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Asda is selling an 'excellent' tool that can remove mold and condensation


EXCESSIVE moisture and condensation can be a challenge for many of us at this time of year.

In some cases this can lead to mold formation, something no one wants in their home.


Asda sells an “excellent” tool that can remove mold and condensationCredit: Asda

But this problem can be easily solved if you have the right gadget.

Asda is selling an “excellent” tool that can help beat the damp before it has a chance to develop mold and it will cost you just £1.25.

Asda sells individual dehumidifiers for £1.25 or a multi-pack for £3.

Like electric dehumidifiers, they work by sucking extra moisture from the air, but these have the added bonus of being able to operate completely freely.

These are very easy to use, you just peel off the foil, leave the lid on and let them do their thing.

After extended use, you can tell how well the indoor dehumidifier is working by the amount of water it has collected.

The Asdas have two functions: they emit a scent in the room you place them in.

Shoppers can choose from lavender or vanilla, they also sell an odorless dehumidifier.

One customer said: “Works really well in small spaces and the lavender gives off a lovely scent.”

“Great in the car, keeps the inside of the windscreen dry against condensation,” said someone else.

A fourth customer said: “I used these before, it was surprising how much water they remove from the air. I would recommend it if you need a humidifier.”

Another user said: “I haven't had to wait for my windshield to demist once since I put this little gift from heaven in my car. Saves so much time in the morning before the dreaded school run.”

You can find these small dehumidifiers in many supermarkets and hardware stores.

Most supermarkets sell these online and in store for a few quid, Tesco has one for £1.

Other ways to solve the problem

You may consider purchasing an electric dehumidifier. These are machines that remove water from the air to reduce humidity.

They don't come cheap, though: dehumidifiers typically cost around £150 to £200 and of course you have to pay to keep them working.

The cost per hour varies depending on size, but which one? If you use a dehumidifier for an estimated hour a day, it will cost you £28.52 per year.

We've tested some of the best on the market, so take a look and see which one works for you.

There are a number of cheaper gadgets on the market. Aldi sells an electric window cleaner for £19.99 and it's one of the cheapest versions on the market.

The gadget is a motorized squeegee and works by vacuuming the window dry after a cleaning solution has been applied.

It is possible to simply wipe away condensation water when it appears on your windows.

Make sure you have a good window cleaner and a microfiber cloth.

It is good to open your windows every day to let in fresh air and keep the doors between rooms open.

Ensuring that air circulates continuously throughout your home will reduce condensation so mold cannot grow.

You should also open the cabinet doors regularly to let in fresh air and ensure mold isn't growing in the cabinet.

Other things that can help include not letting your clothes dry on radiators and always cooking with ventilation.

What to do in extreme cases of mold and moisture

In extreme cases of moisture and mold, it is best to keep windows open to allow airflow. Consider using an anti-fungal treatment to address the problem.

You can call in an expert and if you are renting, talk to your landlord to resolve the problem.

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