King George V race from the royal box last year.

Clare said: “He's not traditionally a racing man. He loves horses and is a very good polo player. When he had a winner last year, I think it overwhelmed him how much he felt it for the first time. He really understood.'

After her coronation in 1953, the Queen traveled to the racecourses in Berkshire at least once a year to attend the event – only missing it in 2020 due to Covid lockdowns.

The late Queen Elizabeth smiled as she watched the troops on horses at the Royal Windsor Horse Show

The late Queen Elizabeth smiled as she watched the troops on horses at the Royal Windsor Horse Show

Queen Elizabeth makes Italian jockey Frankie Dettori (R) laugh during presentation after he won the Gold Cup at Royal Ascot in 2019

Queen Elizabeth makes Italian jockey Frankie Dettori (R) laugh during presentation after he won the Gold Cup at Royal Ascot in 2019

Her Majesty's love of horses began when she was just four, after her grandfather, King George V, gave her a small Shetland pony.

When she was six, she fell in love with horse riding. In her teens she became an accomplished equestrian and continued to ride for pleasure throughout her life.

From her first appearance at the annual Trooping the Color until 1986, the monarch attended the ceremony on horseback.

She first attended the Royal Windsor Horse Show as a horse-mad teenager in 1943. Together with Princess Margaret, the 17-year-old showed off her equestrian talent by winning the Pony & Dogcart class.

The Queen owned several thoroughbreds for racing after initially inheriting King George's breeding and racing stock after his death in February 1952.

A lady-in-waiting taking the then Princess Elizabeth and her younger sister Princess Margaret on a visit to Pets Corner at London Zoo in 1937

A lady-in-waiting taking the then Princess Elizabeth and her younger sister Princess Margaret on a visit to Pets Corner at London Zoo in 1937

In 1974, the monarch's interest in horses was the subject of a documentary title, The Queen's Race Horses: a Private View, which she herself narrated (pictured at the 1978 races)

In 1974, the monarch's interest in horses was the subject of a documentary title, The Queen's Race Horses: a Private View, which she herself narrated (pictured at the 1978 races)

Her Majesty's golden era as a racehorse owner was in 1953, her coronation year, when her beloved horse Aureole came second to Pinza, the closest the Queen ever came to winning the Derby.

Her Majesty's golden era as a racehorse owner was in 1953, her coronation year, when her beloved horse Aureole came second to Pinza, the closest the Queen ever came to winning the Derby.

Her Majesty's golden era as a racehorse owner was in 1953, her coronation year, when her beloved horse Aureole came second to Pinza, the closest the Queen ever came to winning the Derby.

She became patron of many equine organizations including the British Horse Society, the Fell Pony Society and the Highland Pony Society.

Elizabeth, known around the world as a racehorse owner and breeder with real expertise, celebrated her love of animals by dedicating life-size statues to two of her horses in Windsor.

In 1974, the monarch's interest in horses was the subject of a documentary title, The Queen's Race Horses: a Private View, which she herself narrated.

The Queen's love of horse racing saw her inducted into the QIPCO British Champions Series Hall of Fame in the Special Contributor category.

She was honored for her unwavering and lifelong dedication to the sport over the past eighty years.

The Queen, who died on September 8 at the age of 96, sparked a huge love affair with equestrianism in Britain, thanks to her own talents as a rider and breeder (The Queen, who died on September 8 at the age of 96, led to a huge love affair with equestrian sports in Britain, thanks to her own talents as a rider and breeder (

The Queen, who died on September 8 at the age of 96, sparked a huge love affair with equestrianism in Britain, thanks to her own talents as a rider and breeder (the Queen riding her horse Burmese at Trooping the Color in 1969)

John Warren, who oversaw all of the monarch's racing and horse breeding interests, said at the time that the recognition would be the source of “much inner pride” for the Queen.

The late monarch became the first person to be inducted into the QIPCO British Champions Series Hall of Fame under the Special Contributor category, after being chosen by an independent panel of industry experts for her outstanding contribution.

In 2022, the Queen attended the Windsor Horse Show and was guest of honor at the equestrian extravaganza A Gallop Through History, the first major event of the anniversary festivities.

According to her racing advisor John Warren, the late monarch “discussed her love for her horses to the end.”

Mr Warren said he spent the weekend before the Queen died in Scotland discussing her horses, as they had done many times before.

“We sat there for hours all weekend strategizing and planning for the future,” he said.

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Dale Moss wishes ex Clare Crawley 'all the best' after first baby Mon, 12 Feb 2024 02:25:30 +0000

Dale Moss Mindy Small/Getty images Dale Moss added its rocky history Clare Crawley in the rearview mirror after they've all moved on to find love with other people. “I think having a family and building a life, happiness with someone you love and care about is the most important thing, so with that I only […]

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Dale Moss Mindy Small/Getty images

Dale Moss added its rocky history Clare Crawley in the rearview mirror after they've all moved on to find love with other people.

