The Vivo Pad 3 has been launched in China as the company’s latest tablet. It is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset, paired with up to 12GB of RAM. The tablet features a 12.1-inch LCD display with a 144Hz refresh rate and a peak brightness of up to 600 nits. The Vivo Pad 3 runs Android 14 out of the box, along with the company’s OriginOS 4 skin. It has a 10,000mAh battery that can be charged at 44W over a USB Type-C port.
Vivo Pad 3 price, availability
The Vivo Pad 3 price is set at CNY 2,499 (approximately Rs. 28,700) for the base model with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. Meanwhile, three other RAM and storage variants — 8GB + 256GB, 12GB + 256GB, and 12GB + 512GB — are priced at CNY 2,799 (approximately Rs. 32,100), CNY 3,099 (approximately Rs. 35,500), CNY 3,399 (approximately Rs. 39,000).
Pre-orders are open for the Vivo Pad 3 through the company’s website, and the listing reveals that the tablet will be sold in Cold Star Gray, Spring Tide Blue, and Thin Rain Purple (translated from Chinese). It will go on sale in China on July 5.
Vivo Pad 3 Specifications, Features
The Vivo Pad 3 runs on OriginOS 4, which is based on Android 14. The tablet features a 12.1-inch (2,800 x 1,968 pixels) LCD display with a 144Hz refresh rate and a peak brightness of 600 nits. It is powered by a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chip, paired with up to 12GB of LPDDR5X RAM.
It features a single 8-megapixel camera on the back and a 5-megapixel selfie camera. The tablet offers up to 512GB of built-in UFS 4.0 storage (the 128GB model has slower UFS 3.1 storage).
The Vivo Pad 3 supports Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity and comes with a USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C port that can be used for data transfer as well as charging the 10,000mAh battery at 44W. The device measures 266.43 x 192 x 6.57mm and weighs 589.2g.