Missouri – USMAIL24.COM https://usmail24.com News Portal from USA Wed, 20 Mar 2024 03:13:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://usmail24.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Untitled-design-1-100x100.png Missouri – USMAIL24.COM https://usmail24.com 32 32 195427244 Moment 67-year-old school bus driver accelerates and hits a seventh-grader after pulling over the vehicle, leaving the youngster covered in cuts and bruises https://usmail24.com/school-bus-driver-fight-seventh-grader-missouri-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/school-bus-driver-fight-seventh-grader-missouri-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Wed, 20 Mar 2024 03:13:37 +0000 https://usmail24.com/school-bus-driver-fight-seventh-grader-missouri-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

Screaming children filmed the moment a Missouri driver marched down the aisle of a noisy school bus, grabbed a seventh-grader by the shirt and tried to strangle him. Zachary Carrel was left with cuts on his face and bruises on his neck after he was pinned to his seat and punched by Scott Robert Livingstone […]

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Screaming children filmed the moment a Missouri driver marched down the aisle of a noisy school bus, grabbed a seventh-grader by the shirt and tried to strangle him.

Zachary Carrel was left with cuts on his face and bruises on his neck after he was pinned to his seat and punched by Scott Robert Livingstone on the bus leaving Heritage Middle School in Liberty, prosecutors say.

The bus was still on campus when the attack occurred and a district safety officer escorted Zachary from the vehicle and ordered Livingstone to wait until police arrived.

But the 67-year-old closed the door and left with a bus full of children who were “crying and screaming” by the time the bus was stopped by police.

“There was an adult man on top of him, choking him and punching him in the face repeatedly,” said Zachary’s mother Nicole Danna, “No child should have to go through something like that.”

Shocked students filmed Scott Livingstone launching himself at the boy in the backseat

Zachary Carrel tried to protect his head as blows rained down on the Heritage Middle School bus in Liberty, Missouri

Zachary Carrel tried to protect his head as blows rained down on the Heritage Middle School bus in Liberty, Missouri

Zachary was left with cuts and bruises on his face and neck after the attack on the 494 route

Zachary was left with cuts and bruises on his face and neck after the attack on the 494 route

The boy told his parents that children were joking as they boarded the bus after school on Thursday.

Livingstone was on board as a substitute driver and shouted, “Sit down or I’m going to beat you up,” according to court documents.

When Zachary told him, “You can’t touch me,” the driver rushed back and grabbed the high school student by the collar before wrapping his hands around his neck.

The boy managed to push Livingstone back into the seat opposite but was turned around by the burly driver, who began raining punches before shocked classmates managed to drag him away.

Livingstone was arrested a mile away when police caught up with his bus, from which several students called 911.

He told police he became “irritated” and approached Zachary who had “opened his mouth or said something,” grabbing the student by the top of his T-shirt.

The irate driver said he was “trying to scare him, not hurt him,” and found himself thrown to the ground during the scuffle.

But he was arrested and charged with a fourth-degree felony, pleading not guilty during a hearing on the charge Monday afternoon.

Livingstone, 67, told police he just wanted to

Livingstone, 67, told police he just wanted to “scare” the boy, but he has been fired from Heritage Middle School and charged with fourth-degree assault

Zachary's parents, Nicole Danna and Brad Carrel, said their son is reluctant to resume trips on the school buses and are demanding better controls of those employed to drive them.

Zachary’s parents, Nicole Danna and Brad Carrel, said their son is reluctant to resume trips on the school buses and are demanding better controls of those employed to drive them.

“It's infuriating,” said Zachary's father Brad Carrel, “never should a child have the experience of being attacked by an adult.

“It’s infuriating,” said Zachary’s father Brad Carrel, “never should a child have the experience of being attacked by an adult.

‘He was helpless. He couldn’t do anything,” Danna said after her son called her from school.

“He said, ‘Mom, I just got attacked by the bus driver.’ I was choked and beaten several times,” she told KCTV5.

“It was heartbreaking,” she continued, “I wasn’t there to protect my child.

“For an adult who is so much older and should know better, it is not okay to abuse our child in this way.”

The school said it fired Livingstone, and that “the safety of our students at school, or in this case on the school bus, is our top priority.”

“We are sorry that this incident occurred, not only for the student involved, but also for the other students who were on the bus and witnessed the incident,” Principal Reagan Allegri wrote in a letter to parents.

‘Our team has regularly checked on the students who were on the bus yesterday afternoon to ensure that everything is going well here at school today.’

Zachary’s family said he is reluctant to resume trips on the school buses and is demanding stricter controls on those employed to drive them.

“It’s infuriating,” said Zachary’s father, Brad Carrel, “never should a child have the experience of being attacked by an adult.

“Every kid’s life is in their hands when they get on the bus, so just do more background checks because you want to know who your kids are riding with,” he added.

“You want them to be safe no matter what.”

Livingstone has been released from jail on a $500 bond pending his next court appearance.

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De meest bizarre wetten in Amerikaanse staten onthulden: waar je gevangenisstraf of dwangarbeid kunt krijgen voor het hebben van seks voor het huwelijk, het spelen van kaartspellen op zondag en het gooien van dwergen! https://usmail24.com/us-states-strange-laws-dwarf-tossing-bare-handed-fishing-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/us-states-strange-laws-dwarf-tossing-bare-handed-fishing-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 15:24:52 +0000 https://usmail24.com/us-states-strange-laws-dwarf-tossing-bare-handed-fishing-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

Denkt u erover om te jagen vanaf een motorboot in Kansas? Of seks voor het huwelijk hebben in Idaho? Wees voorzichtig, zodat u niet aan de verkeerde kant van de wet terechtkomt. Er bestaan ​​nog steeds tientallen archaïsche en bizarre oude wetten in de VS, die veel gedragingen criminaliseren met maanden gevangenisstraf, honderden dollars aan […]

The post De meest bizarre wetten in Amerikaanse staten onthulden: waar je gevangenisstraf of dwangarbeid kunt krijgen voor het hebben van seks voor het huwelijk, het spelen van kaartspellen op zondag en het gooien van dwergen! appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Denkt u erover om te jagen vanaf een motorboot in Kansas? Of seks voor het huwelijk hebben in Idaho?

Wees voorzichtig, zodat u niet aan de verkeerde kant van de wet terechtkomt.

Er bestaan ​​nog steeds tientallen archaïsche en bizarre oude wetten in de VS, die veel gedragingen criminaliseren met maanden gevangenisstraf, honderden dollars aan boetes en zelfs dwangarbeid.

Sommige van deze tien jaar oude wetten hebben zelfs nog interessantere verhalen: het werd illegaal om een ​​eland uit een vliegtuig te laten vallen in Alaska nadat een dierenrechtengroep een lokaal spel verkeerd had begrepen.

In andere staten zijn de wetten er niet in geslaagd om met de tijd mee te veranderen en de politie handhaaft ze eenvoudigweg niet – zoals het geval is met de wet van Alabama tegen gamen op zondag.

Hier is een lijst met 13 van de meest bizarre decennia-oude wetten die nog steeds in de boeken staan ​​in de VS.

Tientallen tientallen jaren oude wetten blijven in de boeken van Amerikaanse staten staan. Sommige zijn religieuze of morele relikwieën, terwijl andere betrekking hebben op ouderwetse technologieën die niet langer worden gebruikt

Arizona: Het is illegaal om nepmedicijnen te bezitten.

Het maakt niet uit of je weet dat de drugs echt of nep zijn; het bezit van ‘imitatie’ drugs is dat wel onwettig in Arizona.

Concreet is het illegaal om imitatiemedicijnen te bezitten als je van plan bent deze te gebruiken.