“I think having a family and building a life, happiness with someone you love and care about is the most important thing, so with that I only wish the best,” Moss, 35, told exclusively We weekly at Gronk Beach in Las Vegas on Saturday, February 10. “That's a big thing.”

Crawley, 42, welcomed her first baby, daughter Rowan, with husband Ryan Dawkins in January. Rowan arrived via surrogate and is Dawkins' third child.

Crawley and Moss, who split for good in 2021, have not been in contact.

Clare Crawley Dale Moss Relationship Timeline

Related: The Bachelorette's Clare Crawley and Dale Moss: As They Were

If you know, you know… or do you hope you know? Season 16 of The Bachelorette was like no other. From the moment Clare Crawley met Dale Moss on the first night of the ABC dating show, things were different. “It was breathtaking. It was one of those moments where you don't know until you know […]

“I'm just focused on my current relationship and that's the priority, but again, love is a wonderful thing, so if anyone can find it, it's a win,” Moss shared. Usreferring to girlfriend Galey Alex.

Us broke the news in June 2022 that Moss is dating Alix, 30, who hosts HGTV's Home in a heartbeat.

“[We] have been together for about two years. She's great, so we did something good, we're very supportive and I'm happy,” he said Saturday at Wynn Las Vegas' Encore Beach Club. “Every day we try to build our relationship as strong as possible.”

Moss further hinted that marriage could be in the offing. “I don't see a future without her in it, so that's a good feeling,” he said Us.

Crawley and Moss met during season 16 of the series The Bachelorette. After an instant connection, Moss proposed after 12 days and the couple left the show early. They dated on and off until September 2021. After their breakup, Crawley found love with Dawkins. They will marry in February 2023.

Feature Bachelorette Alum Dale Moss and Home in a Heartbeat Galey Alix Relationship Timeline

Related: Dale Moss and Galey Alix's relationship timeline

After a whirlwind stint on The Bachelorette, Dale Moss has found love with Galey Alix (née Gravenstein). Bachelor Nation may remember how Moss proposed to Clare Crawley on season 16 of The Bachelorette, which aired in 2020. The pair got engaged within the first two weeks of production, prompting ABC to bring in Tayshia Adams. […]

Although Moss' TV romance didn't pan out, he has no regrets about his Bachelor Nation journey.

“I wouldn't change anything for the world. I don't regret every choice I make. I think you can learn from every experience,” he said on Saturday. “And I think the biggest things challenged me as a man and as a person. It's a chapter. I am grateful for it, I have learned a lot from it.”

Moss is currently in Las Vegas for Super Bowl LVIII, where the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers will battle for the Lombardi Trophy on Sunday, February 11.

“I'm rooting for the 49ers,” Moss said Us. “I really love the Chiefs, but this is the best weekend in sports, so as a former NFL wide receiver, I love [the] Super Bowl. But I think the 49ers will win this one. After last year they become salty. We'll see, we'll see.”

The 49ers narrowly lost the NFC Championship to the Philadelphia Eagles in January 2023. They last appeared in the Super Bowl in 2020, where the Chiefs emerged victorious.

With reporting by Hannah Kahn

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Love Island SPOILER: Molly Smith and Tom Clare are given ALL the power as they pick the next boy and girl to be dumped from the island Wed, 31 Jan 2024 13:22:18 +0000

Love Island delivers another shock twist on Wednesday night’s episode, as Molly Smith and Tom Clare are given the power to send two Islanders home.   After being voted the ‘most popular couple’ in the public vote, Molly and Tom are told by Maya Jama that it is their responsibility to send another two packing. The […]

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Love Island delivers another shock twist on Wednesday night’s episode, as Molly Smith and Tom Clare are given the power to send two Islanders home.  

After being voted the ‘most popular couple’ in the public vote, Molly and Tom are told by Maya Jama that it is their responsibility to send another two packing.

The next shock exit comes hot on the heels of Mitchel Taylor and Liberty Poole’s departure which aired at the close of Tuesday’s episode.  

Picking up right where the last episode left off, Maya tells the remaining Islanders: ‘I’m now going to ask you all to separate from your couples into girls and boys. 

‘Girls you’ll make a decision on what boy to dump and send home immediately. Boys, you will do the same for the girls.’

Love Island delivers another shock twist on Wednesday night’s episode, as Molly Smith and Tom Clare are given the power to send two Islanders home 

After being voted the 'most popular couple' in the public vote, Molly and Tom are told by Maya Jama that it is their responsibility to send another two packing

After being voted the ‘most popular couple’ in the public vote, Molly and Tom are told by Maya Jama that it is their responsibility to send another two packing

Maya continues: ‘Molly and Tom as you were voted the favourite couple, Molly you will have the deciding vote for which boy to dump and Tom you will have the deciding vote for which girl to dump.’

Molly says: ‘That’s just horrendous while Toby points out: ‘It’s a lose, lose…’

After making their difficult decisions, Maya gathers all of the Islanders around the firepit to reveal the results.

And there’s more surprises in store as after the other two Islanders have left the Villa, Maya introduces new bombshells Casey O’Gorman and Joanna Chimonides.

