
Wild brawl breaks out inside California Chipotle as women attack employees, hurl food and jump on cash register as shocked customers watch on

Wild footage has emerged showing chaos breaking out at a Chipotle restaurant, with employees being attacked by three women.

The incident happened last Friday at one of the chain branches in Vallejo, California.

Video taken by fellow customers shows a woman climbing onto tables and jumping towards the till before throwing objects at staff.

You see two other women climb onto the side of the service counter before throwing food at the workers.

What led to the eruption remains unknown. Local police say they have since been made aware of the video and are investigating.

Three customers at a Chipotle in California caused a commotion when they started throwing food at employees

Three customers at a Chipotle in California caused a commotion when they started throwing food at employees

The footage shows workers trying to push the three out of the service area.

You can hear them continuously yelling at the three, “Go away,” as they continue to wreak havoc.

You can hear someone watching the events unfold asking, “What is this over?”

Fellow staff members are seen surrounding a cashier who takes the brunt of the trio’s actions.

This incident follows a recent nationwide price increase at Chipotle, which coincided with a company-wide pay increase for employees.

CFO Jack Hartung said Fox Business in May: ‘We have implemented a modest price increase of 6% to 7%. We have been monitoring traffic since we implemented the price increase.

‘We don’t see anything yet, we don’t see any change in behavior yet. It’s still very early, so we’ll keep a close eye on it.’

Hartung reassured investors that despite the price increases, their core customer base remains loyal.

The footage shows workers trying to push the three out of the service area.

The footage shows workers trying to push the three out of the service area.

The incident took place last Friday at one of the chain's locations in Vallejo, California.  Seen here

The incident took place last Friday at one of the chain’s locations in Vallejo, California. Seen here

He expressed confidence in their business model and expected customers to demonstrate price elasticity, meaning they will continue to visit Chipotle at a sustainable level for the fast-casual dining experience.

“We had a comp of 7% and over 5% of that was driven by transaction growth, which I know is difficult to achieve in these types of circumstances. What we are most proud of is that if you look at our customers by income brackets, our low-income consumers came at the same rate as our high-income consumers,” the CFO said.

Like celebrity chef Robert Irvine, Hartung emphasized their focus on using technology to automate simple tasks.

He explained that by investing in robots, they want to streamline their operations without reducing their workforce. This approach is seen as a solution in a period of high operating costs.

Chipotle’s new automated system, designed for online orders, promises to minimize ingredient errors and ensure on-time delivery for digital customers.

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