The Vivo T3 Lite 5G launch in India is scheduled to happen soon, the company has announced. It will be the third smartphone in Vivo’s T3 series after the launch of the T3 in March, which was closely followed by the Vivo T3x in April. A microsite hinting at various details about the handset has also gone live on Flipkart. It confirms that the Vivo T3 Lite 5G will feature a Sony AI camera system and also hints at its design elements.
Vivo T3 Lite 5G launch in India
According to Flipkart micrositeThe Vivo T3 Lite 5G will be powered by a “blazing-fast processor”. The company claims that it will be India’s “most affordable” dual 5G smartphone. The smartphone will also feature a Sony AI camera. The teaser image suggests that it could be a dual-camera system with an LED flash.
The handset could feature a flat-panel design similar to its older sibling, the Vivo T3 5G, and could come with a waterdrop-style notch – a design element often seen in budget offerings. It could come in two color options. The smartphone could also offer dual 5G capabilities, which Vivo has already teased.
The microsite listing says that the chipset details will be revealed on June 24 while the camera specifications will be made official a day later (on June 25). This development comes after the Vivo T3 Lite 5G’s specifications and price range were leaked earlier this week.
Vivo T3 Lite 5G specifications (expected)
According to a report, the Vivo T3 Lite 5G will be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6300 SoC. This chipset also powers other smartphones in the budget segment such as the Realme Narzo N65 and the Realme C65 5G and could soon power Vivo’s upcoming device as well.
It is said to feature a 50-megapixel Sony AI camera that will be paired with a secondary sensor. The smartphone could be Vivo’s most affordable 5G offering in India and is reportedly priced under Rs. 12,000. It is expected to launch in India by the end of June. We should hear more about the phone in the coming days.