Maya says: ‘Bit of a tough night, ay. Well, this might help turn things around. I’ve got two brand new bombshells who are ready to find love. Please welcome, Joanna and Casey.’

And Casey isn’t wasting much time, telling Joanna when asked who he is he eye on: ‘Quite a lot of them.’

Casey appeared on Love Island during last year’s winter season but had a rocky road with Claudia Fogarty and Rosie Seabrook on his series.

Molly had an explosive row with Georgia Steel on Tuesday's episode, will that influence her and Tom's decision?

Molly had an explosive row with Georgia Steel on Tuesday’s episode, will that influence her and Tom’s decision? 

Picking up right where the last episode left off, Maya tells the remaining Islanders: 'I'm now going to ask you all to separate from your couples into girls and boys'

Picking up right where the last episode left off, Maya tells the remaining Islanders: ‘I’m now going to ask you all to separate from your couples into girls and boys’

'Girls you'll make a decision on what boy to dump and send home immediately. Boys, you will do the same for the girls.'

‘Girls you’ll make a decision on what boy to dump and send home immediately. Boys, you will do the same for the girls.’

Maya continues: 'Molly and Tom as you were voted the favourite couple, Molly will have the deciding vote for which boy to dump and Tom you will have the deciding vote for which girl'

Maya continues: ‘Molly and Tom as you were voted the favourite couple, Molly will have the deciding vote for which boy to dump and Tom you will have the deciding vote for which girl’

After making their difficult decisions, Maya gathers all of the Islanders around the firepit to reveal the results

After making their difficult decisions, Maya gathers all of the Islanders around the firepit to reveal the results

Now he is back and ready to find love again, and has already vowed to steal his best pal Tom Clare’s couple Molly Smith. 

He also told how he has a bit of history with Georgia Harrison and is keen to see if anything with her can ‘develop in any way’.

Viewers will remember Joanna from the 2019 series which saw her coupling up with ex-boyfriend Michael Griffiths after they met in Casa Amor, which left his partner at the time, Amber Gill, heartbroken.

But Amber went on to win the series and the £50,000 cash prize with Greg O’Shea after fans fumed over the way she was treated by Michael.

As she enters the show for a second time, Joanna, who dated England footballer Ben Chilwell, has vowed not to play it safe – and will tread on toes if she needs to.

Molly and Tom were voted most popular couple, just ahead of her rival Georgia and her partner, who is also Molly's ex, Callum a

Molly and Tom were voted most popular couple, just ahead of her rival Georgia and her partner, who is also Molly’s ex, Callum a

And there's more surprises in store as after the other two Islanders have left the Villa, Maya introduces new bombshells Casey O'Gorman and Joanna Chimonides

And there’s more surprises in store as after the other two Islanders have left the Villa, Maya introduces new bombshells Casey O’Gorman and Joanna Chimonides 

Maya says: 'Bit of a tough night, ay. Well, this might help turn things around. I've got two brand new bombshells who are ready to find love. Please welcome, Joanna and Casey'

Maya says: ‘Bit of a tough night, ay. Well, this might help turn things around. I’ve got two brand new bombshells who are ready to find love. Please welcome, Joanna and Casey’

Casey isn't wasting much time, telling Joanna when asked who he is he eye on: 'Quite a lot of them'

Casey isn’t wasting much time, telling Joanna when asked who he is he eye on: ‘Quite a lot of them’

As well as the bombshells being teased at the end of Tuesday night’s show, viewers rejoiced as Mitch was finally sent packing from the villa.

The former gas engineer, 27, and Liberty , 24, were voted by the public the least compatible couple and were sent their marching orders by host Maya Jama. 

Maya entered the South African villa and ordered the couples to stand in a line.

She then announced the order they were standing in went from most to least compatible. 

Molly Smith and Tom Clare placed first, with her ex Callum Jones following second with Georgia Steel. 

Love Island viewers rejoiced as Mitchel Taylor was finally sent packing from the villa on Tuesday night's episode alongside Liberty Poole

Love Island viewers rejoiced as Mitchel Taylor was finally sent packing from the villa on Tuesday night’s episode alongside Liberty Poole 

Liberty and Mitch placed last after Monday’s episode where she told him he had the ’emotional maturity of a two-year old’. They were then told they had to pack their bags.

Viewers took to X, formerly Twitter, as they reacted to Mitch and Liberty’s dumping. 

They wrote: ‘So we get rid of Mitch but then have to endure Casey’ and ‘Stop I can’t even feel bad for Lib as she went with Mitch’.

‘Mitch really dragged her down. He’s actually terrible’. 

The pair had a rocky relationship since they were first coupled-up early on in the series.

Liberty was first paired by the public with her ex Jake Cornish but, after he left the show, she explored her connection with Mitch.


Kaz Kamwi

AGE: 29


Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa? To be totally honest, I actually really want to find love. 

I had a great time last series but I want to have an even better time.