Deze wet, en soortgelijke wetten elders, is gericht op het vervolgen van drugsmisdrijven op laag niveau, zelfs als de verdachte onbewust nepmedicijnen van een dealer heeft gekocht.

In 1907 keurde New York een wet goed die het illegaal maakt om je partner te bedriegen.

Overspel is illegaal in New York, dankzij een wet uit 1907 die nog steeds in de boeken staat.  Een veroordeling kan leiden tot drie maanden gevangenisstraf en een boete van $ 500.

Overspel is illegaal in New York, dankzij een wet uit 1907 die nog steeds in de boeken staat. Een veroordeling kan leiden tot drie maanden gevangenisstraf en een boete van $ 500.

Deze wet wordt zelden gehandhaafd, maar een veroordeling kan overtreders 90 dagen gevangenisstraf en $500 aan boetes kosten.

Er is momenteel een wetsvoorstel in de maak bij de wetgevende macht van de staat New York, maar dat zou de wet afschaffen.

Alabama: Het is illegaal om op zondag te kaarten

Volgens Alabama juridische code: ‘Iedereen die… zich op die dag bezighoudt met schieten, jagen, gokken, kaartspelen of racen… krijgt een boete van niet minder dan $ 10. niet meer dan $100, en kan ook worden opgesloten in de gevangenis van de provincie, of veroordeeld tot dwangarbeid voor de provincie, voor niet meer dan drie maanden.’

Dit is een oude wet die erop gericht is religieuze regels af te dwingen rond het vieren van de zondag als rustdag. Het relatief lage boetebedrag geeft een indicatie van hoe oud de wet is.

De regel verbiedt ook auto- en motorraces op zondag, en dwingt een kind om buiten de normale huishoudelijke taken te werken.

Indiana: Het is illegaal om met je blote handen te vissen

De praktijk van het vissen met alleen de handen op grote zoetwatervissen, vaak ‘noodling’ genoemd, is een beetje vreemd, maar niet zo zeldzaam in de VS.

Maar in Indiana is dat wel zo tegen de wet.

In feite wordt het in de wet van Indiana op één hoop gegooid met dynamiet, geweren, gif en elektriciteit als ‘onwettige middelen om vis te vangen’.

Als een persoon wordt beschuldigd van het overtreden van de vis- en natuurregels in Indiana, kan de staat alle apparatuur in beslag nemen als bewijsmateriaal en deze in beslag nemen als de verdachte wordt veroordeeld.

Het is echter niet waarschijnlijk dat de staat iemands handen in beslag zal nemen.

Een wet in Alaska die het laten vallen van een eland uit een vliegtuig strafbaar stelt, was gebaseerd op het feit dat een dierenrechtengroep een lokaal spel verkeerd interpreteerde

Een wet in Alaska die het laten vallen van een eland uit een vliegtuig strafbaar stelt, was gebaseerd op het feit dat een dierenrechtengroep een lokaal spel verkeerd interpreteerde

Alaska: Het is illegaal om een ​​eland uit een vliegtuig te laten vallen

In de meeste gevallen stopten staten met de wetten op deze lijst eenvoudigweg met het handhaven van oude wetten waar ooit rationele redenen achter zaten. Deze criminaliseerde echter gedrag dat gebaseerd was op een misverstand.

De inwoners van Talkeetna, Alaska, deden dat vroeger ook een spel spelen met elandenpoep, dat was een variant op bingo.

Elandenpoep met daarop geschilderde cijfers werd uit een vliegtuig gedropt, en als iemand de juiste taart vond, won hij.

Dierenrechtengroep PETA begreep het spel niet en lobbyde bij de deelstaatregering om het illegaal te maken om een ​​eland uit een vliegtuig te duwen.

Bezorgde buren mogen een razende stier in Missouri vangen en castreren, maar alleen als ze dit binnen drie dagen van tevoren op de hoogte stellen

Bezorgde buren mogen een razende stier in Missouri vangen en castreren, maar alleen als ze dit binnen drie dagen van tevoren op de hoogte stellen

Missouri: Het is illegaal om de stier van een vreemdeling zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving te castreren

Als een stier losraakt en tekeergaat in Missouri, is het legaal voor buren of andere bezorgde burgers om op humane wijze te handelen castreer het dier om te voorkomen dat hij zich onbeperkt voortplant en in het algemeen grote schade aanricht.

Er is echter één addertje onder het gras: iedereen die de stier van een vreemdeling wil castreren, moet de plaatselijke gemeente hiervan op de hoogte stellen en drie dagen wachten. Anders opereren ze buiten de wet.

De castrerende partij moet ook voorkomen dat het dier onnodig lijden ondervindt, en moet zich houden aan goede praktijken voor het castreren van landbouwhuisdieren. Als de eigenaar het dier echter binnen drie dagen komt ophalen, moet hij de buurman die het dier heeft gevangen één dollar betalen.

Deze wet geldt ook voor zwijnen en rammen.

In een poging om uitbuiting te verbieden heeft Florida het illegaal gemaakt om iemand met dwerggroei naar een inrichting te gooien die onder een drankvergunning valt.  Afgebeeld is een scène uit de film Wolf of Wall Street uit 2013

In een poging om uitbuiting te verbieden heeft Florida het illegaal gemaakt om iemand met dwerggroei naar een inrichting te gooien die onder een drankvergunning valt. Afgebeeld is een scène uit de film Wolf of Wall Street uit 2013

Florida: Het is illegaal om een ​​dwerg in een bar te gooien

Concreet stelt de wet van Florida dat het illegaal is om dwergen te gooien in een etablissement dat sterke drank verkoopt.

De wet is gericht op het voorkomen van uitbuiting van mensen met de medische aandoening dwerggroei.

Het is dwergen volgens de wet echter niet verboden om deel te nemen aan andere sportevenementen: ‘Niets in dit document mag worden geïnterpreteerd als een verbod voor dwergen om deel te nemen aan niet-uitbuitende sport- of recreatieve evenementen van het type dat wordt beoefend door personen die geen dwergen zijn.’

De wet van Minnesota beschouwt het als dierenmishandeling om een ​​varken in te vetten of te oliën, het vrij te laten en er een spelletje van te maken om het te vangen

De wet van Minnesota beschouwt het als dierenmishandeling om een ​​varken in te vetten of te oliën, het vrij te laten en er een spelletje van te maken om het te vangen

Minnesota: Illegaal om een ​​varken te smeren

In het Land van 10.000 Meren is het tegen de wet vet een varken in – of boerenhoenders.

In het bijzonder: ‘Niemand mag een wedstrijd, spel of andere soortgelijke activiteit exploiteren, uitvoeren of eraan deelnemen, waarbij een varken, ingevet, geolied of anderszins, wordt losgelaten en waarbij het doel de vangst van het varken is, of waarbij een kip of kalkoen wordt losgelaten of in de lucht gegooid en waarbij het doel het vangen van de kip of kalkoen is.’

Overtredingen van deze wet uit 1971 worden beschouwd als misdrijven, bestraft met een boete of mogelijk gevangenisstraf.

In Kansas moet alle jacht te voet plaatsvinden.  Er zijn een paar uitzonderingen, waaronder mensen met een lichamelijke handicap en jagers die zich op coyotes richten

In Kansas moet alle jacht te voet plaatsvinden. Er zijn een paar uitzonderingen, waaronder mensen met een lichamelijke handicap en jagers die zich op coyotes richten

Kansas: Illegaal om te jagen vanaf een motorboot

In de staat Kansas, waar gewilde wilddieren leven, waaronder de Amerikaanse bizon, is dit illegaal jagen vanaf een motorboot.

Jagen vanuit een vliegtuig, auto of ander voertuig is ook illegaal.

