Murphy – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Thu, 21 Mar 2024 09:27:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Murphy – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 Joshua Jackson to star in ABC’s new Ryan Murphy drama Dr. Odyssey Thu, 21 Mar 2024 09:27:12 +0000

Getty Images (2) Joshua Jackson‘s return to network television is just what the doctor ordered. According to Varietythe 45 year old has signed on for a new abc series of Ryan Murphy titled Dr. Odyssey. It marks the first time in more than a decade that Jackson has returned to primetime television after his role […]

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Joshua Jackson‘s return to network television is just what the doctor ordered.

According to Varietythe 45 year old has signed on for a new abc series of Ryan Murphy titled Dr. Odyssey. It marks the first time in more than a decade that Jackson has returned to primetime television after his role as Peter Bishop Zoom on Fox, which ended in 2013.

Details about Dr. OdysseyThe film’s plot is being kept under wraps, but Jackson will play the charming titular character in the show, which will reportedly be set on a cruise ship. No other cast members have been revealed.

Jackson is also executive producer of the project Jon Robin Baitz And Joe Baken. The latter have collaborated with Murphy, 58, on multiple projects over the years, including American horror stories And Feud: Capote vs. The Swans. They are also developing a new legal drama for Hulu starring Kim Kardashian.

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Related: ‘Dawson’s Creek’ Cast: Where Are They Now?

Since Dawson’s Creek premiered in 1998, the show became a fan favorite and remains one of the most popular teen dramas to ever hit the small screen. The series follows the life of Joey Potter (Katie Holmes), a tomboy just trying to survive high school after the death of […]

Although Jackson has been away from network TV for a while, he already has experience with medical series. In 2021, he played neurosurgeon Dr. Christopher Duntsch in season 1 of the Peacock limited docudrama Dr. Dead, based on the 2018 Wondery podcast about the doctors and lawyer who took down the real Duntsch. (The doctor was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017 after being convicted of mutilating one of his patients.)

Come on Dr. Dead‘s debut, Jackson said exclusively We weekly how he prepared for the intense project. “I felt like I had the emotional bandwidth to handle something like this,” he said in July 2021. “It was more than I even expected, but it was clear to me from the beginning that this was going to happen . be quite a heavy burden.”

Feature A Guide to Ryan Murphy Television Universe

Related: A comprehensive guide to Ryan Murphy’s vast television universe

Television pioneer Ryan Murphy has been creating, writing, directing and producing Emmy-winning series for more than two decades – and now has so many shows on the air that it feels like he’s everywhere. After starring on the cult teen drama Popular in 1999, Murphy made his debut as a solo creator with the FX drama Nip/Tuck. […]

He added: ‘It wasn’t until we finished it and I put the whole thing down that I realized how hard it had actually been over time. I fooled myself that I was able to leave it at the office. It was incredibly dark. The material is dark.”

Jackson also hinted at a 2022 Variety interview he was looking forward to playing a different kind of medical professional in the future after the drama of Dr. Dead.

“I’m happy to not be playing someone as psychologically intense as Christopher Duntsch for a while, because the weight of that was quite intense during the filming of the show,” he told the outlet at the time.

Together with Zoom And Dr. DeadJackson is known for his roles in Little fires everywhere, The affair, Fatal attraction And Dawson’s Creek.

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Mick Murphy’s wanhopige pleidooi aan de vermeende moordenaar van Samantha Murphy – na de verbluffende verklaring van de familie over de laatste politieonderzoek Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:11:56 +0000

De echtgenoot van de vermiste moeder van Ballarat, Samantha Murphy, heeft een beroep gedaan op alle informatie die zou kunnen leiden tot het vinden van haar stoffelijk overschot en hoopt dat de man die van de moord op haar wordt beschuldigd, gaat samenwerken met de autoriteiten. De politie lanceerde woensdag de laatste jacht op de […]

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De echtgenoot van de vermiste moeder van Ballarat, Samantha Murphy, heeft een beroep gedaan op alle informatie die zou kunnen leiden tot het vinden van haar stoffelijk overschot en hoopt dat de man die van de moord op haar wordt beschuldigd, gaat samenwerken met de autoriteiten.

De politie lanceerde woensdag de laatste jacht op de vermiste moeder van drie kinderen in het Buninyong Bushland Reserve aan de rand van Ballarat, aangewakkerd door ‘nieuwe informatie afkomstig uit een aantal bronnen’, zeiden ze.

Het is 45 dagen geleden dat mevrouw Murphy, 51, voor het laatst op 4 februari omstreeks 7.00 uur haar huis aan Eureka Street in Ballarat East verliet om te gaan hardlopen in het nabijgelegen Woowookrung Regional Park.

De echtgenoot van de vermiste Ballarat-moeder Samantha Murphy heeft een nieuw pleidooi gehouden voor informatie om haar stoffelijk overschot te helpen vinden

Woensdag werd een nieuwe zoektocht gelanceerd om de stoffelijke resten van Samantha Murphy te vinden

Woensdag werd een nieuwe zoektocht gelanceerd om de stoffelijke resten van Samantha Murphy te vinden

Haar vermeende moordenaar, Patrick Orren Stephenson (foto), heeft naar verluidt geweigerd samen te werken met de autoriteiten

Haar vermeende moordenaar, Patrick Orren Stephenson (foto), heeft naar verluidt geweigerd samen te werken met de autoriteiten

Er is geen spoor van haar gevonden, ondanks dat Patrick Orren Stephenson, 22, twee weken geleden werd beschuldigd van moord op haar.

De zoektocht van woensdag werd afgeblazen nadat er acht uur lang niets was gevonden.

Hoewel er voor donderdag geen zoekactiviteiten waren gepland, wordt verwacht dat de politie de komende weken door zal gaan met zoeken.

Het verdriet van de familie wordt nog groter door de beweringen dat de politie hen buiten beschouwing heeft gelaten sinds Stephenson veertien dagen geleden werd beschuldigd van de moord op mevrouw Murphy.

Haar man Mick werd woensdagmiddag met zijn kenmerkende blauwe ute door bushland nabij het Buninyong Bushland Reserve zien rijden, niet wetende dat de politie de zoektocht voor die dag al had stopgezet.

Hij smeekte haar vermeende moordenaar om samen te werken met de autoriteiten toen hij gisteren met 7News sprak.

De heer Murphy schudde zijn hoofd toen hem werd gevraagd of hij iets wist over de zoektocht naar zijn inmiddels vermoedelijk overleden vrouw.

Hij leek radeloos toen hij het raampje naar beneden draaide om vragen te beantwoorden, maar maakte een ‘duim omhoog’ terwijl hij wegreed.

Zijn vader John ‘Pud’ Robson zei later dat hij ook niet op de hoogte was van de zoektocht.

‘Ik weet alles over alles,’ zei hij.

‘We tasten in het donker, maat. Wij hebben geen idee wat er aan de hand is. Mick zit in hetzelfde schuitje als wij

‘Ze hebben ons niets verteld.’

Het is onbekend of de nieuwe zoektocht werd aangewakkerd door informatie van Stephenson, die naar verluidt niet meer met de politie heeft samengewerkt sinds zijn arrestatie twee weken geleden.

Voormalig rechercheur Charlie Bezzina geloofde dat het vermeende gebrek aan medewerking van Stephenson van invloed zou kunnen zijn op het politieonderzoek.

‘Het kan de zoektocht beïnvloeden’, zei hij donderdag tegen Sunrise.

‘De politie vertrouwt dus duidelijk op andere inlichtingen die tot hen doordringen, wat deze specifieke zoektocht heeft gekatapulteerd.

‘Van de inlichtingendiensten zullen ze zwaar afhankelijk zijn of nog steeds aan de deur kloppen, kijken naar camerabeelden en uiteraard telefoongegevens, wat dan ook. elektronisch of qua intelligentie, uit welke bron dan ook, en hopelijk iemand die de kennis heeft om de familie wat rust te geven.’

