The Vivo V40 series has been announced by the company and will be launching soon in India. Recent reports have hinted at the arrival of the smartphones in the country and now the company has revealed the design and colour options of the handsets. It will include a base Vivo V40 and a Vivo V40 Pro variant, succeeding the Vivo V30 and Vivo V30 Pro that were launched in India in March. The company has also confirmed the key specs of the Pro variant including camera and battery details.
Vivo V40, Vivo V40 Pro design, color options
The Vivo V40 and Vivo V40 Pro are speculated to get similar designs as seen in an official render micrositeHowever, the Pro variant appears to sport a triple camera setup on the rear, while the vanilla option is likely to get just dual rear cameras.
The image of the standard model shows a circular camera module with two lenses and the Zeiss logo. An adjacent elliptical island contains the third sensor in the Pro version and the Aura Light unit, while the base model has only the latter.
The base Vivo V40 will come in three colours: Ganges Blue, Lotus Purple and Titanium Grey. The Pro variant will only come in Ganges Blue and Titanium Grey. Interestingly, a banner on Flipkart confirms the final availability of the devices on the e-commerce site.
Vivo V40 Pro Specifications (Expected)
According to the official microsite, the Vivo V40 Pro will feature a sleek design and an “all-around cushioning” structure that is claimed to protect the handset from bumps and knocks from all angles. It will also have an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. The phone will also pack a 5,500mAh battery.
For optics, the Vivo V40 Pro will sport a 50-megapixel Sony IMX921 primary sensor with optical image stabilization (OIS) alongside a 50-megapixel Sony IMX816 telephoto shooter with up to 2x optical zoom and a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera. The front-facing camera will also have a 50-megapixel sensor. The cameras on the handset are also expected to feature Zeiss optics.