
Prince Harry’s absence from Duke of Westminster’s wedding shows depth of ‘awful rift’ with his brother William – and is ‘price to be paid for self-imposed exile’ with Meghan in the US, royal expert says

Prince Harry’s absence from the Duke of Westminster’s wedding shows the depth of the “terrible rift” with William and is the “price to be paid for his self-imposed exile” with Meghan in the US, a royal expert said today.

The Duke of Sussex and his estranged brother are long-time friends of Hugh Grosvenor, one of the richest men in Britain, who will marry Olivia Henson tomorrow at Chester Cathedral in the society wedding of the year.

The Prince of Wales, 41, will open the ceremony, which will also be attended by dozens of mutual friends, some of whom are no longer on speaking terms with Harry, 39.

Previous reports suggested the Duke of Westminster had ‘excluded’ the Sussexes to avoid a clash with the senior. royals, but sources close to Harry now claim he chose to withdraw after realizing ‘the challenges of his presence’.

Royal author Richard Fitzwilliams said that whatever the true reason for the duke’s failure to appear, it was further evidence of the ‘obviously terrible’ relationship between the brothers.

The Duke of Sussex's absence from the society wedding of the year is

The Duke of Sussex’s absence from the society wedding of the year is “the price he has to pay” for his self-imposed exile in America, a royal expert has said. The couple was spotted in Nigeria last month

Hugh Grosvenor will marry Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral tomorrow

Hugh Grosvenor will marry Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral tomorrow

He told MailOnline: ‘This is the society wedding of the year and under normal circumstances Harry, Meghan and William would all be there.

‘Hugh Grosvenor has impeccable credentials, he is a long-time friend of Harry, godfather to both George and Archie, and was present at Harry and Meghan’s wedding.

‘The wedding will also be attended by many of their friends, who Harry will not see while he is in America.

‘This shows that the rift between Harry and William has become a chasm – the situation is clearly dire. Being in self-imposed exile can be very lonely and tomorrow is an example of the price he has to pay.

‘I expect Harry will personally regret not being able to be there tomorrow because Hugh was a very special friend.’

People magazine, also the only publication invited to officially accompany Harry and Meghan on their recent quasi-royal tour to Nigeria, says it can “confirm” that the prince was invited to a wedding and withdrew of his own accord.

It continues: ‘However, there was recognition on both sides that it would be difficult for Harry to attend.’ The magazine adds: ‘It was an ‘understanding between the two friends’, a source describes the conversation between the two dukes.

An insider close to the bride and groom told People that Harry and the Duke of Westminster made the agreement between themselves.

‘The decision certainly avoided the inevitable uproar that brothers Prince William, 41, and Prince Harry had been estranged, and that Prince Harry both attended the wedding, eliminating the possibility of the big day being overshadowed for the couple.’

Harry and William are seen at the unveiling of a statue of Princess Diana in 2021 - the last time they were seen together

Harry and William are seen at the unveiling of a statue of Princess Diana in 2021 – the last time they were seen together

The publication added: “The Duke of Sussex sends ‘his love, support and admiration to the couple’ on their wedding day.”

The magazine sympathetically concluded that ‘transatlantic trips to Britain are fraught for Harry due to security concerns in his home country’, pointing out that he no longer receives 24-hour official police protection and can no longer use his former home in Windsor. Frogmore cottage.

This is despite the fact that the Prince can and has received limited protection from the Metropolitan Police in Britain if necessary, and that his father even offered him a place to stay in a royal residence during his trip to Britain last month.

He and Meghan also both traveled to Nigeria with their personal security team, despite it being one of the most dangerous places in Africa.

Hugh Grosvenor, 33, and his family have had close ties to the royal family for generations.

The Duke of Westminster, who inherited the title and family fortune at the age of 25 when his father died suddenly in 2016, is godfather to both Prince George, ten, William and Kate’s eldest son, and Prince Archie, five.

He is himself a godson of King Charles – who will not attend the wedding as he continues to undergo cancer treatment – ​​and his mother, Natalia, the Dowager Duchess of Westminster, is godmother to Prince William.

Hugh Grosvenor, Charlie van Straubenzee and Arthur Landon attend Harry and Meghan's wedding

Hugh Grosvenor, Charlie van Straubenzee and Arthur Landon attend Harry and Meghan’s wedding

Hugh and Olivia’s wedding will take place at Chester Cathedral on Friday at noon and was chosen because of the Westminster family’s close personal connection with the city.

The couple plans to spend more time at the family seat, Eaton Hall, once they are married.

Hugh, whose fortune is believed to be around £10 billion through property and land holdings, has nevertheless begun to use his enviable position to undertake greater charitable endeavors, particularly in helping vulnerable children and young people.

His bride-to-be, who has worked in the sustainable food industry until now, will accompany him.

Other prominent guests expected tomorrow include Hugh’s sisters, Lady Edwina and Lady Tamara, and their husbands, presenter Dan Snow and banker Edward van Cutsem, also a close friend of both William and Harry.

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