The news is by your side.

How does a chronic illness affect you? We want to know.


I'm Knvul Sheikh, a reporter on the Well desk at The New York Times, where I cover health and wellness. I've written about the seemingly endless cycle of flu cases, coughs and colds, as well as how to reduce your exposure to chemicals in personal care products and how to understand your cholesterol test results.

In the coming year, I will deepen my reporting on chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. More than half of Americans have at least one chronic illness, and many have two or more.

I would like to hear about your experiences with these conditions, and what issues you think deserve more attention. Have medication costs made it difficult to effectively manage your diabetes? Has a stroke or heart attack changed the way you think about your heart health? Have you been able to lower your cholesterol through lifestyle changes, such as a different diet or exercise routine?

I will never publish anything without your express permission. I will also not use your contact information for other purposes or share it outside our newsroom.

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