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When is Pancake Day 2024?


EVERY year Brits enjoy sweet and savory treats on Pancake Day.

But when is Pancake day 2024, why is it always on a Tuesday and what are the tastiest pancake toppings? Here's everything you need to know.

Pancake Day is celebrated by many


Pancake Day is celebrated by many

When is Pancake Day 2024?

Every year the date of Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, changes depending on the date of Easter.

However, Shrove Tuesday – as the name suggests, it always lands on a Tuesday.

In 2024, Pancake Day falls on Tuesday, February 13.

Why is Pancake Day always on Tuesday?

Pancake Day arrives a day early Ash Wednesday.


In addition to eating pancakes, it is also a day of confession when Christians were “withered” – meaning they were absolved of their sins.

The term “Fast Tuesday” is derived from the word “shrive,” which means to confess your sins and seek absolution.

On this day, Christians would traditionally attend confession and be 'shocked' from their sins in preparation for Lent.

The day is celebrated 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date varies from year to year, but always falls on a Tuesday.

It is considered the last day of indulgence, when Eggs and fats can be used up before the 40 day period Fasting – traditionally a time of fasting.

Although the Lenten tradition is not observed by everyone, Pancake Day is a beloved holiday for many.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to pancake toppings, so experiment with your flavors to keep things interesting

Jamie Oliver

Pancake Day also marks the transition from winter to spring, in line with other pre-Christian celebrations festivals.

What are the tastiest toppings for pancakes?

In 2023, according to a study by HelloFris revealed Britain's favorite pancake toppings.

The brand analyzed the average number Googling searches per month for each pancake topping.

The toppings that piled up were banana pancakes, blueberry pancakes, spinach pancakes, apple pancakes, pancakes and strawberry pancakes.

In addition, the British often top their pancakes with lemon and caster sugar.

Others venture a little further from tradition with honey, syrup, fresh or canned fruit or ice cream.

But you can actually top your pancakes with anything you want: peanut butter, jam, yogurt, caramel, chocolate chips, Nutella or whipped cream.

You can even go savory with bacon, cheese, eggs, veggies – the list is endless.

According to the celebrity chef Jamie Oliver: “The sky's the limit when it comes to pancake toppings, so experiment with your flavors to keep things interesting.”

On his website he adds: “Go savory or sweet, add fresh herbs or citrus peels, embrace seasonal fruit or make vegetables the hero.

“Think textures and color – crunchy nuts or creamy yoghurt, crumbly cheese or soft roasted tomatoes – and most importantly, keep everything fresh.”

Whether you're making pancakes for family and friends or enjoying a stack from the comfort of your own home, Shrove Tuesday is a day to enjoy the tasty tradition.

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