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Are smartwatches safe? Know the side effects and how the gadget works


Smartwatches are known for their useful features, but do they have a downside? Are they really safe?

How do smartwatches really work? Do they have any side effects?

New Delhi: Smartwatches have become an integral part of our daily lives. From fitness and health monitoring to communication and entertainment, these wrist devices offer a host of useful features, functionality and convenience, making them an indispensable addition to any wardrobe. With built-in sensors, these devices track steps taken, calculate calories and measure heart rate to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, they analyze sleep patterns, helping users better understand their rest cycles and improve their sleep quality. But are smartwatches completely safe?

How safe are smartwatches?

Smartwatches present a mix of security and safety concerns. On the one hand, they emit non-ionizing radiation, mainly through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections, but the levels are considered safe by international standards. They also offer features such as GPS tracking and an emergency SOS that can improve personal safety. On the other hand, the privacy and security of smartwatches share similar risks as other smart devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). Connected technology and the lack of standardized cybersecurity protocols create vulnerabilities that can expose user data.

To minimize risks, users should be careful when installing apps, keep software up to date, and avoid sharing unnecessary personal data. It is also recommended to periodically delete health data and rely on Bluetooth instead of Wi-Fi whenever possible. Despite these concerns, smartwatches remain useful tools for monitoring health and fitness, provided they are used responsibly.

It is important that users understand their devices’ data collection practices and take necessary precautions, such as regularly updating software and using strong, unique passwords.

Side effects of excessive use of smartwatches

Excessive use of smartwatches can have some side effects. Some of the most common problems are radiation, eye strain and distraction. The Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals emitted by smartwatches can be harmful to health, but there is currently no scientific evidence to support this claim. Staring at a small screen for long periods of time can cause eye strain, but this isn’t unique to smartwatches. Smartwatches can be distracting, especially if you are constantly receiving notifications or alerts, which can lead to reduced productivity or even pose safety risks if you become distracted while driving or performing other tasks.

Excessive use of smartwatches can also disrupt sleep patterns and have a negative effect on memory and mood. The release of excess EMF waves from these wearables often leads to nausea and headaches. However, not everyone who uses a smartwatch will develop an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. To minimize potential side effects, it is recommended that you take breaks during the day while wearing your smartwatch to rest your wrist, adjust screen brightness, and manage notifications.

How do smartwatches work?

Smartwatches are wearable and wearable computing devices that provide a local touchscreen interface for everyday use, while an accompanying smartphone app manages and delivers telemetry. Here’s how smartwatches work based on their features and usage:


  • Apps and connectivity: Smartwatches can run apps, play digital media and have touchscreens for various functions, such as a calculator, thermometer and compass. They are designed to pair with smartphones for internet connectivity, enabling capabilities such as message notifications, GPS navigation and calendar syncing.
  • Health tracking: Smartwatches with built-in GPS and heart rate sensors track daily activities such as steps taken, stairs climbed, calories burned, sleep patterns and exercise routes. They can also support various health-related applications, such as heart rate monitoring.
  • Pairing with smartphones: Smartwatches are usually linked to smartphones via Bluetooth. They can act as a remote control for the phone and display data such as calls, messages, emails and calendar invitations.
  • Sensors: Smartwatches use sensors such as pedometers to track steps, GPS for location tracking, motion sensors for motion detection, sleep monitors to track sleep patterns, bioimpedance sensors for activity tracking, and optical heart rate sensors for heart rate monitoring.


  • Apps: Users can install third-party apps on smartwatches from their respective app stores. Popular apps include fitness trackers like Strava, messaging apps like WhatsApp, and utility apps like Samsung Browser.
  • Notifications: Smartwatches receive notifications from smartphones when paired via Bluetooth. Users can read emails and messages, view calendar events and answer calls directly from the watch.
  • Health tracking: Smartwatches allow users to track fitness activities such as running routes using GPS. They monitor the steps taken and the number of calories burned through physical activity using accelerometers and heart rate monitors

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