A 'cherished' grandfather died only a few days after he fell at home and ended with a small cut between two of his toes.
Christopher Bradbury, 63, from Stoke, Staffordshire, suffered from his right foot on December 28, 2023 and concluded a rare infection that went on pace in pace and killed him.
The coroner has now warned that more can die from invasive soft tissue infections, unless the NHS improves consciousness.
Only a few days later after the seemingly imperative injury, Mr Bradbury was admitted to Royal Stoke University Hospital in Stoke-on-Trent, with symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting.
Doctors were also told that he had collapsed and noticed that he had a lesion on his little toe on his right foot and swelling on his right leg.
Sepsis suspicion, an oRthopaedic Registrar ordered an urgent MRI scan to discover the cause of the swelling and lesion – but the test was not done.
Two days later, on January 4, 2024, He received a consultant -evaluation and a diagnosis of invasive soft tissue infection was made.
Mr. Bradbury was now too sick for an MRI scan and was taken to the theater instead for an under the knee -amputation.
But he did not recover from the operation and Died on January 5, 2024.

'Treasured' grandfather Christopher Bradbury died only a few days after he fell at home and a reduction between two toes due to a rare infection

Only a few days later after the seemingly imperative injury, Mr. Bradbury was admitted to Royal Stoke University Hospital in Stoke-on-Trent (photo)
In the investigation, coroner Emma Serrano said, although it could not be known whether an MRI would have made a difference for the outcome, this would have meant that Mr. Bradbury was diagnosed as surgery.
She added that there was a 'lack of knowledge' about the infection and more training was needed.
Mrs. Serrano said: “It was accepted as proof that the issue that gave rise to the delay in the MRI scan was a lack of knowledge of serious invasive soft tissue infections, which are not (but closely related to) necrotizing fasciitis.
“It was accepted as proof that there is a lack of national guidelines here.”
She added: “In my opinion there is a risk that future deaths will take place unless action is taken.”
NHS England and Royal Stoke University Hospital have until April 29 to respond to the report.
A funeral message to Mr. Bradbury described him as a 'much beloved husband' and 'cherished father'.
The statement added: “Chris will very much be remembered and unfortunately missed by his family and friends.”