
Alex Jones sobs in emergency broadcast claiming feds are plotting to shut down InfoWars in just hours, forcing him to sleep in his Texas studio to stop raid

Alex Jones broke down in tears on his show this week as he claimed federal authorities were preparing to shut down his studio.

The 50-year-old conspiracy theorist openly sobbed on InfoWars Saturday, making the baseless accusation.

The marginal conservative further claimed he had to sleep in the show’s studio in Dallas the night before to prevent it from being padlocked, hours before the web version of his network claimed the same thing in an article.

Both described the four-hour broadcast as an emergency broadcast, “to explain how the Deep State is trying to shut down Jones’ website.” has long faced criticism for false stories.

On Saturday, Jones became visibly upset when he said he was disputing unspecified allegations – allegedly detailed in a trove of “secret federal files.” Jones is most infamous for saying the The Sandy Hook Massacre took place in 2012a statement that is definitely untrue.

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The 50-year-old conspiracy theorist openly sobbed on InfoWars on Saturday, making the baseless accusation

The 50-year-old conspiracy theorist openly sobbed on InfoWars on Saturday, making the baseless accusation

“I love this crew,” Jones says about fifteen minutes into the final hour of the X broadcast, before burying his face in his hand.

“I’m so angry,” he said as he began to sob.

Referring to earlier points in the broadcast where he exaggerated his depression with crocodile tears, he admits, “I’m trying to cry like a fake thing, but I’m so sick of these people,” as his eyes well up with tears.

“All we’re trying to do is save America, and they make fun of us over and over again.

“And it’s just so sick – it’s sick, it’s sick,” he adds, visibly emotional.

“I want to leave because it’s over, folks.”

The Texan further insists that “I’ll come back bigger than ever,” before adding, “But my baby, I see them raping him.”

After the display of emotion, we see Jones quickly return to his animated, self-styled members of the unspecified federal agencies allegedly stalking him as “p**sies” and “a**holes.”

As of this writing, it remains unclear which federal agency the controversial commentator was referring to – or if it was just the government in general.

Jones became visibly upset as he said he was fighting back unspecified allegations - believed to be detailed in a trove of 'secret federal files'

Jones became visibly upset as he said he was fighting back unspecified allegations – allegedly detailed in a trove of ‘secret federal files’

At another point he shouts that ‘[he’s] attacked… [and] gas lit.’

“I have had secret federal files on me that referred the commission of crimes to the Department of Justice.

At one point you even hear him shout: ‘You want a goddamn war, you fucking have it!’

The de facto Don Quixote’s statement was followed by another in which he suggested, “This may be my last performance.”

Nearly two years ago, Jones was ordered to pay $1.5 billion in damages to the families of Sandy Hook victims, after which he offered to pay the families of Sandy Hook victims $55 million over 10 years.

Jones has been criticized in the past for playing an amplified version of himself, not just on air but also in public – a character that has gotten him into hot water in the past,

But as many have noted, it also gave him insights — and a multimillion-dollar media empire — in the process, one that continues to draw attention months after the talking head was reinstated in Elon Musk’s X.

Meanwhile, Jones has not yet transferred any of the more than a billion dollars to the victims of the mass shooting, which took place on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut.

There, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people, including 20 children between the ages of six and seven, and six adult staff members.

Meanwhile, Jones has not yet transferred any of the more than a billion dollars to the victims of the mass shooting, which took place on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut.  Twenty-five of the 26 victims are depicted

Meanwhile, Jones has not yet transferred any of the more than a billion dollars to the victims of the mass shooting, which took place on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty-five of the 26 victims are depicted

More to follow…

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