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What Navalny's letters say about his last days in prison


Locked in cold, concrete cells and often alone with his books, Alexei Navalny sought solace in letters. Lots of details about…

Updated: Feb 21, 2024 19:09 IST

Via video agency

Locked in cold, concrete cells and often alone with his books, Alexei Navalny sought solace in letters. Many details about his last months – as well as the circumstances of his death, which Russian authorities announced on Friday

He wrote to an acquaintance in July that no one could understand Russian prison life “without having been here,” adding in his dry humor: “But there is no need to be here.”

The letters reveal the depth of ambition, determination and curiosity of a leader who was President Vladimir Putin's critic. They also show how Navalny struggled to stay connected to the outside world.

Even as the harsh prison conditions took their toll on his body – he was often denied medical and dental treatment – there was no indication that Navalny had lost his clarity of mind, his writings show.

He boasted that in a year he read 44 books in English, refined his schedule, studied political issues, argued with journalists, gave career advice to friends and gave his opinion on viral social media posts sent to him by his team.

Speaking of his public life, Navalny was then able to send hundreds of handwritten letters. A website allowed people to write to him for 40 cents a page and receive scans of his responses, usually a week or two after he sent them, and after they had gone through a censor.

Navalny also communicated with the outside world through his lawyers, who held documents to the window separating them after they were banned from passing papers. At one point, Navalny reported in 2022, prison officials covered the window with foil.

Then there were his frequent court hearings on new criminal cases brought by the state to extend his captivity, or on complaints Navalny had made about his treatment.

On Friday morning, Russian prison authorities announced the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. He reportedly felt unwell after walking in the courtyard of Penal Colony No. 3 and lost consciousness.

But how much longer will the truth remain hidden? the whole country is pointing the finger at Putin for 'Navalny's death'.

Speaking to reporters on February 19, US President Joe Biden said: “The fact is: Putin is responsible, whether he ordered or whether he is responsible for the circumstances he put that man in.”

The United States and the European Union said they are considering imposing new sanctions on Russia after Navalny's death.
#navalny #putin

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