Er zijn echter enkele uitzonderingen op deze wet: mensen die jagen met een gehandicaptenvergunning mogen een voertuig gebruiken, en het jagen op watervogels vanaf een boot die niet beweegt, wordt beide als legaal beschouwd.

De jacht op coyotes is ook vrijgesteld van de meeste jachtwetten van Kansas, omdat het dier als een bedreiging voor het vee wordt beschouwd.

Michigan: Illegaal om dronken te zijn in een trein

In de staat Michigan is dat wel het geval tegen de wet om in een trein te rijden ‘terwijl je in een aanstootgevende staat van dronkenschap verkeert’.

Als iemand de wet overtreedt, mag een treinconducteur die persoon arresteren, al dan niet met een bevelschrift.

Van iedereen die betrapt wordt op het drinken van alcohol in de trein, wordt de drank in beslag genomen en aan een stationagent gegeven, die de drinker een ontvangstbewijs overhandigt. Zij kunnen hun alcohol binnen 10 dagen ophalen bij de stationagent, anders wordt deze afgevoerd.

De straf voor het overtreden van deze wetten tegen drinken of dronken zijn in de trein: maximaal 90 dagen gevangenisstraf en $ 100 boete.

Idaho: Het is illegaal om seks te hebben voor het huwelijk

Deze wet nog steeds in de boeken van Idaho bestaat al sinds 1972, toen seks vóór het huwelijk meer werd afgekeurd dan nu het geval is.

De wet bepaalt: ‘Elke ongehuwde persoon die geslachtsgemeenschap heeft met een ongehuwde persoon van het andere geslacht, wordt schuldig bevonden aan hoererij en, bij veroordeling daarvan, gestraft met een boete van niet meer dan $ 300 of met gevangenisstraf wegens het niet meer dan zes maanden of met zowel een dergelijke boete als een gevangenisstraf.’

Naar goeddunken van een rechter kan de straf echter worden opgeschort, of kan een verdachte een proeftijd krijgen in plaats van gevangenisstraf.

De anti-gokwetgeving in Arkansas verbiedt flipperkasten om te veel gratis spellen aan een ervaren speler te geven

De anti-gokwetgeving in Arkansas verbiedt flipperkasten om te veel gratis spellen aan een ervaren speler te geven

Arkansas: Het is illegaal om een ​​flipperkast te bedienen die een speler meer dan 25 gratis spellen kan geven

Deze wet uit Arkansas maakt deel uit van een reeks wetten die gokken beheersen en verbiedt inwoners een flipperkast te bedienen die een speler meer dan 25 gratis spellen kan geven.

Andere wetten in dit gedeelte van de wettelijke code van Arkansas omvatten een wet die spelapparaten met muntinworp verbiedt als het inwerpen van meer munten de winkansen van een speler vergroot.

Overtreding van deze wetten kan u tot een jaar gevangenisstraf opleveren en u opzadelen met een boete van $1.000.

Nevada: Het is illegaal om klanten schoenen te passen met een röntgenapparaat

In de jaren dertig werd een machine uitgevonden die schoenpasfluoroscoop wordt genoemd.

En in 1960 werd dat het geval illegaal in Nevada om er een te gebruiken om klanten schoenen te passen.

Het had de vorm van een houten kast met zoekers aan de bovenkant en maakte gebruik van röntgenfoto’s om de voeten van een schoenenwinkelaar in beeld te brengen – in de overtuiging dat het zien van de voetbeenderen van een persoon een nauwkeurigere schoenmaat zou opleveren.

Röntgenstraling is veilig in kleine doses, maar kan bij hoge doses in verband worden gebracht met stralingsvergiftiging.

Hoewel fluoroscopen voor het passen van schoenen niet meer bestaan, en deze wet dus nu waarschijnlijk niet meer nodig is, heeft deze wel de volksgezondheid gediend.

The post De meest bizarre wetten in Amerikaanse staten onthulden: waar je gevangenisstraf of dwangarbeid kunt krijgen voor het hebben van seks voor het huwelijk, het spelen van kaartspellen op zondag en het gooien van dwergen! appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Harrowing story of the boy fed to PIGS as his family wins a million dollar lawsuit against Kansas over his evil father’s brutal murder of Adrian Jones https://usmail24.com/kansas-adrian-jones-lawsuit-torture-family-pigs-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/kansas-adrian-jones-lawsuit-torture-family-pigs-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Sun, 17 Mar 2024 15:16:06 +0000 https://usmail24.com/kansas-adrian-jones-lawsuit-torture-family-pigs-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

The state of Kansas will pay $1 million to settle a lawsuit over the death of Adrian Jones, who was murdered by his father and fed to pigs. The lawsuit, filed in 2017 by the child’s mother and relatives, said the state child protection agency took him from an abusive home before starving and torturing […]

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The state of Kansas will pay $1 million to settle a lawsuit over the death of Adrian Jones, who was murdered by his father and fed to pigs.

The lawsuit, filed in 2017 by the child’s mother and relatives, said the state child protection agency took him from an abusive home before starving and torturing him.

Police found the 7-year-old’s remains in a pigsty on the property of his father and stepmother Michael and Heather Jones in November 2015.

Both are serving 25 years to life sentences for his murder, after beating Adrian and locking him in a shower stall and watching him deteriorate on surveillance camera.

Gov. Laura Kelly and top leaders of the Kansas Legislature approved the settlement Tuesday during a brief public meeting.

Police found the 7-year-old’s remains, seen here, in a pigsty on his father and stepmother’s property in November 2015

This undated file photo provided by the Wyandotte County Detention Center in Kansas City, Kansas shows Michael Jones

This undated file photo provided by the Wyandotte County Detention Center in Kansas City, Kansas shows Heather Jones

Michael and Heather Jones are serving a prison sentence of 25 years to life for his murder, after beating Adrian and locking him in a shower stall and watching him deteriorate on surveillance camera.

The Kansas Department for Children and Families received reports that Adrian was being abused several years before his death.

Their last physical contact with him was nearly four years before his death, according to more than 2,000 pages of documents released by the agency in 2017.

The records showed that all three moved regularly between communities in Kansas and Missouri.

The lawsuit argued that the state and social workers “could have intervened at any time and saved Adrian,” but “chose to act as disinterested bystanders.”

The Kansas agency argued that frequent moves made it difficult to monitor the boy.

Senate Minority Leader Dinah Sykes, one of the lawmakers who approved the settlement, said she believes the state bears “a lot of responsibility” for what happened.

Kelly said the problem wasn’t the potential harm in a lawsuit, but the lawsuit distracting from “the mission at hand” to improve the child welfare system.

“It really had to do with us wanting to get that settled and not spend time litigating in court for months, maybe even years,” she said.

Dainna Pearce, Adrian Jones' biological mother, is seen here in Lawrence, Kansas, in 2017. She has now been awarded $1 million by the state

Dainna Pearce, Adrian Jones’ biological mother, is seen here in Lawrence, Kansas, in 2017. She has now been awarded $1 million by the state

Adrian is seen here kissing his eldest sibling, half-sister Keiona 'Kiki' Doctor, in 2012

Adrian is seen here kissing his eldest sibling, half-sister Keiona ‘Kiki’ Doctor, in 2012

Matt Birch, a lawyer representing the family, said: “This has been a long journey for Adrian’s family.

“The most important thing for the family was to hopefully make a change and make sure this is less likely to happen in the future.”

Police had responded to the home in 2015 for a domestic violence call, with Heather Jones accusing Michael Jones of beating and choking her.

Once there, she blurted out that the boy’s father had fed him to their six feeder pigs two months earlier, in late September.

The investigation into her claims revealed harrowing evidence of years of abuse with Heather, sickeningly proud of the way she tortured her stepson and captured it in photographs.

