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Dandruff in winter: how to treat a dry and flaky scalp naturally at home?


Dandruff in winter is usually caused by a dry, itchy scalp. This is caused by a number of factors, including high levels of Malassezia mold and dry, cold air.

Dandruff in winter: how to treat a dry and flaky scalp naturally at home?

Rose in winter: The toughest season for those of us who suffer from dandruff is definitely winter. The flaking reaches a whole new level as the skin becomes dry. Dandruff is usually caused by seborrheic dermatitis (a skin condition that causes flaky patches and red skin on the scalp) or scalp psoriasis. Dry skin problems are usually the cause of flaking, which becomes worse in winter.

Why dandruff gets worse during winter?

The winter season makes dandruff worse due to the dry, cold air that causes your scalp to lose moisture faster. Strangely enough, having a dry scalp causes your body to produce more oil to defend itself, which makes dandruff worse. As winter approaches, dandruff appears more frequently. Some people start to notice it as soon as fall arrives. These are some treatments that will help you banish dandruff from your scalp permanently!

Award-winning nutritionist Lovneet Batra says, “As the cold winter winds embrace us, they often bring with them an unwanted companion: dandruff. But fear not, because with a little winter hair care magic, you can say goodbye to those flakes and keep your locks shiny all season long. The expert shares three home remedies to treat dandruff.

3 Natural Ways to Treat Dandruff at Home

  1. Neem extract: Neem helps cleanse the scalp and also clears clogged pores while improving hair growth. The regenerative properties of neem are extremely essential and impactful for the treatment of dandruff. Apply Neem leaf extract and wash it off with lukewarm water.
  2. Coconut oil with turmeric: Coconut oil penetrates beneath the epidermis (top layer of skin) and acts as a barrier to help protect against further dryness and inflammation. Coconut oil is also traditionally used as a natural antimicrobial product. This is thanks to key ingredients such as lauric acid. Turmeric’s antifungal and antibacterial properties can treat scalp conditions and irritations such as dandruff.
  3. Amla Powder With Yoghurt: Amla, known as Indian gooseberry, is an ample source of vitamin C. Amla in powder form is used as an essential remedy for dandruff. On the other hand. Yogurt contains friendly bacteria that keep yeast in check. Mix 2 teaspoons of amla powder with yogurt and then apply it to your scalp.

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