
LIVE VERDICT: Is Lord Lucan INNOCENT or GUILTY? You decide. Cast your verdict now in the Mail’s live public vote

The Mail’s brilliant new podcast was released last week The trial of Lord Lucan has unraveled one of the biggest crime mysteries ever, in light of extraordinary new evidence.

In episodes released every day this week, two real ones leading lawyers have argued or Lord Lucan was innocent or guilty using a bomb new document and never-before-heard testimony, in an unmissable twist on courtroom drama.

Now, you’ve heard the blowing up new evidence And You listened to the case for both the prosecution and the defense. It’s time to give YOUR verdict below and decide if Lord Lucan is innocent or guilty once and for all.

Cast your vote in the public poll below – and the final verdict will be announced on Monday, June 10.

Win a place on the official Mail jury

Do you have a strong opinion on the matter? Enter your email address after voting to win a place on our official Mail Jury to have YOUR say.

We will contact you to receive your comments and include them in the ruling episode.


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