De heer Bezzina waarschuwde dat het tot twee jaar kan duren voordat het bewijsmateriaal voor de rechtbank zal worden gehoord.

‘Er is nog een lange weg te gaan’, zei hij.

Crimineel psycholoog Dr. Tim Watson-Munro suggereert dat er achter de schermen een aantal ontwikkelingen plaatsvinden binnen de zaak waar het publiek en de familie niets van weten.

‘Vaak gebeuren er dingen achter de schermen, weg van het publiek.

‘Het is niet zo dat de politie helemaal gestopt is met de zaak.

‘[The new search location] is een groot gebied en de politie heeft veel informatie moeten doorzoeken, samen met informatie over IT-metagegevens.

‘Ze zouden geen zoektocht naar een nieuw gebied hebben aangekondigd tenzij er redelijk goede informatie was ontvangen.’

De laatste zoektocht vond plaats op ongeveer 10 km van de oorspronkelijke zoekgebieden en dichtbij de plek waar Patrick Stephenson op 6 maart werd gearresteerd

Officieren van de Dog Squad hebben woensdag het Buninyong Bushland Reserve doorzocht in een hernieuwde zoektocht naar de stoffelijke resten van Samantha Murphy

Dr. Watson-Munro was niet verbaasd dat de lokale bevolking van Ballarat, die de afgelopen zes weken naar mevrouw Murphy heeft gezocht, van de politie te horen kreeg dat ze zich aan de zoektocht van woensdag moesten onthouden.

‘De politie zou een goede reden hebben om het publiek te vertellen weg te blijven, wat voor extra afleiding zou zorgen’, zei hij.

‘De onderzoekers moeten met rust worden gelaten om hun werk te doen totdat er een lichaam is gevonden.

‘Mijn advies aan de gemeenschap zou zijn om sterk te blijven, het advies van de politie op te volgen en hen hun werk te laten doen.’

Dr. Watson-Munro’s gedachten waren bij de echtgenoot van mevrouw Murphy en de kinderen van het echtpaar, in de nasleep van de laatste ontwikkeling.

‘Ze zouden doordrenkt zijn van verdriet en trauma’, zei hij. ‘Je kunt je niet voorstellen wat ze zouden moeten doormaken.

‘Een man heeft zijn vrouw verloren en drie kinderen hebben door plotselinge omstandigheden hun moeder verloren.

‘Er zal geen sluiting voor hen zijn totdat er een lichaam is gevonden en ze de waardigheid hebben om afscheid van haar te kunnen nemen en een begrafenis te kunnen houden.’

De criminele psycholoog zei dat de politie (woensdag afgebeeld) zou handelen op basis van nieuwe ontvangen informatie

De criminele psycholoog zei dat de politie (woensdag afgebeeld) zou handelen op basis van nieuwe ontvangen informatie

De politie riep het publiek op om niet deel te nemen aan de nieuwe zoektocht van woensdag (foto)

De politie riep het publiek op om niet deel te nemen aan de nieuwe zoektocht van woensdag (foto)

Rechercheur waarnemend hoofdinspecteur Mark Hatt zei dat de politie vastbesloten is ‘alles te doen wat we kunnen om haar te lokaliseren en terug te brengen naar haar familie’.

Het bushland dat woensdag werd doorzocht, lag ongeveer drie kilometer van de plek waar Stephenson op zijn huis zat toen hij werd gearresteerd, aan de rand van Ballarat, veertien dagen geleden.

Het Buninyong-gebied werd eerder door de politie aangewezen als een interessante locatie nadat de telefoon van mevrouw Murphy pingde in de buurt van de Buninyong Golf Club.

Stephenson blijft in hechtenis en zal op 8 augustus opnieuw voor de rechtbank verschijnen voor een vermelding.

Tijdlijn van de verdwijning van Samantha Murphy

Zondag 4 februari, 7.00 uur: Moeder van drie Samantha Murphy is voor het laatst gezien terwijl ze haar huis in Eureka Street in Ballarat East verliet terwijl ze aan het rennen was.

7.16 uur: Ze wordt vastgelegd op de camerabeelden van een buurman, terwijl ze een bruin hemd en een zwarte halflange legging draagt.

11.00 uur: Mevrouw Murphy komt niet opdagen op een geplande brunch met familie. Ze wordt als vermist opgegeven bij de politie.

Maandag 5 februari: De politie van Victoria lanceert een openbare oproep om mevrouw Murphy te vinden. Er is een zoekgebied ingesteld net buiten de buitenwijk Buninyong, ongeveer 14 kilometer van de plek waar mevrouw Murphy voor het laatst werd gezien, en vlakbij haar huis. De politie onthulde dat de mobiele telefoon van mevrouw Murphy had gepingd in Buninyong

Dinsdag 6 februari: De echtgenoot van mevrouw Murphy, Mick, vertelt de media dat het ‘onder de gegeven omstandigheden niet zo slecht gaat’. Hij werd afgebeeld terwijl hij met de politie sprak terwijl de wanhopige zoektocht voortduurde. De zoektocht breidde zich uit naar meer dan 100 gespecialiseerde politieagenten, SES-ploegen en teams van Forest Fire Management Australia en Parks Victoria.

Woensdag 8 februari, 12.30 uur: A Zoekgroep vond mogelijk bewijsmateriaal nabij een wandelpad in het regionale park Woowookarung

13.45 uur: Mick Murphy duikt op bij de afgezette plek in het Woowookarung Regional Park en leek zichtbaar verbijsterd toen hij door agenten werd weggestuurd. De politie zei dat de gevonden voorwerpen in bushland geen verband hielden met haar verblijfplaats.

De politie heeft later vrijgegeven waarvan zij aanvankelijk dachten dat het camerabeelden waren van mevrouw Murphy die haar eigendom verliet en in noordoostelijke richting vertrok richting Yankee Flat Road nabij de kruising met Warrenheip Road.

Donderdagmiddag 8 februari: Een hardloper kwam naar voren om te onthullen dat zij de persoon zijn die op de camerabeelden te zien is, waardoor een belangrijke onderzoekslijn werd uitgesloten.

Vrijdag 9 februari: De politie van Victoria voert haar inspanningen op met de komst van agenten van de eenheid voor vermiste personen.

Zaterdag 10 februari: Onderzoekers schalen de zoektocht terug en zeggen dat een volledige zoektocht alleen zal worden hervat als er nieuwe informatie naar voren komt.

Zondag 11 februari: Terwijl de politie de zoektocht afzwakt, zetten de lokale bewoners hun eigen zoektocht voort door in kleine groepen het gebied af te zoeken.

Maandag 12 februari: Cin Hobbs, beheerder van de Facebook-groep ‘Find Samantha Murphy’ – die binnen enkele dagen duizenden leden verzamelde, kondigde aan dat ze de groep verwijderde omdat deze ‘zijn doel heeft gediend’.

Dinsdag 13 februari: Daily Mail Australia onthult dat de geliefde hond van mevrouw Murphy, Ruby, vermist was.

Woensdag 14 februari: Hoofdcommissaris Shane Patton van de politie van Victoria bevestigt dat de rechercheurs de verdwijning van mevrouw Murphy als verdacht beschouwen.

Rechercheurs van de afdeling Vermiste Personen van de politie van Victoria brengen een uur door op het terrein van de familie Murphy.

Het wordt onthuld dat Ruby is overleden.

Vrijdag 16 februari: De oom en tante van mevrouw Murphy, Allan en Janice Robson, vertellen aan Daily Mail Australia dat ze denken dat hun nichtje het slachtoffer was van gemeen spel.

Mevrouw Robson theoretiseert dat de moeder het doelwit was van een gestoorde stalker en zei: ‘Ik zou zeggen dat iemand haar in de gaten zou hebben gehouden. Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat het iets anders zou zijn.’

Maandag 19 februari: Mick Murphy houdt een publiek pleidooi en zegt: ‘We willen Sam alsjeblieft thuis hebben.’

