
Police launch probe into claims school hedgerow home to nesting and fledgling birds in idyllic market town was illegally chopped down

Police have launched an investigation into claims that a school hedge in an idyllic market town has been illegally cut down.

The destruction of the greenery has left local residents of Newbury, Berkshire, ‘devastated’.

The large hedge bordered the playing fields of Park House School and was home to wildlife including young birds. However, during the break, contractors removed the plants so a new fence could be installed.

Many locals believe that the decision could amount to an illegal act as it may have housed breeding birds.

Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – the law that protects nesting birds and their eggs – it is illegal to deliberately damage or destroy a bird’s nest while it is being used or constructed.

The large hedge bordered the playing fields of Park House School and was home to wildlife including young birds. However, during the break, contractors removed the plants so a new fence could be installed

Friends of the Earth Newbury members Graham Forde and Susan Millington.  Dr.  Millington said: 'What remains is a scene of devastation.  'A few isolated torn trees and lots of litter on the bare ground is all that remains of a beautiful mature hedge'

Friends of the Earth Newbury members Graham Forde and Susan Millington. Dr. Millington said: ‘What remains is a scene of devastation. ‘A few isolated torn trees and lots of litter on the bare ground is all that remains of a beautiful mature hedge’

Steve Masters, Green Party parliamentary candidate in Newbury, was informed of the hedge removal by several local residents and reported the incident to police.

“It was quite serious because it was in the middle of the breeding season,” he said.

‘Destroying a hedge is not necessarily illegal in itself, but destroying active nests is.’

Thames Valley Police confirmed that officers had received a wildlife crime report.

A spokesman said: ‘A hedge containing nesting and young birds was taken down in Sutherlands sometime between 9am 27 May and 9pm 29 May.’

Susan Millington is the co-ordinator of Friends of the Earth Newbury, a local environmental group, and said she was furious when she discovered the hedge had been destroyed.

Dr. Millington said: ‘What remains is a scene of devastation.

‘A few isolated torn trees and lots of litter on the bare ground is all that remains of a beautiful mature hedge.

‘I am completely shocked by the timing, the peak bird breeding season.

‘There can be little doubt that the length of hedge destroyed by their contractors contained many active bird nests, and will also have protected many other species.’

Dr. Millington contacted Park House for an explanation, and headteacher James King stated that the school was ‘equally saddened to return to school and discover what has happened to the hedge’.

The school's principal, James King, stated that the school was

The school’s principal, James King, stated that the school was “equally saddened to return to school and discover what has happened to the hedge.” Mr King added that removing the hedge was never included in the school’s plans

Thames Valley Police confirmed that officers had received a wildlife crime report.  A spokesman said: 'A hedge with nesting and young birds in it was taken down in Sutherlands sometime between 9am 27 May and 7pm 29 May.'

Thames Valley Police confirmed that officers had received a wildlife crime report. A spokesman said: ‘A hedge with nesting and young birds in it was taken down in Sutherlands sometime between 9am 27 May and 7pm 29 May.’

Mr King added that removing the hedge had never been included in the school’s plans, and that the school had waited for planning permission to install the new fence to avoid damage to existing landscaping.

What is the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981?

This legislation protects wild birds and other animals in England and Wales.

The law protects wild birds and their nests, making it illegal to deliberately disturb them while nesting.

It also protects endangered species such as red squirrels, as well as common animals such as foxes.

Permits can be issued to landowners to allow them to take action against animals for specific reasons.

The legislation also makes it illegal to release non-native species into the wild.

In Scotland, the Wildlife and Natural Environment Act 2011 covers the same areas.

Source: RSPCA

He took a statement from Park House contractor Barker about the fencing and fencing installation the company was carrying out and how it would undertake work to repair the damage caused.

The statement read in part: ‘Protecting the students and staff of Park House School is our top priority in the work we do there.

‘Unfortunately, the existing low fencing along the boundary of Monks Lane did not provide sufficient protection for Park House School pupils, raising serious concerns about unauthorized access to their premises.

‘This left us with no choice but to completely replace this boundary with new, secure, full-height fencing.

‘During this process we consulted with a recognized tree nursery consultancy, because we are committed to preserving the trees and as much of the existing planting as possible.

‘However, as work commenced it became apparent that the section of existing fencing had become intertwined with the existing chain link fence which had to be removed.

‘We have therefore reluctantly decided to remove this hedge.

‘We have plans to reintroduce it as soon as possible to provide screening for both students and residents, and to preserve valuable natural habitats for birds and wildlife.’

Several local residents have criticized the removal of the hedge on social media.

Russ Shackleton said: ‘I just don’t understand why this was done.

Several local residents have criticized the removal of the hedge on social media.  Russ Shackleton said: 'I just don't understand why this was done.  The hedge was a safe boundary for the school and provided much more privacy than that ugly fence.

Several local residents have criticized the removal of the hedge on social media. Russ Shackleton said: ‘I just don’t understand why this was done. The hedge was a safe boundary for the school and provided much more privacy than that ugly fence.

‘The hedge was a safe boundary from the school and provided much more privacy than that ugly fence.

‘You must indeed question the effectiveness of the management of the multi-academy trust. How many board members have been to that school?’

Lynn Beasant said: ‘This is a total disgrace. There is no need to remove a hedge at all, let alone in the breeding season.

“If they needed a fence, it could have been inside the hedge if they really had to keep the kids down that hard.”

Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Lee Dillon also posted on Facebook about the hedge, saying: ‘The loss of this hedge is such a disappointment for nature.’

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