
Hundreds of beacons are lit across the UK to bring an end to the emotional 80th anniversary D-Day commemorations

Hundreds of beacons have been lit in Britain to end the emotional 80th anniversary commemorations of D-Day.

The D-Day 80 Lamp Lights of Peace campaign has seen hundreds of flames proudly lit by communities across the country.

Accompanied by buglers and bagpipers, bright lights shone across Britain in tribute to the fallen soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944.

The network was organized by former royal parade master Bruno Peek, with the beacons intended to commemorate those who died on the five beaches or returned home injured.

Speaking of the campaign, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called on communities to support the cause.

He said: ‘The heroism of those who landed on the shores of the Normandy beaches provided a beacon of light to the world during a particularly dark period of war.

A crowd gathers tonight to watch the beacon lighting to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Queenborough, Kent

A crowd gathers tonight to watch the beacon lighting to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Queenborough, Kent

Bugler Anfrew Carlisle at the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council lighting of the D Day 80 Beacon

Bugler Anfrew Carlisle at the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council lighting of the D Day 80 Beacon

Piper David Maitland plays during the lighting of the beacon as part of the commemorations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day

Piper David Maitland plays during the lighting of the beacon as part of the commemorations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day

The beacon is lit for Lamp Lights of Peace for D-day 80, illuminated on Castle Hill, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wale

The beacon is lit for Lamp Lights of Peace for D-day 80, illuminated on Castle Hill, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wale

A bugler from the US 1st Infantry Division (United States), known as The Big Red One, plays 'Taps' during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

A bugler from the US 1st Infantry Division (United States), known as The Big Red One, plays ‘Taps’ during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

The beacon lights up as the sun sets after the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

The beacon lights up as the sun sets after the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

The Mayor of Dorchester, Cllr Robin Potter, during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

The Mayor of Dorchester, Cllr Robin Potter, during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Personnel of the US 1st Infantry Division (United States) during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field, commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day

Personnel of the US 1st Infantry Division (United States) during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field, commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day

A beacon for D-Day 80 burns at the Selkirk War Memorial after it was kindly provided by James Maybury of the General Store

A beacon for D-Day 80 burns at the Selkirk War Memorial after it was kindly provided by James Maybury of the General Store

‘It is therefore appropriate that local communities in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, the British Overseas Territories and those along the coasts of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword Beaches in Normandy, France, on June 6 Light beacons. 2024, in tribute to the light of peace that they brought out of the misery of darkness during that terrible campaign, from which many unfortunately did not return.

“I am therefore delighted to support this initiative and I urge communities across the country to support this event.”

The charity event asked communities to come together to light the beacon, alongside an event commemorating the D-Day landings.

They asked that it be used to raise money for key charities linked to the historic event, including the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund and the Merchant Navy Association.

The first beacon was lit in Normandy overlooking Gold Beach at 8:15 p.m., followed by three more fires at 8:30 p.m. over Utah, Omaha, Juno and Sword beaches.

These were followed an hour later across Britain, with communities of all sizes coming together to commemorate the seismic historic day.

Mr Sunak continued: “I would like to pay particular tribute to Pageantmaster Bruno Peek for his tremendous efforts in leading these historic celebrations.

“It is also my great pleasure to congratulate the Royal Naval Association, the Merchant Navy Association, the Royal Airforce Benevolent Fund and ABF The Soldiers’ Charity for their remarkable efforts in supporting our service personnel, along with their families.

The Duke of Northumberland lights the beacon from the battlements of Alnwick Castle in Northumberland

The Duke of Northumberland lights the beacon from the battlements of Alnwick Castle in Northumberland

The beacon is lit high above a gathered crowd during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

The beacon is lit high above a gathered crowd during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

A beacon for D-Day 80 burns at the Selkirk War Memorial

A beacon for D-Day 80 burns at the Selkirk War Memorial

Town Crier Anthony Harrison begins the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Town Crier Anthony Harrison begins the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

School choirs sing during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

School choirs sing during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Dorset's At War Living history Group stands with the crowd to watch the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Dorset’s At War Living history Group stands with the crowd to watch the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Colonel Montgomery of the US 1st Infantry Division (United States) addresses the crowd during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Colonel Montgomery of the US 1st Infantry Division (United States) addresses the crowd during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Personnel from the 1st Infantry Division (United States) hold a World War II Sten machine gun from Dorsets At War Living history Group before the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Personnel from the 1st Infantry Division (United States) hold a World War II Sten machine gun from Dorsets At War Living history Group before the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

A Home Guard reenactor is seen during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

A Home Guard reenactor is seen during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Gifts are given to 1st Infantry Division (United States) personnel during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

Gifts are given to 1st Infantry Division (United States) personnel during the Beacon lighting ceremony at Salisbury Field

“As we look to the future, I believe we must draw strength from the shared hardships of our experiences during World War II.

“That future is why so many of our service members gave their lives – and protecting the peace they fought for is the best way we can honor those who fell.”

Lamp Lights of Peace for D-Day 80 has also encouraged British people to purchase Tilley lamps, which are painted red to represent the blood shed on D-Day.

They are made in Germany – a symbol meant to show the peace that now exists between our nations.

With the support of the National Fish Chips Federation, thousands of fish and chip shops also took part in the festivities.

Company Sergeant Major Stanley Hollis, who won D-Day’s only Victoria Cross after single-handedly taking two enemy bunkers and capturing thirty Germans, started life in a fish and chip shop.

It was also used as a code between British paratroopers to identify whether a nearby soldier was friendly – with one shouting ‘fish’ and the other hopefully replying ‘chips’.

Mr Peak has been organizing beacon celebrations across Britain for more than 40 years, including one in 12 European countries when Britain joined the European Single Market in 1992.

He has also organized spectacular events to mark the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee.

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