
Read the disturbing threats Big Pharma exec ‘sent to bosses at his health insurance provider’ after they refused to pay for Crohn’s medicine

A AstraZeneca The director is accused of sending excruciatingly detailed threats to health fund bosses after they rejected his claim.

Justin Dynlacht, 54, allegedly sent 15 emails, 12 letters and two faxes to his ex-boss, Aetna, and parent company CVS Health in a yearslong terror campaign.

The letters detailed in a court affidavit threatened to kill, rape, torture and mutilate three executives, their families and children, and several other staff members in revenge.

The threats were often incredibly graphic, including dismembering victims and posting them in Aetna offices as a warning to others.

CVS Health CEO Karen Lynch (pictured) was one of several people Justin Dynlacht, 54, allegedly sent 15 emails, 12 letters and two faxes to, including his ex-boss, healthcare provider Aetna, and its parent company CVS Health in a years-long terror campaign

CVS Health CEO Karen Lynch (pictured) was one of several people who Justin Dynlacht, 54, allegedly sent 15 emails, 12 letters and two faxes to, including his ex-boss, healthcare provider Aetna, and its parent company CVS Health in a years-long terror campaign

One of the letters Dynlacht allegedly sent to Aetna after it denied his claim

One of the letters Dynlacht allegedly sent to Aetna after it denied his claim

“You really need to blow your brains out while walking to your car in the Aetna parking lot one day,” read one of the tamer messages.

Dynlacht was tracked down and FBI agents burst through his door in Rockville, Maryland, on May 8 and arrested him, and he is now charged with cyberstalking.

He reportedly started his campaign after Aetna left him thousands of dollars in debt following out-of-network treatment for Crohn’s disease in 2022.

Dynlacht explained to the New York Times in an article about hidden medical expenses that he had to consult a specialist about persistent abdominal pain, who found a hernia containing abdominal tissue.

Feeling “ripped off” by the huge bill, the affidavit explained that he appealed the reporting but was denied – and lashed out.

First, he emailed then-Aetna President Daniel Finke on Nov. 13, 2022, calling the two in-network doctors who failed to diagnose him “damn quacks.”

Dynlacht wrote that he wished he had “never met you and the greedy and corrupt bastards who run Aetna.”

He called the employees who denied his claim “two of the greediest, most corrupt and useless people I have ever had contact with.”

“Honestly, I like useless idiots [them] in my bowel movements.’

Four of the letters were sent anonymously or under assumed names during the harassment

Four of the letters were sent anonymously or under assumed names during the harassment

Dynlacht followed up on Jan. 6 with an email to Finke, the two employees, and Karen Lynch, CEO of Aetna parent company CVS Health.

“All four of you are corrupt, greedy c**ksuckers… Get out you damned fucking thieves,” he wrote.

“Aetna is the absolute worst health insurance company in the US and its executives are all criminals who I sincerely hope will burn in hell!”

Sick of his vulgar harassment, Aetna told AstraZeneca about the emails and the abusive phone call he made to the office, and he was brought in by HR.

The affidavit explained that Dynlacht showed no remorse and claimed his actions were “justified” as an “in-kind response” at the Jan. 18 meeting.

“Dynlacht did not apologize or believe he behaved unprofessionally,” the statement said. AstraZeneca fired him five days later.

From that point on, no more communications were sent to Aetna under the Dynlacht name. Instead, the FBI claimed his threats were anonymous or under assumed names.

Then-Aetna President Daniel Finke (center) and his staff received explicit threats for more than a year

Then-Aetna President Daniel Finke (center) and his staff received explicit threats for more than a year

Sometime during the campaign, Finke resigned as president and was replaced by Brian Kane (pictured) – who then also became a target

Sometime during the campaign, Finke resigned as president and was replaced by Brian Kane (pictured) – who then also became a target

They started on March 16, 2023 and targeted not only Aetna, but also his bosses at AstraZeneca and other staff involved in firing him.

Sometime during the campaign, Finke resigned as president and was replaced by Brian Kane, who then also became a target.

One of the first messages was a fax from “Syed Hussain,” claiming to be a Saudi Arabian man whose claim Aetna had denied.

“You must serve a serious prison sentence for your criminal activities in a high-security facility where you are constantly raped in the hole and extorted from by both your cellmates and the prison guards,” it said.

‘In my home country – the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (sic) – they would have already cut off your nipples and your tight little pussy.

“Besides, they’d definitely behead those damn corrupt b***h like you. You will not evade justice for much longer…somehow you will have to pay for your crimes.”

Then, on May 18, 2023, the same Aetna employee received a fax from “Steve Hardi” claiming that the American justice system was “so corrupt” that people should “take the law into their own hands.”

“You really need to have your damn brains blown out while walking to your car in the Aetna parking lot one day,” it said.

“This will teach you damn thieves how to steal hundreds of millions of dollars. May you and Aetna’s executive management suffer far worse than your policy members.”

Two more of the letters he allegedly sent containing disturbing threats

Two more of the letters he allegedly sent containing disturbing threats

On June 5, 2023, a letter was even sent to the home of an AstraZeneca executive, seeking revenge for “your crimes that have killed and injured so many recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine.”

“I hope you get violently raped with a lead pipe up your ass, I hope the feces gets all over your face and then cut off your balls and your dick before smashing your damn skull in like a pinata (sic),” it read there.

Dynlacht will be arraigned on June 13 and faces five years in prison if convicted.

“The nature of the messages appears to be out of character for a man who is fifty-four years old and has never been arrested,” his lawyers wrote.

“The undersigned counsel needs time to have Mr. Dynlacht psychologically assessed so that an appropriate home plan can be developed.”

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