
Blow to Kamala Harris as Americans reveal what they REALLY feel about her election chances and if she’d make a ‘good’ president… despite her ‘reboot’

Only about a third of Americans believe in vice president Kamala Harris would win a presidential election according to a new poll released Wednesday, illustrating Democratic fears about what would happen if he became president Joe Biden81, is unable to perform his duties as president.

A Politico/Morning Consult poll shows that only 34 percent believe Harris would likely win an election for president if she were the candidate. Fifty-seven percent of voters think this is unlikely.

The number of undecideds includes 31 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of Independents.

The numbers indicate that Harris, Biden’s second-in-command, would struggle if she had to replace the president as the Democratic nominee.

US Vice President Kamala Harris with US President Joe Biden during a campaign rally

US Vice President Kamala Harris with US President Joe Biden during a campaign rally

Harris also faces skepticism from voters about whether she would be a good president. Only 40 percent believe she would be a good president, while 51 percent do not. Nine percent did not know or had no opinion.

Fifty-one percent of independents believe she would not be a good president and even sixteen percent of Democrats doubt a successful Harris presidency.

The problems with Harris’ election show that Biden may have done just that chose the wrong Democrat as his vice presidentas more than half of Americans don’t think she would make a good president.

But voters in the poll appear slightly more conflicted when asked whether Biden should replace Harris on the ticket.

Thirty-six percent of voters say Biden should replace her with someone else Democrat while 39 percent said Biden should not replace her. Twenty-six percent did not know or had no opinion.

US Vice President Kamala Harris introduces US President Joe Biden during a campaign

US Vice President Kamala Harris introduces US President Joe Biden during a campaign

Harris continues to suffer from low approval ratings, currently at 42 percent, which is slightly higher than in previous polls. A Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll in May showed her with just a 37 percent approval rating.

Harris’ failed 2020 presidential campaign and her performance as vice president left the country devastated divided over her political skills.

Fifty-two percent of voters in the poll believe Harris is smart, 47 percent believe she is level-headed and 45 percent believe she is prepared. Only 44 percent described her as honest.

Despite her low poll numbers, Harris’ strong name identification with Democrats gives her a significant lead over other possible 2028 presidential candidates.

Among Democrats, 41 percent chose Harris as the hypothetical candidate in 2028. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg came in second with 15 percent, followed closely by California Governor Gavin Newsom with 14 percent.

US President Joe Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris after concluding his remarks at a campaign event

US President Joe Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris after concluding his remarks at a campaign event

The rest of the potential 2028 Democratic presidential candidates remained in the single digits with Democrats. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan with 5 percent, Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona with 4 percent and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro with 2 percent.

Seventeen percent of Democrats didn’t know or had no opinion.

The Politico/Morning Consult poll surveyed 3,996 registered voters from May 28 to 29 and has a margin of error of 2 percentage points.

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