Xiaomi Buds 4, Watch S2 designs have been revealed ahead of the gadgets’ launch. The official teasers have suggested that the Xiaomi Buds 4 will feature a semi-in-ear design and will come with active noise cancellation feature. The earbuds can be seen with a circular charging case. The upper half of the case is said to have a glossy design, while the lower half is made of plastic. Further, the Xiaomi Buds 4 is also speculated to come in three color options. Meanwhile, the Watch S2 is said to sport a dual-size design. The watchface is expected to come in 42mm and 46mm sizes.
Chinese electronics manufacturer Xiaomi has released the official teasers of the Xiaomi Buds 4 and the Xiaomi Watch S2 ahead of their launch. The launch of these devices, which was earlier scheduled for December 1 in China alongside the Xiaomi 13 series, has now been postponed postponedThe company has not yet announced the new date.
As mentioned above, the Xiaomi Buds 4, as can be seen, comes with an in-ear design and houses the active noise cancellation function. The earbuds from Xiaomi can be seen with a round charging case with a half glossy and half plastic design. The Xiaomi Buds 4 come in three colors including black, green and white.
It is worth noting that the Redmi Buds 4 Pro and Redmi Buds 4 true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds were launched in Europe last month. The earbuds from Redmi pack active noise cancellation (ANC), dual dynamic drivers, and more. Both the earbuds offer dual transparency modes that allow users to communicate with others around them without taking out the earbuds. They also support touch controls that allow users to easily answer calls, control media, and toggle transparency modes on and off. These TWS earbuds claim to offer up to 30 hours of listening time with the charging case.
Meanwhile, the Xiaomi Watch S2 teaser suggests that the smart device sporty a dual-size design with the watchface case sizes including 42mm and 46mm. The watch is seen with a flat design and has a stainless steel case, while the right side of the watchface houses two physical buttons.