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It is fundamental to health in general


The interior of your body is perfect for multiplying bacteria: the oscuro, cálido, humedo and loose foods and bebidas that consume the proporcional nutrients.

If you are not aware of the experts the bacteria accumulating or the detached needs and accumulated lately corres de riesgo de desarrollar a enfermedad periodontal (o de las encías)que es infection and inflammation in las encías y el hueso que rodean loose ingredients.

De acuerdo with Kimberly Bray, professor of Higiene Dental at the University of Misuri in Kansas City, is a strong proponent of influir in the rest of the organism.

For example, un número creciente, aunque limitado, the investigations Discover that the periodontitis causes a range of problems with diabetes, heart disease, respiratory infections and dementia.

If there is no precision that can affect bacterial growth in general, Bray explains, your research is limited and the studio has established a causal relationship.

If there is no embargo, the experts believe that there are many relationships with the many suburbs. Esto es lo que sabemos.

Alrededor of 47 by mayors of 30 years in Estados Unidos has already closed a number of periodontal periods, separated from the Centros para el Control and the prevention of Enfermedades de Estados Unidos (CDC, por su sigla en inglés).

In the early stages of the disease gingivitis, the most common inflammation, hypersensitivity and facilitation. If there is no trata, the gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease, and sometimes a severe form of paralysis occurs lately, there are many different types of aflojars or incluso caerse.

With periodontitis, bacteria and subproducts of toxic substances that have caused the superficiality of the las encías and loosening torrente sanguíneo, other people are propagated, explains Ananda Dasanayake, professor of epidemiology in the Facultad de Odontología of the Universidad de Nueva York.

It happens that you have dental limpieza or you use dentistry or you can find a herida in the boca once, explicitly Dasanayake.

Bray señoló, if the inflammation of the boca is not any trata, algunas de las proteínas responsible for the esta puedseminarse to do the cuerpo and other species.

The current associations between the healthy bucodental and the diabetes, there is a high probability that there is a periodontal infection and diabetes, Señol Bray. Además, al parecer, las dos afecciones tens one mutual relationshipl: The periodontal periodontal paresis increases the diabetes and vice versa, too.

Researchers who have often investigated the exact function, pero, a published revision in 2017Los Investigadores wrote about the cause of inflammation by the induced periodontal podría describing the capacity of the cuerpo para identificar y responder a la insulin.

NL other studiopublished in april, scientific descubrieres on diabetics who trataron su enfermedad periodontal redujeron of the general costs of your medical atención between a 12 and a 14 por ciento.

“If you suffer from periodontal disease, diabetes mellitus,” affirms Dasanayake.

If you breathe in large amounts of bacteria, bacteria build up in your lungs, you can produce a product neumonia bacteria by aspirationexplica Frank Scannapieco, Professor of Biological Biology and the Escuela de Odontología of the Universidad de Búfalo.

Este fenomeno se ha observado sobre todo en pacientes hospitalizados or adultos mayores en ancianatos, y result a concern in case you can’t make use of the hilo dental or cepillarse apart from your solos needs, explain Martinna Bertolini, profesora adjunta de Odontología in the Escuela de Odontología of the University of Pittsburgh.

Los cuidados dentale preventivos, como las limpiezas dentales professionales or los tratamientos parodontales with antibioticos, pueden reduce the riesgo the desarrollar of this nasal tip, señol Scannapieco.

NL an informed publication in 2020an international expert concludes that there is a significant relationship between periodontitis and myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, plaque accumulation in the arteries and other cardiovascular diseases.

If there are no researchers determined to use a mala salud bucodental podría to help a peor salud del corazón, algunas pruebas then the periodontal bacteria of the boca can penetrate through the blood vessels into pacientes with enfermedades vasculares e influir and desarrollo de la enfermedad.

Un information about 2012 de la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón señaló que la inflamación in las encías se ha relacionado con niveles más elevados de proteínas inflamatorias en la sangre que a su vez se han asociado a un precaria salud cardiaca.

Many studies have led to many more practical tools that relate to more cardiopathy indices.

For example, viz a published studio in 2019Los Investigadores review the registers of casi 250,000 adults living healthy in Corea del Sur and descubrieron que, for about 10 años, aquellos que se cepillaban losdientes con regularidad and recibían limpiezas dentales periodas tenían menos probabilidades of sufrir eventos cardiovascular diseases and aquellos If you have a have good dentistry, formaron más caries, experiment with pérdida of serving or desarrollaron periodontitis.

Varios studios j revisions encontraron vínculos between the decayed periodontal grave and the premature birth and the bajo peso al nacer, Dasanayake commentary. More research is needed to confirm the vínculo.

NL a 2019 revisionresearchers investigating the tratamiento of the periodontal period during the embarazo mejoraba de peso del bebé al nacer and the reduced premature parto en muerte of feto or recien nacido.

Además, viz a studio from 2009release researchers investigating the oral bacteria through the placenta contributing to the corioamnionitis, an infection of the grave of the placenta and the liquid amniótico that provokes some of the premature or including possible fatal complications.

Read research does research The boca’s bacteria that activate the infection cells that float in the bloodstream can cause inflammation in the uterus that can affect the placenta and fetuses.

Exist one research de larga data die apunta aque la periodontitis puede inducir partos prematures en animales como los ratones, y que the way the infection occurs puede prevenir el bajo peso del bebé al nacer y los partos prematuros.

Según Scannapieco, loose researchers are interested in cada vez más for el papel de la salud bucal en the mencia, and especially in Alzheimer’s disease.

“Bacteria present in the body can be identified in the tejido cerebral de pacientes con alzheimer”, this is the implication that the podrían represents a papule in the enfermedad.

And a received reviewwe know that oral bacteria (and especially its relation to periodontal disease) has a direct impact on the brain and a trave of “central nerve infection” or an indirect cause of “cronic inflammation” that clears the brain.

No evidence, the review authorization has not provided evidence of oral bacteria for some cases abroad. Anyway, the periodontology is solo a “factor of riesgo” among many other people to propensión people and Alzheimer’s about other ways of dementia.

Según Bray, the oral bacteria that can contact other afecciones, como la arthritis rheumatoid y la osteoporosisand the latest studies involve oral bacteria enfermedades renales j hepaticaas como con the cancer colorrectal and the mummy.

It is possible that more research is needed to confirm your findings, more experts. You cannot avoid regular dental and periodontal treatments and prevent most previous conditions such as Scannapieco.

Most manera of mantener a buena salud bucodental es guir los consejos cásicos de cuidado dental, como cepillarse losdientes dos veces al día y usar hilo dental a diario, concluyó Scannapieco.

​​”No todas las personas realmente aprecian su salud bucal, y solo la recuerdan cuando tienen alguna molestia en una muela o algún dolor”, agregó. Pero es important ser tan diligently and proactively with the salud oral así como con el ejercicio, the diet or cualquier other aspects of bienestar.

Hannah Seo is a reporter for the Times and in recent years her financial and mental health has taken off.

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