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I don’t feel sorry for stay-at-home moms; it’s easier than people think


THE DECISION to continue working full-time or caring for children is not an easy one for most parents.

But a woman has revealed she has little sympathy for her friend after she chose to be a stay-at-home mum.


The mother revealed that caring for the toddlers at home was easier than workingCredit: Getty

Taking to social media, Anita revealed that her friend no longer talks to her after claiming it was her choice to be a stay-at-home mom – and that she shouldn’t expect her husband to help with chores.

The woman, who also has children and is a stay-at-home mother, explained that her friend had an argument with her husband over the division of labor.

Now she has to live with her decision.


She said: “She said she expects her husband to also do the housework when he comes home from his 60-hour-a-week job as a GP. He says he is too tired and needs to rest when he is home, but she says “I work 24 hours as a SAHP, you should too”.

“She then came up to me and asked my opinion. Personally, I believe that being a SAHP is not as difficult as people say it is.”

She stated that it was her opinion and said that she and her partner took turns being stay-at-home parents while the other worked.

“Both my husband and I took turns being stay-at-home parents with both of our children,” she continued.

“If one of us stayed home, we made sure that whoever worked outside the home had to do minimal work around the house.

“We both agreed that the opportunity to stay home and watch our children grow is a privilege rather than a burden.”

The woman revealed that her friend dictated that she stay home with the children instead of working – despite her husband wanting to both work and share household chores so they could spend equal time with the children.

Her friend disagreed, claiming that “she finds a man who wants to be home unattractive.”

I’m an emo mom and I’m always judged during the school run. I don’t care what people think, I know I look great

Now it seems that the mother is not happy about staying home and doing all the chores, and she felt it was unreasonable that her husband would not help.

She told her friend that she agreed with the man and that he should relax in the evening because he thought how tiring it is to be a doctor.

“I then politely reminded her how she had chosen to do this. She refused to accept a childcare sharing arrangement with her husband, so now she has to live with her decision,” she added.

But things didn’t go well and her friend no longer talks to her.

She further asked if she was being unreasonable in her response.

The message has been uploaded to Mothernet has received a huge response from fellow parents – many of whom agreed with the woman.

One person wrote: “It sounds like she regrets her choice and is unhappy, not necessarily harder, she just doesn’t want to do it.”

Another noted, “Being full-time working parents basically means being a SAHP who works 40 hours a week. It’s not like parenting is part-time, is it? It’s not like chores and laundry don’t exist for people with diabetes jobs. Your boyfriend would do my crazy, tbh.”

“Honestly, it’s easier to be a SAHP unless your kids have additional needs. Whether it works for you or makes you happy is a whole other matter,” wrote a third.

Meanwhile, a fourth said: “She asked for your opinion, if she just wanted to vent then she should say so. YANBU for giving your opinion when asked.”

“I have also been a SAHP and a full-time working parent. Working full-time is much harder, no matter what people say,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “Honestly I’ve done both. Being a SAHP was boring but much easier.”

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