Xiaomi NoteBook Pro 120G is launching in India on August 30. The Chinese company has revealed the launch date of the upcoming laptop through its official website. While the microsite is currently live, it does not reveal any specifications of the Xiaomi laptop. Additionally, the microsite of Xiaomi Smart TV X series has also gone live. The company’s smart TV series is also launching on August 30. The smart TV can be seen with the tagline “4K. Your New Resolution”.
The microsite for Xiaomi’s upcoming NoteBook Pro 120G has gone live. The microsite reveals that the company will be launching the laptop in India on August 30. The laptop is spotted on the microsite with the tagline “Fast. Smooth. Awesome”. The specifications of the upcoming Xiaomi laptop are yet to be revealed by the Chinese company.
In addition, the microsite for the upcoming Xiaomi Smart TV X Series has also gone live. Xiaomi’s upcoming smart TV series will also be launched on August 30, according to the microsite. While the microsite doesn’t reveal any specifications of the TV, it can be seen with the tagline “4K. Your New Resolution”. This suggests that the X Series smart TVs could offer 4K resolution.
Recently, the Xiaomi Smart TV 5A Pro was launched in India. This smart TV runs on Android TV 11-based PatchWall 4. It features an HD-Ready display (768×1,366 pixels) resolution, 178-degree viewing angle, and 60Hz refresh rate. The display also has 85 percent NTSC color gamut and 85 percent DCI-P3 color gamut.
For connectivity, the Xiaomi Smart TV 5A Pro 32-inch gets two HDMI 2.0, two USB ports, one AVI input, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and an Ethernet port. It also features dual-band Wi-Fi support and Bluetooth v5.0 connectivity. The TV features a dual speaker setup with a combined audio output of 24W. It also gets Dolby Audio and DTS Virtual-X support.