
Tourist on her first trip to Australia catches Buruli ulcer

A woman’s journey to visit her daughter in Melbourne has taken a dark turn after she mysteriously contracted a horrific flesh-eating disease.

Carmel Rodrigo, from Sri Lanka, visited Australia for the first time and visited her daughter Gayathri Perera and her family in Melbourne.

The 74-year-old has been here since January this year and had spent months enjoying family time and taking in the sights. Unfortunately, one evening last month, she began to “freak out,” according to her daughter.

“She was screaming in pain and her hand was completely swollen and turning slightly blue,” Ms Perera told Yahoo News.

Her mother was rushed to hospital and after several hours of waiting, Ms Rodrigo began to lose feeling in her arm.

Carmel Rodrigo (pictured) visited Australia for the first time and visited her daughter Gayathri Perera and her family in Melbourne in January

Carmel Rodrigo (pictured) visited Australia for the first time and visited her daughter Gayathri Perera and her family in Melbourne in January

Mrs Rodrigo (pictured with her daughter) contracted a fatal flesh-eating disease called Buruli ulcer and had to have her left hand amputated

Mrs Rodrigo (pictured with her daughter) contracted a fatal flesh-eating disease called Buruli ulcer and had to have her left hand amputated

Ms Perera was told by doctors it was an infection, but they “couldn’t recognize which type”.

‘The spread happened very quickly. “I was told to pray because she only had a 10 percent chance of survival,” she said.

They managed to get a response and were told that Mrs. Rodrigo had contracted a fatal flesh-eating disease called Buruli ulcer.

According to Victoria’s Department of Health, Buruli ulcer is an infection that causes damage to the skin and soft tissue.

It is spread primarily through mosquitoes, but has also been found in other animals in several states.

Ms Rodrigo’s left hand has now been amputated and she remains sedated in hospital after doctors advised her pain would be ‘unbearable’ if she were conscious.

While it is unclear how Ms. Rodrigo contracted the infection, all Ms. Perera can do is wait for her mother to get better.

a GoFundMe page was set up to help with the financial stress of her mother’s medical bills.

“Please help us help Carmel regain her strength to fight this terrible disease and return to her usual cheerful and smiley self,” Ms Perera said on the GoFundMe page.

Buruli ulcer, commonly known as the ‘flesh-eating disease’, is an infection ’caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium (M.) ulcerans’.

Health officials have been looking closely at mosquitoes as the main species responsible for transmitting the infection.

“There is increasing evidence that mosquitoes and possums play a role in transmitting the infection,” health authorities say.

‘Buruli ulcer is spreading geographically across Victoria and is no longer limited to specific locations; however, the overall risk of transmission is considered low.

‘The number of cases in Victoria varies widely from year to year, but since 2017 numbers have increased to between 200 and 340 cases per year.’

Buruli sores are mainly spread through mosquitoes, but have also been found in other animals in several states

Buruli sores are mainly spread through mosquitoes, but have also been found in other animals in several states

Officials have outlined ways that could increase the chance of someone becoming infected, such as on properties with possums, ponds and certain types of native plants.

Those with jobs that require them to be outside for extended periods of time are also at risk, as is using boric water for bathing or gardening.

Fortunately, the infection does not spread from person to person.


Buruli ulcer is a chronic debilitating disease that mainly affects the skin and sometimes the bones.

It was first described by Sir Albert Cook in 1897 in Uganda. It was not until the 1930s that Australian scientists led by Peter MacCallum succeeded for the first time in growing the organism from lesions of patients from the Bairnsdale region.

The name Buruli comes from an area in Uganda where many cases were reported in the 1960s. In Africa, about half of the patients are children under the age of 15.

In Australia the average age is around 60 years. In 1998, the WHO established the Global Buruli Ulcer Initiative in response to the growing spread of the disease, especially in West Africa.

Buruli ulcer is caused by Mycobacterium and belongs to the family of bacteria that cause tuberculosis and leprosy.

Although the causative organism of Buruli ulcer is an environmental bacterium, the mode of transmission to humans remains unknown.

The organism produces a unique toxin – mycolactone – that causes damage to the skin.

Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to minimize morbidity and costs and prevent long-term disability.

Source: World Health Organization

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