How will you feel if you come across an ex in the Villa or someone you’ve previously dated from the show? The thing is, I’m a bad b*tch so I will handle it with as much grace as I can.


Georgia Harrison

AGE: 29 


Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa? This is the last year of my 20s so I want to go in the Villa and have some fun and hopefully meet someone that I can fall in love with. I’m lucky in the sense that I’ve got everything in my life that I could possibly wish for, apart from love.

If you had to pick your top Islanders from Series 1 to 10 to couple up with who would they be and why? Chris Taylor, he’s hilarious and the main thing I’m attracted to is a man who can make me laugh. What a fun guy and like I said, I’m looking for someone to TikTok with so I reckon he’d be game for that sort of stuff!

Hannah Elizabeth

AGE: 33


Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa? I’m returning to the Love Island Villa because I did it eight years ago and what an opportunity I never thought I’d get again. I’m not very good at finding love but I had a ball the first time, so I’m going to have a ball again.

You got engaged on the show last time, do you think wedding bells could be on the cards again this time round? Absolutely not, not in the Villa no. Maybe when I get out, but I’d need to give it a bit of time.


Georgia Steel

AGE: 25


Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa? I’m 25, I have a house, a cat, a nice car – I have everything in life but a boyfriend, so why not give it as go.

You’ve been brave and honest in opening up about being conned by a former partner. How has this experience impacted the way in which you now approach dating? 

I take that experience as a really positive reflection now. I look at it as something I had to go through to make me stronger and learn things in life for me to be able to learn what I want in my next partner.

Molly Smith  

AGE: 29


What do you need to know? Molly entered her season as a Casa Amor bombshell and managed to turn Callum Jones’ head.  

It’s believed she ended things with Callum after three years because she ‘wanted to get engaged’ but the offer was seemingly not forthcoming. 

Arabella Chi

AGE: 32


What do you need to know? Despite a fleeting stint on her series she has hit the headlines with a series of high profile romances since, most recently with footballer Ruben Dias. 

She was linked to former French rugby player Yoann Huget and  DJ Tom Zanetti. She also enjoyed a brief dalliance with fellow All Star Toby Aromolaran.

 Tom Clare

AGE: 24


Why are you returning to the Villa?

I found love last time, so I am back and ready to give it another go.

What will you do differently this time round?

Last time I did exactly what I wanted and got the girl that I wanted, so no I wouldn’t do anything different.

Why do you think the Villa is the perfect place to find love?

When you’re with someone 24/7 you really get to know them. It can be such an alien environment, so you really get to know someone in a short space of time. It’s Love Island – it’s the best place!

Casey O’Gorman

AGE: 24


Why are you returning to the Love Island villa? I didn’t find love the first time round so I’m hoping it will be second time lucky.

I had the most amazing experience before, so get me back in that villa.

Who do you have your eye on? I’ve got my eyes on Molly, for sure. I genuinely think she is a 10 out of 10. Georgia H as well – I know her and we have had a good time together. It’ll be interesting to see if it can develop in any way.


Toby Aromolaran

AGE: 24


Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa? If I’m Single and Love Island is an opportunity for me, how could you turn down the chance to find love again?!

You were in a long term relationship with Chloe Burrows, what do you think her reaction will be when she hears you are going into the Villa? I don’t know how she would take it. We will always have love for each other and I think she would wish me the best of luck, as I would certainly do the same.


Chris Taylor 

AGE: 33


Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa? Last time I was only there for 15 days, so I want to do it and enjoy it all again. I am 33 now and getting on a bit – I am getting ear hair! It would be nice to have a girl to keep my ears trimmed for me!

How did the Barbie Movie come about? I was invited to an afterparty by Margot Robbie and then ended up at an after party with her. I started to panic and make conversation with her, just having really stupid chats. All I can assume is that my silly chat made an impression on Margot Robbie. 18 months later I got an email from Warner Brothers. 


Anton Danyluk

AGE: 29


Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa? For me it was a no brainer. I got the call and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and probably the best summer I have ever had in my life. Getting the chance to do it twice is going to be unbelievable.

Why do you think the Love Island Villa is the perfect place to find love? 

I think this time with Love Island: All Stars, things will be different, as we all understand what it’s like to go on Love Island and the only thing now missing is finding a partner.


Mitchel Taylor

Callum Jones 

AGE: 27


What do you need to know? Callum caused shockwaves in his series when he ended his romance with Shauna Phillips and recoupled with Molly Smith in Casa Amor.

The couple went on to have a three-year relationship, even moving in together in Manchester but split last year, months before an awkward reunion in the Love Island All Stars villa. 

Josh Ritchie 

AGE: 29


What do you need to know? Joshua, was one of the original Islanders in 2015 and has since made a name for himself on reality TV shows including Ex on the Beach and Celebs Go Dating – and because of his highly publicised romances.

He dated fellow All Stars contestant Georgia Harrison as well as Geordie Shore star Charlotte Crosby. 

Tyler Cruickshank

AGE: 28 


What do you need to know? Tyler made it to the final of his season with Kaz Kamwi despite a rocky moment when his head was turned in Casa Amor. 

