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Pregnancy Diet: 5 Nutrient-Rich Foods for Expectant Mothers During the First Trimester


The first trimester is a critical time for both mother and her baby. Here are 5 expert-recommended nutrients that are essential for expectant mothers during the first few weeks.


Pregnancy Diet: 5 Nutrient-Rich Foods for Expectant Mothers During the First Trimester

Welcoming the precious journey of motherhood brings joy and responsibilities. One of the important aspects is maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. A mother’s diet should include the right foods to eat during pregnancy. Especially during the first trimester, characterized by the first twelve weeks, it is a crucial period in the development of the fetus, during which the foundation is laid for the growth of the baby. Expectant mothers face several challenges during this time, including morning sickness and increased susceptibility to certain diseases. Despite these hurdles, nourishing the body becomes important for both the mother and the baby.

It is all the more important to choose healthy, nutritious foods that will help ensure the health of a mother and her baby. Award-winning nutritionist Lovneet Batra revealed on her Instagram what a first trimester diet looks like and shared 5 essential nutrients that are indispensable during this period.

Nutritionist shared on her Instagram: “Are you starting on the journey of motherhood? The first trimester is a critical time for both you and your baby’s development. Let’s list the five most important nutrients that are essential during these first weeks:


  • Folic Acid: It’s a game-changer for your baby’s neural tube development. Aim for at least 400 micrograms per day through leafy vegetables, oranges and fortified cereals.
  • Stay hydrated: Your body needs extra fluids now. Regular water intake, hydrating fruits and vegetables and herbal teas are your best friends for maintaining good hydration levels.
  • Protein Power: With a recommendation of 60 grams per day, protein is crucial for your growing baby. Diversify your sources: lean meats, dairy, legumes and nuts.
  • Energy intake: Your calorie needs are higher, especially in the later trimesters. Choose nutrient-rich foods to effectively meet these increased energy needs.
  • DHA – Omega-3 fatty acids: essential for your baby’s brain development. Include Omega-3-rich foods such as salmon, nuts and seeds in your diet.

She added: “Remember that proper nutrition in your first trimester lays the foundation for a healthy pregnancy. Follow us for more insights and tips on wellness during this beautiful journey of motherhood. Here is to cherish life with every bite!”

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