Hij beweert dat zijn familie ‘onder de gegeven omstandigheden het beste doet wat we kunnen’.

Donderdag 22 februari: Tientallen rechercheurs van gespecialiseerde eenheden worden aan de zaak toegewezen.

Vrijdag 23 februari: De politie geeft toe dat ‘een of meer partijen’ hoogstwaarschijnlijk achter haar verdwijning zitten, terwijl de jacht zich verplaatst naar een nieuwe locatie op Mount Clear op basis van nieuwe telefoongegevensanalyse. Rechercheurs onthullen ook dat Samantha Murphy’s echtgenoot Mick en ‘iedereen’ die dicht bij haar staat, zijn genoemd als personen van belang.

Woensdag 28 februari: De Inland Motor Body Works, een groot reparatiebedrijf in Ballarat, eigendom van mevrouw Murphy en haar man, wordt het middelpunt van het onderzoek, te midden van speculaties dat outlaw motorbendes tot de klanten behoorden.

Maandag 4 maart: Onderzoekers beginnen de gegevens van mobiele telefoontorens te beoordelen om de bewegingen van mensen in het gebied waar mevrouw Murphy verdween te identificeren.

Woensdag 6 maart 06.00 uur: Een man, 22, wordt gearresteerd in een huis in Scotsburn in Ballarat in verband met de verdwijning van mevrouw Murphy.

Donderdag 7 maart: De man wordt beschuldigd van één moord en zou later die middag voor de rechter verschijnen.

Mevrouw Murphy wordt nog steeds vermist en de jacht op haar lichaam gaat door.

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How new ‘intelligence’ prompts police to search for a possible grave site for Samantha Murphy, just steps away from a place dear to her alleged killer’s loved ones Wed, 20 Mar 2024 01:17:29 +0000

Police search for remains in the Buningyong Bushland Reserve Search area just steps from where the accused murderer was arrested Get the latest news by following Daily Mail Australia on WhatsApp here By Olivia Day for Daily Mail Australia Published: 8:49 PM EDT, March 19, 2024 | Updated: 9:16 PM EDT, March 19, 2024 A […]

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  • Police search for remains in the Buningyong Bushland Reserve
  • Search area just steps from where the accused murderer was arrested
  • Get the latest news by following Daily Mail Australia on WhatsApp here

A remote area of ​​bushland being searched for the remains of Samantha Murphy is just a stone’s throw from the house where her accused killer was arrested.

Victoria Police launched a new search in the Buninyong Bushland Reserve on Wednesday after saying they had received “new intelligence”.

Despite extensive search efforts by police and volunteers, no trace of the mother-of-three has been found in the six weeks since her disappearance.

The new search area is located along Webbs Hill Road, a one-lane dirt road Two miles from the home in Scotsburn, Patrick Orren Stephenson, 22, was house-sitting with his girlfriend when he was arrested on March 6.

Stephenson was charged with murder the following day, with police claiming he ‘intentionally assaulted’ Mrs Murphy, 51, in Mount Clear on February 4.

The new search area is on Webbs Hill Road, a single-lane unsealed road less than 2km from the Scotsburn home. Patrick Orren Stephenson, 22, (pictured) was house-sitting with his girlfriend Meg Harbor when he was arrested on March 6.

Victoria Police launched a new search in the Buninyong Bushland Reserve on Wednesday

Victoria Police launched a new search in the Buninyong Bushland Reserve on Wednesday

He was taken into custody and police allege he repeatedly refused to cooperate with police in their investigation into Ms Murphy’s remains.

Researchers were originally searching in the vast Woowookarung Regional Park, which is about 10km from the new search area.

The Buningyong Bushland Reserve is a relatively smaller area of ​​bushland with a hidden dam and only a few properties scattered throughout its boundaries.

Police units are stationed in nearby Royal Park as dozens of specialist officers search the reserve.

“The search will focus on an area highlighted by intelligence from a number of sources,” a police statement said.

Members of the public who have been searching for Ms Murphy over the past six weeks have been advised not to take part in the latest search.

All available resources are being used, including missing persons investigators along with specialist officers from the Search and Rescue Unit, Mounted Unit, Dog Brigade, Public Order Response Team and motorcyclists from the Road Policing Command.

Detective Acting Chief Inspector Mark Hatt said police are determined to do ‘everything we can to locate her and return her to her family’.

No trace of Samantha Murphy (pictured) has been found in the six weeks since her disappearance, despite extensive search efforts by police and volunteers

No trace of Samantha Murphy (pictured) has been found in the six weeks since her disappearance, despite extensive search efforts by police and volunteers

“Since Samantha’s disappearance, extensive searches have been conducted in the Ballarat area and today we will be focusing on an area of ​​bushland in Buninyong,” he said on Wednesday.

‘We will be using a range of specialist resources, but whilst we search for Samantha’s body we ask that the public do not attempt to take part in today’s search.

‘Hopefully today’s search will aid the investigation or provide further investigative opportunities for police.

“We will also be looking at further searches in the Ballarat area as the investigation progresses.”

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Samantha Murphy: Police dramatically warn locals about new Buninyong search for Samantha Murphy’s body Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:22:01 +0000

Police search for Samantha Murphy’s body Investigators are focusing on Buninyong, south of Ballarat By Tita Smith for Daily Mail Australia Published: 8:02 PM EDT, March 19, 2024 | Updated: 8:16 PM EDT, March 19, 2024 The public have been urged to ‘stay away’ as police search for a new location in the hunt for […]

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  • Police search for Samantha Murphy’s body
  • Investigators are focusing on Buninyong, south of Ballarat

The public have been urged to ‘stay away’ as police search for a new location in the hunt for missing mother-of-three Samantha Murphy.

In a major breakthrough for the case, detectives swarmed a Buninyong bush area, just south of Ballarat, on Wednesday to search for Ms Murphy’s body.

Police will allege the 51-year-old mother was murdered by Patrick Stephenson, 22, on February 4 after leaving her Ballarat East home to go for a morning run.

The search is focusing on an area of ​​the Buninyong Bushland Reserve that has been brought to the attention of police from a ‘number of sources’.

‘A range of specialist units will join investigators from the Missing Persons Squad Investigators, including the Search and Rescue Squad, Mounted Branch, Dog Squad, Public Order Response Team and motorcyclists from the Road Policing Command, as well as local police from Western Region,” Victoria Police said.

Ballarat mother-of-three Samantha Murphy (pictured) has been missing since February 4

Investigators are pictured scouring the Mount Clear area for Ms Murphy during a search last month

Investigators are pictured scouring the Mount Clear area for Ms Murphy during a search last month

“As such, police ask that members of the public do not participate in today’s search efforts at this time.”

Ms Murphy’s case has captured the nation’s interest, with hundreds of volunteers organizing and carrying out their own ground surveys in the area over the past six weeks.

The new development comes after extensive searches previously focused on the Canadian Forest, in Ballarat’s south-eastern suburbs.

The search location is just a four-minute drive from the home in Scotsburn where Stephenson was arrested on March 6.

He was in the process of housing the property with his long-term girlfriend at the time.

Stephenson was charged with murder the following day in connection with Ms Murphy’s disappearance.

He was subsequently remanded in custody to appear at the Ballarat Magistrates’ Court on August 8.

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Samantha Murphy bombshell: Police swarm to new search site in Buninyong for missing Ballarat woman – weeks after Patrick Stephenson was charged with murder Tue, 19 Mar 2024 23:24:04 +0000

By Kylie Stevens for Daily Mail Australia Published: 6:55 PM EDT, March 19, 2024 | Updated: 7:11 PM EDT, March 19, 2024 Police have launched a new search for the body of Ballarat mother Samantha Murphy at Royal Park in Buninyong, about 10 kilometers from the original search area. The 51-year-old was last seen leaving […]

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Police have launched a new search for the body of Ballarat mother Samantha Murphy at Royal Park in Buninyong, about 10 kilometers from the original search area.