While they were able to rekindle their romance ultimately Tyler split from Kaz just three months after leaving the villa, blaming the ‘adjustment to being in the public eye’ as the reason for the break up. 

Sophie Piper

AGE: 24


Why are you returning to the famous Love Island Villa?

I had a fun experience the first time around but I didn’t go the full way and find love, so I’d love to find someone this time.

What will you do differently this time round?

I’m quite chilled and don’t want drama, so I think I will approach this time round in a similar way. I’m a one guy kind of girl.

Why do you think the Villa is the perfect place to find love?

It’s a once in a lifetime experience and not something that comes up every day. 

 Joanna Chimonides

AGE:  27


What do you need to know? 

Viewers will remember Joanna coupling up with ex-boyfriend Michael Griffiths after they met in Casa Amor, which left his partner at the time, Amber Gill, heartbroken.

But Amber went on to win the series and the £50,000 cash prize with Greg O’Shea after fans fumed over the way she was treated by Michael.

As she enters the show for a second time, Joanna, who dated England footballer Ben Chilwell, has vowed not to play it safe – and will tread on toes if she needs to.


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Love Island: All Stars SPOILER: Major tensions erupt in the villa as one of the islanders DUMPS their partner for handsome bombshell Tom Clare Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:33:48 +0000

By Sarah Packer, chief showbiz reporter Published: 07:51 EST, January 24, 2024 | Updated: 09:30 EST, January 24, 2024 Major tensions erupt in the Love Island: All Stars villa on tonight's show as one of the Islanders dumps their partner for handsome bombshell Tom Clare. ITV2 viewers saw the 24-year-old footballer arrive in South Africa […]

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Major tensions erupt in the Love Island: All Stars villa on tonight's show as one of the Islanders dumps their partner for handsome bombshell Tom Clare.

ITV2 viewers saw the 24-year-old footballer arrive in South Africa at the end of Tuesday night's show, along with Rochelle Humes' sister Sophie Piper.

But his arrival shocks Georgia Steel, 25, who secretly dated Tom following his split from ex-girlfriend Samie Elishi, and now hopes they can pick up where they left off – leaving Callum Jones, 27, vulnerable.

After declaring each other 'relationship material', Georgia and Callum decided to continue their romantic relationship, cementing their affection with several passionate kisses.

Tom's arrival holds Georgia back as her feelings resurface and she chooses to pursue their spark.

Major tensions erupt in the Love Island: All Stars villa on tonight's show as one of the Islanders dumps their partner for handsome bombshell Tom Clare

ITV2 viewers saw the footballer arrive in South Africa at the end of Tuesday night's show, along with Rochelle Humes' sister Sophie Piper

ITV2 viewers saw the footballer arrive in South Africa at the end of Tuesday night's show, along with Rochelle Humes' sister Sophie Piper

A TV source told MailOnline: 'Everything seemed to be going so well between Georgia and Callum.

'But Georgia's priorities changed as soon as Tom entered the villa.

'She kicks Callum to the curb and her focus is purely on Tom and to top it all off he has all the power.'

Georgia and Tom couldn't keep their eyes off each other during their first dinner date.

The reality star even went to Tom's side of the table to sit on his lap as Callum looked on with puppy dog ​​eyes.

Tom and his Love Island ex Samie split just a month after leaving the show, despite saying they were in love with each other.

According to reports, Samie dramatically pulled out of returning to Love Island for the All Stars series to avoid an awkward reunion with her ex.

Ahead of his appearance, Tom referred to the couple's 'arguments', admitting it would have been 'difficult' to see her again.

According to reports, Samie dramatically pulled out of returning to Love Island for the All Stars series to avoid an awkward reunion with her ex

According to reports, Samie dramatically pulled out of returning to Love Island for the All Stars series to avoid an awkward reunion with her ex

Tom and his Love Island ex Samie split just a month after leaving the show, despite saying they were in love with each other

Tom and his Love Island ex Samie split just a month after leaving the show, despite saying they were in love with each other

Ahead of his appearance, Tom referenced the couple's 'arguments', admitting it would have been 'hard' for Samie again

Ahead of his appearance, Tom referenced the couple's 'arguments', admitting it would have been 'hard' for Samie again

He said: “I think it's hard because obviously I was in love with Sammy so I don't know how I would react.

'We haven't seen each other for a long time and a lot of things have been said. It would be hard to see her.

“Although we may have had a few arguments, she has a good heart and I can't say anything bad about her.”

Tom and Sophie are the latest stunners to enter the Love Island villa.

Sophie is the sister of This Morning presenter Rochelle, who she says will be shocked to see her return.

She said: 'They will die when they see me on their TV screens again. It will be a shock. They got so obsessed with the show the first time.”

