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8 fitness myths that drive experts crazy


When done right, exercise can be a true miracle cure. But if you follow the wrong advice, you can easily get hurt. Take the sit-up: Once considered the gold standard for core exercises, we now know that it is can cause lower back pain worse.

Fitness culture is full of such misconceptions, thanks to ever-evolving science and fitness influencers who share tips based on “anecdotes and gym stories,” says Brad Schoenfeld, professor of exercise science at Lehman College in New York. “Once these opinions spread among the public and take hold, they are difficult to change.”

I asked more than a dozen fitness experts to share the myths they hear most often among their clients and patients and would like to debunk once and for all.

If you took gym class in high school, you were probably told to stretch for a few minutes before exercising. But recent research has thought that was stretching before exercising is not effective for preventing injury and can even work against you. That’s because stretching a muscle for more than 90 seconds temporarily reduces its strength.

“You’ve just temporarily weakened all the muscle groups you’re trying to train,” says Dr. Josh Goldman, associate director of the Center for Sports Medicine at UCLA Health.

If you really enjoy the feeling of stretching before physical activity, don’t hold the stretch for long, said Dr. Goldman.

For the most effective preparation for your workout, try a dynamic warm-up: a series of active exercises that get your blood flowing and gently work your muscles. Save your stretches for a separate time, he said. “I like to tell people to do it before they go to bed,” because it gives your muscles time to recover before moving again.

Not true, said Dr. Schoenfeld, who studies muscle growth. A sizable body of research now shows that lifting relatively light weights for, say, 30 reps is just as effective at building muscle and strength as lifting weights that feel heavier for five to 12 reps. It’s a matter of personal preference.

But don’t avoid heavy weights for fear that it will make you “bulk up,” says Dr. Jacob Sellon, a sports medicine physician at the Mayo Clinic. “It actually takes a lot of effort” to build Popeye muscle, he said. “It doesn’t just happen with typical strength training.”

Do not be afraid, research has been debunked the idea that running increases the risk of osteoarthritis, and even suggests that it may protect your knees from the condition. In fact: not moving increases your risk of developing osteoarthritis, along with age, weight and genetics.

For years, experts thought that “our knees were like tires — if you drive a lot, you burn through the tread on your tires,” said Dr. Goldman. “That’s not true, because our body is dynamic,” and our joints can regenerate themselves, especially if we are regularly active.

That said, running can certainly lead to knee pain or injury if you train too aggressively, says Dr. Jordan Metzl, a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. Dr. Metzl called this “breaking the rule of toos” – running too fast or too far, too fast. “Increase slowly,” he said. And if you start to experience knee pain, get it checked out by a sports medicine doctor as soon as possible.

Walking is popular among older Americans With good reason: It has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, as well as the risk of premature death. And it is so doable.

But walking alone isn’t enough to stay fit as you age, says Anne Brady, associate professor of exercise science at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Starting in your 30s, your muscle mass gradually decreases, she said, so you should also focus on strength training.

“People can perform daily activities with a minimal amount of cardiovascular fitness,” she said. “But if they don’t have the strength or muscle power to perform daily activities, they lose their independence.”

Supplement the walks with at least two 20-minute strength training sessions per week.

Choosing to do a less strenuous version of an exercise — for example, a pushup or a plank with your knees on the floor — doesn’t mean you’re weak, a novice, or that you’ll relapse, Stephanie said. Roth-Goldberg, a clinical social worker and therapist in New York who works with athletes. It’s a sign that you’re listening to your body and keeping it safe.

“Our bodies need different things on different days,” she said. “Adapting exercises helps us work on the form and the connection between body and mind.”

Amanda Katz, a certified strength and running coach in New York City, said they often have to convince running or cycling clients that they should also strength train their lower body.

Stomping the pavement or pedaling will strengthen your lower body, but not enough to stimulate significant muscle growth, she said. A strength training program that includes squats, falls outglute bridges and pointers can improve bone density and lower your risk of injury – and make you stronger runner or cyclistat.

No. Exercise scientists debunked this a year ago, but many Americans still see it as a measure of good health, says Cedric Bryant, the president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise.

The myth dates back to the 1960s, when a Japanese clock manufacturer mass-produced a pedometer with a name that translated to “meter with 10,000 steps.” “Unfortunately, it’s taken on a life of its own because the research clearly doesn’t support that there’s anything magical about that goal,” said Dr. Bryant.

The latest research shows that the health benefits of walking appear to be as well plateau with about 7,500 steps, but even just 4,000 steps per day can reduce the risk of death from any cause.

Dipping into an ice-cold pool after a tough workout can feel like protection against injury because it helps reduce inflammation. But there’s a problem with this.

“Not all inflammation is bad inflammation,” said Dr. Goldman. like you jump into an ice bucket after each workout you slow down or Stop the repair process.

When you exercise, you create beneficial inflammation by strategically loading your muscles, and as the body heals, it builds strength, he said. If you want to treat a specific injury after a workout, Dr. Goldman recommends icing the injury yourself or waiting a day before incurring the injury. Take a cold dip to give your muscles time to start the recovery process.

The same rule applies to over-the-counter pain relievers like NSAIDs: Because they are anti-inflammatory, you should only take them after a workout if you are treating an injury. Otherwise you run the risk of your training being hindered.

“Cold water immersion is a very good anti-inflammatory agent, but you should use it at a time when you actually want to prevent inflammation and not as a prescription after every workout,” said Dr. Goldman.

For overall recovery after a workout, research suggests that saunas may be safer and more effective.

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