He was locked behind a plywood door in a shower, forced to stand in standing water up to his neck for hours, chained, tied up, starved and beaten.

His stepmother called him “the boy” instead of using his first name. While she and Adrian’s father cared for their six girls, he was accused of abuse of the worst kind.

The injuries photographed included deep cuts to his face and lips, suffered while trying to fight his way out of the cardboard cell his parents had created for him in a shower stall.

The investigation into her claims revealed harrowing evidence of years of abuse with Heather, sickeningly proud of the way she tortured her stepson and documented it in photos.

The investigation into her claims revealed harrowing evidence of years of abuse with Heather, sickeningly proud of the way she tortured her stepson and documented it in photos.

He was locked behind a plywood door in a shower, forced to stand in standing water up to his neck for hours, handcuffed, tied up, starved and beaten.

He was locked behind a plywood door in a shower, forced to stand in standing water up to his neck for hours, handcuffed, tied up, starved and beaten.

Heather pleaded guilty to murder in November 2016 and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 25 years

Heather pleaded guilty to murder in November 2016 and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 25 years

He was also photographed with a cutting board tube taped to his chest and strapped to an inversion table.

The pair were arrested in 2015. Heather pleaded guilty to murder in November 2016 and was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 25 years.

In May 2017, Michael Jones received the same sentence after also pleading guilty in March that year.

In 2013, Adrian told a staff member at the Children’s Department in Missouri, where the family lived at the time, that his father kept hitting him in the head.

“My dad keeps hitting me on the head and punching me in the stomach and my mom keeps pulling on my ears and it really hurts.

‘Mom and dad lock me in my room alone. Mommy and daddy can’t feed me,” he said during the interview, which was promoted by an anonymous phone call raising concerns about Adrian’s well-being.

Shockingly, he was allowed to continue living with the couple and shortly thereafter they moved to Kansas City, Kansas.

When he died, Adrian was a little bag of bones and his last months were hell.

Instead of receiving a proper burial, the child was fed pigs purchased by his father, seen here, specifically for the purpose of getting rid of his emaciated body

Instead of receiving a proper burial, the child was fed pigs purchased by his father, seen here, specifically for the purpose of getting rid of his emaciated body

Instead of a proper burial, the child was fed to pigs that his father had bought specifically to get rid of his emaciated body.

The boy’s death was followed by a multi-year overhaul of child welfare system laws.

In 2021, “Adrian’s Law” required officers and case workers to visually observe children suspected of being victims of abuse or neglect.

The state has also taken steps to improve training for doctors to recognize abuse and provide “wraparound” services to struggling families.

Birch said he and the family hope that with the lawsuit and the 2021 law, “more eyes will be on these children.”

Adrian’s relatives also filed a lawsuit in 2017 in Jackson County, Missouri, also in the Kansas City area, against officials in that state.

The case was settled in 2020, but details were not immediately available and Birch said he could not comment.

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Tornadoes kill at least three people and leave trails of destruction across the central US https://usmail24.com/tornadoes-kill-at-least-3-and-leave-trails-of-destruction-in-the-central-us-6790645/ https://usmail24.com/tornadoes-kill-at-least-3-and-leave-trails-of-destruction-in-the-central-us-6790645/#respond Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:02:33 +0000 https://usmail24.com/tornadoes-kill-at-least-3-and-leave-trails-of-destruction-in-the-central-us-6790645/

Thursday night’s storms left trails of destruction in parts of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Arkansas. Cars are damaged by heavy storms on Friday, March 15, 2024 in Winchester, Indiana. Severe storms with suspected tornadoes have damaged homes and businesses across the central United States. (Grace Hollars/The Indianapolis Star via AP) Lakeview, OH: Blaine Schmidt sifted […]

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Thursday night’s storms left trails of destruction in parts of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Arkansas.

Cars are damaged by heavy storms on Friday, March 15, 2024 in Winchester, Indiana. Severe storms with suspected tornadoes have damaged homes and businesses across the central United States. (Grace Hollars/The Indianapolis Star via AP)

Lakeview, OH: Blaine Schmidt sifted through the broken glass and splintered wood in his Ohio home on Friday, rescuing a guitar and a bundle of diapers.

His couch and a crib were torn apart by one of the many tornadoes that ripped through the central U.S., killing at least three people and injuring dozens of others. The storm tore open his living room, but at least the house was still standing. The neighbor was razed to the ground.

“I’m lucky to be alive,” Schmidt said hours after he and his roommate took shelter in a bathtub, using the shower curtain to protect them from flying window glass.

Thursday night’s storms left trails of destruction in parts of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Arkansas. In one Indiana community, about 40 people were injured and dozens of homes were damaged. Tornadoes were also suspected in Illinois and Missouri.

The Indian Lake area in Ohio’s Logan County appeared to be the hardest hit. At least three people have died in the county northwest of Columbus, Sheriff Randy Dodds said.

Search crews and cadaver dogs looked for more victims Friday, heading into neighborhoods blocked overnight by gas leaks and fallen trees, Dodds said.

“It’s going to take a long time,” he said, adding that he didn’t know anyone was missing. Much of the damage occurred in the villages of Lakeview and Russells Point, which are dotted with summer cottages owned by people who come to fish and boat.

In Lakeview, Sandy Smith took shelter in a laundry room with her family after hearing the storm sirens. Seconds later they heard debris hitting the house. Her husband saw the garage blown away.

She went upstairs to rescue their cat who was stuck under a bookshelf. As soon as she came back down, the roof collapsed.

“We’re just blessed to be alive,” she said.

A campsite, an RV park and a laundrette were among the many damaged businesses. The storm caused fires in some places and tore power lines through the windows of homes, said Amber Fagan, president of the local chamber of commerce.

About 25 people were treated for mostly broken bones and internal injuries at the nearest hospital in Bellefontaine, said Laura Miller, a spokesperson for Mary Rutan Hospital.

About a half-dozen Lakeview residents interviewed by The Associated Press said they heard tornado sirens 10 minutes before the storm hit, after leaving earlier.

Weather officials were just beginning to confirm the tornadoes, but across the region, residents across the region captured the funnels on video in awe.

In Indiana, a tornado injured 38 people in Winchester. Three of them were in critical condition, but their injuries were not life-threatening, authorities said.

Residents of the city northeast of Indianapolis picked tree branches and sheet metal from their yards. Shingles littered the streets and fields.

Carey Todd, 55, said the tornado looked like a “bunch of black birds.”

Opposite a church that was being destroyed, a hymnal was open with number No. 118, “Shelter in Time of Storm.”

The storm damaged or destroyed about 130 homes and a Taco Bell restaurant, Mayor Bob McCoy said. He and his wife were crouching in a closet when the twister struck.

“I’ve never heard that sound before; I don’t want to hear it again,” McCoy said.

West of Winchester, officials said as many as half of the buildings in the town of Selma, population 750, may have been damaged. Only minor injuries were reported, emergency officials said in a news release.

Gov. Eric Holcomb praised Indiana’s first responders, saying, “By the grace of God, everyone went through all of this.”

Storms also damaged homes and trailers in the Ohio River communities of Hanover and Lamb, Indiana.

In Milton, Kentucky, two people were injured when their car was struck by debris from a tornado that damaged as many as 100 homes and businesses, said Trimble County Emergency Management Director Andrew Stark.

In Arkansas, a likely tornado struck the retirement community of Hot Springs Village, southwest of Little Rock, but there were no reports of fatalities or injuries, National Weather Service meteorologist Erik Green said.

There were also reports of tornadoes in Jefferson County, Missouri, and Monroe County, Illinois.

