
I was locked up with some of Britain’s deadliest women… whenever child killers and paedophiles spoke to me I followed the same rule

A former prisoner and drug dealer who was mixed up with pedophiles and murderers has revealed how she ended up with some of Britain’s deadliest women.

Francesca Fattore, 44, was placed on the upgraded wing of HMP Bronzefield in Surrey.

An addiction to heroin and crack led to drug dealing and Francesca was jailed for three years and eight months for drug offences.

While Francesca had her own cell and shower, the wing came with a lock.

The wing of HMP Bronzefield, called Houseblock 4, housed some of the prison’s most dangerous criminals.

Sober and out of prison, Francesca runs an organization aimed at creating opportunities and safe spaces for former female criminals, called UKExFemalePrisoner.

Sober and out of prison, Francesca runs an organization aimed at creating opportunities and safe spaces for former female criminals, called UKExFemalePrisoner.

The wing of HMP Bronzefield, called Houseblock 4, also housed pedophiles and murderers

The wing of HMP Bronzefield, called Houseblock 4, also housed pedophiles and murderers

At first she didn't want to know what crimes her new neighbors had committed

At first she didn’t want to know what crimes her new neighbors had committed

Isolated from the rest of the prison population, Francesca found herself among the most serious prisoners who had to be kept separate from other prisoners for their own safety.

Francesca revealed how she stayed sane among some of the country’s deadliest women and described how she initially didn’t want to be told of her neighbor’s crimes.

However, the 44-year-old from Reading had a change of heart, telling The Daily Star: ‘I decided I needed to know who those people were. I had to know, because then I won’t talk to the people I don’t need.’

Her new neighbors included child killers such as Mairead Philpott, a woman who was dubbed “Britain’s most hated mother” after she and her husband murdered her six children in 2012.

Philpott served 17 years and was released in 2020 after serving only half her sentence for setting her house on fire with her children inside.

Another of her neighbors was Joanna Dennehy, who killed three men and dumped their bodies in ditches near Peterborough.

Remembering the other inmates, Francesca said that most days she had to deal with Lucy Wolfe, a nanny who sexually abused a baby.

Her new neighbors included child killers such as Mairead Philpott, a woman who was dubbed

Her new neighbors included child killers such as Mairead Philpott, a woman who was dubbed “Britain’s most hated mother” after she and her husband murdered her six children in 2012.

Pictured: A cell in HMP Bronzefield where Francesca had her own cell and shower

Pictured: A cell in HMP Bronzefield where Francesca had her own cell and shower

During a twelve-week rehabilitation program at HMP Send in Surrey, Francesca's life was transformed by a visit from the Princess of Wales.

During a twelve-week rehabilitation program at HMP Send in Surrey, Francesca’s life was transformed by a visit from the Princess of Wales.

Francesca said: ‘I would never kick off on the wing because when I went to prison, in my mind that was the case for me, I was going to change so I had to behave.

“I had to put aside my feelings, what you would want to say, what you would want to do to someone and just be a better person.

‘When I heard that my neighbor was that woman (Maireread), you just start thinking, ‘wow, I’m dealing with some crazy, evil, nasty people’.

During her time with the women, Francesca followed the same rule to stay healthy.

Francesca said: ‘You literally have to think that if I am spoken to by them, you just don’t talk back or keep it as minimal as possible.

“You have to stand aside (from their crimes) because you have no choice.”

During a twelve-week rehabilitation program at HMP Send in Surrey, Francesca’s life was transformed by a visit from the Princess of Wales.

Francesca said: ‘The privilege of sitting with her inspired me to keep going and made me realize that I was on the right track.

“She made me feel worthy and the experience left me on cloud nine.

‘The video was also posted on Kensington Royal’s social media accounts and I was the talk of the town for weeks, which was a really nice feeling.’

Now sober and out of prison, Francesca leads an organization aimed at creating opportunities and safe spaces for former female criminals UKExfemale prisoner.

Francesca said: ‘It was amazing, out of this world. I got a message from a woman and honestly I was blown away.

“She’s never been to jail, but she sent me this: ‘Hi Fran, I’ve never been to jail, but my son is always in and out. I kept worrying about him and I still do now that he’s home.

“Without you and the other ladies in your group, I wouldn’t be here today. It was you who kept me going and all the wonderful ladies who turned their lives around.

“I couldn’t believe it and we’re not just touching prisoners or ex-cons, it’s people with children who are in prison.

‘It’s amazing and wonderful and so many women have thanked us for their support. ‘

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