The 51-year-old was last seen leaving her home on Eureka Street in Ballarat East about 7am on February 4 for a run at nearby Woowookrung Regional Park.

No trace of the mother-of-three has ever been found, despite Patrick Orren Stephenson, 22, being charged with her murder on March 7.

Police allege Stephenson ‘intentionally assaulted’ Ms Murphy in Mount Clear, about 5km from her home, on the day she went jogging.

He was taken into custody and police allege he repeatedly refused to cooperate with police in their investigation into Ms Murphy’s remains.

Royal Park is a small park in Buninyong city, with facilities such as football fields and a children’s playground. The park is surrounded by bushland.

Police have launched a new search for the body of Ballarat mother Samantha Murphy in Buninyong.

The original search area was the extensive Woowookarung Regional Park, which is approximately 7 km from the new search area.

It comes after Patrick Stephenson, 22, was charged with one count of murder following her suspicious disappearance.

It comes after Patrick Stephenson, 22, was charged with one count of murder following her suspicious disappearance.

More to come

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The disappearance of Samantha Murphy: grim update 40 days after she disappeared without a trace and the man was charged with murder Fri, 15 Mar 2024 06:11:39 +0000

Sunday February 4, 7:00 am: Mother-of-three Samantha Murphy was last seen leaving her Eureka Street home in Ballarat East while she was running. 7:16 am: She is captured on a neighbor’s CCTV footage wearing a brown shirt and black mid-length leggings. 11am: Mrs. Murphy doesn’t show up to a planned brunch with family. She is […]

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Sunday February 4, 7:00 am: Mother-of-three Samantha Murphy was last seen leaving her Eureka Street home in Ballarat East while she was running.

7:16 am: She is captured on a neighbor’s CCTV footage wearing a brown shirt and black mid-length leggings.

11am: Mrs. Murphy doesn’t show up to a planned brunch with family. She is reported missing to the police.

Monday February 5: Victoria Police launch a public appeal to find Ms Murphy. A search area has been established just outside the suburb of Buninyong, about 14 kilometers from where Ms Murphy was last seen and close to her home. Police revealed that Ms Murphy’s mobile phone had pinged in Buninyong

Tuesday February 6: Mrs. Murphy’s husband, Mick, tells the media that things are “not going that bad under the circumstances.” He was pictured speaking to police as the desperate search continued. The search expanded to include more than 100 specialist police officers, SES crews and teams from Forest Fire Management Australia and Parks Victoria.

Wednesday, February 8, 12:30 p.m: A Search party found possible evidence near a hiking trail in Woowookarung Regional Park

1:45 p.m: Mick Murphy shows up at the roped off area in Woowookarung Regional Park and appeared visibly stunned as he was turned away by officers. Police said the items found in bushland were not linked to her whereabouts.

Police later released what they initially believed to be CCTV footage of Ms Murphy leaving her property and heading north-east towards Yankee Flat Road near the junction with Warrenheip Road.

Thursday afternoon, February 8: A runner came forward to reveal that they are the person seen in the CCTV footage, ruling out a key line of inquiry.

Friday February 9: Victoria Police are stepping up their efforts with the arrival of officers from the Missing Persons Unit.

Saturday February 10: Researchers scale back the search, saying a full search will only resume if new information emerges.

Sunday February 11: As police scale down the search, local residents continue their own search by scouring the area in small groups.

Monday February 12: Cin Hobbs, administrator of the Facebook group ‘Find Samantha Murphy’ – which amassed thousands of members within days, announced she was removing the group because it had ‘served its purpose’.

Tuesday February 13: Daily Mail Australia reveals Mrs Murphy’s beloved dog Ruby went missing.

Wednesday February 14: Victoria Police Chief Constable Shane Patton confirms detectives are treating Ms Murphy’s disappearance as suspicious.

Detectives from the Victoria Police Missing Persons Unit spend an hour on the Murphy family property.

It is revealed that Ruby has died.

Friday February 16: Mrs Murphy’s aunt and uncle, Allan and Janice Robson, tell Daily Mail Australia they believe their niece was the victim of foul play.

Ms Robson theorizes that the mother was targeted by a deranged stalker, saying: ‘I would say someone would have been watching her. I can’t imagine it being anything else.’

Monday February 19: Mick Murphy makes a public plea, saying, “We please have Sam home.”

He claims his family is “doing the best we can under the circumstances.”

Thursday February 22: Dozens of detectives from specialized units are assigned to the case.

Friday February 23: Police admit ‘one or more parties’ are most likely behind her disappearance, as the hunt moves to a new location on Mount Clear based on new phone data analysis.

Wednesday February 28: The Inland Motor Body Works, a major Ballarat repair shop owned by Ms Murphy and her husband, becomes the focus of the investigation amid speculation that outlaw motorcycle gangs were among its customers.

Monday March 4: Investigators begin reviewing cell phone tower data to identify the movements of people in the area where Ms. Murphy disappeared.

Wednesday, March 6, 6:00 am: A man, 22, is arrested at a home in Scotsburn in Ballarat in connection with Ms Murphy’s disappearance.

Thursday March 7: The man is charged with one count of murder and was scheduled to appear in court later that afternoon.

Mrs Murphy is still missing and the hunt for her body continues.

Friday March 8: The man accused of murder is revealed as Patrick Oreen Stephenson, 22 years old, after a suppression order was revoked.

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Ballarat gold mine collapse: Desperate rescue underway as two people trapped underground in area where police searched for body of missing jogger Samantha Murphy Wed, 13 Mar 2024 08:44:22 +0000

By Freddy Pawle for Daily Mail Australia Published: 03:07 EDT, March 13, 2024 | Updated: 04:40 EDT, March 13, 2024 A desperate rescue mission is underway for two people trapped underground after a mine collapse. Emergency services are responding to reports of two people trapped in the Ballarat gold mine at Mount Clear, Ballarat, after […]

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A desperate rescue mission is underway for two people trapped underground after a mine collapse.

Emergency services are responding to reports of two people trapped in the Ballarat gold mine at Mount Clear, Ballarat, after it collapsed around 4.50pm on Wednesday.

Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and the Country Fire Authority have both sent “resources” to the scene, an FRV spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia.

Ambulance Victoria also sent paramedics and an air ambulance to the collapsed mine.

“The situation is developing and further information will be provided as it becomes available,” read a statement from Victoria Police.

Emergency services are desperately trying to rescue two people trapped underground after the gold mine at the Indicator Lane site in Ballarat (pictured) collapsed on Wednesday afternoon.

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allen said she was “thinking of every worker and family affected by the event.”

“Tonight will be a long night for them and for the entire Ballarat community.”

The bushland surrounding the Ballarat Gold Mine has been extensively scoured by police and volunteers in the search for missing mother, Samantha Murphy.

The 51-year-old disappeared without a trace after leaving her home on Eureka Street in Ballarat East about 7am on February 4 for a run at Woowookrung Regional Park.

Mobile phone records show Ms Murphy arrived in Mount Clear about an hour later, where police allege she was murdered by 22-year-old Patrick Stephenson.

Police warned those involved in the search for Ms Murphy to be weary of the hundreds of abandoned mine shafts in the area, many of which have been left open.

Despite the massive search, the mother-of-three’s remains have yet to be located.

The network of mine shafts that make up the Ballarat Gold Mine has been operational since the 1850s, with some of the original shafts still in use.

The bushland around the mine was extensively combed by police and volunteers last month during the search for missing mother Samantha Murphy (photo)

The bushland around the mine was extensively combed by police and volunteers last month during the search for missing mother Samantha Murphy (photo)

A cave-in at the site trapped 27 miners about a kilometer underground at around 3:30 am on November 12, 2007.

All miners were recovered safely after being hoisted to the surface through a ventilation shaft at around 8am.

On Anzac Day the year before, Tasmanian miners Todd Russell and Brant Webb were trapped in a small cage 925 meters underground for two weeks after a rockfall at the Beaconsfield gold mine, northwest of Launceston.

