Xiaomi’s sub-brand last month unveiled the Redmi K70 Extreme Edition with a 5,500mAh battery and support for 120W fast charging. Now, the Chinese smartphone giant is apparently gearing up to build bigger batteries for its upcoming phones. Xiaomi is reportedly working on a technology to pack a 7,000mAh battery with 120W charging or a 7,500mAh battery with 100W charging in a smartphone. Other smartphone manufacturers are also said to be considering packing higher energy density batteries in their upcoming phones.
Upcoming Xiaomi phones could feature up to 7,500mAh battery
Tipster Digital Chat Station on Weibo claimed that Xiaomi is considering different fast charging solutions for its phones with 5,500mAh, 6,000mAh, 6,500mAh, 7,000mAh and even 7,500mAh batteries. The brand is said to be working on a 5,000mAh battery with 120W fast charging support and a 5,500mAh battery with 100W charging support. The latter can be fully charged in 18 minutes.
Xiaomi is reportedly testing a 6,000mAh battery with 120W fast charging, which can fully charge the device in 34 minutes. The tipster says it is considering a 6,500mAh battery and 100W charging combo, which can fully charge in 30 minutes.
The 7,500mAh battery and 100W charging combo and the 7,000mAh battery with 120W charging solution are also said to be under consideration. The former variant can be fully charged in 63 minutes while the latter can reportedly charge in just 49 minutes. These combinations are being considered.
Xiaomi’s main rivals OnePlus and Oppo are also likely to unveil devices with bigger batteries. The BBK subsidiaries are expected to launch a phone with a 6,500mAh battery. They are reportedly testing prototypes with batteries using new-generation silicon materials. The OnePlus Ace 3 Pro with a 6,100mAh battery was launched last week in June.
Most of the devices in Xiaomi’s portfolio feature 5,000mAh batteries. The recently launched Redmi Note 13 Pro+ and Redmi K70 Ultra feature a 5,500mAh battery with 120W fast charging. This fast charging technology is said to charge the battery from zero to 100 percent in just 24 minutes.