
House Republican warns ‘only a matter of time before DEVASTATING terror attack’ unless Biden admin tackles border crisis after arrest of six men with ISIS ties

a G.O.P The congressman has warned that a “devastating” terror attack is likely to occur unless the Biden The board takes the migrant crisis.

Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green blasted the president for allowing people with “terrorist ties” and “major criminal connections” to “roam freely” across the country.

He argued that “bad actors exploiting our borders” have done just that become the ‘rule’ under Biden and warned that it is “only a matter of time” before terrorist attacks occur on US soil.

His criticism comes after six Russian nationals with possible ties ISIS were arrested in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles last week in a coordinated law enforcement sting.

Anonymous ICE officials told the story New York Post that a wiretap showed that one of the suspects had mentioned bombs, raising concerns that a horrific attack like 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing could happen again.

Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green has warned that a 'devastating' terror attack is likely unless the Biden administration addresses the migrant crisis

Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green has warned that a ‘devastating’ terror attack is likely unless the Biden administration addresses the migrant crisis

Six Russian nationals with possible links to ISIS have been arrested in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles in a coordinated action by law enforcement - with one source fearing they were planning a Boston Marathon-style bombing (pictured)

Six Russian nationals with possible links to ISIS have been arrested in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles in a coordinated action by law enforcement – with one source fearing they were planning a Boston Marathon-style bombing (pictured)

Two ICE officials said they arrested the suspected terrorist units last week after the attack FBI raised the alarm.

The suspects are originally from Tajikistan and also have Russian nationality, according to the Post.

“Almost every week we receive reports that someone with terrorist ties or other major criminal connections has been released into our country and allowed to roam free for months or even years,” Green told, responding to the arrests.

“Such bad actors exploiting our borders used to be the exception – it is quickly becoming the rule under President Biden and now-ousted Secretary Mayorkas.

“It’s only a matter of time before one of these individuals with ties to a terrorist group gets involved in something devastating on American soil, and this administration will be responsible. How long will we allow this madness to continue?’

The eight detainees had entered the U.S. through the southern border last spring and passed the government’s screening process without yielding information that would have identified them as potential terrorism-related problems.

They are being held for immigration violations and have been taken into custody by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which made the arrests while working with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) as they await deportation proceedings .

An ICE official familiar with the sting told The Post that one of the suspects had mentioned bombs, adding: “Remember the Boston Marathon [bombing]? I’m afraid something like this could happen again, or worse.’

The suspect in question has previously been involved in law enforcement and had a court date next year, according to the source.

The North Tower of the World Trade Center burns after being struck by hijacked American Airlines Flight 11;  hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 approaching the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001

The North Tower of the World Trade Center burns after being struck by hijacked American Airlines Flight 11; hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 approaching the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001

US Border Patrol intervenes with illegal migrants crossing the border into Jacumba Hot Springs, days after US President Joe Biden announced a decree on June 10, 2024 to change migration policies at the border in California, United States

US Border Patrol intervenes with illegal migrants crossing the border into Jacumba Hot Springs, days after US President Joe Biden announced a decree on June 10, 2024 to change migration policies at the border in California, United States

It comes as top law enforcement officials warned the threat of a terrorist attack in the US has increased ‘vastly’ in recent months.

Attorney General Merrick Garland made the astonishing admission last Tuesday during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee a hearing dedicated to examining the politicization of the department.

‘I’m worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the country after October 7,” said Attorney General Garland. “The threat level to us has increased enormously.”

‘Every morning we worry about this question. We are trying to hunt down anyone who wants to harm the country,” he continued. “This is obviously an important priority for the Ministry of Justice.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray speaks before another committee on the other side of the country Capitol Hill in the Senateagreed, saying ‘we have seen the threat of foreign terrorists rise to a whole different level after October 7’ Hamas terrorist attack.

‘We saw a rouges’ gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against Americans and our allies,” Wray said.

“Just during my time as FBI director, we have disrupted multiple terrorist attacks around American cities.”

“It would be hard for me to think of a time when so many different threats to our public safety and national security were so great at the same time.”

Rescue workers try to extinguish the fire at the burning Crocus City Hall concert hall after a shooting incident, outside Moscow, Russia, March 22, 2024

Rescue workers try to extinguish the fire at the burning Crocus City Hall concert hall after a shooting incident, outside Moscow, Russia, March 22, 2024

Wray said threats against Jewish Americans have been particularly acute.

“We saw one increased threat to the Jewish community in the United States.’

Although he said Jewish communities were targeted before the Oct. 7 attack, threats have “increased dramatically” since then.

“Religiously motivated hate crimes, almost 60 percent of them, are against the Jewish community,” Wray testified, noting that the community makes up only two percent of the U.S. population.

“Increasingly worrying is the potential for a coordinated attack here at home, similar to an attack we have seen in the US. Russia theater,” he added, referring to the recording of the Crocus City Hall concert in March.

According to the FBI chief, one vector for threats is to enter the country through the US-Mexico border.

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