While Mr. Russell and Mr. Webb triumphantly left the mine, their colleague Larry Knight had been killed in the initial collapse.

They were both able to join mourners at their colleague’s funeral – which had been postponed until they were released – on May 9.

More to come.

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Oscars 2024: What’s next for winners Cillian Murphy, Emma Stone, more Mon, 11 Mar 2024 12:33:38 +0000

Getty Images (2) Congratulations, you won an Oscar! Your next mission, should you choose to accept it: Stay golden. It’s not as easy as it seems: just ask Jean Dujardin. Twelve years ago the French actor was defeated Brad Pitt And George Clooney in the Best Actor category for The artist. Except for a brief […]

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Getty Images (2)

Congratulations, you won an Oscar! Your next mission, should you choose to accept it: Stay golden.

It’s not as easy as it seems: just ask Jean Dujardin. Twelve years ago the French actor was defeated Brad Pitt And George Clooney in the Best Actor category for The artist. Except for a brief appearance in The Wolf of Wall Street, Nothing has been heard of him on this side of the Atlantic. Adrian Brody gave us one of the most memorable Oscar moments of all time in 2003 when he kissed Halle Berry after winning Best Actor; his leading roles have been few and far between since then.

And remember Three Six Mafia? They won Best Original Song in 2006 for “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp”; turns out it’s even harder to sustain a successful hip-hop career. (Let’s not even get started on the ’90s winners. Oh, Cuba Gooding Jr.)

This year’s winners will also face a lot of criticism. Although Robert Downey Jr. has been above the title for decades, Oppenheimer was a powerful reminder that his talents go far beyond Iron Man. Now he must transfer the momentum to an eclectic new project. Da’Vine Joy Randolph is no longer known as a semi-obscure supporting role in series like Only murders in the building. What will she do now that she is in the spotlight?

Oscar Winners 770 Da'Vine Joy Randolph

Related: Complete list of nominees and winners of the 2024 Oscars

The 2024 awards season concluded with the 96th annual Academy Awards on Sunday, March 10. The nominations were announced in January, with Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer earning the most nods. The thirteen nominations include Best Film, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Actor for Cillian Murphy. (It won more than any other […]

Let’s dig into all those Hollywood trade announcements and look at the calendar. Here’s a look at all the big winners of the 96th annual Academy Awards and their upcoming projects.

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners

Best Actor

Winner: Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer

Next one: 28 years later

What we know: After reaching the top of his field, Murphy heads back to where it all started. He is attached as executive producer of the just-announced sequel to the 2002 apocalyptic masterpiece 28 days later about a virus-induced societal collapse. While Murphy hasn’t officially signed on to reprise his character — a bike messenger hero who wakes from a coma to discover zombie chaos — he said in February that he is “available.” Co-Oscar winner Danny Boyle will return to directing.

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners
Aliah Anderson/Getty Images

Best actress

Winner: Emma Stone, Poor things

Next one: Types of kindness

What we know: Poor things and good things happen when Stone works with director Yorgos Lanthimos, so she gives it two more chances. Types of kindness, already shot and reportedly set to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May, is a contemporary three-part anthology also starring Jesse Plemons, Margaret Qualley And William Dafoe in multiple roles. Stone is also in talks for his remake of the South Korean fantasy comedy Save the green planetwhich centers on a man who captures and tortures a businessman he believes is part of an alien invasion.

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners
Al Seib/AMPAS via Getty Images

Best Supporting Actor

Winner: Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer

Next one: The sympathizer

What we know: Ask for a new project and you will receive it! HBO’s new seven-episode spy series (premiering April 14) stars Downey Jr. the master of disguise as he takes on different personas – each meant to represent different aspects of the American establishment. (Think a rising California congressman, a CIA operative, and a Hollywood film director.) The main story focuses on a spy for North Vietnam (Hi Xuande) who becomes embedded in LA’s refugee community in the 1970s.

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners
Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images

Best Supporting Actress

Winner: Da’Vine Joy Randolph, The survivors

Next one: Shadow power, bride hard

What we know: Well, season 2 of The idol is off. But Randolph does have two projects on her IMDB profile. The action thriller Shadow Power follows a man and woman (Kerry Washington And Omar Sy) who set out with their son to prevent him from being killed. For Bride Hard, Rebel Wilson plays a secret agent bridesmaid who springs into action when her best friend’s wedding is held hostage. Randolph’s roles are unknown in both films, but now that she’s hit awards season, we’re hoping she’ll land a leading role sooner rather than later.

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners
ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images

Best director

Winner: Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer

Next one: TBA

What we know: Unlike some writer-directors, Nolan is working at a fairly steady clip with twelve films in twenty years. And while he hasn’t announced his next film yet, if you ask him – and many outlets have! – he knows what he wants. “Ideas come from everywhere,” he said Variety in December. “I’m open to everything. But I need to feel like I own it completely. It has to pass through my fingers on a keyboard and only come out through my eyes.” A few weeks later he confirmed it Time, “I am attracted to working on a large scale.” But he did love Past lives!

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners
Marleen Moise/Getty Images

Best Original Song

Winner: Billie Eilish, “What Was I Made For” (with her brother, Finneas O’Connell)

Next one: New album, title to be announced

What we know: Since the release of her debut album, 2021’s Happier than ever, Eilish has achieved the ultimate side hustle by writing and singing beautiful ballads for hit films — and she just picked up her second Oscar to show for it. (All at the age of 22, mind you!) Now it’s back to business. The superstar shared a series of photos on Instagram on February 11 of her wearing a star-printed ski mask and jacket with the caption: “my album is mastered.” Note that she hasn’t revealed any other details, including the name and release.

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners
Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic

Best Original Screenplay

Winner: Justine Triet, Anatomy of a fall

Next one: TBA

What we know: A year ago a virtual unknown outside the exalted European cinephile circles, he is now a much sought-after screenwriter and director with a penchant for the unusual. So it makes perfect sense, according to an interview with the French magazine L’OBsshe has been offered to direct an adaptation of Daniel Clowes’ graphic novel thriller, Monica, of Cate Blanchett in the title role. That said, she admits she “hasn’t taken up the offer, at least not yet.”

Oscars 2024 What's Next for Winners
Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images

Best Adapted Screenplay

Winner: Cord Jefferson, American fiction

Next one: Just cause

Oscars 2024 Red Carpet 96th Annual Academy Awards Arrivals 725 America Ferrera, Colman Domingo, Emma Stone.

Related: The best red carpet fashion from the 2024 Oscars

Hollywood’s biggest names are blessing us with their presence – and fashion sense – on the 2024 Oscars red carpet. Fan-favorite stars arrive at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles on Sunday, March 10, dressed to the nines. We’re talking glamorous dresses, stylish suits and awe-inspiring accessories, but also big hair […]

What we know: The screenwriter-director is gone The right place Unpleasant Succession Unpleasant Watchmen Unpleasant Station Eleven to Oscar gold. There’s no way he’s going on hiatus now. Him and writer John Wells (ER, The West Wing) just signed to Amazon ‘s limited series thriller starring and executive produced by Scarlett JohanssoN. (The pair will co-write the first episode and also produce the series.) Loose plot, based on a novel: Johansson’s struggling reporter for a Florida newspaper is sent to cover the final days of a death row inmate .

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Barbenheimer bombshell! Oppenheimer takes home SEVEN Oscars – including first wins for Robert Downey Jr., Cillian Murphy and Christopher Nolan… as rival Barbie wins ONLY one Mon, 11 Mar 2024 04:43:54 +0000

Oppenheimer won a whopping seven Oscars at Sunday night’s Academy Awards – while rival Barbie only won one. The historical epic directed by Christopher Nolan swept the major categories with wins for Best Actor Cillian Murphy, Best Supporting Actor Robert Downey Jr. and Nolan – with the film also winning Best Picture. In contrast, Barbie, […]

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Oppenheimer won a whopping seven Oscars at Sunday night’s Academy Awards – while rival Barbie only won one.

