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10 ghost stories and strange legends from Italy


What comes to mind when you think of Italy? The endless canals of Venice? The breathtaking scenery of Lake Como? Or perhaps the delicious cuisine: hello Carbonara! Did you know that Italy is also home to some creepy ghost stories and some rather quirky legends? Check out these ghost stories and strange legends from Italy from the window that must be left open for a slightly crazy-looking feline.

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10 The spirit of Baldaccio d’Anghiari-Florence

Our first creepy story comes from Florence: the ghost of mercenary Baldaccio d’Anghiari. Born in the early 15th century, Baldaccio was known for his violent temperament. He became a fearless soldier, but often switched sides in wartime and fought for whoever offered the most money for his services. Often described as brave, adventurous and wise, Baldaccio worked for some of the most prominent rulers of his time, including the Pope!

However, this fame and success would prove to be the death of him. Cosimo the Elder, an influential politician and banker, became afraid of Baldaccio’s courageous but terrifying personality, and it seems that he was the one who organized the soldier’s murder. In September 1441, Baldaccio was summoned to the Palazzo Vecchio by the Gonfalonier on charges of treason. But he was ambushed.

The soldier was stabbed and thrown out of a window in Arnolfo’s tower, landing in the courtyard. This was not enough to kill him, and he was then dragged to the Piazza della Signoria, where he was beheaded. His body was buried in Santo Spirito and his death shocked the city of Florence. The ghost of Baldaccio d’Anghiari is said to have been spotted wandering the corridors of the Palazzo Vecchio, where bizarre noises can be heard after closing time.

So if you happen to visit Florence and you’re feeling brave, be on the lookout for the angry ghost of Baldaccio, who is still seeking revenge for his brutal murder![1]

9 The open window of the Palazzo Budini-Gattai-Florence

Another creepy legend that comes from Florence is a window of the Budini Gattai Palace that always remains open. The palace is located opposite Palazzo Grifoni square and 16th century legend says that a relative of Grifoni went to war leaving his wife behind. The woman mourned his departure and looked out the window every day, hoping that one day he would return, but he never did.

She died a widow, and after her death her relatives closed the window through which she had gazed mournfully. But as they did this, strange things started happening. Objects flew across the room, paintings were knocked off the walls and furniture shook. But as soon as the window opened again, these bizarre events stopped. If you visit this Palazzo it’s probably a good idea to leave the window open as it is, otherwise it could be hell to pay![2]

8 The Mouth of Truth – Rome

Today, lie detector tests involve wires and painless graphs that dance across a screen before your eyes. But suspected liars faced a much harsher fate thousands of years ago in the form of the Bocca della Verita, also known as Mouth of Truth. Believed to date from the 1st century, the Mouth of Truth is a huge stone disk with a creepy humanoid face carved into it, complete with hollow eyes and a gaping mouth.

The face is said to be based on a pagan god, but it is not clear which one. The origin of the stone disk is also shrouded in mystery, but there is one legend surrounding it that is still believed to this day. It is said that if you put your hand in its mouth and tell a lie, your hand will be immediately bitten off! This legend probably arose during the Middle Ages because the stone disk was reportedly used during the trials of accused liars. If they put their hands into the gaping mouth and were found guilty, a hidden axeman would cut off the offending appendage.[3]

7 La Berta Florence

Another Florentine legend is the story of ‘La Berta’ – a disembodied head that has been stuck to the side of the Santa Maria Maggiore church since medieval times. It is not known where this head came from, so over the centuries many theories have been created to explain it.

The most common story is that the head belongs to a woman who was petrified in 1326. The story goes that this woman fell victim to an astrologer named Cecco d’Ascoli. As he was paraded to be burned at the stake on charges of heresy, d’Ascoli paused to ask for some water. Legend says that Berta saw this happening from a church window and shouted at everyone to deny him water.

Berta accused d’Ascoli of being an alchemist who used water to talk to the devil, giving the man immunity. An angry d’Ascoli cursed Berta, and she was prevented from ever moving from the spot where she stood. Of course, more realistic theories exist to explain the origin of the head. Most believably, Berta is the head of an ancient Roman statue, but this does not stop locals from entertaining passers-by with stories of curses and dark magic.[4]

6 Carezzo Rainbow Lake – South Tyrol

Breathtaking mountain lakes can be found all over the world, but how many have a backstory involving drowned rainbows and a lovesick and somewhat forgetful wizard? In the South Tyrol region of Italy, a legend arises about a water nymph who lived in the clear waters of Lake Carezza, or Lake Rainbow.

One day the nymph was braiding her hair while sitting on the shoreline when a sorcerer named Masaré heard her singing. Overwhelmed by that feeling of ‘love at first sight’, he asked a witch to help the nymph fall in love with him. They came up with a plan involving a rainbow thrown over the lake and a jewelry salesman in disguise.