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The US Premier League star’s ex-girlfriend, 22, is left fighting for life after being dragged under a car for two blocks in a horror crash as she hid from a terrifying gunfight in St. Louis https://usmail24.com/premier-league-stars-ex-st-louis-shooting-hit-run-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/premier-league-stars-ex-st-louis-shooting-hit-run-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Tue, 12 Mar 2024 17:38:27 +0000 https://usmail24.com/premier-league-stars-ex-st-louis-shooting-hit-run-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

The ex-girlfriend of an American football star is fighting for her life after a horror collision after being involved in a shootout on the streets of St. Louis. Ellie Bentley, 22, finally regained consciousness on Saturday after spending two weeks in intensive care following the 3am incident on February 25. The British woman, who moved […]

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The ex-girlfriend of an American football star is fighting for her life after a horror collision after being involved in a shootout on the streets of St. Louis.

Ellie Bentley, 22, finally regained consciousness on Saturday after spending two weeks in intensive care following the 3am incident on February 25.

The British woman, who moved to the US last year with her then boyfriend Indiana Vassilev, got out of her car when a gunfight broke out.

Bentley took cover and hid under a nearby vehicle as bullets began flying in St. Louis’ Grove neighborhood.

But unbeknownst to her, the car she took refuge in was occupied with a male driver who fled in an attempt to escape the pandemonium.

Ellie Bentley, 22, from England was involved in a life-threatening hit-and-run incident in St. Louis, Missouri, after becoming involved in a shootout in February

Bentley's ex-boyfriend was Indiana Vassilev, pictured, who joined MLS side St. Louis FC.  He previously played for Aston Villa

Bentley’s ex-boyfriend was Indiana Vassilev, pictured, who joined MLS side St. Louis FC. He previously played for Aston Villa

The bullets started flying in St. Louis' eclectic Grove neighborhood

The bullets started flying in St. Louis’ eclectic Grove neighborhood

Police responded to the scene at 2:52 a.m. on February 25 after reports of shots fired after a group reportedly tried to get into the wrong car.

The confusion prompted 35-year-old Andre T. Wilson to open fire on the group, hitting a 25-year-old man five times in the chest, according to Wilson’s arrest affidavit reported by First warning 4.

Wilson is then said to have fled on foot, while the victim was rushed to hospital in a critical but stable condition.

At the same time, witnesses reportedly apprehended officers after Bentley was struck in the collision before being dragged several blocks down the street.

The alleged driver of the vehicle was quickly identified as Dionte Taylor, 25, who was charged with leaving the scene of an accident causing bodily harm.

Prosecutors then charged Wilson a week after the shooting with first-degree assault, armed criminal action, unlawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm. He is being held without bond.

Bentley was rushed to hospital after suffering several broken limbs and was placed in intensive care for two weeks before finally being released on Saturday.

She has since undergone five major reconstructive surgeries and will undergo more surgeries in the near future.

Her family has since traveled from Britain to be by her side as she continues to recover GoFundMe page set up to help pay for rising medical costs.

On the night Bentley was injured, Andre T. Wilson (pictured), 35, reportedly opened fire on a group when they tried to get into the wrong car.  As Bentley took cover, the shooting led to another driver speeding away and hitting her, leaving her injured on the road

On the night Bentley was injured, Andre T. Wilson (pictured), 35, reportedly opened fire on a group when they tried to get into the wrong car. As Bentley took cover, the shooting led to another driver speeding away and hitting her, leaving her injured on the road

Dionte Taylor, 25, has been charged after allegedly hitting Bentley as he fled the scene of the shooting

Dionte Taylor, 25, has been charged after allegedly hitting Bentley as he fled the scene of the shooting

Bentley was dragged under a car for two blocks;  she had moved to the US with her then-boyfriend, Indiana Vassilev, who played for St. Louis FC

Bentley was dragged under a car for two blocks; she had moved to the US with her then-boyfriend, Indiana Vassilev, who played for St. Louis FC

Ellie Bentley had recently graduated from York University with a degree in mathematics and physics

Ellie Bentley had recently graduated from York University with a degree in mathematics and physics

The 22-year-old had moved to the US with her Premier League boyfriend.  Although they no longer appear to be together, she remained in St. Louis

The 22-year-old had moved to the US with her Premier League boyfriend. Although they no longer appear to be together, she remained in St. Louis

However, her attorney, Ben Tobin, said her road to recovery will be long.

“She had just gotten out of a car when the shooting started,” he explained The sun.

“She ducked behind another vehicle until the shooting stopped, but then the person whose car she was hiding behind floored her, hit her, ran her over and dragged her for a few blocks.”

Tobin said Bentley had no connection to any of the parties involved in the shooting and was simply an unfortunate bystander.

“She was pretty sure she was going to die when she was dragged under the vehicle,” he said.

“The whole time she was laying there trying to hold on and do what she could so she didn’t get thrown under the wheel.”

Tobin noted how video footage appeared to show that the driver who struck Bentley was well aware of her presence as he fled the scene, running her over in the process.

“Based on the video, there is no way the person who hit, ran over and dragged her could claim that he did not know she was under the vehicle when he left,” he said.

A witness to the horror crash, Mollie Schwein, said she was woken in the early hours of the morning by screams coming from outside her nearby apartment.

“I heard him scream, ‘I’ve been shot,’ and it became very real,” she said First warning 4.

Schwein added that she heard several women screaming in the street when police arrived at the shooting, and another witness said they saw employees at a nearby bar run over to help Bentley on the street.

Caught in the crossfire, Bentley was trapped under a nearby car and injured when the driver took off and dragged her down the road for two blocks.

Caught in the crossfire, Bentley was trapped under a nearby car and injured when the driver took off and dragged her down the road for two blocks.

'Like most 22-year-olds, I loved dancing, going to the gym and yoga, and spent two to three hours a day on physical fitness.  Now I cannot move my legs or my right arm,” Bentley said in a statement through her attorney

‘Like most 22-year-olds, I loved dancing, going to the gym and yoga, and spent two to three hours a day on physical fitness. Now I cannot move my legs or my right arm,” Bentley said in a statement through her attorney

Vassilev, originally from Savannah, Georgia, played two seasons with Inter Miami

He signed with St.Louis City in 2023

Originally from Savannah, Georgia, Vassilev played two seasons with Inter Miami before signing with St. Louis City in 2023

Bentley, originally from Bingham, east of Nottingham, moved to Missouri last year when Vassilev, 23, joined MLS side St. Louis FC.

When she moved, she shared on a Facebook group for Brits moving to the US that she was “actively looking for a job in St. Louis,” and that she was being helped with her visa paperwork by her friend’s soccer club.

She said at the time that she was looking for positions in the “university, non-profit or government research field.” Her GoFundMe said she had a work visa, but it is unclear where she started working.

Originally from Savannah, Georgia, Vassilev signed for Villa from 2020 but made just four appearances with the team after being loaned out to play for Burton Albion and then Cheltenham Town.

He eventually returned to the United States in 2021 and played two seasons with Inter Miami before signing with St. Louis City last year.

Bentley graduated from York University last summer with a degree in mathematics and physics.

‘Like most 22-year-olds, I loved dancing, going to the gym and yoga, and spent two to three hours a day on physical fitness. Now I cannot move my legs or my right arm,” Bentley said in a statement through her attorney.

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Summer House’s West Wilson Reveals He Was Hit While Biking in New York City: ‘I’m Gonna Feel It in My Hip Tomorrow’ https://usmail24.com/summer-house-west-wilson-hit-car-riding-bike-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/summer-house-west-wilson-hit-car-riding-bike-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Thu, 07 Mar 2024 21:26:28 +0000 https://usmail24.com/summer-house-west-wilson-hit-car-riding-bike-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

West Wilson of Summer House revealed on Wednesday that he was hit by a car while cycling in New York City. In a new video, uploaded to his TikTokthe Bravo star, 28, recalled the painful moment a driver bumped into him as he rushed to get to a dentist appointment. “Everyone has New York firsts, […]

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West Wilson of Summer House revealed on Wednesday that he was hit by a car while cycling in New York City.