The historical epic directed by Christopher Nolan swept the major categories with wins for Best Actor Cillian Murphy, Best Supporting Actor Robert Downey Jr. and Nolan – with the film also winning Best Picture.

In contrast, Barbie, who memorably won against Oppenheimer in the ‘Barbenheimer’ box office showdown over the summer, walked away with just one award for Best Original Song for What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish and Finneas McConnell. 

Downey Jr. jokingly thanked his ‘terrible childhood’ as he finally won an Oscar for his portrayal of Lewis Strauss, was delighted as he took to the stage –  after host Jimmy Kimmel made a very awkward quip about his drug use.

The veteran actor – who has acted for over five decades –  took home the Academy Award over stiff competition including Sterling K. Brown, American Fiction, Robert De Niro, Killers of the Flower Moon, Ryan Gosling, Barbie, and Mark Ruffalo, Poor Things.

Oppenheimer won a whopping seven Oscars at Sunday night’s Academy Awards – while rival Barbie only won one – pictured Robert Downey Jr. with the Best Supporting Actor Oscar 

Downey Jr., 58, Lewis Strauss (pictured), was delighted as he took to the stage - after host Jimmy Kimmel made a very awkward quip about his drug use

Downey Jr., 58, Lewis Strauss (pictured), was delighted as he took to the stage – after host Jimmy Kimmel made a very awkward quip about his drug use  

Cillian Murphy finally won the Oscar in the coveted Best Actor category for Oppenheimer

Cillian Murphy finally won the Oscar in the coveted Best Actor category for Oppenheimer

Barbie - starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling (pictured) was nominated for nine Oscars but won only one

Barbie – starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling (pictured) was nominated for nine Oscars but won only one

The talented star took to the podium to showcase his signature wit and even joked about his ‘terrible childhood’ while accepting the honor.

He said: ‘Thank you, thank you. Ah — thanks, Sam, thanks, fellas. You only flubbed one line. I’d like to thank my terrible childhood and The Academy, in that order.

‘I’d like to thank my — veterinarian — I meant wife, Susan Downey over there. She found me a snarling rescue pet and you loved me back to life. That’s why I’m here. Thank you.’

The talented actor went on talk about how much he needed his role in Oppenheimer while thanking director Christopher Nolan and castmates Emily Blunt and Cillian Murphy.

He continued: ‘Here’s my little secret. I needed this job more than it needed me. Chris knew it, Emma made sure that she surrounded me with one of the great casts and crews of all time, Emily, Cillian, it was fantastic. 

‘And I stand here before you a better man because of it. What we do is meaningful, and the stuff that we decide to make is important. So, back to my publicist — my agent, Phillip Raskin is here and Andrew Dunlap, my den mother joy Feeley, thank you. 

‘I want to thank my stylist, in case no one else does. Thanks, Erika, thank you very much. And I’m just going to say this. My entertainment lawyer Tom Hanson, or 40 years, the half of which he spent trying to get me insured and bailing me out, thanks, bro. Avery in India, this one’s for you.’

One noticeable omission from his acceptance speech was Mel Gibson who he has previously credited with his comeback when he helped him land a role in 2003’s The Singing Detective.

Barbie walked away with just one award for Best Original Song for What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish and Finneas O'Connell - despite beating Oppenheimer at the box office

Barbie walked away with just one award for Best Original Song for What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell – despite beating Oppenheimer at the box office

The talented star took to the podium to showcase his signature wit and even joked about his 'terrible childhood' while accepting the honor as he said: 'Thank you, thank you. Ah -- thanks, Sam, thanks, fellas. You only flubbed one line. I'd like to thank my terrible childhood and The Academy, in that order'

The talented star took to the podium to showcase his signature wit and even joked about his ‘terrible childhood’ while accepting the honor as he said: ‘Thank you, thank you. Ah — thanks, Sam, thanks, fellas. You only flubbed one line. I’d like to thank my terrible childhood and The Academy, in that order’

Downey Jr. was earlier left stony-faced as host Jimmy Kimmel made a crass joke at the start of the ceremony (pictured with wife Susan)

Downey Jr. was earlier left stony-faced as host Jimmy Kimmel made a crass joke at the start of the ceremony (pictured with wife Susan)

The star looked joyous as he posed with  Best Actor winner and co-star Cillian Murphy, Best Supporting Actress winner Da'Vine Joy Randolph and Best Actress winner Emma Stone

The star looked joyous as he posed with  Best Actor winner and co-star Cillian Murphy, Best Supporting Actress winner Da’Vine Joy Randolph and Best Actress winner Emma Stone

Murphy played physicist J.Robert Oppenheimer in the film

Murphy played physicist J.Robert Oppenheimer in the film  

He kept his acceptance speech short and sweet as he said: ' Oh. I'm a little overwhelmed. Thank you to the academy. Um -- Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas, it's been the wildest, most exhilarating, most creatively satisfying journey you've taken me on over the last 20 years'

He kept his acceptance speech short and sweet as he said: ‘ Oh. I’m a little overwhelmed. Thank you to the academy. Um — Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas, it’s been the wildest, most exhilarating, most creatively satisfying journey you’ve taken me on over the last 20 years’

Oppenheimer director Christopher Nolan won his first Oscar after eight nominations in the Best Director category

Oppenheimer director Christopher Nolan won his first Oscar after eight nominations in the Best Director category

Oscars 2024 winners: AT A GLANCE

Best Picture: Oppenheimer

Best Actress: Emma Stone – Poor Things

Best Director: Cillian Murphy – Oppenheimer

Best Director: Christopher Nolan – Oppenheimer

Supporting Actress: Da’Vine Joy Randolph – The Holdovers

Supporting Actor: Robert Downey Jr. – Oppenheimer

Original Song: Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell – What Was I Made For? from Barbie

Seen left to right: Actor In A Supporting Role - Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer), Actress In A Supporting Role - Da'Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers ), Actress In A Leading Role - Emma Stone (Poor Things), and Actor In A Leading Role - Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)

Seen left to right: Actor In A Supporting Role – Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer), Actress In A Supporting Role – Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers ), Actress In A Leading Role – Emma Stone (Poor Things), and Actor In A Leading Role – Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)

Original Score – Ludwig Göransson – Oppenheimer

Cinematography: Hoyte van Hoytema – Oppenheimer

Achievement in Film Editing: Jennifer Lame – Oppenheimer

Production Design: James Price and Shona Heath; Set Decoration: Zsuzsa Mihale – Poor Things

Make-up and Hairstyling: Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier and Josh Weston – Poor Things

Achievement in Costume Design: Holly Waddington – Poor Things

Original Screenplay: Justine Triet and Arthur Harari – Anatomy Of A Fall

Adapted Screenplay: Cord Jefferson – American Fiction

International Feature Film – The Zone of Interest from United Kingdom

Gibson’s, now 68, fall from grace began in 2006, when the actor was pulled over for speeding. After the police on the scene found an open bottle of alcohol in Gibson’s vehicle, the Braveheart actor launched into an angry tirade filled with anti-Semitic slurs and sexist overtones towards the arresting officer.

In a police report leaked by TMZ, Gibson allegedly shouted to the arresting officers: ‘“F*****g Jews. . . The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.’

Gibson issued apologies through his publicist and in an interview with Diane Sawyer, during which he described his behavior on the night of his arrest as ‘despicable.’

The actor/director later pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor drunken-driving charge and was sentenced to three years probation.

It may not have been a wise decision to thank Gibson who famously used those anti-Semitic  slurs as Oppenheimer follows the story of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his role in the development of the atomic bomb which was used during World War II amid the Holocaust.

 In Oppenheimer Downey Jr. portrays as Rear Admiral Lewis Strauss, a retired Naval officer and high-ranking member of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).

Earlier in the evening, Jimmy Kimmel roasted Robert’s manhood and past drug use in his bombshell opening monologue.