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Bachelorette Clare Crawley reveals her newborn daughter's name Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:13:20 +0000

Clare Crawley. Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Alo The bachelorette'S Clare Crawley revealed her and husband's name Ryan Dawkins'Newborn daughter. “Welcome to the world Rowen Lily Dawkins 🤍 01/15/24 • 6lbs10oz,” Crawley, 42, wrote, captioning a Instagram video on Tuesday, January 16, one day after she and Dawkins welcomed their daughter via surrogate. “I have prayed […]

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Clare Crawley. Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Alo

The bachelorette'S Clare Crawley revealed her and husband's name Ryan Dawkins'Newborn daughter.

“Welcome to the world Rowen Lily Dawkins 🤍 01/15/24 • 6lbs10oz,” Crawley, 42, wrote, captioning a Instagram video on Tuesday, January 16, one day after she and Dawkins welcomed their daughter via surrogate. “I have prayed for you all my life and to finally hold you in our arms is nothing short of a miracle and a dream come true!”

The clip features an acoustic cover of “My Girl”. Tiffany Alvord, Rowen was fast asleep next to a gray bunny stuffed animal and a cute white knit hat. Dawkins gave his wife a sweet shout out in the comments of the post, writing, “It's like I'm falling in love with you all over again ❤👶🏻👰‍♀️.”

Several of Crawley's fellow Bachelor Nation stars shared their congratulations for the response in the comments. “Amazing! She is beautiful Clare…congratulations to you both,” she wrote The Bachelorette season 17 alum Michael Allio. “What a special experience❤.”

Josh Duhamel's pregnant wife Audra Mari debuts baby bump at Red Carpet Date Night 340

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Sienna Miller and more stars have expanded their family in 2024. On January 3, news broke that Miller had given birth to her second baby earlier that month, her first with boyfriend Oli Green. Miller also shares eldest daughter Marlowe with ex-fiance Tom Sturridge. “I spent so much time preparing for the birth [with Marlowe], […]

Ashley Iaconetti called Crawley's baby daughter “so beautiful,” adding, “Congratulations to you and Ryan!! So happy for you!!” Blake Moynes commented one emoji raising his hands, while Natasha Parker wrote: “Congratulations Clare!!!!😍😍😍🥺.”

Crawley confirmed on Monday via her Instagram Story that her daughter was born. “She's here! Healthy + Beyond Loved🤍. Dream come true😭.” Dawkins is also the father of 12-year-old and 10-year-old daughters from a previous relationship.

Days before Rowen's birth, Crawley shared her excitement about welcoming her bundle of joy. “Baby girl we're here for you when you are,” she wrote alongside one Instagram video of the horizon through an airplane window. The video also included a quote that read, “She looked at her old life one last time, took a deep breath and said softly to herself, 'It's time. I'm ready to start my new storybook. ''

Crawley started dating Dawkins in 2021, not long after she and her last rose winner Dale Moss ended their engagement. The couple tied the knot in February 2023 and announced five months later that they were expecting their first child together.

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Related: Clare Crawley and husband Ryan Dawkins' relationship timeline

Clare Crawley first hooked up with current husband Ryan Dawkins the same month her engagement to Dale Moss officially ended. “This photo was taken exactly one year ago,” the former Bachelorette wrote via Instagram on September 25, 2022. “He asked me out for dinner. I had no appetite. (Stressed and depressed) But I said yes to tea […]

“Our laundry will be a lot more fun in 2024!” Crawley captioned them Instagram pregnancy announcement video in July 2023, in which they hung a baby romper on a clothesline. “This is REALLY what my dreams are made of! I can't tell you how hard it has been to keep this secret hidden as I have shared the last 10 years of my life with all of you! However, this is a journey that Ryan and I have held close to our hearts as we navigate the uncertain world of IVF and all that comes with it thus far.

Crawley also opened up about her and her surrogate mother's special bond in an Instagram Story video from August 2023. “So we're going to see our surrogate, who I just love. I feel like I've known her my whole life,” the reality star said at the time. “She and I are alike in so many ways.”

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Clare Crawley and Ryan Dawkins welcome first baby via surrogate Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:09:49 +0000

Clare Crawley, Ryan Dawkins. Courtesy of Clare Crawley/Instagram Clare Crawley and her husband, Ryan Dawkinswelcomed their first child via surrogate on Monday, January 15. “She's here!” Crawley, 42, made the announcement on her Instagram Story, sharing a photo hugging Dawkins in a hospital room. “Healthy + more than loved. Dream come true.” The former Bachelorette […]

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Clare Crawley, Ryan Dawkins. Courtesy of Clare Crawley/Instagram

Clare Crawley and her husband, Ryan Dawkinswelcomed their first child via surrogate on Monday, January 15.

“She's here!” Crawley, 42, made the announcement on her Instagram Story, sharing a photo hugging Dawkins in a hospital room. “Healthy + more than loved. Dream come true.”

The former Bachelorette and Dawkins announced in July 2023 that their family was expanding.

Clare Crawley welcomes baby No. 1
Courtesy of Clare Crawley/Instagram

“Our laundry is about to get a lot more fun in 2024,” Crawley wrote via Instagram. “This is REALLY what my dreams are made of! I can't tell you how hard it has been to keep this secret hidden!”