In a new video, uploaded to his TikTokthe Bravo star, 28, recalled the painful moment a driver bumped into him as he rushed to get to a dentist appointment.

“Everyone has New York firsts, you know. And I crossed one off the bucket list today. I got hit by a car while cycling,” he joked about the incident in which he was thrown onto the hood of another vehicle.

The sports journalist continued: ‘I braked hard and let my hips and torso eat the hood of his car. But I had to be at the dentist at noon, so I came by.”

West Wilson of Summer House revealed that he was hit by a car while riding his bike in New York City on Wednesday

Because he was in a hurry, Wilson got up from the sidewalk and assured the driver that the hood of his car was “cool” and in good condition.

“The poor man was about to start crying,” he told viewers. “So whatever. But I think I’ll feel it in my hip tomorrow. But I mean, a nice experience, I guess. We’re all good.’

He captioned the post: “Prioritize dental health.”

His comments section was flooded with congratulatory messages and concerned messages from fans, urging him to be “careful.”

“His comments section was flooded with congratulations and concerned messages from fans,” one person wrote.

Another joked that his nonchalant attitude toward getting hit was “attitude.”

‘Represents Missouri!!’ a third agreed. “Glad you’re doing well!”

Others asked why he wasn’t wearing a helmet.

In a new video uploaded to his TikTok, the Bravo star, 28, recalled the painful moment a driver bumped into him as he rushed to a dentist appointment

In a new video uploaded to his TikTok, the Bravo star, 28, recalled the painful moment a driver bumped into him as he rushed to a dentist appointment

His comments section was flooded with congratulatory messages and concerned messages from fans, urging him to be

His comments section was flooded with congratulatory messages and concerned messages from fans, urging him to be “careful.”

'Represents Missouri!!'  someone else said: 'Glad you're doing well!'

‘Represents Missouri!!’ someone else said: ‘Glad you’re doing well!’

Wilson, who made his Summer House debut in the Season 8 premiere last month, is from Columbia, Missouri.

Wilson lived in Montana for four years before moving to New York City.

Since joining the cast, he now has 58,700 Instagram followers.

The son of a midwife and a livestock farmer, he joked during an episode of Summer House that dinners at his childhood home are “always very interesting.”

Because he was in a hurry, Wilson said he

Because he was in a hurry, Wilson said he “popped up” from the sidewalk and assured the driver that the hood of his car was “cool” and in good condition (Wilson pictured in 2024)

Wilson, who made his Summer House debut in the Season 8 premiere last month, is from Columbia, Missouri

Wilson, who made his Summer House debut in the Season 8 premiere last month, is from Columbia, Missouri

The son of a midwife and a rancher, he joked during an episode of Summer House that dinners at his family home are

The son of a midwife and a rancher, he joked during an episode of Summer House that dinners at his family home are “always very interesting.”

‘We talk about vaginas and cows – degrees of vaginal tears during childbirth. There are four classes, one through four. I was a three,” he mused in a confessional.

His sense of humor even caught the attention of his co-star Ciara Miller.

“West impresses me, I’m not going to lie,” she said during the season premiere. ‘He’s curious. Like, how many guys do you meet in New York City, you go out with them and they literally only talk about themselves? Like they couldn’t fucking wait to get on this date and just lay out a bunch of facts about themselves.”

She continued, “So it’s nice to meet a man who is curious about my life.”

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Sickening Moment Three Brutes Shoot Innocent Man At Kansas City Gas Station After Asking Him For $1 https://usmail24.com/men-shoot-innocent-kansas-city-man-gas-station-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/men-shoot-innocent-kansas-city-man-gas-station-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:14:30 +0000 https://usmail24.com/men-shoot-innocent-kansas-city-man-gas-station-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

By Isabelle Stanley for Dailymail.Com Published: 2:38 PM EST, March 4, 2024 | Updated: 10:12 PM EST, March 4, 2024 This is the sickening moment three brutes shot and robbed an innocent man after he gave them a dollar at a gas station in Kansas City, Missouri. Police are looking for the three suspects accused […]

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This is the sickening moment three brutes shot and robbed an innocent man after he gave them a dollar at a gas station in Kansas City, Missouri.

Police are looking for the three suspects accused of shooting the man on Feb. 22 around 10:45 p.m. in the 4500 block of Cleveland Avenue.

The shocking incident was captured on CCTV and shows the victim handing over a dollar to one of the suspects he thought was a homeless man, before two other men emerge from the petrol station, shoot him, search his pockets and steal his car .

The victim has now left the hospital and is recovering at home.

The police are looking for the three men, who can be seen on CCTV footage from the store, wearing dark tracksuits and hoods.

Police shared photos of three suspects who have not yet been identified on Monday afternoon

The shocking video shows the victim walking around his car to hand over a dollar to one of the suspects, who he thought was homeless.

Two other suspects then run out of the gas station and approach the victim, who backs away.

One of the suspects then shoots him in the leg and he falls to the ground near his car.

The suspects then begin to climb into the victim’s car to drive away, when one of them decides to go back and search his pockets.

Two other suspects then emerged from the gas station and approached him before shooting him in the leg

Two other suspects then emerged from the gas station and approached him before shooting him in the leg

The victim approached one of the suspects to hand him a dollar, thinking he was homeless

The victim approached one of the suspects to hand him a dollar, thinking he was homeless

He searches his pockets while the victim lies on the ground before appearing to grab something.

The suspect with the gun then gets out of the car and walks towards the victim, as if he is talking to him.

He then searches his pockets and pushes him onto his back to check the other side before picking up what he found and heading back to the car.

The Kansas City Police Department shared the footage on X, saying, “Watch the entire video. While leaving a gas station, an innocent man was asked for a dollar and given it.

The victim then fell to the ground before the suspect went through his pockets

The victim then fell to the ground before the suspect went through his pockets

“He was then shot and robbed in the 4500 block of Cleveland Ave. on February 22 around 10:45 p.m.

‘When the man is lying there injured, you see one of the three suspects searches his pockets, looking for valuables.

“Towards the end of this video you will see suspects in the store. We’ve included their photo in this thread.

“If you can identify any of the suspects, please contact our Robbery Unit at 816-234-5230 or the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.”

They later added: ‘Thankfully the victim is out of hospital and recovering at home.’

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Drake pays tribute to mother and daughter who were hit and killed by a car after his St. Louis concert – tells fans to ‘be grateful for your life’… before donating $25,000 to cancer survivors in the stands https://usmail24.com/drake-tribute-mother-daughter-struck-killed-car-st-louis-concert-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/drake-tribute-mother-daughter-struck-killed-car-st-louis-concert-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Fri, 01 Mar 2024 14:11:48 +0000 https://usmail24.com/drake-tribute-mother-daughter-struck-killed-car-st-louis-concert-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

Drake has paid tribute to a mother and daughter who were tragically struck and killed by a car after attending his concert in St. Louis, Missouri, earlier this month. The rapper, 37, honored the lives of Laticha Bracero, 42, and her daughter Alyssa Cordova, 21, during his show in Buffalo, New York on Wednesday night. […]

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Drake has paid tribute to a mother and daughter who were tragically struck and killed by a car after attending his concert in St. Louis, Missouri, earlier this month.

The rapper, 37, honored the lives of Laticha Bracero, 42, and her daughter Alyssa Cordova, 21, during his show in Buffalo, New York on Wednesday night.