The host, 56, returning for the fourth time, left the A-listers grinning and cringing in equal measure as he took to the stage.

Oppenheimer won seven awards in total including Best Picture and Original Score for Ludwig Göransson (pictured Al Pacino Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas, and Charles Roven)

Oppenheimer won seven awards in total including Best Picture and Original Score for Ludwig Göransson (pictured Al Pacino Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas, and Charles Roven)

Cillian posed with his fellow Best Actor winners from years gone by - Ben Kingsley, Matthew McConaughey, Forest Whitaker, Brendan Fraser, and Nicolas Cage

Cillian posed with his fellow Best Actor winners from years gone by – Ben Kingsley, Matthew McConaughey, Forest Whitaker, Brendan Fraser, and Nicolas Cage

Downey was stony-faced as Kimmel made a crass joke at the start of the ceremony – referring to the reformed coke addict’s past addictions.

He said: ‘And Robert Downey Jr., one of the highest points of his career. But Robert has been’ – as RDJ pointed at his face, leading Kimmel to add: ‘Was that too on the nose or a drug motion you made?

‘But look at him, he’s so handsome, so talented, he’s won every award there is to win. Is that an acceptance speech in your pocket or do you just have a very rectangular penis?’

The joke fell flat as RDJ looked somber while staring at the camera while fans slammed Kimmel for his ‘bottom of the barrel’ jokes about substance abuse.

Downey Jr. had previously spent time behind bars in 1999 after a long period of substance abuse which stifled his career.

He added: ’20 years ago, Robert played the villain, and correct me if I have this wrong, in a movie where Tim Allen turns into a dog, right? And if you ever decide to remake that film, I have just the guy to play Tim Allen. 

The actor’s legal troubles began in 1996 when he was stopped for speeding and authorities found of heroin, cocaine and an unloaded .357 caliber Magnum. A year later, he skipped a court-ordered drug test and spent nearly four months in the Los Angeles County jail.

Following this, he then skipped another drug test and was sentenced to three years of prison in 1999. During this time, Downey Jr. served 15 months in state prison in Corcoran, California.

The stars of Oppenheimer celebrated as the film won Best Cinematography

The stars of Oppenheimer celebrated as the film won Best Cinematography

Cillian cracked a rare smile in the winner's room

Cillian cracked a rare smile in the winner’s room 

A few months after his release, he was arrested on Thanksgiving weekend for alleged cocaine and Valium possession and being under the influence of drugs.

The valium charge was eventually reduced to a misdemeanor, he pleaded no contest to the remaining charges and avoided more jail time.

In 2001, he was found walking bare foot around Culver City, Los Angeles, and was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of drugs.

Following year of substance abuse, arrests, rehabs and relapse, Downey made a full recovery and has since gone on to achieve global recognition.

The Oscars was Oppenheimer’s night as Cillian Murphy won the Best Actor award after being nominated for an Academy Award for the first time in his career as he triumphed over Bradley Cooper, Maestro, Colman Domingo, Rustin, Paul Giamatti, The Holdovers, and Jeffrey Wright, American Fiction.

He kept his acceptance speech short and sweet as he said: ‘ Oh. I’m a little overwhelmed. Thank you to the academy. Um — Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas, it’s been the wildest, most exhilarating, most creatively satisfying journey you’ve taken me on over the last 20 years, I owe you more than I can say. Thank you so much. 

The stars of the hit film gathered onstage as the film won Best Picture

The stars of the hit film gathered onstage as the film won Best Picture

Barbie was the highest-grossing movie of the year on both the domestic ($636.2 million) and worldwide ($1.445 billion) box office charts

Barbie was the highest-grossing movie of the year on both the domestic ($636.2 million) and worldwide ($1.445 billion) box office charts 

‘Every single crew member, every single cast member on Oppenheimer, you guys carried me through. 

‘All my fellow nominees, I remain in awe of you guys. I want to thank my incredible team. Brendan Murphy, Mary Murphy, my two boys who are sitting up there, I love you so much, and I’m a very proud Irishman standing here tonight, so — [ applause ] You know, we made a film — we made a film about the man who created the atomic bomb, and for better or for worse, we’re all living in Oppenheimer’s world, so, I would like to dedicate this to the peacemakers everywhere.

The talented star played the titular role of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer as the film is centered around his involvement in the development of the atomic bomb.

Oppenheimer won seven awards in total – as well as Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director for Christopher Nolan, and Best Picture,  it won Original Score for Ludwig Göransson – along with cinematography and achievement in film editing.

Al Pacino announced Oppenheimer as the Best Picture winner without bothering to name all the other nominees

The 83-year-old Scarface star hit the stage and made an awkward joke about performing Shakespeare before jumping straight to announcing the Best Picture winner.

He said: ‘Wow. What — thank you. Oh, my friends. Thank you, thank you. I don’t know. Should I do some Shakespeare now? That’s in order, right? To be — no, I’m not going to do Sorry. Well, this is the time for the last award of the evening. And it’s my honor to present it. 

‘Ten wonderful films are nominated, but only one will take the award for best picture. And I have to go to the envelope for that. And I will. Here it comes. And my eyes see Oppenheimer, yes!’

Nolan beat out Jonathan Glazer of The Zone of Interest, Yorgos Lanthimos of Poor Things, Martin Scorsese of Killers of the Flower Moon and Justine Triet of Anatomy of a Fall.

Nolan said: ‘We don’t know where this incredible journey is going from here. But to know that you think I am a meaningful part of it means the world to me.’

After the two films were released on the same day – July 21 – Barbenheimer gripped film fans who made an event out of going directly from the screening of one to the other. 

Barbie was the highest-grossing movie of the year on both the domestic ($636.2 million) and worldwide ($1.445 billion) box office charts.

Oppenhimer took fifth place ($326.1 million) on the domestic box office charts and third place ($957.8 million) on the worldwide charts.

Oscar winners 2024 full list – see who received trophies for this year’s Academy Awards

 Best Picture

American Fiction

Anatomy of a Fall


The Holdovers

Killers of the Flower Moon


Oppenheimer – WINNER

Past Lives

Poor Things 

The Zone of Interest

Oppenheimer was the biggest winner of the night with seven including top honor Best Picture; Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan, and Charles Roven are seen

Oppenheimer was the biggest winner of the night with seven including top honor Best Picture; Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan, and Charles Roven are seen 


Best Director 

Justine Triet, Anatomy of a Fall

Martin Scorsese, Killers of the Flower Moon 

Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer – WINNER

Yorgos Lanthimos, Poor Things

Jonathan Glazer, The Zone of Interest


Actress in a Leading Role

Annette Bening, Nyad

Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon

Sandra Huller, Anatomy of a Fall

Carey Mulligan, Maestro

Emma Stone, Poor Things – WINNER

Emma Stone earned a shock win in the Actress in a Leading Role category for Poor Things

Emma Stone earned a shock win in the Actress in a Leading Role category for Poor Things


Actor in a Leading Role

Bradley Cooper, Maestro

Colman Domingo, Rustin

Paul Giamatti, The Holdovers

Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer – WINNER

Jeffrey Wright, American Fiction


Actress in a Supporting Role

Emily Blunt, Oppenheimer

Danielle Brooks, The Color Purple

America Ferrera, Barbie

Jodie Foster, Nyad

Da’Vine Joy Randolph, The Holdovers – WINER 

Da’Vine Joy Randolph triumphed in the Actress in a Supporting Role category for The Holdovers

Da’Vine Joy Randolph triumphed in the Actress in a Supporting Role category for The Holdovers 


Actor in a Supporting Role

Sterling K. Brown, American Fiction

Robert De Niro, Killers of the Flower Moon

Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer – WINNER

Ryan Gosling, Barbie

Mark Ruffalo, Poor Things 


Animated Feature Film

The Boy and the Heron – WINNER



Robot Dreams

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse



El Conde

Killers of the Flower Moon


Oppenheimer, Hoyte van Hoytema – WINNER

Poor Things


Original Screenplay

Anatomy of a Fall, Justine Triet and Arthur Harari – WINNER 

The Holdovers, David Hemingson

Maestro, Bradley Cooper and Josh Singer

May December, Samy Burch (Story b Samy Burch & Alex Mechanik)