She added: “This is a journey that Ryan and I have held close to our hearts as we navigate the uncertain world of IVF and all that comes with it. I can't wait to share with you soon what it's been like for us, and until then, we're incredibly grateful [Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh] for making miracles happen!

Crawley met Dawkins – who has two daughters, 12 and 10 respectively, from a previous relationship – in late 2021.

Famous weddings of 2023: stars who got married this year, gray boots

Related: Clare Crawley and husband Ryan Dawkins' relationship timeline

Clare Crawley first hooked up with current husband Ryan Dawkins the same month her engagement to Dale Moss officially ended. “This photo was taken exactly one year ago,” the former Bachelorette wrote via Instagram on September 25, 2022. “He asked me out for dinner. I had no appetite. (Stressed and depressed) But I said yes to tea […]

“I wasn't ready to date again,” Crawley shared exclusively We weekly in October 2022 when she met her current husband shortly after ending her engagement Dale Moss. “The moment I was single, he said, 'Let me take you.' And he knew I was at such a low point and I told him I wasn't even ready to go out to dinner. I had to take space to have time for myself to heal. I didn't want him to be a rebound.”

After almost a year together, Dawkins proposed in October 2022 at the RISE Festival in Las Vegas.

“Everything in my world has changed since I met her. She is the love of my life and I wish the world knew the Clare I know,” he said. Us at the time. “She is one of the strongest women I know and is truly a bright spot. I love our life and [am] more than excited about our future.”

Lucy Liu recalls the decision to use a surrogate to welcome son Rockwell

Related: Celebrities who used surrogates to expand their families

Pursue Surrogacy! Lance Bass and more celebrities have delivered babies with the help of surrogate mothers. The singer and Michael Turchin became parents to twins in October 2021, but the couple tried to start their family for three years. The former 'NSync member first told Us Weekly exclusively in March 2018 […]

The couple married in February 2023 in the presence of Dawkins' eldest daughters. “Ryan is an event planner by nature, so he planned the entire wedding,” Crawley recalled during an appearance on the “Most Dramatic Podcast Ever” in May 2023. “But he took control, he planned everything. We had a small ceremony. We had the best vows to each other, super personal. It was spot on [where] we had our first kiss. It was just the biggest spot.”

Crawley – who rose to fame as a finalist on Juan Pablo Galavis' season 18 of The Bachelor in 2014 – was previously engaged Benoit Beausejour-Savard after meeting during Bachelor Winter Games in 2018. After calling off their whirlwind engagement, she led season 16 of The Bachelorette and met Mos. Crawley and the former footballer got engaged after just twelve days and left the show early. The now-exes were together on and off before splitting for good in September 2021.

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Bachelorette Clare Crawley is 'ready' to meet her first baby Mon, 15 Jan 2024 06:48:15 +0000

Clare Crawley. Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images for iHeartRadio Clare Crawley is “ready” to meet her first baby with husband Ryan Dawkins. “Baby girl we are here for you when you are,” Crawley, 42, wrote via Instagram on Sunday, January 14, next to a fragment of the horizon through an airplane window. The former Bachelor party also […]

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Clare Crawley. Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images for iHeartRadio

Clare Crawley is “ready” to meet her first baby with husband Ryan Dawkins.

“Baby girl we are here for you when you are,” Crawley, 42, wrote via Instagram on Sunday, January 14, next to a fragment of the horizon through an airplane window.

The former Bachelor party also shared a quote written with the video: “She took one last look at her old life, took a deep breath, and quietly said to herself, 'It's time. I'm ready to start my new storybook. ''

Crawley shared in July 2023 that she and Dawkins, who married in February 2023, were expecting their first child together via a surrogate. (Dawkins has two daughters from a previous relationship.)

Famous weddings of 2023: stars who got married this year, gray boots

Related: Clare Crawley and husband Ryan Dawkins' relationship timeline

Clare Crawley first hooked up with current husband Ryan Dawkins the same month her engagement to Dale Moss officially ended. “This photo was taken exactly one year ago,” the former Bachelorette wrote via Instagram on September 25, 2022. “He asked me out for dinner. I had no appetite. (Stressed and depressed) But I said yes to tea […]

“Baby Dawkins will arrive in January 2024 via our amazing English surrogate!!” Crawley wrote via Instagram at the time. “This is REALLY what my dreams are made of! I can't tell you how hard it has been to keep this secret hidden as I have shared the last ten years of my life with all of you!”

Crawley added that she and Dawkins kept their baby news to themselves as they “navigated the uncertain world of IVF and everything that comes with it.”

Single Clare Crawley is ready to meet her first baby ready for you when you're 525
Courtesy of Clare Crawley/Instagram

“I can't wait to share what it's been like for us soon, and until then, we're so incredibly grateful to @eggwhisperer for making miracles happen!” Crawley wrote.

Just weeks after Crawley announced she was expecting her first child with Dawkins, she revealed the couple were having a daughter in a video of her cutting into a pink cake.

