
Donald Trump tells Black worshipers not to vote for ‘king of the super predators’ Joe Biden during stop at Detroit church and promises to rebuild auto industry

Donald Trump On Saturday, he stormed into Democratic territory, telling a black church congregation in working-class Detroit that he was delivering record low unemployment to African Americans and urging them not to vote for the “king of the super-predators.” Joe Biden.

Trump has made inroads among minority voters and his visit to the 180 Church is the latest sign that his campaign believes Biden could be damaged with some of his core support.

“We think we’re going to win this state. We are currently well ahead,” he said on Saturday afternoon.

‘So it’s an honor to be here. It is a very important area for us.

“We have done more for black people, and I say this, I say this with pride, more than any president since Abraham Lincoln. That’s a big statement.’

Former President Donald Trump visited Detroit, Michigan on Saturday.  First, he held a roundtable discussion at 180 Church, which serves an African-American congregation

Former President Donald Trump visited Detroit, Michigan on Saturday. First, he held a roundtable discussion at 180 Church, which serves an African-American congregation

It marks a bold move and a sign of confidence in the Trump campaign. But as he sat before a giant, illuminated crucifix, Trump had to stretch the truth to get his point across about his record of serving Black Americans.

“We have reached the lowest African-American unemployment rate,” he said.

“The lowest African-American poverty rate ever recorded, ever recorded during my four years.

‘We have lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. Black Americans saw their largest increase in homeownership ever.”

In fact, Black unemployment trended downward during Trump’s four years in office (except during the pandemic shutdown), but reached even lower numbers under Biden.

And he reminded his audience of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which increased spending on prisons and police, as well as billions of dollars in preventative measures to reduce spiraling crime.

“You know, he’s walking around right now talking about the black vote,” Trump said. “He’s the king of the super-predators and he wrote the 1994 bill that you talk about so much.

In fact, then-first lady Hillary Clinton used the term “super-predator,” while Biden actually distanced himself from the term when it was applied to young, black offenders.

Trump took part in a roundtable discussion at the church to hear about the issues facing the local community.

About 1,000 people gathered at 180 Church in Detroit, Michigan to hear Trump speak

About 1,000 people gathered at 180 Church in Detroit, Michigan to hear Trump speak

Guests listen to the national anthem prior to the start of a roundtable discussion with Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump at 180 Church

Guests listen to the national anthem prior to the start of a roundtable discussion with Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump at 180 Church

The visit ended with a prayer for Trump and a rendition of

The visit ended with a prayer for Trump and a rendition of “Happy Birthday” for the former president who turned 78 a day earlier. He is seen here alongside veteran Carlos Chambers

It ended with a prayer and a rendition of “Happy Birthday” for the former president who turned 78 a day earlier.

Trump’s itinerary highlighted the tightrope he is trying to walk in 2024 electionfirst visited an African-American church before speaking at a meeting of Turning Point Action, a group that the Anti Defamation League says attracts racists and extremists.

James Perkins, the pastor of Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit, accused Trump of a political stunt.

“Donald Trump has the audacity to waltz into our city and pretend he wants to understand the struggles Black Detroiters face, but the reality is he doesn’t care,” he said.

“Every time Trump opens his mouth to talk to Black people, he demonizes us, insults us and makes empty promises that he will never keep.”

Charlie Kirk told the crowd at the Turning Point Action People's Convention on Friday evening: 'You have to find low-propensity voters in your life and get them registered to vote'

Charlie Kirk told the crowd at the Turning Point Action People’s Convention on Friday evening: ‘You have to find low-propensity voters in your life and get them registered to vote’

Robert Broderick and Rachel dance before the start of the conservative Turning Point Action's the People's Convention at Huntington Place, Detroit, Michigan

Robert Broderick and Rachel dance before the start of the conservative Turning Point Action’s the People’s Convention at Huntington Place, Detroit, Michigan

Biden won Michigan in 2020 by three points. And few demographic groups matter more Democrats than black voters.

But the Trump campaign is making inroads among a group that has expressed frustration with Biden.

According to a recent poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, Biden’s approval rating among Black adults has fallen from 94 percent to 55 percent during his term.

And in Michigan, the former president has a slim lead of about half a point in the polling averages.

Trump told his audience that he would rebuild the city’s ailing auto industry, which he said had been destroyed by free trade deals.

The predominantly black congregation was joined by white Trump supporters on Saturday

The predominantly black congregation was joined by white Trump supporters on Saturday

“They are currently building the largest car factories in the world in Mexico, quite close to the border,” he said, promising to slap huge tariffs on imported cars.

‘We want those factories to be built in our country, not in that country.

“We’re going to bring the auto industry back to Michigan.”

Michael Whatley, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, said the state was crucial to the November election.

‘Everyone knows if we don’t win Michiganwe’re not getting a Republican in the US White Househe told Michigan Republicans at a celebratory dinner on Friday evening, according to the Associated Press.

“Let me be more honest: If we don’t win Michigan, we won’t have Donald in the White House.”

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