Past Lives, Celine Song


Adapted Screenplay

American Fiction, Cord Jefferson – WINNER

Barbie, Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach

Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan

Poor Things, Tony McNamara

The Zone of Interest, Jonathan Glazer

Cord Jefferson won Adapted Screenplay for American Fiction

Cord Jefferson won Adapted Screenplay for American Fiction


Achievement in Production Design


Killers of the Flower Moon



Poor Things, Production Design: James Price and Shona Heath; Set Decoration: Zsuzsa Mihalek – WINNER

Achievement in Sound

The Creator


Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One


The Zone of Interest, Tarn Willers and Johnnie Burn – WINNER


Original Song 

‘The Fire Inside’ from Flamin’ Hot

‘I’m Just Ken’ from Barbie

‘It Never Went Away’ from American Symphony

‘Wahzhazhe (A Song for My People)’ from Killers of the Flower Moon

‘What Was I Made For?’ from Barbie, Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell – WINNERS

Billie Eilish and Finneas O'Connell earned Original Song for Barbie's What Was I Made For?

Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell earned Original Song for Barbie’s What Was I Made For?


Original Score  

American Fiction

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Killers of the Flower Moon

Oppenheimer, Ludwig Göransson – WINNER

Poor Things


Live Action Short Film

The After


Knight of Fortune

Red, White and Blue

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, Wes Anderson and Steven Rales – WINNER


Animated Short Film

Letter to a Pig

95 Senses

Our Uniform


WAR IS OVER! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko – WINNER

WAR IS OVER! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko won Animated Short Film; Dave Mullins and Brad Booker pictured

WAR IS OVER! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko won Animated Short Film; Dave Mullins and Brad Booker pictured 


Documentary Feature Film

Bobi Wine: The People’s President

The Eternal Memory

Four Daughters

To Kill a Tiger

20 Days in Mariupol – WINNER


Documentary Short Film

The ABCs of Book Banning

The Barber of Little Rock

Island in Between

The Last Repair Shop – WINNER

Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó


International Feature Film

Io Capitano, Italy

Perfect Days, Japan

Society of the Snow, Spain

The Teachers’ Lounge, Germany

The Zone of Interest, United Kingdom – WINNER

The Zone Of Interest took home two Oscars including International Feature Film; Jonathan Glazer and James Wilson are pictured

The Zone Of Interest took home two Oscars including International Feature Film; Jonathan Glazer and James Wilson are pictured 


Makeup and Hairstyling




Poor Things, Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier and Josh Weston – WINNER

Society of the Snow 


Achievement in Costume Design


Killers of the Flower Moon



Poor Things, Holly Waddington – WINNER


Achievement in Film Editing

Anatomy of a Fall

The Holdovers

Killers of the Flower Moon

Oppenheimer, Jennifer Lame – WINNER

Poor Things 


Visual Effects

The Creator

Godzilla Minus One, Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya, Masaki Takahashi and Tatsuji Nojima  – WINNER

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One


Godzilla Minus One won the Visual Effects award as Masaki Takahashi, Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya and Tatsuji Nojima are pictured

Godzilla Minus One won the Visual Effects award as Masaki Takahashi, Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya and Tatsuji Nojima are pictured

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Samantha Murphy: Patrick Orren Stephenson’s classmate explains his teenage dreams – and why they thought he was ‘the next Elon Musk’ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 21:36:58 +0000

EXCLUSIVE A former classmate of Samantha Murphy’s accused killer has revealed that in high school he had big dreams of changing the world by creating a solution to combat climate change. Patrick Stephenson, 22, the son of former AFL player Orren Stephenson, was this week charged with murdering the 51-year-old mother of three on February […]

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A former classmate of Samantha Murphy’s accused killer has revealed that in high school he had big dreams of changing the world by creating a solution to combat climate change.

Patrick Stephenson, 22, the son of former AFL player Orren Stephenson, was this week charged with murdering the 51-year-old mother of three on February 4 after she left her Ballarat home for a morning run.

The development – four weeks after Ms Murphy’s disappearance – has shocked the rural town of Victoria, where both the Stephenson and Murphy families are well-known and respected members of the community.

As the search for Ms. Murphy’s body continues, a Damascus College graduate who attended the school with Stephenson for two years said he was also surprised by the arrest of his former classmate.

The man, who was a grade older than Stephenson, said they were in the same roll call class and that the alleged killer was friends with his younger brother.

Patrick Orren Stephenson (left) is charged with the February 4 murder of Samantha Murphy

‘He loved IT [Information Technology] and he was always tinkering with cars and tools and stuff, he was interested in mechanics and science,” the classmate said.

‘We both participated in a science fair [at school] and we worked on robots together. He would ask teachers for extra time to use the classrooms and tools.”

The former student said Stephenson was outgoing and an avid rower who was a member of the school’s sports team.

Outside of school, Stephenson would sometimes visit his parents’ house to hang out with his younger brother, where the pair would “work on stuff in the shed.”

However, his most vivid memory of Stephenson was his ambitions to tackle air pollution caused by the transport sector.

And the former student believed he seemed tenacious enough to succeed.

“I remember him talking about how he wanted to come up with a solution to make cars more environmentally friendly and reduce CO2 emissions,” he said.

“He seemed passionate about it, like he was going to tackle it later in life.

“You know, like ‘wow, he could be the next Elon Musk.’

Stephenson attended Damascus College (pictured) during his senior years of high school

Stephenson attended Damascus College (pictured) during his senior years of high school

The remains of Victorian mother Samantha Murphy (pictured) have yet to be found

Stephenson started high school at St Patrick’s College, before transferring to Damascus College for years 10-12.

He graduated in 2019 before taking up a profession as an electrician, like his father, a local electrician and telecommunications technician.

Police say Stephenson and Ms Murphy did not know each other, but she worked in the uniform shop at St Francis Xavier Primary School around the same time he attended the school.

Mrs Murphy’s eldest daughter Jess, who is also 22, was also a member of the same school community.

While Jess attended different high schools than Stephenson, Ms Murphy’s youngest daughter is currently studying at Damascus College.

In recent weeks, the high school has publicly expressed their support for the distressed Murphy family as they frantically search for their missing mother and wife.

“As the search for Samantha continues, Damascus College extends our prayers and support to the Murphy family,” the school wrote in a Feb. 9 message.

“As a community we have seen and heard Michael [Ms Murphy’s husband] and Jess about the recent news, and our hearts are full as we remain steadfast in hope.

Despite his big teen tech dreams, Stephenson (pictured with his girlfriend) took up a profession after leaving school

Despite his big teen tech dreams, Stephenson (pictured with his girlfriend) took up a profession after leaving school

“In times of challenge and uncertainty, we may experience mixed emotions, and we recognize the sadness and vulnerability that the Damascus community may be experiencing at this time.

“We keep the Murphy family in our hearts and prayers as we pray for a positive outcome.”

Former student Stephenson would be arrested just four weeks later on March 6 while holed up with his girlfriend in a house in Scotsburn, 19km south of Ballarat.

Police will allege Stephenson killed the mother in Mount Clear – about five kilometers from her Ballarat East home – while she was running through Woowookarung Regional Park in the morning.

Victoria Police say they do not believe anyone else is involved and have seized a number of items including a car and CCTV footage from local pubs as part of the investigation.

Over the past month, police and dozens of volunteers have carried out large-scale searches of the area, but no traces of Ms Murphy have been found.

Stephenson has been in custody since Thursday and has not disclosed the location of her body to investigators.

A gag order on Stephenson’s identity was lifted by a Victorian magistrate on Friday.

His case will return to court at a later date.

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