Clare Crawley Bachelor History A guide for every guide she dated

Related: Clare Crawley's Dating History: From Bachelor Nation Stars and Beyond

Clare Crawley competed on The Bachelor and several spinoffs before becoming the season 16 lead of The Bachelorette in March 2020. However, her love story didn't end there. During her historic season – she was the oldest Bachelor leader ever, filming at age 39 – Crawley had on the first night and less than […]

“For the past ten years I've had the same dream over and over again,” Crawley wrote via Instagram. “The dreams were so vivid and real that my baby came into my life. All the beautiful details down to the gender and name. So this special moment was no surprise to me!”

Crawley has since spoken about her bond with her surrogate mother, saying that she feels like she has “known her my whole life” and that they are “similar in so many ways.”

“So grateful to have someone in our lives who is so incredibly special and gives us the greatest gift ever,” she captioned her Instagram Story video in August 2023.

Bachelor Nation first met Crawley when they competed for the eye of Juan Pablo Galavis during season 18 of The Bachelor. She next appeared in seasons 1 and 2 of Bachelor in Paradiselike Bachelor Winter Games.


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While some roses stand the test of time, others wither before Neil Lane's engagement ring can be resized. The Bachelor premiered on ABC in March 2002, with Alex Michel being named the World's Most Eligible Bachelor. More than twenty women competed for his heart and one of the most successful reality TV franchises was born. […]

Crawley was then given the title of The Bachelorette in March 2020, but production was initially postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. When the show started filming, Crawley left after four episodes, engaged Dale Moss. (Tayshia Adams replaced Crawley as leader for the remainder of the season.)

Two months after their engagement aired, Crawley and Moss, 34, called it quits but then rekindled their relationship before splitting for good in September 2021.

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Farmer Wants A Wife stars Brad Jones and Clare Hockings spark engagement rumors as she shows off diamond ring in Christmas photo Fri, 29 Dec 2023 06:58:36 +0000

By Jimmy Briggs for Daily Mail Australia Published: 01:50 EST, December 29, 2023 | Updated: 01:55 EST, December 29, 2023 Farmer Wants a Wife lovebirds Brad Jones and Clare Hockings stunned their fans this week by inadvertently spreading the rumor that they were engaged. Clare, 28, posted a photo gallery on Instagram of her and […]

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Farmer Wants a Wife lovebirds Brad Jones and Clare Hockings stunned their fans this week by inadvertently spreading the rumor that they were engaged.

Clare, 28, posted a photo gallery on Instagram of her and Brad, 32, celebrating Christmas with their newborn son Roy, which fans apparently read too much into.

One adorable photo shows the happy couple posing next to a Christmas tree with their baby boy, and another shows a female hand, with an engagement ring, holding Roy.

Fans immediately noticed the diamond ring on the hand and took to the comments section to ask Clare if she was secretly engaged.

‘Is that a wedding ring? Did I miss something?’ one fan asked, and a second person added, “Is that an engagement ring?”

Farmer Wants a Wife stars Brad Jones and Clare Hockings stunned their fans by spreading the rumor that they were engaged. Clare posted a gallery of photos to Instagram of her and Brad celebrating Christmas with newborn son Roy, which fans are reading too much into. All depicted

However, Clare quickly quashed the rumors and clarified that it was not her hand in the photo.

“Yes, it’s an engagement ring, but it’s not mine,” she replied.

While they may not be engaged, Clare and Brad reached a new milestone earlier this month when they welcomed their first child.

One adorable photo shows a female hand, with an engagement ring, holding Roy.  Fans immediately noticed the diamond ring on the hand and took to the comments section to ask Clare if she was engaged

One adorable photo shows a female hand, with an engagement ring, holding Roy. Fans immediately noticed the diamond ring on the hand and took to the comments section to ask Clare if she was engaged

The fan favorites announced the exciting news on Brad’s social media, sharing a beautiful photo of them doting on their newborn son.

The photo, which appears to have been taken on Brad’s farm, shows little Roy wrapped in a blanket, being held by his proud dad as Clare looks on lovingly.

“Roy Grahame Jones has arrived,” he captioned the precious image, alongside a smiley face emoji.

However, Clare quickly quashed the rumors and clarified that it was not her hand in the photo

However, Clare quickly quashed the rumors and clarified that it was not her hand in the photo

The couple announced that Clare was expecting in June, just a month after their appearance on the Season 13 reunion of the Channel 7 reality show.

Their dubbing their soon-to-be bub as “Baby Jones,” the couple shared New idea in July that their baby joy was a surprise.

“We didn’t think it would happen so quickly,” Brad told the publication, adding, “We’re on the same page and just happy to be living together.”

Brad and Clare won fans when their romance blossomed during the 2023 season of Seven’s dating series Farmer Wants a Wife and their relationship remains as strong as ever.

While they may not be engaged, Clare and Brad reached a new milestone earlier this month when they welcomed their first child

While they may not be engaged, Clare and Brad reached a new milestone earlier this month when they welcomed their first child

ChristmasBoer wants a woman in Australia

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