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A blank bicycle in honor of the 'deliveries' who showed up in Nueva York


After the band used its instruments, Sergio Solano and other members of the caminaron took a step up on a white bicycle with a view of the area of ​​the national football associations.

A companion, sitting between two people, has often had the principles of these seven months and an increasing change in a bicycle on the streets of Manhattan. The house of origin is probably a fatal event for many people. When you are on a bike, chocan with cars, it is a constant chance of having an accident and experiencing the consequences of delincuentes.

The bicycle pintada with a spray can that is at home with Félix Patricio Teófilo, a Mexican immigrant who, if only for the best, takes up cycling to start. The bicycle shed components are located at the intersection of Calle 47 and Primera Avenida and ensure that life continues.

With this solemn journey through life, Solano, at 39 years old, concluded a late duel, with the fact that he has done his story as his misión: illuminated by the many videos that degrade in the summer.

“Digamos que no sabíamos el punto de llegar a hacer vigilias,” says Solano. “Ese nunca fue nuestro objetivo”.

If we are more than one year old, Solano and algunos are familiar with the fact that they have made part of them “El Diario de los Deliveryboys en la Gran Manzana“, a Facebook page with practical and informative data.

The actuarial page is like a red line on the line, a space to be alert to bicycles, accidents in traffic and episodes of discrimination by hispano migrants who want to satisfy the frene urbano to the antojos of comida on the place of residence of newcomers to satisfy.

Breathe, registrar de giros y imprevistos del trabajo as repartidor.

After the page is published on the page, Solano is confronted with the service of the project to solve a problem of mayors: the compañeros often go with the frequency.

More than 40 comments are on the page creating the 2020 final, from the beginning more recently in Solano.

In the case of Patricio, it is not that the cabinet with the sign of an acera and a choke is one of the most complicated things.

In Nueva York, the work of the parties is considered during a short period of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the joy of life and making our services increasingly important.

The application requests to receive an item are possible to help people or to report the horario, but also to migrate their status to accomplices to the government.

As the pandemic lasts longer, the peligros of the trabajo ask for more clarity. All our activists are increasingly challenged to fight for more pagos and protections, an issue that continues in 2023. By the exigencias the citizen will receive a minimal salary for the distribution of the applications, it is increasingly part of the 18 dollars hora and October.

Moreover, the pay to earn much more salaries. On the Deliveryboys page you will find a series of photos with different names and large numbers of caídos.

The mayor of Guatemala comes from the countries of origin of Mexico and is part of an estimated 65,000 residents of the city of Nueva York.

The trabajo has turned into one of the more lethals.

On informed about the public publication in November 2022 indicates that the fatal task between the comida-comidas is that no car era of 36 months for about 100,000 trabajadores between enero de 2021 and June 2022 is used. This is superior to the trabajadores of the construction (7 for cada 100,000) , whose history has become more mortal in the industry.

Funerals, memorials, memorials and commemorations are organized, financially and digitally recorded in the memory of the community for the autoproclamado diary.

Many accidents have happened during traffic. All these muertes cannot be related to each other. Otros, as Francisco Villalva, is his asesinados.

In March 2021, a woman was supposed to move the bike to Villalva at a park at Calle 108 and Tercera Avenida in Manhattan. Villalva, from Xalpatlahuac, Guerrero, Suroeste, Mexico, is already 29 years old.

Dos días después, la page transmission and direct of the crime to get a llama who betrays the victims' family. Familiar with the release of a video in Spanish and abroad, an indigenous language in the Mexican regions. (Hasta la fecha, the video is more than 132,000 visualizations). También exigieron justicia.

When César Solano, a sobrino of Sergio Solano and the administrator of the page, was informed of the report about a television reporter, he said: “Complained, a compañero más has experienced life in this trabajo”.

The application for the following pages of the deliverers has a crecido of centuries per mile, that you have authorized the plataform mayorship that you can move properly.

While “it was one time I protested,” Sergio Solano responded. “Se hicieron vigilias, vigilias, vigilias, vigilias y casi llegaban personas donando comida, personas con música. There are many things you have to do when you are a gente.”

Villalva's life is sensitive to community. Friends can pause their utilities to support the activities. If you see a sacred catheter, which monitors the oraciones. Relatives and friends organize the comida. Other instruments are used.

A group compuso a corridorA traditional Mexican tradition, in honor of Villalva, has taken his journey in Nueva York to its third final.

The suspect, identified as Douglas Young, is arrested and convicted of murder. In April, the autoridades were condemned by Young, a 41-year-old man in Queens, a between 41 years and perpetual in the estate of the car.

Regarding the life of Villalva, the page guarantees that your partner can receive a living room (a practice that has a ritual, that you get back the police supporters in the cumplimiento of the accusation).

Solano says that there are questions with the organization of the organization, on the page, which convenes the personas with 51,000 seguidores.

Bajo a narrated improvisation, decades of personas degustaron tamales de cerdo, sorbieron atole de piña en pozole humeante endebles cuencos de espuma, accompanied by the note of dolor: an interpretation of the folklore of Chopin and canciones playing traditional Mexican como “ Te vas ángel mío”.

La hermana de Patricio, Jovita Patricio, ran into the misfortune of a friend with her car. There is a big part of my job. If it is good, it is luz of the velas acariciaba the retrato of his hermano, rodeado de flores. An era has begun in Nueva York.

The video of the group's ministry makes miles visible. Edgar Cano, one of the music players, works with Patricio in a restaurant and works in the misma zone of Guerrero.

“No sabe moss. Hoy o mañana puede pasar otro amigo”, say Cano in español, with the sombrero dando sobre sobre sus ojos.

Many people consider invading the entire publication of the page.

Without a doubt, Sergio Solano confirmed that the page and the tributes could share the stories with “an ultimate adiós, but that is what they are” and that there is a chance to play a duel between these lejos. Solano concludes: “If you expect a lot from the esteemed bastante, you can also appreciate it.”

In other cases, the page videos en vivo reproduces the view of a companion in your pueblo. Villalva's regresso, for example, se resent and immediately.

The verano pasado, when Eduardo Valencia, at the age of 28, had an accident, has seen its history in the center of attention on the Deliveryboys page.

Valencia left the city of the Guerrero during an adolescence that was his mother, Guadalupe Nepomuceno. An era has come that is sufficient to increase the life experience in your hometown.

“I built my house, I'm going back to Mexico and I'm not going back to Nueva York,” Nepomuceno said.

Pero Valencia rules with an ataúd.

Nepomuceno, who lives in Nueva York, can't help himself for the rest of his life, and the last part of a digital pantalla more than 2,000 miles away.

There are those who discover a character that makes a menu pas desapercibidas, like Sergio Solano.

“Porque ante la sociedad, digamos que en este tiempo no existen”, said. “If there is an existence, it becomes a darling visibilidad”.

While the life of the city recovers from the prepandémico ritual, Solano, the comida-repartidores, can make a second plan.

Plant a “fantastic bicycle”, because it preserves the monuments in the memory of the ciclistas, and the music of a companion is a form of recording the contributions of the counterparts and the value that pagan people have.

After Patricio's monument is secured, Solano and his associates are dismantling the shells, getting on their bikes and seeing that they play a crucial role. Miraron a mbos lados por si pasaban coches.

There is a moon at 7:40 p.m. Hora is a trabajar.

The mayor of Orlando has reported general information and messages about the last hora in New York. Mas de Orlando Mayorquin

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