He gave an impassioned speech, encouraging fans to “be grateful for your life” and “show love” to those around them – whether they are a familiar face or a stranger.

Shortly afterwards, Drake donated $25,000 to a cancer survivor who was waving a sign in the stands.

“You never know what someone else’s reality is going to be when they walk out of this building,” Drake told the audience, according to footage obtained by TMZ.

Drake has paid tribute to a mother and daughter who were tragically struck and killed by a car after attending his concert in St. Louis, Missouri earlier this month

The rapper, 37, honored the lives of Laticha Bracero, 42, and her daughter Alyssa Cordova, 21, during his show in Buffalo, New York on Wednesday night

The rapper, 37, honored the lives of Laticha Bracero, 42, and her daughter Alyssa Cordova, 21, during his show in Buffalo, New York on Wednesday night

He continued: ‘So for this moment, let’s bring us all together, all 18,000 people. TGo to someone you don’t know and look him or her in the eye, and I want you to prove that you are grateful for your life.”

“I want you to take five seconds out of your day to make someone else’s day. Just show them some love because you never know what will come next.

“Just show some love tonight in Buffalo, New York.”

When people started following his directions and giving each other hugs and handshakes, Drake became even more inspired and shouted from the stage, “That’s what I want to see.”

He then walked back and forth on stage, trying to encourage fans to all follow suit and show each other a loving gesture.

“I appreciate the gesture you did for me. I think one of the most important things in life is the idea that you have two choices: you can wake up every day and be a piece of shit, or you can wake up every day and be a decent human being. . So I appreciate you all,” he told the fans.

Bracero, 42, and Cordova, 21, were both killed in the early morning of Feb. 14 when the driver of a speeding car struck them shortly after they left the concert.

He gave an impassioned speech, encouraging fans to

He gave an impassioned speech, encouraging fans to “be grateful for your life” and “show love” to those around them – whether they’re a familiar face or a stranger

Bracero, 42, and Cordova, 21, were both killed in the early morning of Feb. 14 when the driver of a speeding car struck them shortly after they left the concert.

Bracero, 42, and Cordova, 21, were both killed in the early morning of Feb. 14 when the driver of a speeding car struck them shortly after they left the concert.

Police say 22-year-old Monte Henderson - who has been released on bail - was speeding through an intersection at more than 70mph when he allegedly caused the tragedy

Police say 22-year-old Monte Henderson – who is out on bail – was speeding through an intersection at more than 70 miles per hour when he allegedly caused the tragedy

Shocking footage showed the mother and daughter walking past the intersection as oncoming traffic ran a red light

Shocking footage showed the mother and daughter walking past the intersection as oncoming traffic ran a red light

In a flash, we see Henderson's Jeep Grand Cherokee flying into cross traffic, first colliding with the front bumper of another car before crashing into the mother and daughter.

In a flash, we see Henderson’s Jeep Grand Cherokee flying into cross traffic, first colliding with the front bumper of another car before crashing into the mother and daughter.

Police say 22-year-old Monte Henderson was speeding through an intersection at more than 75 miles per hour when he allegedly caused the tragedy.

Two other teenage girls and a 61-year-old woman were also hospitalized after the crash.

Henderson survived and was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter and two counts of armed criminal action.

However, Judge Annette Llewellyn overlooked a probable cause statement stating he is a danger to the community, allowing him to be released on $20,000 bail this week, according to STL Today.

HEnderson’s bail sparked outrage online after shocking footage of the crash went viral.

Court records showed he was released two days later after posting 10 percent of his $200,000 bail.

“Rest in peace to that young mother and her child,” Drake shared, before taking note of a female fan holding up a sign saying they were cancer survivors.

‘I have this plate in front of me. I have this sign in front of me and it means a lot,” the five-time Grammy winner said.

‘This sign here. I’m sure you can read it on the screen, but if you can’t, it says, “I beat stage 4 cancer just in time to see Drake #godsplan.”

Shortly afterwards, Drake donated $25,000 to a cancer survivor waving a sign in the stands

Shortly afterwards, Drake donated $25,000 to a cancer survivor waving a sign in the stands

Drake has repeatedly awarded $25,000 to lucky fans in tribute to his 2018 music video God's Plan, in which he does just that

Drake has repeatedly awarded $25,000 to lucky fans in tribute to his 2018 music video God’s Plan, in which he does just that

A visibly emotional Drake told the crowd that “everything happens for a reason” and then announced he would gift the woman $25,000.

So tonight I’d like to give you $25,000,” he told her, drawing thunderous applause from the audience.

He kept his word and according WVIB in Buffalothe woman did indeed receive the money.

Drake has repeatedly awarded $25,000 to lucky fans in tribute to his 2018 music video God’s Plan, in which he does just that.

In what is believed to be his largest donation to date, Drake gave a cancer survivor, who had only recently undergone chemotherapy treatments, $100,000 during his concert in Nashville earlier this month.

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Man ‘obsessed’ with becoming a dad loses almost half of his 200kg body weight on a ‘carnivore diet’ of meat, eggs and dairy to ‘improve his fertility’ https://usmail24.com/man-whos-obsessed-dad-loses-nearly-half-434lb-body-weight-carnivore-diet-consisting-meat-eggs-dairy-improve-fertility-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/ https://usmail24.com/man-whos-obsessed-dad-loses-nearly-half-434lb-body-weight-carnivore-diet-consisting-meat-eggs-dairy-improve-fertility-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 05:36:09 +0000 https://usmail24.com/man-whos-obsessed-dad-loses-nearly-half-434lb-body-weight-carnivore-diet-consisting-meat-eggs-dairy-improve-fertility-htmlns_mchannelrssns_campaign1490ito1490/

A man ‘obsessed with becoming a father’ has lost almost half his body weight by eating a ‘carnivore’ diet consisting only of meat and eggs in a bid to improve his fertility. Isaiah Caldwell, 28, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighed 434 pounds at his heaviest weight, but has now lost a whopping 210 pounds. He […]

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A man ‘obsessed with becoming a father’ has lost almost half his body weight by eating a ‘carnivore’ diet consisting only of meat and eggs in a bid to improve his fertility.

Isaiah Caldwell, 28, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighed 434 pounds at his heaviest weight, but has now lost a whopping 210 pounds.

He started changing his lifestyle after being told his weight could cause fertility problems – and now weighs 220 pounds and feels ‘a million times better’.

Tech salesman Isaiah lost weight by exercising and following the strict carnivore diet, in which followers abandon anything that doesn’t come from an animal, leaving them with meat, eggs and dairy products.

Isaiah, who stands 6ft tall, is now happier and healthier than ever and he and his wife Amanda, 29, are still trying to have a baby.

Isaiah Caldwell, from Missouri, has lost almost half his body weight after following a ‘carnivore’ diet. Pictured with his wife Amanda after his weight loss

Isaiah once tipped the scales at 434 pounds (pictured, before weight loss) – but was told his weight could affect his fertility

Isaiah once tipped the scales at 434 pounds (pictured, before weight loss) – but was told his weight could affect his fertility

Isaiah is pictured with his wife Amanda after his weight loss;  the couple is still trying to have a baby

Isaiah is pictured with his wife Amanda after his weight loss; the couple is still trying to have a baby

Isaiah said: “Having a baby became an obsession of ours – we were very excited about it.

‘We started trying for a year before we started to suspect there might be some fertility issues.

“I knew if I could do anything to give us a chance, I would do it.”

Isaiah vowed to shed the pounds and immediately went on a diet, dropping all food groups except meat, eggs and dairy.

Isaiah said, “People think there’s magic in it.

‘But the reality is that you’re just eliminating overeating because it’s very difficult to eat meat – it’s very restrictive and probably not for everyone.’