Unfortunately, the blundering wizard forgot to wear his disguise and was seen by the nymph. She escaped his trap, disappeared and was never seen again. Masaré was heartbroken and in a fit of rage he smashed the rainbow into pieces, and they fell into the lake. This is said to be the cause of the rainbow colors radiating through the crystal clear water, which can still be seen today.[5]

5 Musciattino’s hand – Prato

St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Prato houses the closely guarded Marian relic, the Holy Belt. Catholic tradition says that the Virgin Mary wore this belt, and that it was passed on to Saint Thomas during her acceptance into heaven. But in July 1312, the Sacred Belt was stolen by Giovanni di Ser Landetto, also known as Musciattino. He planned to take the belt to his hometown, but according to legend, a thick fog descended on him, causing him to lose his way.

Disoriented, Musciattino accidentally returned to the city walls, thinking he had reached Pistoia. He then requested the opening of the city gates and declared that he had stolen the relic from Prato. Unsurprisingly, the citizens of Prato were furious that their precious relic was stolen, and they captured Musciattino. His punishment was brutal: his right hand was cut off before he was tied to a donkey and taken to the Bisenzio River.

His ordeal ended with him being burned alive and his remains thrown into the river – if there was ever a motivation not to steal a Holy Relic, this is it! Legend says that the thief’s severed right hand was thrown to the cathedral, where it famously left a bloody handprint. This can still be seen today in the left corner of the south entrance to the cathedral.[6]

4 Cat–Mantua from Palazzo Aldegatti

One of the more fun and quirky legends on this list is the cat of Palazzo Aldegatti! Above the main entrance to the palazzo is a life-size cat’s head that has been hanging there since 1540. The word gatti is Italian for cats, and the decoration became the family crest, albeit unofficially.

The funny legend says that the cat’s head comes to life at night as it tries to escape, occasionally meowing to attract attention. It is thought that the origin of the story stems from the cat’s irritated and slightly crazy facial expression![7]

3 The Shrine of Santa Vittoria-Monteleone Sabino

Hidden in the Sabina hills lies the Romanesque Santa Vittoria Church, a medieval structure that is home to a legend of religious devotion and spirit. The church dates back to the 12th century and was built over a shrine dedicated to Saint Victoria, a Christian martyr from the 3rd century. After refusing to marry a pagan noble, Victoria was exiled to Sabina, where she was responsible for a miracle.

Legend says that a dragon terrorized the residents of Trebula Mutuesca, but Victoria bravely chased it away. But she was subsequently exposed as a Christian to Roman authorities and murdered for refusing to worship an idol of the Roman goddess Diana. The cave in which she was reportedly buried was where the dragon lived and is now the site of Santa Vittoria Church.[8]

2 The spirit of Fosco Loredan-Venice

Near the Rialto Bridge in Venice is the beautiful Remer Square. But this picturesque square is the location of a tragic story that took place in 1598. The story goes that a nobleman named Fosco Loredan was married to the niece of the Doge of Venice, Elena Grimani. Unfortunately, Loredan was known to be incredibly jealous, and he often accused his wife of infidelity, which she always denied.

One evening Loredan went looking for his wife on Remerplein, because he was convinced that she was cheating on him. He found her, and in a fit of jealous rage, brandished a sword and chased her. He captured her and beheaded her in front of a crowd, including the Doge himself. Immediately Loredan begged for forgiveness, believing it was his right to punish his cheating wife, but the Doge would hear none of it.

Instead, Loredan was punished by having to carry his wife’s decapitated body to Rome to ask forgiveness from Pope Clement VIII. But when he arrived, the Pope refused to even see him, and he was sent away without forgiveness. He was almost arrested by the guards, but managed to evade them, and returned to Venice with his wife’s body.

Returning to the scene of his heinous crime, Loredan committed suicide by throwing himself into the Grand Canal in the square. Today, local legend says that on full moon nights, when the north wind blows, you can see the spirit of Loredan emerging from the canal, clutching Elena’s head.[9]

1 The dwarfs of Villa Valmarana ai Nani-Vicenza

Located in the city of Vicenza is the well-known and much visited Villa Valmarana ai Nani. The rooms in the villa are decorated with frescoes that are considered the most exceptional masterpieces of 18th century Venetian art. But among the impressive works of art, the villa also houses a famous legend.

The story goes that the villa owners had a daughter, Princess Layana, who suffered from dwarfism. Due to this condition, her parents kept her hidden in the vast villa. They also chose only dwarves to act as custodians and servants of the villa to prevent their daughter from feeling self-conscious about her deformity.

Soon the news about the princess, who had never been seen, began to spread throughout the village, and a prince decided to enter the villa and look for the girl. He found her, but when she saw him and realized she had a deformity, she felt so upset that she committed suicide by jumping from the tower where she was being held. As she did this, her loyal dwarf servants were all turned to stone. To this day, the 17 loyal, if somewhat grotesque, dwarves can be found on the villa walls.[10]

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