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Pope Francis undergoes ‘diagnostic tests’ in Rome hospital


Pope Francis, who has had mild flu in recent days, was taken to a hospital in central Rome on Wednesday, rekindling concerns about the 87-year-old pontiff’s health. The Vatican said in a statement that he had undergone “some diagnostic tests” but gave no details about a visit that lasted less than an hour.

During his weekly audience earlier in the day, Francis had apologized to those present and said an aide would read his speech because he still had “a mild cold.” After the audience ended, the pope greeted the faithful for about an hour while sitting in a wheelchair he has increasingly used in recent years.

Traffic police officers from Gemelli Hospital on Tiber Island said Francis arrived around 11:20 a.m. on Wednesday and left about 40 minutes later.

The Pope has been confused for several days. On Saturday, Francis’ public audiences were canceled “due to a mild case of flu,” the Vatican said. The next day he recited the Angelus prayer and blessing from his apartment overlooking St. Peter’s Square, but his audiences were canceled again on Monday because his “flu symptoms persisted, without fever,” the Vatican said at the time.

Francis also did not participate in the traditional procession at the start of Lent two weeks ago.

Francis’ health is a source of concern. The Pope has been hospitalized three times in two years. most recently in June, when surgeons operated on an incisional hernia, usually a result of previous operations, that caused painful intestinal blockages. He also underwent intestinal surgery in 2021 and in March last year he was hospitalized due to a respiratory infection.

In November, Francis was unable to attend the United Nations climate summit in Dubai due to doctor’s orders after a bout of flu and pneumonia. As a teenager, he lost part of a lung due to an infection.

Jason Horowitz reporting contributed.

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