Isiah lost 21 pounds after just a month by eating steak and smoked brisket – and said he was ‘blown away’.

He decided to stay on the carnivore diet for another month, losing another 18 pounds, and continued until he lost only 368 pounds.

Isaiah tried on his old clothes after losing weight

The difference was astonishing

Isaiah tried on his old clothes after losing weight and the difference was amazing

Isaiah, who is 6 feet tall, is now happier and healthier than ever.  In the photo before, left and after, right

Isaiah has also hit the gym and made lifestyle changes to lose weight

Isaiah, who is 6 feet tall, is now happier and healthier than ever. In the photo before, left and after, right

Does weight loss improve fertility in men?

According to the NHS, eating a healthy, balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight are essential to keeping sperm in good condition.

A healthy BMI and eating a healthy diet, of at least 5 servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables per day, eating strachy foods and beans and legumes can help with a healthy diet.

He said: ‘I felt incredible, even a week later – psychologically I felt so much better, my brain fog was completely gone. I felt a million times better.

“But I knew I couldn’t last forever just eating meat.”

After ten months, he had lost a whopping 118 pounds after expanding his diet to include some fruits and dairy products.

Once the weight loss started to slow, Isaiah decided to look deeper into bodybuilders’ training regimens and began meticulously tracking his calorie intake.

He lost another 35 pounds, bringing his total weight loss to 140 pounds.

Isaiah then continued his calorie deficit to continue losing weight and is now around 210 pounds.

And he said, ‘If anyone thinks they might not be able to do it, they should know that I felt exactly the same way.

‘It felt impossible and hopeless, but everyone is capable of that.’



Once the weight loss started to slow, Isaiah decided to look deeper into the training regimens bodybuilders use. Pictured left, front; and right, next


Followers of the carnivore diet typically eat only meat, without carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, grains or nuts. Some also have dairy and fish.

Experts claim that followers of such a diet miss out on fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. A deficiency in these nutrients can affect a person’s immunity, digestion, circulation and cognitive function.

Eliminating most major food groups does help many carnivores lose weight, but it can also lead to constipation.

Because meat is rich in protein and fat, many followers claim they feel full longer, even though they’re missing out on essential nutrients.

Experts claim that followers of such a diet may initially feel better because they are cutting out sugar and processed foods. Yet such eating plans are often unsustainable, leaving dieters feeling frustrated and defeated.

Those who take it a step further and eat raw red meat run the risk of food poisoning if they become contaminated with bacteria such as Salmonella.

Some experts have warned against a meat-only diet, with excessive amounts of red meat previously linked to bowel cancer.

The NHS states: ‘Red meat – such as beef, lamb and pork – is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and can be part of a balanced diet. But eating a lot of red and processed meat likely increases your risk of colon (colorectal) cancer.

‘It is therefore recommended that people who eat more than 90 grams (cooked weight) of red and processed meat per day reduce this to 70 grams as this may help reduce the risk of bowel cancer.’

Isaiah and Amanda will have to return to the doctors in the coming months to see if his efforts have affected his fertility.

Isaiah said: ‘We are very optimistic – I will do tests, but I have increased the chances from zero to at least something

“I’m in the best shape of my life and we’re excited to find a way to be parents no matter what.”

The trend of simple food diets is becoming increasingly popular – thanks in part to social media sensations like bodybuilder Eddie Abbew, who posts videos of himself eating boiled eggs and liver.

It has also been popularized by internet personalities such as Jordan Peterson and podcast host Joe Rogan, who have touted its benefits to their army of followers.

But some experts have warned that diets that include high amounts of red meat could lead to an increased risk of a host of life-threatening diseases, including cancer, heart and kidney disease.

Meanwhile, the diet may cause participants not to get enough vitamin C, which can lead to scurvy.

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Tip to police leads to arrest of three men in 1989 rape and murder in Missouri https://usmail24.com/kelle-ann-workman-cold-case-html/ https://usmail24.com/kelle-ann-workman-cold-case-html/#respond Fri, 23 Feb 2024 22:07:44 +0000 https://usmail24.com/kelle-ann-workman-cold-case-html/

For more than thirty years, Pam Workman suspected who killed her sister, Kelle Ann Workman, who went missing on June 30, 1989, and whose body was found eight days later in a forest in rural Missouri. Despite her suspicions, police had failed to arrest anyone in the case until this week. Recently, someone came forward […]

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For more than thirty years, Pam Workman suspected who killed her sister, Kelle Ann Workman, who went missing on June 30, 1989, and whose body was found eight days later in a forest in rural Missouri.

Despite her suspicions, police had failed to arrest anyone in the case until this week.

Recently, someone came forward with information about the crime, which led to the arrest of three men in connection with the kidnapping, rape and murder of Ms. Workman, 24, authorities said at a meeting. news conference on Wednesday in Douglas County, Mo.

The men – Bobby Lee Banks, 65, of Seymour, Missouri; Leonard Banks, 64, of Gainesville, Missouri; and Wiley Belt, 64, of Ava, Mo. – were each charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping and forcible rape, authorities said.

In an interview Friday, Pam Workman said she had long believed that Bobby Lee Banks and Leonard Banks, brothers, were involved in the crime.

“They were always on my radar,” she said. “I have dealt with them for the past 35 years, and not always well.”

Ms. Workman said she once encountered Leonard Banks while grocery shopping, and he “tried to start an altercation with her.”

“He’s not a nice guy,” she said.

Ms. Workman said she did not know Mr. Belt personally, but knew his name because she grew up in the area.

Authorities did not say who provided the crucial information they needed to make the arrests.

Douglas County Prosecutor Matthew Weatherman said at the news conference that someone “came forward after keeping this inside for almost 30 years” and that his testimony was “rock solid.”

“It’s as good as a 1989 case can be,” Mr. Weatherman said, calling the testimony “the last piece” authorities needed.

The three men were in custody Friday and being held on $250,000 bond, according to court records. They are scheduled to appear in court on March 5, according to court records.

A lawyer for Mr. Belt did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday. Court records did not list attorneys for Bobby Lee Banks or Leonard Banks.

Authorities said the three men had been interviewed about the case in the past, but there was never enough evidence or testimony to charge them.

“It was just a sequence of gathering all the facts that everyone could put together as best they could,” Mr. Weatherman said, adding that he planned to file a motion to seek a speedy trial in the case.

“We’re not going to mess with this,” he said. “We’re going to move forward and take this to the jury as quickly as the judge and the courts allow us.”

Kelle Ann Workman disappeared on June 30, 1989. Around dinner time, her parents started to worry because she wasn’t home yet. They reported her missing to police, who began an extensive search for her in and around Douglas County.

Pam Workman said she was 22 at the time and living in Kansas City, Missouri. The day after Kelle Anne went missing, Pam Workman said, her aunt and uncle knocked on her apartment door and told her the news.

“I will never forget that day,” Pam Workman said. “I can close my eyes and see it like it was yesterday. It’s a day I will never forget. That was the longest drive home from Kansas City ever.

The last time Kelle Anne Workman was seen, she was mowing the grass at Dogwood Cemetery in Douglas County, where she worked.

Douglas County Sheriff Chris Degase said Wednesday that the killing was “something that has been going on in Douglas County for 35 years.”

“We’re very pleased that we’ve been able to hopefully provide some closure for the family and get Kelle justice,” Sheriff Degase said, standing just a few feet away from the cemetery where Kelle Ann Workman was last seen.

Pam Workman said over the years she sometimes felt like her sister’s case had been put on the back burner. Now she hopes the arrests will encourage others whose loved ones have been victims of cold cases not to lose their faith.

“None of this is going to bring Kelle back,” she said. “But above all, there is justice for Kelly.”

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