The Vivo T3 Lite 5G is launching in India this week. Ahead of its June 27 launch, the smartphone’s specifications and colour options have been leaked. It is the third smartphone in Vivo’s T3 series, after the launch of Vivo T3 in March and Vivo T3x in April. While it was already confirmed to feature an artificial intelligence (AI)-backed Sony camera, a recently surfaced report suggests more details about the handset’s display and chipset.
Vivo T3 Lite 5G specifications (leaked)
According to a 91Mobiles reportThe Vivo T3 Lite 5G is expected to feature a 6.56-inch display with a 90Hz refresh rate. While no information has been revealed on the brightness, it is speculated to get a “high clarity display”. Like other budget offerings, the display is teased to feature a waterdrop-style notch.
The smartphone is said to be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6300 SoC, paired with up to 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. This chipset also powers other smartphones in the budget segment, including the Realme Narzo N65 and the Realme C65 5G. In terms of optics, the Vivo T3 Lite 5G could get a dual camera system on the back, consisting of a 50-megapixel Sony IMX852 AI camera and a 2-megapixel secondary sensor for portrait photography. On the front, it is said to have an 8-megapixel HD selfie camera.
For security, the phone will reportedly feature a side-mounted fingerprint sensor and an IP54 rating for protection against water and dust ingress. The handset is said to be 8.39mm thick and could weigh 185g. The Vivo smartphone is said to be backed by a 5,000mAh battery with support for 15W fast charging.
Vivo T3 Lite 5G price in India (leaked)
While no details have been revealed about the Vivo T3 Lite 5G pricing in India, Vivo says that it will be India’s “most affordable” dual 5G smartphone. As per a report, the handset could be priced under Rs. 12,000 in the country. The smartphone is said to be available in two colour options — Majestic Black and Vibrant Green.