Xiaomi Notebook Pro 120G and Xiaomi Notebook Pro 120 were launched in India on Tuesday, as the company’s latest laptop models to debut in the country. The latest Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 series runs Windows 11 and is powered by 12th Gen Intel Core i5 H-series processors. The Xiaomi Notebook Pro 120G comes with Nvidia GeForce MX550 GPU, while the Xiaomi Notebook Pro 120 features Intel UHD Graphics. The series features a 14-inch Mi Truelife display with 2.5K resolution and up to 120Hz refresh rate. The Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 series laptops feature an aluminium alloy body and pack a 56Whr battery.
Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 series price in India, availability
The recently launched Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G price in India begins for Rs. 74,999, while the Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 price starts at Rs. 69,999. Both the models will go on sale from September 20 and are available via Mi.com, Mi Homes and Amazon.
Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 Series Specifications
Both the Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G and Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 run Windows 11 out of the box and feature a 14-inch Mi Truelife display with a 2.5K resolution (2560 x 1600 pixels), a 16:10 aspect ratio, up to 120Hz refresh rate, and 100% sRGB coverage. The display also has TÜV Rheinland low blue light certification and DC dimming support.
Under the hood, both models are powered by 12th Generation Intel Core i5-12450H CPUs, paired with 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM and 512GB of PCIe Gen 4 storage. The Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G model features an Nvidia GeForce MX550 GPU, while the Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 features integrated Intel UHD graphics.
Connectivity options on the Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 models include dual-band Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth v5.2, a Thunderbolt 4 port, HDMI 2.0 port, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C port, USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-A port, and a 3.5mm combo jack. Audio is handled by dual 2W stereo speakers with DTS audio processing. The machines also feature an HD (720p) webcam and a microphone.
The Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G and Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 have a backlit keyboard. The power button also functions as a fingerprint scanner.
The recently launched Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120 series features 56Whr batteries. They support USB Type-C charging with a 100W adapter. Xiaomi claims that the laptops can be charged from 0 to 50 percent in 35 minutes with the in-box charger. They have an aluminum alloy body, measure 15.9 x 315.6 x 220.4mm and weigh 1.4 kilograms, the company says.