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Dakar Rally 2024: Hero Motosports maintains overall lead after tough second stage


Riyadh: The Hero MotoSports Team Rally, powered by Hero MotoCorp, has completed the second stage of Dakar 2024 with flying colours. One of their top riders, Sebastian Buhler, sped through the stage and landed incorrectly

Riyadh: The Hero MotoSports Team Rally, powered by Hero MotoCorp, has completed the second stage of Dakar 2024 with flying colours. One of their top riders, Sebastian Buhler, raced through the stage and finished fourth; his skill and unbreakable will were clearly visible. Meanwhile, Ross Branch, who kicked off the podium, secured a respectable 11th place. Joan Barreda was not far behind, finishing at number 16 among drivers in the Rally GP class. This amazing achievement is a testament to the trio’s perseverance and the hours they put into their craft. Hero MotoSports Team Rally remains undaunted and takes on the rugged desert terrain, their zeal for motorsports unwavering and infectious.

Sebastian Buhler found the day much more satisfying and flowing than yesterday. He was able to keep a good rhythm throughout the stage and rode strongly to reach the top five of the stage. Buhler’s powerful performance takes him two places higher in the Rally GP overall standings, to 13th position.

The winner of the previous stage, Ross Branch, was given the tough task of opening stage 2, and he did an impressive job. Navigation was extremely difficult during this long leg and Ross made a few mistakes early on. However, he recovered in the second half and continues to enjoy the overall top position in Dakar 2024, with a ~3 minute lead over the second place holder.

Joan Barreda had a challenging day on the long stage. While he set a strong pace in the final 100 kilometers after previously overcoming the navigational complexity, he was given an 8-minute time penalty for speeding. Without this setback, Joan would otherwise have finished in 8th place. In the general classification of the Rally GP, Joan is currently in 12th place.

The second stage of the world’s toughest rally was long and dangerous, with mostly long stretches suitable for fast driving. The day started with a short stretch of dune crossings and shortly afterwards it moved on to long, fast routes spiced with tricky navigation, alternating wadis and off-piste zones, sand paths and canyons.

The next one is another long stage: a 733 kilometer ride from Al Duwadimi to Al Salamiya, of which 438 km will be timed. Stage 3 will serve as the first stage of a half marathon stage, with the riders and assistance teams staying overnight in different bivouacs at the end of the stage. At the end of the special, the mechanics will only have 2 hours to work on the bikes before the machines enter the marathon bivouac and a parc fermé.

Sebastian Bühler:
“Stage 2 was much smoother, unlike the rocky and rough terrain of Stage 1. I had a lot of fun, but my body is a little sore from my crash yesterday. I managed to ride well and keep a good rhythm throughout the stage. I’m happy with how the bike performed and also with my navigation; There were quite a few difficult points today. Now let’s go for phase 3!”

Ross branch:
“The day was really tough. We had a lot of navigation to do, and it was super difficult. I made a few mistakes in the morning, but luckily a few of us regrouped around the 100km mark, and we all rode together until we refueled. We tried a bunch of different things, all to stay in the game. I lost some time today, but that’s racing. I’m looking forward to another long stage.”

Joan Barreda:
“It was a very long stage, not easy at all. Difficult navigation and some really critical situations were on display throughout the stage. In the last 100 km I received a small time penalty for speeding and lost some points. Anyway, it’s only the second phase; we still have a long way to go and I am sure we will recover and come back stronger in the next phases.

Provisional Rankings – Stage 2 (Rally GP Class)

1. Ignacio Cornejo Monster Energy Honda Team 04h 24m 17s
2. Luciano Benavides Husqvarna Factory Racing + 5m 59s
3. Pablo Quintanilla Monster Energy Honda Team + 6m 12s
4. Sebastian Buhler Hero MotoSports Team Rally + 6m 47s
11. Ross Branch Hero MotoSports Team Rally + 11m 53s
16. Joan Barreda Bort Hero MotoSports Team Rally + 17m 00s

Provisional Overall Ranking – at the end of Stage 2 (Rally GP Class)

1. Ross Branch Hero MotoSports Team Rally 05h 13m 15s
2. Ignacio Cornejo Monster Energy Honda Team + 2m 55s
3. Ricky Brabec Monster Energy Honda Team + 7m 15s
12. Joan Barreda Bort Hero MotoSports Team Rally + 28m 56s
13. Sebastian Buhler Hero MotoSports Team Rally + 30m 44s

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