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Missing flight MH370 could have 'easily been sabotaged from within' in plot to crash plane, says ex-pilot


A pilot has made a shocking claim that the missing MH370 flight could have been tampered with from within.

The retirees Qantas The captain talked about what might have happened to the doomed plane confused the world when it disappeared almost a decade ago.

A pilot has spoken out about what he thinks happened to a missing flight


A pilot has spoken out about what he thinks happened to a missing flightCredit: National Geographic
Captain Mike Glynn has shared what he thinks could have happened


Captain Mike Glynn has shared what he thinks could have happened

MH370 traveled from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia Unpleasant China's capital Beijing when it lost contact and disappeared in March 2014.

Despite extensive searches for the plane, it has never been found and the fate of the 239 on board remains a mystery.

Just a week after the plane was downed, then Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak claimed there was a “high degree of certainty” that communications with the MH370 cockpit had been deliberately lost.

A popular theory is that the crash was a murder-suicide by 53-year-old Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, but this has never been confirmed by authorities.

Now Captain Mike Glynn has shed new light on what he thinks happened in the moments before the suspected crash.

Appears on Sky News Mike revealed that there were a number of ways someone in the cockpit could take out passengers.

It comes as News Australia's new documentary on the mystery – MH370: ten years laterpremieres Tuesday at 7:30pm AEDT.

He added that they could have been on the brink of death without even realizing there was a problem.

Mike told the outlet that someone in the cockpit could have locked the door and sent the plane spiraling out of control by depressurizing the cabin.

He said: “[They’d] make sure the door is locked so no one can get in. Nothing anyone can do.”

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“When you open these outflow valves, the pressure in the aircraft is reduced very quickly,” he said.

“If the plane doesn't start to descend, you're going to feel very hypoxic within three to four minutes.”

Hypoxia occurs when the body does not receive enough oxygen.

It may progress to delirium and a rapid heartbeat before loss of consciousness.

Mr Glynn added that it would have been easy for someone in the cockpit to keep other people out as doors were locked after the break-in. Airplane hijackings on September 11.

He explained: “The door closes automatically and you can lock it with this switch.”

He continued, “And you can, there's a manual deadbolt that prohibits any kind of access to the cockpit. You can do a full-on assault on the door, it won't change anything.”

On March 8 at 12:14 p.m Malaysia airlines lost contact with MH370 near the island of Phuket in the Strait of Malacca.

Malaysian authorities believe the last words heard from the plane were those of the pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah or co-pilot, was “Good night Malaysian three seven zero”.

Early theories focused on the idea that the plane had flown north to Central Asia.

Pilot Patrick Blelly and space expert Jean-Luc Marchand said a new area could be searched in just ten days.

Marchand said: “We have done our homework. We have a proposal… the area is small and given the new capabilities it will take ten days.”

“It could happen quickly. Until the wreckage of MH370 is found, no one will know what happened. But this is a plausible trajectory.”

Marchand and Blelly's theory, which sparked the search, is that the plane was deliberately hijacked by an experienced pilot before crashing into the ocean.

“We believe, and the investigation we have done has shown us, that the hijacking was probably carried out by an experienced pilot,” Marchand claimed.

“The cabin was depressurized… and it was an emergency ditching to produce as little debris as possible. It was done so it couldn't be trapped or found.

'Certainly, the plane was only visible to military personnel. The man knew that if there was a search and rescue, it would be in the flight path.”

Air traffic controller of the French Air Force, Gilles Diharce previously spoke to The Sun Online about research with Blelly and Marchand and their theory explained, suggests the plane landed in an unsearched area of ​​the southern Indian Ocean.

The area mapped by Patrick Blelly and Jean-Luc Marchand is just next one to the original search zone covered by the underwater marine company Ocean Infinity and the Australian government between 2104 and 2018.

The pair provided evidence to support previous theories they put forward that the The aircraft's communications and tracking systems were disabled and the pilot made a U-turn on the flight path.

They specifically said the direction changed between Thai, Indonesian, Indian and Malaysian airspace – a kind of “no man's land” of tracking.

Marchand said: 'What could have been the hijackers' intention? This is a very sensitive area. You have Thai and South Indian radar coverage, but they don't care.

'You have reached war range, but also the radar, so this zone here is in no man's land. No control, no vision for Kuala Lumpur. So that man can do whatever he wants.”


The flight disappeared without a trace in 2014


The flight disappeared without a trace in 2014Credit: Getty
Police inspect a piece of aircraft debris found on the beach of Saint-André, on the island of La Reunion in the French Indian Ocean


Police inspect a piece of aircraft debris found on the beach of Saint-André, on the island of La Reunion in the French Indian OceanCredit: Reuters

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