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How to protect pets from wildfire smoke


The guideline that applies to humans also applies to pets: If the air is highly polluted, limit the time your pet is outside.

“The air we breathe, pets feel it too,” says Dr. Jerry Klein, the chief veterinarian of the American Kennel Club. Older animals with underlying medical problems, such as heart, respiratory or lung disease, are particularly vulnerable, he said.

Birds are especially at risk because of the construction of their respiratory systems, said Meghan Rebuli, an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine who specializes in air pollution. Birds exposed to smoke may become lethargic and have trouble breathing; their tails can bob and they can sit on the bottom of their cages. Those symptoms can manifest days or even weeks after exposure, said Dr. Rebuli.

Watch out for coughing or retching, especially in cats, which rarely exhibit this behavior. The first thing to do is call your vet if you see those symptoms, Dr. Klein said. If your pet stumbles or is more lethargic than usual, you should also contact your veterinarian, said Dr. Lori Teller, the president of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Take note if your pet can’t seem to eat or drink.

You should also call your vet if you notice dogs and cats scratching their eyes, which indicates irritation; in the meantime, you can soak a cotton ball in lukewarm water and squeeze it over your animal’s eyes to help rinse them out, said Dr. Small. And watch for noisy, labored breathing, especially in certain breeds like pugs, which are prone to breathing difficulties. Take them to a vet as soon as possible.

Keep your windows closed indoors, said Dr. Rebuli, and you may want to keep pets in a room with an air purifier, such as one with a HEPA filter.

Make sure your pets don’t exercise outside, Dr. Teller said. If you are indoors for long periods of time, consider playing with a dog in a long hallway if you have the space, or using puzzle toys to keep your animal entertained.

You can walk dogs to relieve themselves, but keep it short. “You want to be in and out,” said Dr. Small.

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