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Russia detains US woman for 'HIGH TREASON' after raising just £41 for Ukraine – leaving her facing 20 years in prison


VLADIMIR Putin's henchmen have arrested an American woman on suspicion of high treason and left her behind bars for 20 years.

Ksenia Karelina, 33, was taken by Russia'S FSB security services are suspected of collecting just £41 for the Ukrainian army.

Ksenia Karelina has been arrested by Russia for raising money for the Ukrainian army


Ksenia Karelina has been arrested by Russia for raising money for the Ukrainian army
Karelina, 33, now faces up to 20 years in prison


Karelina, 33, now faces up to 20 years in prisonCredit: East2West
She is suspected by Russia of raising money for Ukraine since Putin started his bloody war


She is suspected by Russia of raising money for Ukraine since Putin started his bloody war

Chilling images show how she is taken away by the Federal Security Service with her hat over her eyes.

One man, wearing a balaclava and combat uniform, escorts her down a flight of stairs before handcuffing her.

Karelina was then led into a silver car by the armed officer of the FSB Special Service.

She left Russia and went to live Los Angeles where she is supposedly married to an American man.

She received US citizenship in 2021.

Russian state news Agency TASS reported: “The Federal Security Service in Yekaterinburg suppressed the illegal activities of a 33-year-old resident of Los Angeles, who has dual nationality. Russia and the United States.”

She is said to have been “involved in providing financial support to a foreign state”.

And is accused of participating in public events in the US to help support Ukraine.

Karelina is suspected of collecting money for a Ukrainian organization in the past two years since Putin invaded Ukraine and founded his organization bloody war.

Reports suggested she had raised just £41 for charity.

Russia viewed the organization as a supporter of the Ukrainian military and therefore said anyone caught sending money to them would be detained for treason.

Karelina was caught on her way to Russia to see her parents who chose to remain under Putin's horror regime.

She was later seen in the footage behind bars in a pre-trial detention facility as she awaits a hearing.

Political scientist Fyodor Krasheninnikov claimed: “She was probably in favor Ukraine a few times on social networks, maybe she collected something there.

“If you took part in anti-war protests, wrote something on social networks, or especially donated to the Ukrainians or encouraged them to do so, think a hundred times.

'Do you really need to go to Russia urgently? A second passport will not save you from anything.”

The The FSB recently arrested a record number of people for alleged espionage and high treason.

This includes a string of scientists – some in their 70s – accused of providing hypersonic missile secrets to the West or China.

Putin's henchmen are said to be involved in one “Spy Mania” witch hunt among leading aerospace academics.

Six world-class hypersonic and laser scientists have been detained to date, one of whom has died in custody.

“They're starting to see enemies everywhere,” said one Western diplomat. “It feels like paranoia.”

Also in between arrested on charges of espionage is a Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich.

The American, 32, was false jailed on false espionage charges and has spent 278 days behind bars so far.

He was arrested by the FSB on March 29 during a reporting trip in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg.

Russia continues to do that extend his pre-trial detention without providing any public evidence to support their claims.

Washington has repeatedly called the allegations “ridiculous” and the president Joe Biden labeled Gershkovich's detention as “completely illegal”.

The WSJ denies the allegations and has called for his immediate release, as have his family.

He is the first Western reporter to be jailed in Russia on espionage charges since the Soviet era. jail If convicted, the prison sentence can be up to 20 years.

Just last year, Russian warlord Igor Girkin was also arrested after branding Putin a “useless coward”.

The commander turned military blogger repeatedly criticized the tyrant and warned that the country would not survive another term under him.

Girkin's wife Miroslava Reginskaya announced on Telegram that he had been arrested on charges of “extremism.”

At least eight top Russian officials have been arrested or suspended in a mass purge as PutinThe country's defense chief is rooting out 'bad blood' in the Kremlin.

She was arrested when she went to visit her parents in Russia


She was arrested when she went to visit her parents in RussiaCredit: East2West
Karelina was handcuffed by an FSB member wearing a balaclava


Karelina was handcuffed by an FSB member wearing a balaclavaCredit: East2West

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