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Origin of ‘interstellar signal’ linked to aliens found and it’s embarrassing


SOUND waves linked to a meteor crash thought to suggest an extraterrestrial origin have been linked to a less mysterious source.

The meteor crash occurred in 2014 and landed north of Papua New Guinea, confusing many researchers and people.


The captured signal was believed to be of extraterrestrial originCredit: Getty

The incident was linked to some sound waves linked to material recovered from the ocean last year, reports said

It is now believed that the sound waves were created by a truck driving on a nearby road, casting doubt on whether the materials collected were of extraterrestrial origin.

The finding was made by some researchers from Johns Hopkins University.

“The signal changed direction over time and corresponded exactly to a path passing by the seismometer,” said Benjamin Fernando, the planetary seismologist who led the study.

“It’s really hard to get a signal and confirm that it’s not coming from somewhere.”

“But what we can do is show that there are a lot of these kinds of signals, and show that they have all the characteristics we expect from a truck, and none of the characteristics we expect from a meteor.”

The researchers will discuss their findings at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston.

The conference will take place on March 12.

The meteor in question entered Earth in January 2014 and was associated with the tremors recorded in Papua New Guinea.

Last year, several materials were recovered near the meteor landing.

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Many believed these to be of extraterrestrial origin due to the relationship that existed between the sound waves and the meteor crash.

“The location of the fireball was actually very far from where the oceanographic expedition went to retrieve these meteor fragments,” Fernando explains.

“Not only were they using the wrong signal, they were looking in the wrong place.”

Fernando and the team of researchers concluded that the materials found were likely common meteorites and not related to extraterrestrials.

“Whatever was found on the seabed is completely unrelated to this meteor, regardless of whether it was a natural space rock or a piece of alien spacecraft – even though we strongly suspect it was not aliens,” Fernando concluded.

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