Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G is launching in India on August 30. Ahead of the laptop’s launch in the country, the Chinese company has confirmed some of the specifications of the upcoming laptop through its website. The microsite also shows an image of the laptop with a Thunderbolt port, an HDMI port and a 3.5mm audio jack on the left and a USB Type-A port on the right. The laptop will feature a 120Hz refresh rate display.
The Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G will be powered by a 12th-generation Intel Core i5 H-Series processor, paired with an Nvidia GeForce MX550 GPU, according to the micrositeThe upcoming laptop will feature a 2.5K True-life Display with a 120Hz refresh rate. In the image shared by the Chinese company on its microsite, the NoteBook Pro 120G can be seen with a Thunderbolt port, an HDMI port and a 3.5mm headphone jack on the left side.
On the right, the laptop can be seen with a USB Type-A port. The image also suggests that the Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G could feature a webcam for video conferencing. The laptop will come in a silver color option at least, according to the microsite.
The microsite for the Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G recently went live. The company has already confirmed that the laptop will be launched in India on August 30, according to the company’s website. Other details about the laptop, including its pricing in India, are yet to be announced by the company.
In July, Xiaomi launched the Xiaomi Book Pro 14-inch 2022. The laptop features a 14-inch OLED display with 3D LUT color correction, 90Hz refresh rate, and Dolby Vision support. It is powered by a 12th Generation Intel Core P-Series processor, coupled with 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM and 512GB of onboard storage.